#!/bin/bash # IMPORTANT # --------- # This is an auto generated file with React CDK. # Do not modify this file. set -e # exit with nonzero exit code if anything fails # get GIT url GIT_URL=`git config --get remote.origin.url` if [[ $GIT_URL == "" ]]; then echo "This project is not configured with a remote git repo". exit 1 fi # clear and re-create the out directory rm -rf .out || exit 0; mkdir .out; # run our compile script, discussed above build-storybook -o .out # go to the out directory and create a *new* Git repo cd .out git init # inside this git repo we'll pretend to be a new user git config user.name "GH Pages Bot" git config user.email "hello@ghbot.com" # The first and only commit to this new Git repo contains all the # files present with the commit message "Deploy to GitHub Pages". git add . git commit -m "Deploy Storybook to GitHub Pages" # Force push from the current repo's master branch to the remote # repo's gh-pages branch. (All previous history on the gh-pages branch # will be lost, since we are overwriting it.) We redirect any output to # /dev/null to hide any sensitive credential data that might otherwise be exposed. git push --force --quiet $GIT_URL master:gh-pages > /dev/null 2>&1 cd .. rm -rf .out echo "" echo "=> Storybook deployed to: `node .scripts/get_gh_pages_url.js $GIT_URL`"