Determines whether or not deployments should be scanned for configuration files. If set to true and a configuration file is found the log manager will be configured based on the configuration file. Contains a list of profiles available for use in deployments A logging profile that can be used in a deployment for a custom logging configuration. A collection of free-form properties. A named reference to another object. A collection of handlers to apply to the enclosing object. Defines the root logger for this log context. Defines a logger category. Defines a handler which writes to the console. Defines a handler which writes to a file. Defines a handler which writes to a file, rotating the log after a time period derived from the given suffix string, which should be in a format understood by java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Defines a handler which writes to a file, rotating the log after the size of the file grows beyond a certain point or the time period derived from the given suffix string and keeping a fixed number of backups. The suffix should be in a format understood by java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Defines a handler which writes to a file, rotating the log after the size of the file grows beyond a certain point and keeping a fixed number of backups. Defines a handler which writes to the sub-handlers in an asynchronous thread. Used for handlers which introduce a substantial amount of lag. Defines a custom handler. Defines a handler which writes to a socket. Defines a syslog handler for UNIX/Linux based operating systems. The address of the syslog server. The default is localhost. The name of the host the messages are being sent from. For example the name of the host the application server is running on. The port the syslog server is listening on. The default is 514. The app name used when formatting the message in RFC5424 format. By default the app name is "java" Facility as defined by RFC-5424 ( RFC-3164 ( A formatter that can be assigned to a handler. Defines a formatter. Defines a pattern formatter. See the documentation for org.jboss.logmanager.formatters.FormatStringParser for more information about the format string. Defines a pattern formatter. See the documentation for org.jboss.logmanager.formatters.FormatStringParser for more information about the format string. The color-map attribute allows for a comma delimited list of colors to be used for different levels. The format is level-name:color-name. Valid Levels; severe, fatal, error, warn, warning, info, debug, trace, config, fine, finer, finest Valid Colors; black, green, red, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, brightblack, brightred, brightgreen, brightblue, brightyellow, brightmagenta, brightcyan, brightwhite The format pattern as defined in org.jboss.logmanager.formatters.FormatStringParser. The color-map attribute allows for a comma delimited list of colors to be used for different levels. The format is level-name:color-name. Valid Levels; severe, fatal, error, warn, warning, info, debug, trace, config, fine, finer, finest Valid Colors; black, green, red, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, brightblack, brightred, brightgreen, brightblue, brightyellow, brightmagenta, brightcyan, brightwhite Indicates how the cause of the logged message, if one is available, will be added to the output. The value to be used to indicate the end of a record. If set to null no delimiter will be used at the end of the record. The default value is a line feed. Allows the names of the keys or elements for the properties to be overridden. Sets the meta data to use in the structured format. Properties will be added to each log message. The date/time format pattern. The pattern must be a valid java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern() pattern. Indicates whether or not pretty printing should be used when formatting. Sets whether or not details should be printed. Printing the details can be expensive as the values are retrieved from the caller. The details include the source class name, source file name, source method name and source line number. The zone ID for formatting the date and time. The system default is used if left undefined. Allows the namespace to be overridden. If not defined a default will be used. Indicates whether or no the namespace should be added to each record element. The name of a defined formatter that will be used to format the log message. Set the output type for exceptions. The default is detailed. The cause, if present, will be an array of stack trace elements. This will include suppressed exceptions and the cause of the exception. The cause, if present, will be a string representation of the stack trace in a stackTrace property. The property value is a string created by Throwable.printStackTrace(). The cause, if present, will be a string representation of the stack trace in a stackTrace property. The property value is a string created by Throwable.printStackTrace(). Defines a formatter. Formats the log message according to the RFC specification. Formats the message according the the RFC-5424 specification ( Formats the message according the the RFC-3164 specification (