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2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2008-10-15 19:56:32 +04:00
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
This file is part of the sqlmap project, http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net.
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Bernardo Damele A. G. <bernardo.damele@gmail.com>
and Daniele Bellucci <daniele.bellucci@gmail.com>
sqlmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
sqlmap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with sqlmap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import os
import random
import re
import string
import sys
import time
import urlparse
from lib.core.convert import urldecode
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.data import temp
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapFilePathException
from lib.core.data import paths
from lib.core.settings import VERSION_STRING
def paramToDict(place, parameters=None):
Split the parameters into names and values, check if these parameters
are within the testable parameters and return in a dictionary.
@param place: where sqlmap has to work, can be GET, POST or Cookie.
@type place: C{str}
@param parameters: parameters string in the format for instance
'p1=v1&p2=v2' (GET and POST) or 'p1=v1;p2=v2' (Cookie).
@type parameters: C{str}
@return: the parameters in a dictionary.
@rtype: C{str}
testableParameters = {}
if conf.parameters.has_key(place) and not parameters:
parameters = conf.parameters[place]
parameters = parameters.replace(", ", ",")
if place == "Cookie":
splitParams = parameters.split(";")
splitParams = parameters.split("&")
for element in splitParams:
elem = element.split("=")
if len(elem) == 2:
parameter = elem[0]
condition = not conf.testParameter
condition |= parameter in conf.testParameter
if condition:
value = elem[1]
if value:
testableParameters[parameter] = value
if conf.testParameter and not testableParameters:
paramStr = ", ".join(test for test in conf.testParameter)
if len(conf.testParameter) > 1:
warnMsg = "the testable parameters '%s' " % paramStr
warnMsg += "you provided are not into the %s" % place
parameter = conf.testParameter[0]
warnMsg = "the testable parameter '%s' " % paramStr
warnMsg += "you provided is not into the %s" % place
if conf.googleDork:
warnMsg += ", skipping to next url"
elif len(conf.testParameter) != len(testableParameters.keys()):
for parameter in conf.testParameter:
if not testableParameters.has_key(parameter):
warnMsg = "the testable parameter '%s' " % parameter
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
warnMsg += "you provided is not into the %s" % place
return testableParameters
def formatDBMSfp(versions=None):
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
This function format the back-end DBMS fingerprint value and return its
values formatted as a human readable string.
@return: detected back-end DBMS based upon fingerprint techniques.
@rtype: C{str}
if not versions:
versions = kb.dbmsVersion
if isinstance(versions, str):
return "%s %s" % (kb.dbms, versions)
elif isinstance(versions, (list, set, tuple)):
return "%s %s" % (kb.dbms, " and ".join([version for version in versions]))
def __formatFingerprintString(values, chain="or"):
string = "|".join([v for v in values])
return string.replace("|", " %s " % chain)
def formatFingerprint(target, info):
This function format the back-end operating system fingerprint value
and return its values formatted as a human readable string.
Examples of info dictionary:
"distrib": set(["2000"]),
"dbmsVersion": "8.00.194",
"dbmsRelease": "2000",
"dbmsServicePack": "0",
"type": set(["Windows"])
"distrib": set(["Ubuntu"]),
"release": set(["8.10"]),
"codename": set(["Intrepid"]),
"version": "5.0.67",
"type": set(["Linux"])
@return: detected back-end operating system based upon fingerprint
@rtype: C{str}
infoStr = ""
if not info or "type" not in info:
return infoStr
infoStr += "%s operating system: %s" % (target, __formatFingerprintString(info["type"]))
if "distrib" in info:
infoStr += " %s" % __formatFingerprintString(info["distrib"])
if "release" in info:
infoStr += " %s" % __formatFingerprintString(info["release"])
if "sp" in info:
infoStr += " %s" % __formatFingerprintString(info["sp"])
if "codename" in info:
infoStr += " (%s)" % __formatFingerprintString(info["codename"])
if "technology" in info:
infoStr += "\nweb application technology: %s" % __formatFingerprintString(info["technology"], "and")
return infoStr
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
def getHtmlErrorFp():
This function parses the knowledge base htmlFp list and return its
values formatted as a human readable string.
@return: list of possible back-end DBMS based upon error messages
@rtype: C{str}
htmlParsed = ""
if not kb.htmlFp:
return None
if len(kb.htmlFp) == 1:
htmlVer = kb.htmlFp[0]
htmlParsed = htmlVer
elif len(kb.htmlFp) > 1:
htmlParsed = " or ".join([htmlFp for htmlFp in kb.htmlFp])
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
return htmlParsed
def getDocRoot():
This method returns the web application document root based on the
detected absolute files paths in the knowledge base.
docRoot = None
if kb.absFilePaths:
logMsg = "retrieved the possible injectable "
logMsg += "file absolute system paths: "
logMsg += "'%s'" % ", ".join(path for path in kb.absFilePaths)
warnMsg = "unable to retrieve the injectable file "
warnMsg += "absolute system path"
for absFilePath in kb.absFilePaths:
if conf.path in absFilePath:
index = absFilePath.index(conf.path)
docRoot = absFilePath[:index]
if docRoot:
logMsg = "retrieved the remote web server "
logMsg += "document root: '%s'" % docRoot
warnMsg = "unable to retrieve the remote web server "
warnMsg += "document root"
return docRoot
def getDirectories():
This method calls a function that returns the web application document
root and injectable file absolute system path.
@return: a set of paths (document root and absolute system path).
@rtype: C{set}
@todo: replace this function with a site crawling functionality.
directories = set()
kb.docRoot = getDocRoot()
if kb.docRoot:
pagePath = re.search("^/(.*)/", conf.path)
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
if kb.docRoot and pagePath:
pagePath = pagePath.groups()[0]
directories.add("%s/%s" % (kb.docRoot, pagePath))
return directories
def filePathToString(filePath):
string = filePath.replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_")
string = string.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_")
return string
def dataToStdout(data):
def dataToSessionFile(data):
if not conf.sessionFile:
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
def dataToDumpFile(dumpFile, data):
def strToHex(string):
@param string: string to be converted into its hexadecimal value.
@type string: C{str}
@return: the hexadecimal converted string.
@rtype: C{str}
hexStr = ""
for character in string:
if character == "\n":
character = " "
hexChar = "%2x" % ord(character)
hexChar = hexChar.replace(" ", "0")
hexChar = hexChar.upper()
hexStr += hexChar
return hexStr
def fileToStr(fileName):
@param fileName: file path to read the content and return as a no
NEWLINE string.
@type fileName: C{file.open}
@return: the file content as a string without TAB and NEWLINE.
@rtype: C{str}
filePointer = open(fileName, "r")
fileText = filePointer.read()
fileText = fileText.replace(" ", "")
fileText = fileText.replace("\t", "")
fileText = fileText.replace("\r", "")
fileText = fileText.replace("\n", " ")
return fileText
def fileToHex(fileName):
@param fileName: file path to read the content and return as an
hexadecimal string.
@type fileName: C{file.open}
@return: the file content as an hexadecimal string.
@rtype: C{str}
fileText = fileToStr(fileName)
hexFile = strToHex(fileText)
return hexFile
def readInput(message, default=None):
@param message: message to display on terminal.
@type message: C{str}
@return: a string read from keyboard as input.
@rtype: C{str}
if conf.batch and default:
infoMsg = "%s%s" % (message, str(default))
debugMsg = "used the default behaviour, running in batch mode"
data = default
data = raw_input("[%s] [INPUT] %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), message))
return data
def randomRange(start=0, stop=1000):
@param start: starting number.
@type start: C{int}
@param stop: last number.
@type stop: C{int}
@return: a random number within the range.
@rtype: C{int}
return int(random.randint(start, stop))
def randomInt(length=4):
@param length: length of the random string.
@type length: C{int}
@return: a random string of digits.
@rtype: C{str}
return int("".join([random.choice(string.digits) for _ in xrange(0, length)]))
def randomStr(length=5):
@param length: length of the random string.
@type length: C{int}
@return: a random string of characters.
@rtype: C{str}
return "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for _ in xrange(0, length)])
def sanitizeStr(string):
@param string: string to sanitize: cast to str datatype and replace
newlines with one space and strip carriage returns.
@type string: C{str}
@return: sanitized string
@rtype: C{str}
cleanString = str(string)
cleanString = cleanString.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", "")
return cleanString
def checkFile(filename):
@param filename: filename to check if it exists.
@type filename: C{str}
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise sqlmapFilePathException, "unable to read file '%s'" % filename
def replaceNewlineTabs(string):
replacedString = string.replace("\n", "__NEWLINE__").replace("\t", "__TAB__")
replacedString = replacedString.replace(temp.delimiter, "__DEL__")
return replacedString
def banner():
This function prints sqlmap banner with its version
print """
%s coded by Bernardo Damele A. G. <bernardo.damele@gmail.com>
and Daniele Bellucci <daniele.bellucci@gmail.com>
def parsePasswordHash(password):
blank = " " * 8
if not password or password == " ":
password = "NULL"
if kb.dbms == "Microsoft SQL Server" and password != "NULL":
hexPassword = password
password = "%s\n" % hexPassword
password += "%sheader: %s\n" % (blank, hexPassword[:6])
password += "%ssalt: %s\n" % (blank, hexPassword[6:14])
password += "%smixedcase: %s\n" % (blank, hexPassword[14:54])
if kb.dbmsVersion[0] not in ( "2005", "2008" ):
password += "%suppercase: %s" % (blank, hexPassword[54:])
return password
def cleanQuery(query):
upperQuery = query.replace("select ", "SELECT ")
upperQuery = upperQuery.replace(" from ", " FROM ")
upperQuery = upperQuery.replace(" limit ", " LIMIT ")
upperQuery = upperQuery.replace(" offset ", " OFFSET ")
upperQuery = upperQuery.replace(" order by ", " ORDER BY ")
upperQuery = upperQuery.replace(" group by ", " GROUP BY ")
upperQuery = upperQuery.replace(" union all ", " UNION ALL ")
return upperQuery
def setPaths():
# sqlmap paths
paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH = "%s/shell" % paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH
paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH = "%s/txt" % paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH
paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH = "%s/xml" % paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH
paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH = "%s/banner" % paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH
paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH = "%s/output" % paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH
paths.SQLMAP_DUMP_PATH = paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH + "/%s/dump"
paths.SQLMAP_FILES_PATH = paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH + "/%s/files"
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
# sqlmap files
paths.SQLMAP_HISTORY = "%s/.sqlmap_history" % paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH
paths.SQLMAP_CONFIG = "%s/sqlmap-%s.conf" % (paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, randomStr())
paths.FUZZ_VECTORS = "%s/fuzz_vectors.txt" % paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH
paths.ERRORS_XML = "%s/errors.xml" % paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH
paths.QUERIES_XML = "%s/queries.xml" % paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH
paths.GENERIC_XML = "%s/generic.xml" % paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH
paths.MSSQL_XML = "%s/mssql.xml" % paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH
paths.MYSQL_XML = "%s/mysql.xml" % paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH
paths.ORACLE_XML = "%s/oracle.xml" % paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH
paths.PGSQL_XML = "%s/postgresql.xml" % paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
def weAreFrozen():
Returns whether we are frozen via py2exe.
This will affect how we find out where we are located.
Reference: http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/WhereAmI
return hasattr(sys, "frozen")
def parseTargetUrl():
Parse target url and set some attributes into the configuration
if not conf.url:
if not re.search("^http[s]*://", conf.url):
if ":443/" in conf.url:
conf.url = "https://" + conf.url
conf.url = "http://" + conf.url
__urlSplit = urlparse.urlsplit(conf.url)
__hostnamePort = __urlSplit[1].split(":")
conf.scheme = __urlSplit[0]
conf.path = __urlSplit[2]
conf.hostname = __hostnamePort[0]
if len(__hostnamePort) == 2:
conf.port = int(__hostnamePort[1])
elif conf.scheme == "https":
conf.port = 443
conf.port = 80
if __urlSplit[3]:
conf.parameters["GET"] = urldecode(__urlSplit[3]).replace("%", "%%")
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
conf.url = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, conf.path)
def expandAsteriskForColumns(expression):
# If the user provided an asterisk rather than the column(s)
# name, sqlmap will retrieve the columns itself and reprocess
# the SQL query string (expression)
asterisk = re.search("^SELECT\s+\*\s+FROM\s+([\w\.\_]+)\s*", expression, re.I)
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
if asterisk:
infoMsg = "you did not provide the fields in your query. "
infoMsg += "sqlmap will retrieve the column names itself"
dbTbl = asterisk.group(1)
if dbTbl and "." in dbTbl:
conf.db, conf.tbl = dbTbl.split(".")
conf.tbl = dbTbl
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
columnsDict = conf.dbmsHandler.getColumns(onlyColNames=True)
if columnsDict and conf.db in columnsDict and conf.tbl in columnsDict[conf.db]:
columns = columnsDict[conf.db][conf.tbl].keys()
columnsStr = ", ".join([column for column in columns])
expression = expression.replace("*", columnsStr, 1)
infoMsg = "the query with column names is: "
infoMsg += "%s" % expression
return expression
def getRange(count, dump=False):
count = int(count)
indexRange = None
limitStart = 1
limitStop = count
if dump:
if isinstance(conf.limitStop, int) and conf.limitStop > 0 and conf.limitStop < limitStop:
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
limitStop = conf.limitStop
if isinstance(conf.limitStart, int) and conf.limitStart > 0 and conf.limitStart <= limitStop:
2008-10-15 19:38:22 +04:00
limitStart = conf.limitStart
# TODO: also for Microsoft SQL Server in getColumns method?
if kb.dbms == "Oracle":
indexRange = range(limitStart, limitStop + 1)
indexRange = range(limitStart - 1, limitStop)
return indexRange