## Communicate with the extension directly > Note this is advanced API, which you usually don't need to use with Redux enhancer. Use the following methods of `window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__`: - [connect](#connect) - [disconnect](#disconnect) - [send](#send) - [listen](#listen) - [open](#open) - [notifyErrors](#notifyerrors) ### connect([options]) ##### Arguments - [`options`] _Object_ - [see the available options](Arguments.md). ##### Returns _Object_ containing the following methods: - `subscribe(listener)` - adds a change listener. It will be called any time an action is dispatched from the monitor. Returns a function to unsubscribe the current listener. - `unsubscribe()` - unsubscribes all listeners. - `send(action, state)` - sends a new action and state manually to be shown on the monitor. If action is `null` then we suppose we send `liftedState`. - `init(state)` - sends the initial state to the monitor. - `error(message)` - sends the error message to be shown in the extension's monitor. Example of usage: ```js const devTools = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__.connect(config); devTools.subscribe((message) => { if (message.type === 'DISPATCH' && message.state) { console.log('DevTools requested to change the state to', message.state); } }); devTools.init({ value: 'initial state' }); devTools.send('change state', { value: 'state changed' }); ``` See [redux enhancer's example](https://github.com/zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension/blob/master/npm-package/logOnly.js), [react example](https://github.com/zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension/blob/master/examples/react-counter-messaging/components/Counter.js) and [blog post](https://medium.com/@zalmoxis/redux-devtools-without-redux-or-how-to-have-a-predictable-state-with-any-architecture-61c5f5a7716f) for more details. ### disconnect() Remove extensions listener and disconnect extensions background script connection. Usually just unsubscribing the listener inside the `connect` is enough. ### send(action, state, [options, instanceId]) Send a new action and state manually to be shown on the monitor. It's recommended to use [`connect`](connect), unless you want to hook into an already created instance. ##### Arguments - `action` _String_ (action type) or _Object_ with required `type` key. - `state` _any_ - usually object to expand. - [`options`] _Object_ - [see the available options](Arguments.md). - [`instanceId`] _String_ - instance id for which to include the log. If not specified and not present in the `options` object, will be the first available instance. ### listen(onMessage, instanceId) Listen for messages dispatched for specific `instanceId`. For most cases it's better to use `subcribe` inside the [`connect`](connect). ##### Arguments - `onMessage` _Function_ to call when there's an action from the monitor. - `instanceId` _String_ - instance id for which to handle actions. ### open([position]) Open the extension's window. This should be conditional (usually you don't need to open extension's window automatically). ##### Arguments - [`position`] _String_ - window position: `left`, `right`, `bottom`. Also can be `panel` to [open it in a Chrome panel](../FAQ.md#how-to-keep-devtools-window-focused-all-the-time-in-a-chrome-panel). Or `remote` to [open remote monitor](../FAQ.md#how-to-get-it-work-with-webworkers-react-native-hybrid-desktop-and-server-side-apps). By default is `left`. ### notifyErrors([onError]) When called, the extension will listen for uncaught exceptions on the page, and, if any, will show native notifications. Optionally, you can provide a function to be called when an exception occurs. ##### Arguments - [`onError`] _Function_ to call when there's an exceptions.