Redux DevTools ========================= A live-editing time travel environment for [Redux]( **[See Dan's React Europe talk demoing it!](** [![build status](]( [![npm version](]( [![npm downloads](]( [![redux channel on slack](]( ![]( ### Features * Lets you inspect every state and action payload * Lets you go back in time by “cancelling” actions * If you change the reducer code, each “staged” action will be re-evaluted * If the reducers throw, you will see during which action this happened, and what the error was * With `persistState()` store enhancer, you can persist debug sessions across page reloads * Toggle visibility with Ctrl+H ### Installation ``` npm install --save-dev redux-devtools ``` DevTools is a [store enhancer](, which should be added to your middleware stack *after* [`applyMiddleware`]( as `applyMiddleware` is potentially asynchronous. Otherwise, DevTools won’t see the raw actions emitted by asynchronous middleware such as [redux-promise]( or [redux-thunk]( To install, firstly import `devTools` into your root React component: ```js // Redux utility functions import { compose, createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; // Redux DevTools store enhancers import { devTools, persistState } from 'redux-devtools'; // A monitor component for Redux DevTools import LogMonitor from 'redux-devtools-log-monitor'; ``` Then, add `devTools` to your store enhancers, and create your store: ```js const finalCreateStore = compose( // Enables your middleware: applyMiddleware(m1, m2, m3), // any Redux middleware, e.g. redux-thunk // Provides support for DevTools: devTools(), // Lets you write ?debug_session= in address bar to persist debug sessions persistState(window.location.href.match(/[?&]debug_session=([^&]+)\b/)) )(createStore); const store = finalCreateStore(reducer); ``` Finally, include the `DevTools` in your page. You may pass either `LogMonitor` (the default one) or any of the custom monitors described below. ```js export default class Root extends Component { render() { return (
); } } ``` **Make sure to only apply `devTools()` in development!** In production, this will be terribly slow because actions just accumulate forever. (We'll need to implement a rolling window for dev too.) For example, in Webpack, you can use `DefinePlugin` to turn magic constants like `__DEV__` into `true` or `false` depending on the environment, and import and render `redux-devtools` conditionally behind `if (__DEV__)`. Then, if you have an Uglify step before production, Uglify will eliminate dead `if (false)` branches with `redux-devtools` imports. Here is [an example]( that adds Redux DevTools handling the production case correctly. ### Running Examples You can do this: ``` git clone cd redux-devtools npm install cd examples/counter npm install npm start open http://localhost:3000 ``` Try clicking on actions in the log, or changing some code inside `examples/counter/reducers/counter`. For fun, you can also open `http://localhost:3000/?debug_session=123`, click around, and then refresh. Oh, and you can do the same with the TodoMVC example as well. ### Custom Monitors **You can build a completely custom UI for it** because `` accepts a `monitor` React component prop. The included `LogMonitor` is just an example. **[I challenge you to build a custom monitor for Redux DevTools!](** Some crazy ideas for custom monitors: * A slider that lets you jump between computed states just by dragging it * An in-app layer that shows the last N states right in the app (e.g. for animation) * A time machine like interface where the last N states of your app reside on different Z layers * Feel free to come up with and implement your own! Check `LogMonitor` propTypes to see what you can do. In fact some of these are implemented already: #### [redux-devtools-diff-monitor]( ![]( #### [redux-slider-monitor]( ![]( #### [redux-devtools-gentest-plugin]( ![]( #### Keep them coming! Create a PR to add your custom monitor. ### License MIT