setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion rem This script is only for internal usage and should not be invoked directly by users from the command line. rem This script launches the operation to apply a candidate server installation to update or revert. rem The server JVM writes the required values into the file by using if "%INST_MGR_SCRIPT_DEBUG%"=="true" ( @echo on ) else ( @echo off ) set INSTALLATION_HOME=%~1 set INST_MGR_LOG_PROPERTIES=%~2 set INST_MGR_LOG_FILE=%~3 rem Prepare variables for log traces set "LOG_NAME=[management-cli-installer]" rem For security, reset the environment variables first set INST_MGR_COMMAND= set INST_MGR_STATUS= echo %date% %time% INFO %LOG_NAME% - Executing Management CLI Installer script. set "PROPS_FILE=%INSTALLATION_HOME%\bin\" if not exist "%PROPS_FILE%" ( echo %date% %time% ERROR %LOG_NAME% - Installation Manager properties file not found at %PROPS_FILE%. goto EOF ) rem Read Script variable configuration for /F "usebackq tokens=1* eol=# delims==" %%G IN ("%PROPS_FILE%") do (set %%G=%%H) rem Check the status is the expected IF NOT DEFINED INST_MGR_STATUS ( echo %date% %time% ERROR %LOG_NAME% - Cannot read the Installation Manager status. goto EOF ) if "%INST_MGR_STATUS%" neq "PREPARED" ( echo %date% %time% ERROR %LOG_NAME% - The Candidate Server installation is not in the PREPARED status. The current status is %INST_MGR_STATUS% goto EOF ) IF NOT DEFINED INST_MGR_COMMAND ( echo %date% %time% ERROR %LOG_NAME% - Installation Manager command was not set. goto EOF ) rem remove scape characters necessary to store values in a property file setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "INST_MGR_COMMAND=!INST_MGR_COMMAND:\:=:!" set "INST_MGR_COMMAND=!INST_MGR_COMMAND:\\=\!" setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion set JAVA_OPTS=-Dlogging.configuration=file:"%INST_MGR_LOG_PROPERTIES%" -Dorg.jboss.boot.log.file="%INST_MGR_LOG_FILE%" -Dorg.wildfly.prospero.log.file %JAVA_OPTS% IF NOT DEFINED INST_MGR_SCRIPT_WINDOWS_COUNTDOWN set INST_MGR_SCRIPT_WINDOWS_COUNTDOWN=10 echo Waiting %INST_MGR_SCRIPT_WINDOWS_COUNTDOWN% seconds before applying the Candidate Server... timeout /T %INST_MGR_SCRIPT_WINDOWS_COUNTDOWN% /NOBREAK >nul echo %date% %time% INFO %LOG_NAME% - JAVA_OPTS environment variable: %JAVA_OPTS% echo %date% %time% INFO %LOG_NAME% - Executing the Installation Manager command: %INST_MGR_COMMAND% call %INST_MGR_COMMAND% set INST_MGR_RESULT=%errorlevel% if %INST_MGR_RESULT% equ 0 ( echo %date% %time% INFO %LOG_NAME% - The Candidate Server was successfully applied. echo|set /p"=INST_MGR_STATUS=CLEAN" > "%PROPS_FILE%" echo %date% %time% INFO %LOG_NAME% - Management CLI Installer script finished. exit /b 0 ) if %INST_MGR_RESULT% equ 1 ( echo %date% %time% ERROR %LOG_NAME% - The operation was unsuccessful. The candidate server was not installed correctly. Check server logs for more information. goto EOF ) if %INST_MGR_RESULT% equ 2 ( echo %date% %time% ERROR %LOG_NAME% - The Candidate Server installation failed. Invalid arguments were provided. goto EOF ) echo %date% %time% ERROR %LOG_NAME% - An unknown error occurred during the execution of the installation manager. Exit code was: "%INST_MGR_RESULT%" :EOF exit /b 1