const ActionTypes = { PERFORM_ACTION: 'PERFORM_ACTION', RESET: 'RESET', ROLLBACK: 'ROLLBACK', COMMIT: 'COMMIT', SWEEP: 'SWEEP', TOGGLE_ACTION: 'TOGGLE_ACTION' }; const INIT_ACTION = { type: '@@INIT' }; function last(arr) { return arr[arr.length - 1]; } function toggle(obj, key) { const clone = { ...obj }; if (clone[key]) { delete clone[key]; } else { clone[key] = true; } return clone; } /** * Computes the next entry in the log by applying an action. */ function computeNextEntry(reducer, action, state, error) { if (error) { return { state, error: 'Interrupted by an error up the chain' }; } let nextState = state; let nextError; try { nextState = reducer(state, action); } catch (err) { nextError = err.toString(); } return { state: nextState, error: nextError }; } /** * Runs the reducer on all actions to get a fresh computation log. * It's probably a good idea to do this only if the code has changed, * but until we have some tests we'll just do it every time an action fires. */ function recomputeStates(reducer, committedState, stagedActions, skippedActions) { const computedStates = []; for (let i = 0; i < stagedActions.length; i++) { const action = stagedActions[i]; const previousEntry = computedStates[i - 1]; const previousState = previousEntry ? previousEntry.state : committedState; const previousError = previousEntry ? previousEntry.error : undefined; const shouldSkip = Boolean(skippedActions[i]); const entry = shouldSkip ? previousEntry : computeNextEntry(reducer, action, previousState, previousError); computedStates.push(entry); } return computedStates; } /** * Lifts the app state reducer into a DevTools state reducer. */ function liftReducer(reducer, initialState) { const initialLiftedState = { committedState: initialState, stagedActions: [INIT_ACTION], skippedActions: {} }; /** * Manages how the DevTools actions modify the DevTools state. */ return function liftedReducer(liftedState = initialLiftedState, liftedAction) { let { committedState, stagedActions, skippedActions, computedStates } = liftedState; switch (liftedAction.type) { case ActionTypes.RESET: committedState = initialState; stagedActions = [INIT_ACTION]; skippedActions = {}; break; case ActionTypes.COMMIT: committedState = last(computedStates).state; stagedActions = [INIT_ACTION]; skippedActions = {}; break; case ActionTypes.ROLLBACK: stagedActions = [INIT_ACTION]; skippedActions = {}; break; case ActionTypes.TOGGLE_ACTION: const { index } = liftedAction; skippedActions = toggle(skippedActions, index); break; case ActionTypes.SWEEP: stagedActions = stagedActions.filter((_, i) => !skippedActions[i]); skippedActions = {}; break; case ActionTypes.PERFORM_ACTION: const { action } = liftedAction; stagedActions = [...stagedActions, action]; break; default: break; } computedStates = recomputeStates( reducer, committedState, stagedActions, skippedActions ); return { committedState, stagedActions, skippedActions, computedStates }; }; } /** * Lifts an app action to a DevTools action. */ function liftAction(action) { const liftedAction = { type: ActionTypes.PERFORM_ACTION, action }; return liftedAction; } /** * Unlifts the DevTools state to the app state. */ function unliftState(liftedState) { const { computedStates } = liftedState; const { state } = last(computedStates); return state; } /** * Unlifts the DevTools store to act like the app's store. */ function unliftStore(liftedStore) { return { ...liftedStore, devToolsStore: liftedStore, dispatch(action) { liftedStore.dispatch(liftAction(action)); return action; }, getState() { return unliftState(liftedStore.getState()); } }; } /** * Action creators to change the DevTools state. */ export const ActionCreators = { reset() { return { type: ActionTypes.RESET }; }, rollback() { return { type: ActionTypes.ROLLBACK }; }, commit() { return { type: ActionTypes.COMMIT }; }, sweep() { return { type: ActionTypes.SWEEP }; }, toggleAction(index) { return { type: ActionTypes.TOGGLE_ACTION, index }; } }; /** * Redux DevTools middleware. */ export default function devTools() { return next => (reducer, initialState) => { const liftedReducer = liftReducer(reducer, initialState); const liftedStore = next(liftedReducer); const store = unliftStore(liftedStore); return store; }; }