# redux-devtools-inspector-monitor [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/redux-devtools-inspector.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/redux-devtools-inspector) A state monitor for [Redux DevTools](https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-devtools) that provides a convenient way to inspect "real world" app states that could be complicated and deeply nested. Created by [@alexkuz](https://github.com/alexkuz) and merged from [`alexkuz/redux-devtools-inspector`](https://github.com/alexkuz/redux-devtools-inspector) into [`reduxjs/redux-devtools` monorepo](https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-devtools). ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alexkuz/redux-devtools-inspector/master/demo.gif) ### Installation ``` yarn add @redux-devtools/inspector-monitor ``` ### Usage You can use `Inspector` as the only monitor in your app: ##### `containers/DevTools.js` ```js import React from 'react'; import { createDevTools } from '@redux-devtools/core'; import Inspector from '@redux-devtools/inspector-monitor'; export default createDevTools(); ``` Then you can render `` to any place inside app or even into a separate popup window. Alternative, you can use it together with [`DockMonitor`](https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-devtools/tree/master/packages/redux-devtools-dock-monitor) to make it dockable. Consult the [`DockMonitor` README](https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-devtools/tree/master/packages/redux-devtools-dock-monitor) for details of this approach. [Read how to start using Redux DevTools.](https://github.com/gaearon/redux-devtools) ### Features The inspector displays a list of actions and a preview panel which shows the state after the selected action and a diff with the previous state. If no actions are selected, the last state is shown. You may pin a certain part of the state to only track its changes. ### Props | Name | Type | Description | | -------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `theme` | Object or string | Contains either [base16](https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) theme name or object, that can be `base16` colors map or object containing classnames or styles. | | `invertTheme` | Boolean | Inverts theme color luminance, making light theme out of dark theme and vice versa. | | `supportImmutable` | Boolean | Better `Immutable` rendering in `Diff` (can affect performance if state has huge objects/arrays). `false` by default. | | `tabs` | Array or function | Overrides list of tabs (see below) | | `diffObjectHash` | Function | Optional callback for better array handling in diffs (see [jsondiffpatch docs](https://github.com/benjamine/jsondiffpatch/blob/master/docs/arrays.md)) | | `diffPropertyFilter` | Function | Optional callback for ignoring particular props in diff (see [jsondiffpatch docs](https://github.com/benjamine/jsondiffpatch#options)) | If `tabs` is a function, it receives a list of default tabs and should return updated list, for example: ``` defaultTabs => [...defaultTabs, { name: 'My Tab', component: MyTab }] ``` If `tabs` is an array, only provided tabs are rendered. `component` is provided with `action` and other props, see [`ActionPreview.jsx`](src/ActionPreview.jsx#L42) for reference. Usage example: [`redux-devtools-inspector-monitor-test-tab`](https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-devtools/tree/master/packages/redux-devtools-inspector-monitor-test-tab#containersdevtoolsjs). ### License MIT