@echo off rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem JBoss Bootstrap Script for Windows rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem Use --debug to activate debug mode with an optional argument to specify the port rem Usage : standalone.bat --debug rem standalone.bat --debug 9797 @if not "%ECHO%" == "" echo %ECHO% setlocal rem Identifies the launch script type. set JBOSS_LAUNCH_SCRIPT=batch rem By default debug mode is disable. set DEBUG_MODE=false set DEBUG_PORT_VAR=8787 rem Set to all parameters by default set "SERVER_OPTS=%*" if NOT "x%DEBUG%" == "x" ( set "DEBUG_MODE=%DEBUG% ) rem Get the program name before using shift as the command modify the variable ~nx0 if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" ( set "PROGNAME=%~nx0%" ) else ( set "PROGNAME=standalone.bat" ) if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" ( set "DIRNAME=%~dp0%" ) else ( set DIRNAME=.\ ) setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion call "!DIRNAME!common.bat" :commonConf rem check for the security manager system property echo(!SERVER_OPTS! | findstr /r /c:"-Djava.security.manager" > nul if not errorlevel == 1 ( echo(!SERVER_OPTS! | findstr /r /c:"-Djava.security.manager=allow" > nul if errorlevel == 1 ( echo ERROR: The use of -Djava.security.manager has been removed. Please use the -secmgr command line argument or SECMGR=true environment variable. GOTO :EOF ) ) setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion rem Read command-line args, the ~ removes the quotes from the parameter :READ-ARGS if "%~1" == "" ( goto MAIN ) else if "%~1" == "--debug" ( goto READ-DEBUG-PORT ) else if "%~1" == "-secmgr" ( set SECMGR=true ) shift goto READ-ARGS :READ-DEBUG-PORT set "DEBUG_MODE=true" set DEBUG_ARG="%2" if not %DEBUG_ARG% == "" ( if x%DEBUG_ARG:-=%==x%DEBUG_ARG% ( shift set DEBUG_PORT_VAR=%DEBUG_ARG% ) shift goto READ-ARGS ) :MAIN rem $Id$ ) pushd "%DIRNAME%.." set "RESOLVED_JBOSS_HOME=%CD%" popd if "x%JBOSS_HOME%" == "x" ( set "JBOSS_HOME=%RESOLVED_JBOSS_HOME%" ) pushd "%JBOSS_HOME%" set "SANITIZED_JBOSS_HOME=%CD%" popd if /i "%RESOLVED_JBOSS_HOME%" NEQ "%SANITIZED_JBOSS_HOME%" ( echo. echo WARNING: JBOSS_HOME may be pointing to a different installation - unpredictable results may occur. echo. echo JBOSS_HOME: "%JBOSS_HOME%" echo. ) rem Read an optional configuration file. if "x%STANDALONE_CONF%" == "x" ( set "STANDALONE_CONF=%DIRNAME%standalone.conf.bat" ) if exist "%STANDALONE_CONF%" ( echo Calling "%STANDALONE_CONF%" call "%STANDALONE_CONF%" %* ) else ( echo Config file not found "%STANDALONE_CONF%" ) rem Sanitize JAVA_OPTS rem Currently escaping only | characters any other might be added if needed setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion rem If characters are already escaped then IS_SANITIZED is set to true and JAVA__OPTS are left as they are for %%C in (^^^|) do ( if not "!JAVA_OPTS:%%C=!"=="!JAVA_OPTS!" set IS_SANITIZED=true ) if not "!IS_SANITIZED!" == "true" ( for %%C in (^|) do ( set "JAVA_OPTS=!JAVA_OPTS:%%C=^%%C!" ) ) setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion if NOT "x%DEBUG_PORT%" == "x" ( set DEBUG_PORT_VAR=%DEBUG_PORT% ) if NOT "x%GC_LOG%" == "x" ( set "GC_LOG=%GC_LOG% ) rem Set debug settings if not already set if "%DEBUG_MODE%" == "true" ( echo "%JAVA_OPTS%" | findstr /I "\-agentlib:jdwp" > nul if errorlevel == 1 ( set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=%DEBUG_PORT_VAR%,server=y,suspend=n" ) else ( echo Debug already enabled in JAVA_OPTS, ignoring --debug argument ) ) rem Setup JBoss specific properties set "JAVA_OPTS=-Dprogram.name=%PROGNAME% %JAVA_OPTS%" if "x%JAVA_HOME%" == "x" ( set JAVA=java echo JAVA_HOME is not set. Unexpected results may occur. echo Set JAVA_HOME to the directory of your local JDK to avoid this message. ) else ( if not exist "%JAVA_HOME%" ( echo JAVA_HOME "%JAVA_HOME%" path doesn't exist goto END ) else ( if not exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" ( echo "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" does not exist goto END_NO_PAUSE ) echo Setting JAVA property to "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" set "JAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" ) ) "%JAVA%" --add-modules=java.se -version >nul 2>&1 && (set MODULAR_JDK=true) || (set MODULAR_JDK=false) setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion :SET_SERVER_END setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion rem Find jboss-modules.jar, or we can't continue if exist "%JBOSS_HOME%\jboss-modules.jar" ( set "RUNJAR=%JBOSS_HOME%\jboss-modules.jar" ) else ( echo Could not locate "%JBOSS_HOME%\jboss-modules.jar". echo Please check that you are in the bin directory when running this script. goto END ) rem Setup JBoss specific properties rem Setup directories, note directories with spaces do not work setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "CONSOLIDATED_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% %SERVER_OPTS%" set baseDirFound=false set configDirFound=false set logDirFound=false for %%a in (!CONSOLIDATED_OPTS!) do ( if !baseDirFound! == true ( set "JBOSS_BASE_DIR=%%~a" set baseDirFound=false ) if !configDirFound! == true ( set "JBOSS_CONFIG_DIR=%%~a" set configDirFound=false ) if !logDirFound! == true ( set "JBOSS_LOG_DIR=%%~a" set logDirFound=false ) if "%%~a" == "-Djboss.server.base.dir" ( set baseDirFound=true ) if "%%~a" == "-Djboss.server.config.dir" ( set configDirFound=true ) if "%%~a" == "-Djboss.server.log.dir" ( set logDirFound=true ) ) rem If the -Djava.security.manager is found, enable the -secmgr and include a bogus security manager for JBoss Modules to replace echo("!JAVA_OPTS!" | findstr /r /c:"-Djava.security.manager" > nul && ( echo ERROR: The use of -Djava.security.manager has been removed. Please use the -secmgr command line argument or SECMGR=true environment variable. GOTO :EOF ) setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion rem Set default module root paths if "x%JBOSS_MODULEPATH%" == "x" ( set "JBOSS_MODULEPATH=%JBOSS_HOME%\modules" ) rem Set the standalone base dir if "x%JBOSS_BASE_DIR%" == "x" ( set "JBOSS_BASE_DIR=%JBOSS_HOME%\standalone" ) rem Set the standalone log dir if "x%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%" == "x" ( set "JBOSS_LOG_DIR=%JBOSS_BASE_DIR%\log" ) rem Set the standalone configuration dir if "x%JBOSS_CONFIG_DIR%" == "x" ( set "JBOSS_CONFIG_DIR=%JBOSS_BASE_DIR%\configuration" ) setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion call "!DIRNAME!common.bat" :setModularJdk setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion if not "%PRESERVE_JAVA_OPTS%" == "true" ( rem Add -Djdk.serialFilter if not specified echo "%JAVA_OPTS%" | findstr /I "\-Djdk.serialFilter" > nul if errorlevel == 1 ( if "x%DISABLE_JDK_SERIAL_FILTER%" == "x" ( setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "JAVA_OPTS=!JAVA_OPTS! -Djdk.serialFilter="!JDK_SERIAL_FILTER!"" setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion ) ) ) if not "%PRESERVE_JAVA_OPT%" == "true" ( if "%GC_LOG%" == "true" ( if not exist "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%" > nul 2>&1 ( mkdir "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%" ) rem Add rotating GC logs, if supported, and not already defined echo "%JAVA_OPTS%" | findstr /I "\-Xlog:*gc" > nul if errorlevel == 1 ( rem Back up any prior logs move /y "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\gc.log" "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\backupgc.log" > nul 2>&1 move /y "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\gc.log.0" "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\backupgc.log.0" > nul 2>&1 move /y "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\gc.log.1" "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\backupgc.log.1" > nul 2>&1 move /y "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\gc.log.2" "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\backupgc.log.2" > nul 2>&1 move /y "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\gc.log.3" "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\backupgc.log.3" > nul 2>&1 move /y "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\gc.log.4" "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\backupgc.log.4" > nul 2>&1 move /y "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\gc.log.*.current" "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\backupgc.log.current" > nul 2>&1 setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion "!JAVA!" -Xverbosegclog:"!JBOSS_LOG_DIR!\gc.log" -version >nul 2>&1 && (set OPEN_J9_JDK=true) || (set OPEN_J9_JDK=false) if "!OPEN_J9_JDK!" == "true" ( set TMP_PARAM=-Xverbosegclog:"!JBOSS_LOG_DIR!\gc.log" ) else if "!MODULAR_JDK!" == "true" ( set TMP_PARAM=-Xlog:gc*:file="\"!JBOSS_LOG_DIR!\gc.log\"":time,uptimemillis:filecount=5,filesize=3M ) else ( set TMP_PARAM=-verbose:gc -Xloggc:"!JBOSS_LOG_DIR!\gc.log" -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=5 -XX:GCLogFileSize=3M -XX:-TraceClassUnloading ) "!JAVA!" !TMP_PARAM! -version > nul 2>&1 if not errorlevel == 1 ( set "JAVA_OPTS=!JAVA_OPTS! !TMP_PARAM!" ) rem Remove the gc.log file from the -version check del /F /Q "%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\gc.log" > nul 2>&1 ) setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion ) rem set default modular jvm parameters setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion call "!DIRNAME!common.bat" :setDefaultModularJvmOptions !JAVA_OPTS! set "JAVA_OPTS=!JAVA_OPTS! !DEFAULT_MODULAR_JVM_OPTIONS!" rem Set default Security Manager configuration value call "!DIRNAME!common.bat" :setSecurityManagerDefault set "JAVA_OPTS=!JAVA_OPTS! !SECURITY_MANAGER_CONFIG_OPTION!" setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion ) rem Set the module options set "MODULE_OPTS=%MODULE_OPTS%" if "%SECMGR%" == "true" ( set "MODULE_OPTS=%MODULE_OPTS% -secmgr" ) setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion rem Add -client to the JVM options, if supported (32 bit VM), and not overridden echo "!MODULE_OPTS!" | findstr /I \-javaagent: > nul if not errorlevel == 1 ( set AGENT_PARAM=-javaagent:"!JBOSS_HOME!\jboss-modules.jar" set "JAVA_OPTS=!AGENT_PARAM! !JAVA_OPTS!" ) setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion echo =============================================================================== echo. echo JBoss Bootstrap Environment echo. echo JBOSS_HOME: "%JBOSS_HOME%" echo. echo JAVA: "%JAVA%" echo. echo JAVA_OPTS: "%JAVA_OPTS%" echo. echo =============================================================================== echo. :RESTART "%JAVA%" %JAVA_OPTS% ^ "-Dorg.jboss.boot.log.file=%JBOSS_LOG_DIR%\server.log" ^ "-Dlogging.configuration=file:%JBOSS_CONFIG_DIR%/logging.properties" ^ -jar "%JBOSS_HOME%\jboss-modules.jar" ^ %MODULE_OPTS% ^ -mp "%JBOSS_MODULEPATH%" ^ org.jboss.as.standalone ^ "-Djboss.home.dir=%JBOSS_HOME%" ^ %SERVER_OPTS% if %errorlevel% equ 10 ( echo Restarting... goto RESTART ) if %errorlevel% equ 20 ( echo INFO: Starting Candidate Server installation using Management CLI Installer script setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "INST_MGR_CONSOLE_FILE=!JBOSS_LOG_DIR!\management-cli-installer-out.log" call "!JBOSS_HOME!\bin\installation-manager.bat" "!JBOSS_HOME!" "!JBOSS_CONFIG_DIR!\logging.properties" "!JBOSS_LOG_DIR!\server.log" >> "!INST_MGR_CONSOLE_FILE!" 2>&1 if !ERRORLEVEL! equ 0 ( echo INFO: Candidate Server installation completed successfully. ) else ( echo ERROR: Candidate Server installation failed. Check Management CLI Installer script log file for more information: !INST_MGR_CONSOLE_FILE! ) setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion echo Restarting... goto RESTART ) :END if "x%NOPAUSE%" == "x" pause :END_NO_PAUSE