import webdriver from 'selenium-webdriver'; export const delay = (time) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time)); export const switchMonitorTests = { 'should switch to Log Monitor': async function (driver) { await driver .findElement(webdriver.By.xpath('//button[text()="Inspector"]')) .click(); await delay(500); // Wait till menu is fully opened await driver .findElement(webdriver.By.xpath('//button[text()="Log monitor"]')) .click(); await delay(500); await driver.findElement( webdriver.By.xpath( '//div[div[button[text()="Reset"]] and .//div[button[text()="Revert"]]]', ), ); await delay(500); }, 'should switch to Chart Monitor': async function (driver) { await driver .findElement(webdriver.By.xpath('//button[text()="Log monitor"]')) .click(); await delay(500); // Wait till menu is fully opened await driver .findElement(webdriver.By.xpath('//button[text()="Chart"]')) .click(); await delay(500); await driver.findElement( webdriver.By.xpath('//*[@class="nodeText" and text()="state"]'), ); await delay(500); // Wait till menu is closed }, 'should switch back to Inspector Monitor': async function (driver) { await driver .findElement(webdriver.By.xpath('//button[text()="Chart"]')) .click(); await delay(1000); // Wait till menu is fully opened await driver .findElement(webdriver.By.xpath('//button[text()="Inspector"]')) .click(); await delay(1500); // Wait till menu is closed }, };