#! /usr/bin/env node var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); var chalk = require('chalk'); var injectServer = require('./injectServer'); var getOptions = require('./../src/options'); var server = require('../index'); var open = require('./open'); var options = getOptions(argv); function readFile(filePath) { return fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(process.cwd(), filePath), 'utf-8'); } if (argv.protocol === 'https') { argv.key = argv.key ? readFile(argv.key) : null; argv.cert = argv.cert ? readFile(argv.cert) : null; } function log(pass, msg) { var prefix = pass ? chalk.green.bgBlack('PASS') : chalk.red.bgBlack('FAIL'); var color = pass ? chalk.blue : chalk.red; console.log(prefix, color(msg)); } function getModuleName(type) { switch (type) { case 'macos': return 'react-native-macos'; // react-native-macos is renamed from react-native-desktop case 'desktop': return 'react-native-desktop'; case 'reactnative': default: return 'react-native'; } } function getModulePath(moduleName) { return path.join(process.cwd(), 'node_modules', moduleName); } function getModule(type) { var moduleName = getModuleName(type); var modulePath = getModulePath(moduleName); if (type === 'desktop' && !fs.existsSync(modulePath)) { moduleName = getModuleName('macos'); modulePath = getModulePath(moduleName); } return { name: moduleName, path: modulePath }; } if (argv.revert) { var module = getModule(argv.revert); var pass = injectServer.revert(module.path, module.name); var msg = 'Revert injection of ReduxDevTools server from React Native local server'; log(pass, msg + (!pass ? ', the file `' + path.join(module.name, injectServer.fullPath) + '` not found.' : '.')); process.exit(pass ? 0 : 1); } if (argv.injectserver) { var module = getModule(argv.injectserver); var pass = injectServer.inject(module.path, options, module.name); var msg = 'Inject ReduxDevTools server into React Native local server'; log(pass, msg + (pass ? '.' : ', the file `' + path.join(module.name, injectServer.fullPath) + '` not found.')); process.exit(pass ? 0 : 1); } server(argv).then(function (r) { if (argv.open && argv.open !== 'false') { r.on('ready', function () { open(argv.open, options); }); } });