import React from 'react'; import JSONNestedNode from './JSONNestedNode'; import type { CommonInternalProps } from './types'; // Returns the "n Items" string for this node, // generating and caching it if it hasn't been created yet. function createItemString(data: any, limit: number) { let count = 0; let hasMore = false; if (Number.isSafeInteger(data.size)) { count = data.size; } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars for (const entry of data) { if (limit && count + 1 > limit) { hasMore = true; break; } count += 1; } } return `${hasMore ? '>' : ''}${count} ${count !== 1 ? 'entries' : 'entry'}`; } interface Props extends CommonInternalProps { data: unknown; nodeType: string; } // Configures to render an iterable export default function JSONIterableNode(props: Props) { return ( ); }