diff --git a/lib/core/agent.py b/lib/core/agent.py
index b45dfe242..ec23ceb68 100644
--- a/lib/core/agent.py
+++ b/lib/core/agent.py
@@ -481,15 +481,15 @@ class Agent:
if " ORDER BY " in limitedQuery:
limitedQuery = limitedQuery[:limitedQuery.index(" ORDER BY ")]
- if not limitedQuery.startswith("SELECT TOP "):
+ if not limitedQuery.startswith("SELECT TOP ") and not limitedQuery.startswith("TOP "):
limitedQuery = limitedQuery.replace("SELECT ", (limitStr % 1), 1)
limitedQuery = "%s WHERE %s " % (limitedQuery, field)
limitedQuery += "NOT IN (%s" % (limitStr % num)
limitedQuery += "%s %s)" % (field, fromFrom)
- topNums = re.search("\ASELECT\s+TOP\s+([\d]+)\s+.+?\s+FROM\s+.+?\s+WHERE\s+.+?\s+NOT\s+IN\s+\(SELECT\s+TOP\s+([\d]+)\s+", limitedQuery, re.I).groups()
+ topNums = re.search("TOP\s+([\d]+)\s+.+?\s+FROM\s+.+?\s+WHERE\s+.+?\s+NOT\s+IN\s+\(SELECT\s+TOP\s+([\d]+)\s+", limitedQuery, re.I).groups()
quantityTopNums = topNums[0]
- limitedQuery = limitedQuery.replace("SELECT TOP %s" % quantityTopNums, "SELECT TOP 1", 1)
+ limitedQuery = limitedQuery.replace("TOP %s" % quantityTopNums, "TOP 1", 1)
startTopNums = topNums[1]
limitedQuery = limitedQuery.replace(" (SELECT TOP %s" % startTopNums, " (SELECT TOP %d" % num)
diff --git a/lib/techniques/inband/union/use.py b/lib/techniques/inband/union/use.py
index 114ed3cdc..cdfaaca46 100644
--- a/lib/techniques/inband/union/use.py
+++ b/lib/techniques/inband/union/use.py
@@ -216,6 +216,9 @@ def unionUse(expression, direct=False, unescape=True, resetCounter=False):
untilLimitChar = expression.index(queries[kb.dbms].limitstring)
expression = expression[:untilLimitChar]
+ elif kb.dbms == "Microsoft SQL Server":
+ stopLimit += startLimit
if not stopLimit or stopLimit <= 1:
if kb.dbms == "Oracle" and expression.endswith("FROM DUAL"):
test = False
diff --git a/xml/queries.xml b/xml/queries.xml
index 2bf7fd288..0b746e8e7 100644
--- a/xml/queries.xml
+++ b/xml/queries.xml
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@