2019-05-24 14:09:28 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright ( c ) 2019 Miroslav Stampar ( @stamparm ) , MIT
See the file ' LICENSE ' for copying permission
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software .
from __future__ import print_function
import base64
import codecs
import difflib
import json
import locale
import optparse
import os
import random
import re
import ssl
import socket
import string
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import zlib
if sys . version_info > = ( 3 , 0 ) :
import http . cookiejar
import http . client as httplib
import urllib . request
IS_WIN = subprocess . _mswindows
build_opener = urllib . request . build_opener
install_opener = urllib . request . install_opener
quote = urllib . parse . quote
urlopen = urllib . request . urlopen
CookieJar = http . cookiejar . CookieJar
ProxyHandler = urllib . request . ProxyHandler
Request = urllib . request . Request
HTTPCookieProcessor = urllib . request . HTTPCookieProcessor
xrange = range
else :
import cookielib
import httplib
import urllib
import urllib2
IS_WIN = subprocess . mswindows
build_opener = urllib2 . build_opener
install_opener = urllib2 . install_opener
quote = urllib . quote
urlopen = urllib2 . urlopen
CookieJar = cookielib . CookieJar
ProxyHandler = urllib2 . ProxyHandler
Request = urllib2 . Request
HTTPCookieProcessor = urllib2 . HTTPCookieProcessor
# Reference: http://blog.mathieu-leplatre.info/python-utf-8-print-fails-when-redirecting-stdout.html
sys . stdout = codecs . getwriter ( locale . getpreferredencoding ( ) ) ( sys . stdout )
NAME = " identYwaf "
2019-05-24 14:54:10 +03:00
VERSION = " 1.0.110 "
2019-05-24 14:09:28 +03:00
BANNER = """
` __ __ `
____ ___ ___ ____ ______ ` | T T ` __ __ ____ _____
l j | \ / _ ] | \ | T ` | | | ` | T__T T / T | __ |
| T | \ / [ _ | _ Yl_j l_j ` | ~ | ` | | | | Y o | | l_
| | | D YY _ ] | | | | | ` | ___ | ` | | | | | | | _ |
j l | | | [ _ | | | | | ` | ! ` \ / | | | | ]
| ____jl_____jl_____jl__j__j l__j ` l____ / ` \_ / \_ / l__j__jl__j ( % s ) % s """ .strip( " \n " ) % (VERSION, " \n " )
RAW , TEXT , HTTPCODE , SERVER , TITLE , HTML , URL = xrange ( 7 )
COOKIE , UA , REFERER = " Cookie " , " User-Agent " , " Referer "
GET , POST = " GET " , " POST "
GENERIC_PROTECTION_KEYWORDS = ( " rejected " , " forbidden " , " suspicious " , " malicious " , " captcha " , " invalid " , " your ip " , " please contact " , " terminated " , " protected " , " unauthorized " , " blocked " , " protection " , " incident " , " denied " , " detected " , " dangerous " , " firewall " , " fw_block " , " unusual activity " , " bad request " , " request id " , " injection " , " permission " , " not acceptable " , " security policy " , " security reasons " )
GENERIC_PROTECTION_REGEX = r " (?i) \ b( %s ) \ b "
GENERIC_ERROR_MESSAGE_REGEX = r " \ b[A-Z][ \ w, ' -]*(protected by|security|unauthorized|detected|attack|error|rejected|allowed|suspicious|automated|blocked|invalid|denied|permission)[ \ w, ' !-]* "
HEURISTIC_PAYLOAD = " 1 AND 1=1 UNION ALL SELECT 1,NULL, ' <script>alert( \" XSS \" )</script> ' ,table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE 2>1--/**/; EXEC xp_cmdshell( ' cat ../../../etc/passwd ' )# " # Reference: https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap/blob/master/lib/core/settings.py
DATA_JSON_FILE = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , " data.json " )
IS_TTY = sys . stdout . isatty ( )
LEVEL_COLORS = { " o " : " \033 [00;94m " , " x " : " \033 [00;91m " , " ! " : " \033 [00;93m " , " i " : " \033 [00;95m " , " = " : " \033 [00;93m " , " + " : " \033 [00;92m " , " - " : " \033 [00;91m " }
DEFAULTS = { " timeout " : 10 }
ENCODING_TRANSLATIONS = { " windows-874 " : " iso-8859-11 " , " utf-8859-1 " : " utf8 " , " en_us " : " utf8 " , " macintosh " : " iso-8859-1 " , " euc_tw " : " big5_tw " , " th " : " tis-620 " , " unicode " : " utf8 " , " utc8 " : " utf8 " , " ebcdic " : " ebcdic-cp-be " , " iso-8859 " : " iso8859-1 " , " iso-8859-0 " : " iso8859-1 " , " ansi " : " ascii " , " gbk2312 " : " gbk " , " windows-31j " : " cp932 " , " en " : " us " } # Reference: https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap/blob/master/lib/request/basic.py
PROXY_TESTING_PAGE = " https://myexternalip.com/raw "
for _ in re . findall ( r " `.+?` " , BANNER ) :
BANNER = BANNER . replace ( _ , " \033 [01;92m %s \033 [00;49m " % _ . strip ( ' ` ' ) )
for _ in re . findall ( r " [Do] " , BANNER ) :
BANNER = BANNER . replace ( _ , " \033 [01;93m %s \033 [00;49m " % _ . strip ( ' ` ' ) )
BANNER = re . sub ( VERSION , r " \ 033[01;91m %s \ 033[00;49m " % VERSION , BANNER )
else :
BANNER = BANNER . replace ( ' ` ' , " " )
_ = random . randint ( 20 , 64 )
DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = " Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; %s ; rv: %d .0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/ %d .0 " % ( NAME , _ , _ )
HEADERS = { " User-Agent " : DEFAULT_USER_AGENT , " Accept " : " text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 " , " Accept-Language " : " en-US,en;q=0.5 " , " Accept-Encoding " : " identity " , " Cache-Control " : " max-age=0 " }
original = None
options = None
intrusive = None
heuristic = None
chained = False
locked_code = None
locked_regex = None
non_blind = set ( )
seen = set ( )
blocked = [ ]
servers = set ( )
codes = set ( )
proxies = list ( )
proxies_index = 0
_exit = exit
def exit ( message = None ) :
if message :
print ( " %s %s " % ( message , ' ' * 20 ) )
_exit ( 1 )
def retrieve ( url , data = None ) :
global proxies_index
retval = { }
if proxies :
while True :
try :
opener = build_opener ( ProxyHandler ( { " http " : proxies [ proxies_index ] , " https " : proxies [ proxies_index ] } ) )
install_opener ( opener )
proxies_index = ( proxies_index + 1 ) % len ( proxies )
urlopen ( PROXY_TESTING_PAGE ) . read ( )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
except :
else :
try :
req = Request ( " " . join ( url [ _ ] . replace ( ' ' , " % 20 " ) if _ > url . find ( ' ? ' ) else url [ _ ] for _ in xrange ( len ( url ) ) ) , data , HEADERS )
resp = urlopen ( req , timeout = options . timeout )
retval [ URL ] = resp . url
retval [ HTML ] = resp . read ( )
retval [ HTTPCODE ] = resp . code
retval [ RAW ] = " %s %d %s \n %s \n %s " % ( httplib . HTTPConnection . _http_vsn_str , retval [ HTTPCODE ] , resp . msg , str ( resp . headers ) , retval [ HTML ] )
except Exception as ex :
retval [ URL ] = getattr ( ex , " url " , url )
retval [ HTTPCODE ] = getattr ( ex , " code " , None )
try :
retval [ HTML ] = ex . read ( ) if hasattr ( ex , " read " ) else getattr ( ex , " msg " , str ( ex ) )
except :
retval [ HTML ] = " "
retval [ RAW ] = " %s %s %s \n %s \n %s " % ( httplib . HTTPConnection . _http_vsn_str , retval [ HTTPCODE ] or " " , getattr ( ex , " msg " , " " ) , str ( ex . headers ) if hasattr ( ex , " headers " ) else " " , retval [ HTML ] )
for encoding in re . findall ( r " charset=[ \ s \" ' ]?([ \ w-]+) " , retval [ RAW ] ) [ : : - 1 ] + [ " utf8 " ] :
encoding = ENCODING_TRANSLATIONS . get ( encoding , encoding )
try :
retval [ HTML ] = retval [ HTML ] . decode ( encoding , errors = " replace " )
except :
match = re . search ( r " <title> \ s*(?P<result>[^<]+?) \ s*</title> " , retval [ HTML ] , re . I )
retval [ TITLE ] = match . group ( " result " ) if match and " result " in match . groupdict ( ) else None
retval [ TEXT ] = re . sub ( r " (?si)<script.+?</script>|<!--.+?-->|<style.+?</style>|<[^>]+>| \ s+ " , " " , retval [ HTML ] )
match = re . search ( r " (?im)^Server: (.+) " , retval [ RAW ] )
retval [ SERVER ] = match . group ( 1 ) . strip ( ) if match else " "
return retval
def calc_hash ( value , binary = True ) :
value = value . encode ( " utf8 " ) if not isinstance ( value , bytes ) else value
result = zlib . crc32 ( value ) & 0xffff
if binary :
result = struct . pack ( " >H " , result )
return result
def single_print ( message ) :
if message not in seen :
print ( message )
seen . add ( message )
def check_payload ( payload , protection_regex = GENERIC_PROTECTION_REGEX % ' | ' . join ( GENERIC_PROTECTION_KEYWORDS ) ) :
global chained
global heuristic
global intrusive
global locked_code
global locked_regex
time . sleep ( options . delay or 0 )
if options . post :
_ = " %s = %s " % ( " " . join ( random . sample ( string . ascii_letters , 3 ) ) , quote ( payload ) )
intrusive = retrieve ( options . url , _ )
else :
_ = " %s %s %s = %s " % ( options . url , ' ? ' if ' ? ' not in options . url else ' & ' , " " . join ( random . sample ( string . ascii_letters , 3 ) ) , quote ( payload ) )
intrusive = retrieve ( _ )
if options . lock and not payload . isdigit ( ) :
if payload == HEURISTIC_PAYLOAD :
match = re . search ( re . sub ( r " Server:|Protected by " , " " . join ( random . sample ( string . ascii_letters , 6 ) ) , WAF_RECOGNITION_REGEX , flags = re . I ) , intrusive [ RAW ] or " " )
if match :
result = True
for _ in match . groupdict ( ) :
if match . group ( _ ) :
waf = re . sub ( r " \ Awaf_ " , " " , _ )
locked_regex = DATA_JSON [ " wafs " ] [ waf ] [ " regex " ]
locked_code = intrusive [ HTTPCODE ]
else :
result = False
if not result :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] can ' t lock results to a non-blind match " ) )
else :
result = re . search ( locked_regex , intrusive [ RAW ] ) is not None and locked_code == intrusive [ HTTPCODE ]
elif options . string :
result = options . string in ( intrusive [ RAW ] or " " )
elif options . code :
result = options . code == intrusive [ HTTPCODE ]
else :
result = intrusive [ HTTPCODE ] != original [ HTTPCODE ] or ( intrusive [ HTTPCODE ] != 200 and intrusive [ TITLE ] != original [ TITLE ] ) or ( re . search ( protection_regex , intrusive [ HTML ] ) is not None and re . search ( protection_regex , original [ HTML ] ) is None ) or ( difflib . SequenceMatcher ( a = original [ HTML ] or " " , b = intrusive [ HTML ] or " " ) . quick_ratio ( ) < QUICK_RATIO_THRESHOLD )
if not payload . isdigit ( ) :
if result :
if options . debug :
print ( " \r --- %s " % ( 40 * ' ' ) )
print ( payload )
print ( intrusive [ HTTPCODE ] , intrusive [ RAW ] )
print ( " --- " )
if intrusive [ SERVER ] :
servers . add ( re . sub ( r " \ s* \ (.+ \ ) \ Z " , " " , intrusive [ SERVER ] ) )
if len ( servers ) > 1 :
chained = True
single_print ( colorize ( " [!] multiple (reactive) rejection HTTP ' Server ' headers detected ( %s ) " % ' , ' . join ( " ' %s ' " % _ for _ in sorted ( servers ) ) ) )
if intrusive [ HTTPCODE ] :
codes . add ( intrusive [ HTTPCODE ] )
if len ( codes ) > 1 :
chained = True
single_print ( colorize ( " [!] multiple (reactive) rejection HTTP codes detected ( %s ) " % ' , ' . join ( " %s " % _ for _ in sorted ( codes ) ) ) )
if heuristic and heuristic [ HTML ] and intrusive [ HTML ] and difflib . SequenceMatcher ( a = heuristic [ HTML ] or " " , b = intrusive [ HTML ] or " " ) . quick_ratio ( ) < QUICK_RATIO_THRESHOLD :
chained = True
single_print ( colorize ( " [!] multiple (reactive) rejection HTML responses detected " ) )
if payload == HEURISTIC_PAYLOAD :
heuristic = intrusive
return result
def colorize ( message ) :
message = re . sub ( r " \ [(.) \ ] " , lambda match : " [ %s %s \033 [00;49m] " % ( LEVEL_COLORS [ match . group ( 1 ) ] , match . group ( 1 ) ) , message )
if any ( _ in message for _ in ( " rejected summary " , " challenge detected " ) ) :
for match in re . finditer ( r " [^ \ w] ' ([^)]+) ' " if " rejected summary " in message else r " \ ( ' (.+) ' \ ) " , message ) :
message = message . replace ( " ' %s ' " % match . group ( 1 ) , " ' \033 [37m %s \033 [00;49m ' " % match . group ( 1 ) , 1 )
else :
for match in re . finditer ( r " [^ \ w] ' ([^ ' ]+) ' " , message ) :
message = message . replace ( " ' %s ' " % match . group ( 1 ) , " ' \033 [37m %s \033 [00;49m ' " % match . group ( 1 ) , 1 )
if " blind match " in message :
for match in re . finditer ( r " \ ((( \ d+) % ) \ ) " , message ) :
message = message . replace ( match . group ( 1 ) , " \033 [ %d m %s \033 [00;49m " % ( 92 if int ( match . group ( 2 ) ) > = 95 else ( 93 if int ( match . group ( 2 ) ) > 80 else 90 ) , match . group ( 1 ) ) )
if " hardness " in message :
for match in re . finditer ( r " \ ((( \ d+) % ) \ ) " , message ) :
message = message . replace ( match . group ( 1 ) , " \033 [ %d m %s \033 [00;49m " % ( 95 if " insane " in message else ( 91 if " hard " in message else ( 93 if " moderate " in message else 92 ) ) , match . group ( 1 ) ) )
return message
def parse_args ( ) :
global options
parser = optparse . OptionParser ( version = VERSION )
parser . add_option ( " --delay " , dest = " delay " , type = int , help = " Delay (sec) between tests (default: 0) " )
parser . add_option ( " --timeout " , dest = " timeout " , type = int , help = " Response timeout (sec) (default: 10) " )
parser . add_option ( " --proxy " , dest = " proxy " , help = " HTTP proxy address (e.g. \" \" ) " )
parser . add_option ( " --proxy-file " , dest = " proxy_file " , help = " Load (rotating) HTTP(s) proxy list from a file " )
parser . add_option ( " --random-agent " , dest = " random_agent " , action = " store_true " , help = " Use random HTTP User-Agent header value " )
parser . add_option ( " --code " , dest = " code " , type = int , help = " Expected HTTP code in rejected responses " )
parser . add_option ( " --string " , dest = " string " , help = " Expected string in rejected responses " )
parser . add_option ( " --post " , dest = " post " , action = " store_true " , help = " Use POST body for sending payloads " )
parser . add_option ( " --debug " , dest = " debug " , action = " store_true " , help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
parser . add_option ( " --fast " , dest = " fast " , action = " store_true " , help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
parser . add_option ( " --lock " , dest = " lock " , action = " store_true " , help = optparse . SUPPRESS_HELP )
# Dirty hack(s) for help message
def _ ( self , * args ) :
retval = parser . formatter . _format_option_strings ( * args )
if len ( retval ) > MAX_HELP_OPTION_LENGTH :
retval = ( " %% . %d s.. " % ( MAX_HELP_OPTION_LENGTH - parser . formatter . indent_increment ) ) % retval
return retval
parser . usage = " python %s <host|url> " % parser . usage
parser . formatter . _format_option_strings = parser . formatter . format_option_strings
parser . formatter . format_option_strings = type ( parser . formatter . format_option_strings ) ( _ , parser )
for _ in ( " -h " , " --version " ) :
option = parser . get_option ( _ )
option . help = option . help . capitalize ( )
try :
options , _ = parser . parse_args ( )
except SystemExit :
if len ( sys . argv ) > 1 :
url = sys . argv [ - 1 ]
if not url . startswith ( " http " ) :
url = " http:// %s " % url
options . url = url
else :
parser . print_help ( )
raise SystemExit
for key in DEFAULTS :
if getattr ( options , key , None ) is None :
setattr ( options , key , DEFAULTS [ key ] )
def load_data ( ) :
if os . path . isfile ( DATA_JSON_FILE ) :
with codecs . open ( DATA_JSON_FILE , " rb " , encoding = " utf8 " ) as f :
DATA_JSON . update ( json . load ( f ) )
for waf in DATA_JSON [ " wafs " ] :
if DATA_JSON [ " wafs " ] [ waf ] [ " regex " ] :
WAF_RECOGNITION_REGEX + = " %s | " % ( " (?P<waf_ %s > %s ) " % ( waf , DATA_JSON [ " wafs " ] [ waf ] [ " regex " ] ) )
for signature in DATA_JSON [ " wafs " ] [ waf ] [ " signatures " ] :
SIGNATURES [ signature ] = waf
flags = " " . join ( set ( _ for _ in " " . join ( re . findall ( r " \ ( \ ?( \ w+) \ ) " , WAF_RECOGNITION_REGEX ) ) ) )
WAF_RECOGNITION_REGEX = " (? %s ) %s " % ( flags , re . sub ( r " \ ( \ ? \ w+ \ ) " , " " , WAF_RECOGNITION_REGEX ) ) # patch for "DeprecationWarning: Flags not at the start of the expression" in Python3.7
else :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] file ' %s ' is missing " % DATA_JSON_FILE ) )
def init ( ) :
os . chdir ( os . path . abspath ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) ) )
print ( colorize ( " [o] initializing handlers... " ) )
# Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28052583
if hasattr ( ssl , " _create_unverified_context " ) :
ssl . _create_default_https_context = ssl . _create_unverified_context
if options . proxy_file :
if os . path . isfile ( options . proxy_file ) :
print ( colorize ( " [o] loading proxy list... " ) )
with codecs . open ( options . proxy_file , " rb " , encoding = " utf8 " ) as f :
proxies . extend ( re . sub ( r " \ s.* " , " " , _ . strip ( ) ) for _ in f . read ( ) . strip ( ) . split ( ' \n ' ) if _ . startswith ( " http " ) )
random . shuffle ( proxies )
else :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] file ' %s ' does not exist " % options . proxy_file ) )
cookie_jar = CookieJar ( )
opener = build_opener ( HTTPCookieProcessor ( cookie_jar ) )
install_opener ( opener )
if options . proxy :
opener = build_opener ( ProxyHandler ( { " http " : options . proxy , " https " : options . proxy } ) )
install_opener ( opener )
if options . random_agent :
revision = random . randint ( 20 , 64 )
platform = random . sample ( ( " X11; %s %s " % ( random . sample ( ( " Linux " , " Ubuntu; Linux " , " U; Linux " , " U; OpenBSD " , " U; FreeBSD " ) , 1 ) [ 0 ] , random . sample ( ( " amd64 " , " i586 " , " i686 " , " amd64 " ) , 1 ) [ 0 ] ) , " Windows NT %s %s " % ( random . sample ( ( " 5.0 " , " 5.1 " , " 5.2 " , " 6.0 " , " 6.1 " , " 6.2 " , " 6.3 " , " 10.0 " ) , 1 ) [ 0 ] , random . sample ( ( " " , " ; Win64 " , " ; WOW64 " ) , 1 ) [ 0 ] ) , " Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10. %s " % random . randint ( 1 , 11 ) ) , 1 ) [ 0 ]
user_agent = " Mozilla/5.0 ( %s ; rv: %d .0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/ %d .0 " % ( platform , revision , revision )
HEADERS [ " User-Agent " ] = user_agent
def format_name ( waf ) :
return " %s %s " % ( DATA_JSON [ " wafs " ] [ waf ] [ " name " ] , ( " ( %s ) " % DATA_JSON [ " wafs " ] [ waf ] [ " company " ] ) if DATA_JSON [ " wafs " ] [ waf ] [ " name " ] != DATA_JSON [ " wafs " ] [ waf ] [ " company " ] else " " )
2019-05-24 14:54:10 +03:00
def non_blind_check ( raw , silent = False ) :
2019-05-24 14:09:28 +03:00
retval = False
match = re . search ( WAF_RECOGNITION_REGEX , raw or " " )
if match :
retval = True
for _ in match . groupdict ( ) :
if match . group ( _ ) :
waf = re . sub ( r " \ Awaf_ " , " " , _ )
non_blind . add ( waf )
2019-05-24 14:54:10 +03:00
if not silent :
single_print ( colorize ( " [+] non-blind match: ' %s ' %s " % ( format_name ( waf ) , 20 * ' ' ) ) )
2019-05-24 14:09:28 +03:00
return retval
def run ( ) :
global original
hostname = options . url . split ( " // " ) [ - 1 ] . split ( ' / ' ) [ 0 ] . split ( ' : ' ) [ 0 ]
if not hostname . replace ( ' . ' , " " ) . isdigit ( ) :
print ( colorize ( " [i] checking hostname ' %s ' ... " % hostname ) )
try :
socket . getaddrinfo ( hostname , None )
except socket . gaierror :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] host ' %s ' does not exist " % hostname ) )
results = " "
signature = b " "
counter = 0
original = retrieve ( options . url )
if 300 < = ( original [ HTTPCODE ] or 0 ) < 400 and original [ URL ] :
original = retrieve ( original [ URL ] )
options . url = original [ URL ]
if original [ HTTPCODE ] is None :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] missing valid response " ) )
if not any ( ( options . string , options . code ) ) and original [ HTTPCODE ] > = 400 :
non_blind_check ( original [ RAW ] )
if options . debug :
print ( " \r --- %s " % ( 40 * ' ' ) )
print ( original [ HTTPCODE ] , original [ RAW ] )
print ( " --- " )
exit ( colorize ( " [x] access to host ' %s ' seems to be restricted %s " % ( hostname , ( " ( %d : ' <title> %s </title> ' ) " % ( original [ HTTPCODE ] , original [ TITLE ] . strip ( ) ) ) if original [ TITLE ] else " " ) ) )
challenge = None
if all ( _ in original [ HTML ] . lower ( ) for _ in ( " eval " , " <script " ) ) :
match = re . search ( r " (?is)<body[^>]*>(.*)</body> " , re . sub ( r " (?is)<script.+?</script> " , " " , original [ HTML ] ) )
if re . search ( r " (?i)<(body|div) " , original [ HTML ] ) is None or ( match and len ( match . group ( 1 ) ) == 0 ) :
challenge = re . search ( r " (?is)<script.+</script> " , original [ HTML ] ) . group ( 0 ) . replace ( " \n " , " \\ n " )
print ( colorize ( " [x] anti-robot JS challenge detected ( ' %s %s ' ) " % ( challenge [ : MAX_JS_CHALLENGE_SNAPLEN ] , " ... " if len ( challenge ) > MAX_JS_CHALLENGE_SNAPLEN else " " ) ) )
protection_regex = GENERIC_PROTECTION_REGEX % ' | ' . join ( keyword for keyword in protection_keywords if keyword not in original [ HTML ] . lower ( ) )
print ( colorize ( " [i] running basic heuristic test... " ) )
if not check_payload ( HEURISTIC_PAYLOAD ) :
check = False
if options . url . startswith ( " https:// " ) :
options . url = options . url . replace ( " https:// " , " http:// " )
check = check_payload ( HEURISTIC_PAYLOAD )
if not check :
if non_blind_check ( intrusive [ RAW ] ) :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] unable to continue due to static responses %s " % ( " (captcha) " if re . search ( r " (?i)captcha " , intrusive [ RAW ] ) is not None else " " ) ) )
elif challenge is None :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] host ' %s ' does not seem to be protected " % hostname ) )
else :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] response not changing without JS challenge solved " ) )
if options . fast and not non_blind :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] fast exit because of missing non-blind match " ) )
if not intrusive [ HTTPCODE ] :
print ( colorize ( " [i] rejected summary: RST|DROP " ) )
else :
_ = " ... " . join ( match . group ( 0 ) for match in re . finditer ( GENERIC_ERROR_MESSAGE_REGEX , intrusive [ HTML ] ) ) . strip ( ) . replace ( " " , " " )
print ( colorize ( ( " [i] rejected summary: %d ( ' %s %s ' ) " % ( intrusive [ HTTPCODE ] , ( " <title> %s </title> " % intrusive [ TITLE ] ) if intrusive [ TITLE ] else " " , " " if not _ or intrusive [ HTTPCODE ] < 400 else ( " ... %s " % _ ) ) ) . replace ( " ( ' ' ) " , " " ) ) )
found = non_blind_check ( intrusive [ RAW ] if intrusive [ HTTPCODE ] is not None else original [ RAW ] )
if not found :
print ( colorize ( " [-] non-blind match: - " ) )
for item in DATA_JSON [ " payloads " ] :
info , payload = item . split ( " :: " , 1 )
counter + = 1
if IS_TTY :
sys . stdout . write ( colorize ( " \r [i] running payload tests... ( %d / %d ) \r " % ( counter , len ( DATA_JSON [ " payloads " ] ) ) ) )
sys . stdout . flush ( )
if counter % VERIFY_OK_INTERVAL == 0 :
for i in xrange ( VERIFY_RETRY_TIMES ) :
if not check_payload ( str ( random . randint ( 1 , 9 ) ) , protection_regex ) :
elif i == VERIFY_RETRY_TIMES - 1 :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] host ' %s ' seems to be misconfigured or rejecting benign requests %s " % ( hostname , ( " ( %d : ' <title> %s </title> ' ) " % ( intrusive [ HTTPCODE ] , intrusive [ TITLE ] . strip ( ) ) ) if intrusive [ TITLE ] else " " ) ) )
else :
time . sleep ( 5 )
last = check_payload ( payload , protection_regex )
non_blind_check ( intrusive [ RAW ] )
signature + = struct . pack ( " >H " , ( ( calc_hash ( payload , binary = False ) << 1 ) | last ) & 0xffff )
results + = ' x ' if last else ' . '
if last and info not in blocked :
blocked . append ( info )
_ = calc_hash ( signature )
signature = " %s : %s " % ( _ . encode ( " hex " ) if not hasattr ( _ , " hex " ) else _ . hex ( ) , base64 . b64encode ( signature ) . decode ( " ascii " ) )
print ( colorize ( " %s [=] results: ' %s ' " % ( " \n " if IS_TTY else " " , results ) ) )
hardness = 100 * results . count ( ' x ' ) / len ( results )
print ( colorize ( " [=] hardness: %s ( %d %% ) " % ( " insane " if hardness > = 80 else ( " hard " if hardness > = 50 else ( " moderate " if hardness > = 30 else " easy " ) ) , hardness ) ) )
if blocked :
print ( colorize ( " [=] blocked categories: %s " % " , " . join ( blocked ) ) )
if not results . strip ( ' . ' ) or not results . strip ( ' x ' ) :
print ( colorize ( " [-] blind match: - " ) )
if re . search ( r " (?i)captcha " , original [ HTML ] ) is not None :
exit ( colorize ( " [x] there seems to be an activated captcha " ) )
else :
print ( colorize ( " [=] signature: ' %s ' " % signature ) )
if signature in SIGNATURES :
waf = SIGNATURES [ signature ]
print ( colorize ( " [+] blind match: ' %s ' (100 %% ) " % format_name ( waf ) ) )
elif results . count ( ' x ' ) < MIN_MATCH_PARTIAL :
print ( colorize ( " [-] blind match: - " ) )
else :
matches = { }
markers = set ( )
decoded = base64 . b64decode ( signature . split ( ' : ' ) [ - 1 ] )
for i in xrange ( 0 , len ( decoded ) , 2 ) :
part = struct . unpack ( " >H " , decoded [ i : i + 2 ] ) [ 0 ]
markers . add ( part )
for candidate in SIGNATURES :
counter_y , counter_n = 0 , 0
decoded = base64 . b64decode ( candidate . split ( ' : ' ) [ - 1 ] )
for i in xrange ( 0 , len ( decoded ) , 2 ) :
part = struct . unpack ( " >H " , decoded [ i : i + 2 ] ) [ 0 ]
if part in markers :
counter_y + = 1
elif any ( _ in markers for _ in ( part & ~ 1 , part | 1 ) ) :
counter_n + = 1
result = int ( round ( 100 * counter_y / ( counter_y + counter_n ) ) )
if SIGNATURES [ candidate ] in matches :
if result > matches [ SIGNATURES [ candidate ] ] :
matches [ SIGNATURES [ candidate ] ] = result
else :
matches [ SIGNATURES [ candidate ] ] = result
if chained :
for _ in list ( matches . keys ( ) ) :
if matches [ _ ] < 90 :
del matches [ _ ]
if not matches :
print ( colorize ( " [-] blind match: - " ) )
print ( colorize ( " [!] probably chained web protection systems " ) )
else :
matches = [ ( _ [ 1 ] , _ [ 0 ] ) for _ in matches . items ( ) ]
matches . sort ( reverse = True )
print ( colorize ( " [+] blind match: %s " % " , " . join ( " ' %s ' ( %d %% ) " % ( format_name ( matches [ i ] [ 1 ] ) , matches [ i ] [ 0 ] ) for i in xrange ( min ( len ( matches ) , MAX_MATCHES ) if matches [ 0 ] [ 0 ] != 100 else 1 ) ) ) )
print ( )
def main ( ) :
if " --version " not in sys . argv :
print ( BANNER )
parse_args ( )
init ( )
run ( )
load_data ( )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
try :
main ( )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
exit ( colorize ( " \r [x] Ctrl-C pressed " ) )