import os import json import yaml from telethon import TelegramClient from import functions from import MessageMediaDocument, MessageMediaPhoto, User if os.getenv("api_id") is None: raise ValueError("please set api_id env variable") if os.getenv("api_hash") is None: raise ValueError("please set api_hash env variable") api_id = os.getenv("api_id") api_hash = os.getenv("api_hash") if not os.path.isdir("poller"): os.mkdir("poller") if not os.path.isfile("poller.yaml"): raise FileNotFoundError("Please create poller.yaml") with open("poller.yaml", "r") as stream: try: config = yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) # load offsets offsets = {} if not os.path.isfile("poller/.offsets.json"): f = open("poller/.offsets.json", "x") f.write("{}") f.close() else: with open("poller/.offsets.json") as f: offsets = json.load(f) # parse and check config folders = [] channels = [] if "folders" in config: if config["folders"]: folders = config["folders"] if type(folders) is not list: raise TypeError("Folders should be a list(start with - on a new line)") if not (all([type(x) is str for x in folders])): raise TypeError("Folders should be specified by name") if "channels" in config: if "ids" in config["channels"]: ids = config["channels"]["ids"] if type(ids) is not list: raise TypeError("Ids should be a list(start with - on a new line)") if not (all([type(x) is int for x in ids])): raise TypeError("Ids should be integers") channels += list(map(str, ids)) if "usernames" in config["channels"]: usernames = config["channels"]["usernames"] if type(usernames) is not list: raise TypeError("Usernames should be a list(start with - on a new line)") if not (all([type(x) is str for x in usernames])): raise TypeError("Channel's ids should be string") channels += [x.replace("@", "") for x in usernames] async def aenumerate(asequence, start=0): """Asynchronously enumerate an async iterator from a given start value""" n = start async for elem in asequence: yield n, elem n += 1 async def progress_bar( iterable, total, prefix="", suffix="", decimals=1, length=100, fill="█", print_end="\r", ): # Progress Bar Printing Function def print_progress_bar(iteration): percent = ("{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}").format( 100 * (iteration / float(total)) ) filledLength = int(length * iteration // total) bar = fill * filledLength + "-" * (length - filledLength) print( f"\r{prefix} |{bar}| {percent}% ({iteration+1}/{total}) {suffix}", end=print_end, ) print_progress_bar(0) async for i, item in aenumerate(iterable): yield item print_progress_bar( async def download_channel(client, id): id = str(id) min_id = 0 max_id = 0 if id in offsets: min_id = offsets[id] entity = await client.get_entity(int(id)) t = type(entity) if t is User: title = entity.username else: title = entity.title async for message in client.iter_messages(entity): max_id = break if max_id == min_id: print(" " * 4 + f"done {title}") return if not os.path.isdir(f"poller/{title}"): os.mkdir(f"poller/{title}") if not os.path.isdir(f"poller/{title}/photos/"): os.mkdir(f"poller/{title}/photos/") if not os.path.isdir(f"poller/{title}/videos/"): os.mkdir(f"poller/{title}/videos/") if not os.path.isdir(f"poller/{title}/other/"): os.mkdir(f"poller/{title}/other/") print(" " * 4 + f"downloading {title}", end="\r") async for message in progress_bar( client.iter_messages(entity, reverse=True, min_id=min_id), max_id, " " * 4 + f"downloading {title}:", ): if if type( == MessageMediaPhoto: await message.download_media(file=f"poller/{title}/photos/") elif type( == MessageMediaDocument: if mime_type = if mime_type.startswith("image"): await message.download_media(file=f"poller/{title}/photos/") elif mime_type.startswith("video"): await message.download_media(file=f"poller/{title}/videos/") else: await message.download_media(file=f"poller/{title}/other/") else: await message.download_media(file=f"poller/{title}/other/") offsets[id] = if % 10 == 0: with open("poller/.offsets.json", "w") as f: json.dump(offsets, f, indent=4) print(" " * 4 + f"done {title}") with open("poller/.offsets.json", "w") as f: json.dump(offsets, f, indent=4) async def run(client): err = False if channels: for c in channels: try: entity = await client.get_entity(c) await download_channel(client, except ValueError: err = True print(f"Chat {c} not found") if err: raise ValueError( "please check if channel's names or ids in config are correct" ) if folders: user_folders = {} req = await client(functions.messages.GetDialogFiltersRequest()) for folder in req: d = folder.to_dict() if "title" in d: if d["title"] in folders: user_folders[d["title"]] = [] for el in d["include_peers"]: id = 0 for name, val in el.items(): if "id" in name: id = str(val) user_folders[d["title"]].append({"_": el["_"], "id": id}) for el in folders: if el not in user_folders: err = True print(f"folder {el} not found") if err: raise ValueError("please check if folder's names in config are correct") for folder, included_chats in user_folders.items(): print(f"downloading folder: {folder}") for el in included_chats: id = el["id"] await download_channel(client, id) with TelegramClient("anon", api_id, api_hash) as client: client.loop.run_until_complete(run(client))