import * as base16 from 'base16'; import { Base16Theme } from 'base16'; import Color from 'color'; import * as CSS from 'csstype'; import curry from 'lodash.curry'; import { Color as ColorTuple, yuv2rgb, rgb2yuv } from './colorConverters'; import { Styling, StylingConfig, StylingFunction, StylingValue, StylingValueFunction, Theme, } from './types'; const DEFAULT_BASE16 = base16.default; const BASE16_KEYS = Object.keys(DEFAULT_BASE16); // we need a correcting factor, so that a dark, but not black background color // converts to bright enough inversed color const flip = (x: number) => (x < 0.25 ? 1 : x < 0.5 ? 0.9 - x : 1.1 - x); const invertColor = (hexString: string) => { const color = Color(hexString); const [y, u, v] = rgb2yuv(color.array() as ColorTuple); const flippedYuv: ColorTuple = [flip(y), u, v]; const rgb = yuv2rgb(flippedYuv); return Color.rgb(rgb).hex(); }; const merger = (styling: Styling) => { return (prevStyling: Styling) => ({ className: [prevStyling.className, styling.className] .filter(Boolean) .join(' '), style: { ...( || {}), ...( || {}) }, }); }; const mergeStyling = ( customStyling: StylingValue, defaultStyling: StylingValue ): StylingValue | undefined => { if (customStyling === undefined) { return defaultStyling; } if (defaultStyling === undefined) { return customStyling; } const customType = typeof customStyling; const defaultType = typeof defaultStyling; switch (customType) { case 'string': switch (defaultType) { case 'string': return [defaultStyling, customStyling].filter(Boolean).join(' '); case 'object': return merger({ className: customStyling as string, style: defaultStyling as CSS.Properties, }); case 'function': return (styling: Styling, ...args: any[]) => merger({ className: customStyling as string, })((defaultStyling as StylingValueFunction)(styling, ...args)); } break; case 'object': switch (defaultType) { case 'string': return merger({ className: defaultStyling as string, style: customStyling as CSS.Properties, }); case 'object': return { ...(defaultStyling as CSS.Properties), ...(customStyling as CSS.Properties), }; case 'function': return (styling: Styling, ...args: any[]) => merger({ style: customStyling as CSS.Properties, })((defaultStyling as StylingValueFunction)(styling, ...args)); } break; case 'function': switch (defaultType) { case 'string': return (styling, ...args) => (customStyling as StylingValueFunction)( merger(styling)({ className: defaultStyling as string, }), ...args ); case 'object': return (styling, ...args) => (customStyling as StylingValueFunction)( merger(styling)({ style: defaultStyling as CSS.Properties, }), ...args ); case 'function': return (styling, ...args) => (customStyling as StylingValueFunction)( (defaultStyling as StylingValueFunction)(styling, ...args), ...args ); } } }; const mergeStylings = ( customStylings: StylingConfig, defaultStylings: StylingConfig ): StylingConfig => { const keys = Object.keys(defaultStylings); for (const key in customStylings) { if (keys.indexOf(key) === -1) keys.push(key); } return keys.reduce( (mergedStyling, key) => ( (mergedStyling[key as keyof StylingConfig] = mergeStyling( customStylings[key] as StylingValue, defaultStylings[key] as StylingValue ) as StylingValue), mergedStyling ), {} as StylingConfig ); }; const getStylingByKeys = ( mergedStyling: StylingConfig, keys: string | string[], ...args: any[] ): Styling => { if (keys === null) { return mergedStyling as Styling; } if (!Array.isArray(keys)) { keys = [keys]; } const styles = => mergedStyling[key]).filter(Boolean); const props = styles.reduce( (obj, s) => { if (typeof s === 'string') { obj.className = [obj.className, s].filter(Boolean).join(' '); } else if (typeof s === 'object') { = {, ...s }; } else if (typeof s === 'function') { obj = { ...obj, ...s(obj, ...args) }; } return obj; }, { className: '', style: {} } ); if (!props.className) { delete props.className; } if (Object.keys( === 0) { delete; } return props; }; export const invertBase16Theme = (base16Theme: Base16Theme): Base16Theme => Object.keys(base16Theme).reduce( (t, key) => ( (t[key as keyof Base16Theme] = /^base/.test(key) ? invertColor(base16Theme[key as keyof Base16Theme]) : key === 'scheme' ? base16Theme[key] + ':inverted' : base16Theme[key as keyof Base16Theme]), t ), {} as Base16Theme ); export const createStyling = curry( ( getStylingFromBase16: (base16Theme: Base16Theme) => StylingConfig, options: { defaultBase16?: Base16Theme; base16Themes?: { [themeName: string]: Base16Theme }; } = {}, themeOrStyling: Theme = {}, ...args ): StylingFunction => { const { defaultBase16 = DEFAULT_BASE16, base16Themes = null } = options; const base16Theme = getBase16Theme(themeOrStyling, base16Themes); if (base16Theme) { themeOrStyling = { ...base16Theme, ...(themeOrStyling as Base16Theme | StylingConfig), }; } const theme = BASE16_KEYS.reduce( (t, key) => ( (t[key as keyof Base16Theme] = (themeOrStyling as Base16Theme)[key as keyof Base16Theme] || defaultBase16[key as keyof Base16Theme]), t ), {} as Base16Theme ); const customStyling = Object.keys(themeOrStyling).reduce( (s, key) => BASE16_KEYS.indexOf(key) === -1 ? ((s[key] = (themeOrStyling as StylingConfig)[key]), s) : s, {} as StylingConfig ); const defaultStyling = getStylingFromBase16(theme); const mergedStyling = mergeStylings(customStyling, defaultStyling); return curry(getStylingByKeys, 2)(mergedStyling, ...args); }, 3 ); const isStylingConfig = (theme: Theme): theme is StylingConfig => !!(theme as StylingConfig).extend; export const getBase16Theme = ( theme: Theme, base16Themes?: { [themeName: string]: Base16Theme } | null ): Base16Theme | undefined => { if (theme && isStylingConfig(theme) && theme.extend) { theme = theme.extend as string | Base16Theme; } if (typeof theme === 'string') { const [themeName, modifier] = theme.split(':'); if (base16Themes) { theme = base16Themes[themeName]; } else { theme = base16[themeName as keyof typeof base16]; } if (modifier === 'inverted') { theme = invertBase16Theme(theme); } } return theme &&, 'base00') ? (theme as Base16Theme) : undefined; }; export const invertTheme = (theme: Theme): Theme => { if (typeof theme === 'string') { return `${theme}:inverted`; } if (theme && isStylingConfig(theme) && theme.extend) { if (typeof theme.extend === 'string') { return { ...theme, extend: `${theme.extend}:inverted` }; } return { ...theme, extend: invertBase16Theme(theme.extend as Base16Theme), }; } if (theme) { return invertBase16Theme(theme as Base16Theme); } return theme; };