mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 09:50:38 +03:00
* chore: copy rtk-query example from toolkit
* feat(rtk-query): complete initial setup of rtk-query
* feat: complete inspector layout and add initial JSONTree setup
* fix: unintentional removal of tsconfig
* feat(search): add search logic and refactor monitor state shape
* fix: inverted monitor theme inside devtoop-app
Othetr changes:
* simplify monitor integration
* fix: rtk monitor reducer not working in app
* refactor(rtk-query): simplify theme config
* feat(rtk-query-monitor): add query preview tabs
* fix: wip
* refactor(examples): add rtk-query-polling to workspace
Other changes:
* docs(rtk-query-polling): add README.md
* chore(rtk-query-inspector): add demo to monorepo
Other changes:
chore: increase isWideScreen polling interval to 300
refactor: add subscription as root node in QueryPreviewSubscriptions
* feat(rtk-query): add multiple filter options
* chore(rtk-queery): rename demo build script and add SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK=true
* feat(rtk-query): display status flags in QueryPreviewInfo
* chore(rtk-query): update typescript versions in rkt-inspector-monitor & its demo
* docs(rtk-query): add proper README
Other changes:
* fix examples/rtk-query-poilling
* docs(rtk-query): improve rtk-query-inspector-monitor demo gif
* docs(rtk-query): clean up demo
* fix(rtk-query): clear button not updating redux state
* docs(rtk-query): add link to rtk-query-inspector-monitor demo site
* chore(rtk-query): run prettier after prettier upgrade (55e2284
* docs(rtk.query): clean up readme add features, todo and development section
* docs(rtk-query): fix link href
* chore(rtk-query): clean up rtk-query-imspector-monitor-demo and add post example
* feat(rtk-query): add counters on tags & subs tab buttons
* fix(rtk-query): layering issue between queryPreview tabList and select
Other changes:
* clean up demo styles
* run prettier
* fix: revert accidental changes packages/redux-devtools-serialize/tsconfig.json
* chore: change QueryComparators.fulfilledTimeStamp label
* feat(rtk-query): display api stats
* refactor: remove rtk-query-polling example from monorepo
* chore: regenerate lock file and add @types/react as monorepo devDep
* chore: display apiState
Other changes:
* fix close button overflow
* minor responsive style tweaks
* display reducerPath in query tab
* fix(rtk-query): resolve CI errors
- fix(prettier:check): unformatted file
- fix(lint:all): fix accidentallly removed .eslintignore
* chore(rtk-query): rename package to '@redux-devtools/rtk-query-monitor'
* fix(rtk-query): lint:all error
* feat(rtk-query): add fallback message if there are no rtk-query apis
* refactor(rtk-query): move Inspector & Monitor to containers clean up typings
Other changes:
* chore: improved type coverage
* chore: do not lint packages/redux-devtools-rtk-query-monitor/demo folder
* refactor: put sort order buttons inside a component
* chore: hopefully resolve mockServiceWorker formatting issues
* fix(rtk-query): incorrect link color
Other changes:
* fix: add missing anchor property value noopener
* refactor(rtk-query): simplify sort order control
* feat(rtk-query): add timings to apiStats sections
* feat(rtk-query): add slowest and fastest in timings section
* feat(rtk-query): improve formatting of timings and display average loading time
* fix(rtk-query): rtk-query imports
* refactor(rtk-query): reduce selector computations
Other changes:
* simplify TreeView props
* feat(rtk-query): add actions tab
* refactor(rtk-query): add custom logic for TreeView shouldExpandNode
Other changes:
* feat: added duration in QueryPreviewInfo tab
* refactor: TreeView component
* chore(rtk-query): improve demo visibility on small devices
* feat(rtk-query): do not display tree node preview
Other changes:
* improve visibility of demo devTools on small devices
* tweak QueryPreviewInfo labels
* chore(rtk-query): improve responsiveness
* refactor(rtk-query): move preview to containers remove unnecessary computation
* feat(rtk-query): display median of timings
Other changes:
* improved shouldExpandNode logic of QueryPreviewActions
* tweaked mean logic
* refactor(rtk-query-monitor): conform demo setup to repo standards
* chore(rtk-query-monitor): add option to select active devtools
* chore(rtk-query-monitor): remove redux-devtools/examples/rtk-query-polling
* refactor(rtk-query): improve UI of api tab
* feat(rtk-query): add regex search
* feat(rtk-query): display mutations in queryList
* refactor(rtk-query): track all fulfilled requests using actions
Other changes:
* refactor(rtk-query): rename tally properties
* chore(rtk-query): update @redux-devtools/rtk-query-monitor dependencies
* fix(rtk-query): demo build failing caused by a typing error
89 lines
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89 lines
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import * as path from 'path';
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const publicDir = path.join(__dirname, '../public');
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path: path.join(__dirname, '../dist'),
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loader: 'babel-loader',
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include: demoSrc,
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plugins: [
new CleanWebpackPlugin(),
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template: 'demo/public/index.html',
package: pkg,
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from: 'demo/public/assets/*.js',
to: ({ absoluteFilename }: any) => {
return `./${path.basename(absoluteFilename)}`;
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ignore: ['*.DS_Store'],
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typescript: {
configFile: 'demo/tsconfig.json',
].concat(isProduction ? [] : [new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin()]),
devServer: isProduction
? {}
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port: 3000,
hot: true,
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devtool: isProduction ? 'source-map' : 'cheap-module-source-map',