[Read how to start using Redux DevTools.](https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-devtools)
#### Multiple Monitors
You can put more than one monitor inside `<DockMonitor>`. There will still be a single dock, but you will be able to switch between different monitors by pressing a key specified as `changeMonitorKey` prop.
| `children` | Any valid Redux DevTools monitor. Required. |
| `toggleVisibilityKey` | A key or a key combination that toggles the dock visibility. Must be recognizable by [parse-key](https://github.com/thlorenz/parse-key) (for example, `'ctrl-h'`). Required. |
| `changePositionKey` | A key or a key combination that toggles the dock position. Must be recognizable by [parse-key](https://github.com/thlorenz/parse-key) (for example, `'ctrl-w'`). Required. |
| `changeMonitorKey` | A key or a key combination that switches the currently visible monitor. Must be recognizable by [parse-key](https://github.com/thlorenz/parse-key) (for example, `'ctrl-m'`). Required if you use more than one monitor. |
| `fluid` | When `true`, the dock size is a fraction of the window size, fixed otherwise. Optional. By default set to `true`. |
| `defaultSize` | Size of the dock. When `fluid` is `true`, a float (`0.5` means half the window size). When `fluid` is `false`, a width in pixels. Optional. By default set to `0.3` (3/10th of the window size). |
| `defaultPosition` | Where the dock appears on the screen. Valid values: `'left'`, `'top'`, `'right'`, `'bottom'`. Optional. By default set to `'right'`. |
| `defaultIsVisible` | Defines whether dock should be open by default. A value of `true` means that it's open when the page/app loads. |
The current size and the position are persisted between sessions with `persistState()` enhancer from Redux DevTools.