import { v4 as uuidV4 } from 'uuid'; import pick from 'lodash/pick'; import { SCServer } from 'socketcluster-server'; import { Knex } from 'knex'; import connector from './db/connector'; const reports = 'remotedev_reports'; // var payloads = 'remotedev_payloads'; let knex: Knex; const baseFields = ['id', 'title', 'added']; function error(msg: string): Promise<{ error: string }> { return new Promise(function (resolve) { return resolve({ error: msg }); }); } type ReportType = 'STATE' | 'ACTION' | 'STATES' | 'ACTIONS'; export interface Report { id: string; type: ReportType | null; title: string | null; description: string | null; action: string | null; payload: string; preloadedState: string | null; screenshot: string | null; userAgent: string | null; version: string | null; userId: string | null; user: string | null; meta: string | null; exception: string | null; instanceId: string | null; added: string | null; appId?: string | null; } export interface ReportBaseFields { id: string; title: string | null; added: string | null; } function list(query?: string, fields?: string[]): Promise { const r = || baseFields).from(reports); if (query) return r.where(query); return r; } function listAll(query?: string): Promise { const r =; if (query) return r.where(query); return r; } function get(id: string): Promise { if (!id) return error('No id specified.'); return knex(reports).where('id', id).first(); } export interface AddData { type: ReportType | null; title: string | null; description: string | null; action: string | null; payload: string; preloadedState: string | null; screenshot: string | null; version: string | null; userAgent: string | null; userId: string | null; user: { id: string } | string | null; instanceId: string | null; meta: string | null; exception?: Error; appId?: string | null; } function add(data: AddData): Promise { if (!data.type || !data.payload) { return error("Required parameters aren't specified."); } if (data.type !== 'ACTIONS' && data.type !== 'STATE') { return error('Type ' + data.type + ' is not supported yet.'); } const reportId = uuidV4(); const report: Report = { id: reportId, type: data.type, title: data.title || (data.exception && data.exception.message) || data.action, description: data.description, action: data.action, payload: data.payload, preloadedState: data.preloadedState, screenshot: data.screenshot, version: data.version, userAgent: data.userAgent, user: data.user as string, userId: typeof data.user === 'object' ? (data.user as { id: string }).id : data.user, instanceId: data.instanceId, meta: data.meta, exception: composeException(data.exception), added: new Date().toISOString(), }; if (data.appId) report.appId = data.appId; // TODO check if the id exists and we have access to link it /* var payload = { id: uuid.v4(), reportId: reportId, state: data.payload }; */ return knex .insert(report) .into(reports) .then(function () { return byBaseFields(report); }); } function byBaseFields(data: Report): ReportBaseFields { return pick(data, baseFields) as ReportBaseFields; } export interface Store { list: (query?: string, fields?: string[]) => Promise; listAll: (query?: string) => Promise; get: (id: string) => Promise; add: (data: AddData) => Promise; } function createStore(options: SCServer.SCServerOptions): Store { knex = connector(options); return { list: list, listAll: listAll, get: get, add: add, }; } function composeException(exception: Error | undefined) { let message = ''; if (exception) { message = 'Exception thrown: '; if (exception.message) message += exception.message; if (exception.stack) message += '\n' + exception.stack; } return message; } export default createStore;