################################################# # General configuration for the init.d scripts, # # not necessarily for WildFly itself. # # default location: /etc/default/wildfly # ################################################# ## Location of JDK # JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/default-java" ## Location of WildFly # JBOSS_HOME="/opt/wildfly" ## The username who should own the process. # JBOSS_USER=wildfly ## The mode WildFly should start, standalone or domain # JBOSS_MODE=standalone ## Configuration for standalone mode # JBOSS_CONFIG=standalone.xml ## Configuration for domain mode # JBOSS_DOMAIN_CONFIG=domain.xml # JBOSS_HOST_CONFIG=host-primary.xml ## The amount of time to wait for startup # STARTUP_WAIT=60 ## The amount of time to wait for shutdown # SHUTDOWN_WAIT=60 ## Location to keep the console log # JBOSS_CONSOLE_LOG="/var/log/wildfly/console.log" ## Additionals args to include in startup # JBOSS_OPTS="--admin-only -b"