import expect from 'expect'; import React from 'react'; import TestUtils from 'react-addons-test-utils'; import Header from '../../components/Header'; import TodoTextInput from '../../components/TodoTextInput'; function setup() { const props = { addTodo: expect.createSpy(), }; const renderer = TestUtils.createRenderer(); renderer.render(<Header {...props} />); const output = renderer.getRenderOutput(); return { props: props, output: output, renderer: renderer, }; } describe('components', () => { describe('Header', () => { it('should render correctly', () => { const { output } = setup(); expect(output.type).toBe('header'); expect(output.props.className).toBe('header'); const [h1, input] = output.props.children; expect(h1.type).toBe('h1'); expect(h1.props.children).toBe('todos'); expect(input.type).toBe(TodoTextInput); expect(input.props.newTodo).toBe(true); expect(input.props.placeholder).toBe('What needs to be done?'); }); it('should call call addTodo if length of text is greater than 0', () => { const { output, props } = setup(); const input = output.props.children[1]; input.props.onSave(''); expect(props.addTodo.calls.length).toBe(0); input.props.onSave('Use Redux'); expect(props.addTodo.calls.length).toBe(1); }); }); });