import { join } from 'path'; import webdriver from 'selenium-webdriver'; import chrome from 'selenium-webdriver/chrome'; import electronPath from 'electron'; import chromedriver from 'chromedriver'; import { switchMonitorTests, delay } from '../utils/e2e'; const devPanelPath = 'chrome-extension://lmhkpmbekcpmknklioeibfkpmmfibljd/devpanel.html'; describe('DevTools panel for Electron', function () { let driver; beforeAll(async () => { chromedriver.start(); await delay(1000); driver = new webdriver.Builder() .usingServer('http://localhost:9515') .setChromeOptions( new chrome.Options() .setChromeBinaryPath(electronPath) .addArguments(`app=${join(__dirname, 'fixture')}`), ) .forBrowser('chrome') .build(); }); afterAll(async () => { await driver.quit(); chromedriver.stop(); }); it('should open Redux DevTools tab', async () => { if (!(await driver.getCurrentUrl()).startsWith('devtools')) { const originalWindow = await driver.getWindowHandle(); const windows = await driver.getAllWindowHandles(); for (const window of windows) { if (window === originalWindow) continue; await driver.switchTo().window(window); if ((await driver.getCurrentUrl()).startsWith('devtools')) { break; } } } expect(await driver.getCurrentUrl()).toMatch( /devtools:\/\/devtools\/bundled\/devtools_app.html/, ); const id = await driver.executeAsyncScript(function (callback) { let attempts = 5; function showReduxPanel() { if (attempts === 0) { return callback('Redux panel not found'); } if (EUI.InspectorView) { const instance = EUI.InspectorView.InspectorView.instance(); const tabs = instance.tabbedPane.tabs; const idList = =>; const reduxPanelId = 'chrome-extension://lmhkpmbekcpmknklioeibfkpmmfibljdRedux'; if (idList.indexOf(reduxPanelId) !== -1) { instance.showPanel(reduxPanelId); return callback(reduxPanelId); } } attempts--; setTimeout(showReduxPanel, 500); } showReduxPanel(); }); expect(id).toBe('chrome-extension://lmhkpmbekcpmknklioeibfkpmmfibljdRedux'); const className = await driver .findElement(webdriver.By.className(id)) .getAttribute('class'); expect(className).not.toMatch(/hidden/); // not hidden }); it('should have Redux DevTools UI on current tab', async () => { await driver .switchTo() .frame( driver.findElement( webdriver.By.xpath(`//iframe[@src='${devPanelPath}']`), ), ); await delay(1000); }); it('should contain INIT action', async () => { const element = await driver.wait( webdriver.until.elementLocated( webdriver.By.xpath('//div[@data-testid="actionListRows"]'), ), 5000, 'Element not found', ); const val = await element.getText(); expect(val).toMatch(/@@INIT/); }); it("should contain Inspector monitor's component", async () => { const val = await driver .findElement(webdriver.By.xpath('//div[@data-testid="inspector"]')) .getText(); expect(val).toBeDefined(); }); Object.keys(switchMonitorTests).forEach((description) => it(description, () => switchMonitorTests[description](driver)), ); /* it('should be no logs in console of main window', async () => { const handles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles(); await driver.switchTo().window(handles[1]); // Change to main window expect(await driver.getTitle()).toBe('Electron Test'); const logs = await driver.manage().logs().get(webdriver.logging.Type.BROWSER); expect(logs).toEqual([]); }); */ });