var opn = require('opn'); var path = require('path'); var spawn = require('cross-spawn'); function open(app, options) { if (app === true || app === 'electron') { try { spawn.sync( require('electron'), [path.join(__dirname, '..', 'app')] ); } catch (error) { if (error.message === 'Cannot find module \'electron\'') { // TODO: Move electron to dev-dependences to make our package installation faster when not needed. console.log(' \x1b[1;31m[Warn]\x1b[0m Electron module not installed.\n'); /* We will use "npm" to install Electron via "npm install -D". Do you want to install 'electron' (yes/no): yes Installing 'electron' (running 'npm install -D webpack-cli')... */ } else { console.log(error); } } return; } opn('http://localhost:' + options.port + '/', app !== 'browser' ? { app: app } : undefined); } module.exports = open;