mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 11:45:46 +03:00
@ -108,15 +108,7 @@ class Agent:
newValue = self.cleanupPayload(newValue, origValue)
if place == PLACE.SOAP:
root = ET.XML(paramString)
iterator = root.getiterator(parameter)
for child in iterator:
child.text = self.addPayloadDelimiters(newValue)
retVal = ET.tostring(root)
retVal = paramString.replace("%s%s" % (origValue, CUSTOM_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR), self.addPayloadDelimiters(newValue)).replace(CUSTOM_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR, "")
retVal = paramString.replace(origValue, self.addPayloadDelimiters(newValue))
@ -506,56 +506,37 @@ def paramToDict(place, parameters=None):
if place in conf.parameters and not parameters:
parameters = conf.parameters[place]
if place != PLACE.SOAP:
parameters = parameters.replace(", ", ",")
parameters = re.sub(r"&(\w{1,4});", r"%s\g<1>%s" % (PARAMETER_AMP_MARKER, PARAMETER_SEMICOLON_MARKER), parameters)
splitParams = parameters.split(conf.pDel or (DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER if place == PLACE.COOKIE else DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER))
parameters = parameters.replace(", ", ",")
parameters = re.sub(r"&(\w{1,4});", r"%s\g<1>%s" % (PARAMETER_AMP_MARKER, PARAMETER_SEMICOLON_MARKER), parameters)
splitParams = parameters.split(conf.pDel or (DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER if place == PLACE.COOKIE else DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER))
for element in splitParams:
element = re.sub(r"%s(.+?)%s" % (PARAMETER_AMP_MARKER, PARAMETER_SEMICOLON_MARKER), r"&\g<1>;", element)
elem = element.split("=")
for element in splitParams:
element = re.sub(r"%s(.+?)%s" % (PARAMETER_AMP_MARKER, PARAMETER_SEMICOLON_MARKER), r"&\g<1>;", element)
elem = element.split("=")
if len(elem) >= 2:
parameter = elem[0].replace(" ", "")
condition = not conf.testParameter
condition |= parameter in conf.testParameter
if condition:
testableParameters[parameter] = "=".join(elem[1:])
if not conf.multipleTargets:
if testableParameters[parameter].strip(DUMMY_SQL_INJECTION_CHARS) != testableParameters[parameter]\
or re.search(r'\A9{3,}', testableParameters[parameter]) or re.search(DUMMY_USER_INJECTION, testableParameters[parameter]):
warnMsg = "it appears that you have provided tainted parameter values "
warnMsg += "('%s') with most probably leftover " % element
warnMsg += "chars from manual SQL injection "
warnMsg += "tests (%s) or non-valid numerical value. " % DUMMY_SQL_INJECTION_CHARS
warnMsg += "Please, always use only valid parameter values "
warnMsg += "so sqlmap could be able to properly run "
message = "Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] "
test = readInput(message, default="N")
if test[0] not in ("y", "Y"):
raise sqlmapSilentQuitException
root = ET.XML(parameters)
iterator = root.getiterator()
for child in iterator:
parameter = child.tag
if "}" in parameter:
testParam = parameter.split("}")[1]
testParam = parameter
if len(elem) >= 2:
parameter = elem[0].replace(" ", "")
condition = not conf.testParameter
condition |= testParam in conf.testParameter
condition |= parameter in conf.testParameter
if condition:
testableParameters[parameter] = child.text
testableParameters[parameter] = "=".join(elem[1:])
if not conf.multipleTargets:
if testableParameters[parameter].strip(DUMMY_SQL_INJECTION_CHARS) != testableParameters[parameter]\
or re.search(r'\A9{3,}', testableParameters[parameter]) or re.search(DUMMY_USER_INJECTION, testableParameters[parameter]):
warnMsg = "it appears that you have provided tainted parameter values "
warnMsg += "('%s') with most probably leftover " % element
warnMsg += "chars from manual SQL injection "
warnMsg += "tests (%s) or non-valid numerical value. " % DUMMY_SQL_INJECTION_CHARS
warnMsg += "Please, always use only valid parameter values "
warnMsg += "so sqlmap could be able to properly run "
message = "Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] "
test = readInput(message, default="N")
if test[0] not in ("y", "Y"):
raise sqlmapSilentQuitException
if conf.testParameter and not testableParameters:
paramStr = ", ".join(test for test in conf.testParameter)
@ -1992,7 +1973,7 @@ def urldecode(value, encoding=None):
return result
def urlencode(value, safe="%&=", convall=False, limit=False):
if conf.direct or PLACE.SOAP in conf.paramDict:
if conf.direct:
return value
count = 0
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
from lib.core.enums import DBMS
from lib.core.enums import POST_HINT
from lib.core.settings import BLANK
from lib.core.settings import NULL
from lib.core.settings import MSSQL_ALIASES
@ -193,3 +194,8 @@ SQL_STATEMENTS = {
"commit ",
"rollback ", ),
POST_HINT.JSON: "application/json",
POST_HINT.SOAP: "application/soap+xml"
@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ class OS:
class PLACE:
COOKIE = "Cookie"
USER_AGENT = "User-Agent"
@ -66,6 +65,10 @@ class PLACE:
HOST = "Host"
CUSTOM_POST = "(custom) POST"
class POST_HINT:
@ -1508,6 +1508,7 @@ def __setKnowledgeBaseAttributes(flushAll=True):
kb.pageCompress = True
kb.pageTemplate = None
kb.pageTemplates = dict()
kb.postHint = None
kb.previousMethod = None
kb.processUserMarks = None
kb.orderByColumns = None
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ META_REFRESH_REGEX = r'<meta http-equiv="?refresh"?[^>]+content="?[^">]+url=(?P<
EMPTY_FORM_FIELDS_REGEX = r'(?P<result>[^=]+=(&|\Z))'
# Regular expression for soap message recognition
SOAP_REGEX = r"\A(<\?xml[^>]+>)?\s*<soap.+</soap"
SOAP_RECOGNITION_REGEX = r"\A(<\?xml[^>]+>)?\s*<([^> ]+)( [^>]+)?>.+</\2"
# Reference: http://www.cs.ru.nl/bachelorscripties/2010/Martin_Devillers___0437999___Analyzing_password_strength.pdf
COMMON_PASSWORD_SUFFIXES = ("1", "123", "2", "12", "3", "13", "7", "11", "5", "22", "23", "01", "4", "07", "21", "14", "10", "06", "08", "8", "15", "69", "16", "6", "18")
@ -471,4 +471,7 @@ VIEWSTATE_REGEX = r'(?P<name>__VIEWSTATE[^"]*)[^>]+value="(?P<name>[^"]+)'
# Regular expressing used for detecting JSON-like POST data
JSON_RECOGNITION_REGEX = r'(?s)\A\s*.*"[^"]+"\s*:\s*"[^"]+".+\}\s*\Z'
JSON_RECOGNITION_REGEX = r'\A\s*\{.*"[^"]+"\s*:\s*("[^"]+"|\d+).*\}\s*\Z'
# Default POST data content-type
DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ from lib.core.enums import HASHDB_KEYS
from lib.core.enums import HTTPHEADER
from lib.core.enums import HTTPMETHOD
from lib.core.enums import PLACE
from lib.core.enums import POST_HINT
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapFilePathException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapGenericException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapSyntaxException
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ from lib.core.settings import HOST_ALIASES
from lib.core.settings import JSON_RECOGNITION_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import REFERER_ALIASES
from lib.core.settings import RESULTS_FILE_FORMAT
from lib.core.settings import SOAP_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import SOAP_RECOGNITION_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import SUPPORTED_DBMS
from lib.core.settings import UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE
from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING
@ -78,12 +79,35 @@ def __setRequestParams():
errMsg = "HTTP POST method depends on HTTP data value to be posted"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.data:
if re.search(JSON_RECOGNITION_REGEX, conf.data or ""):
message = "JSON like data found in POST data. "
message += "Do you want to process it? [Y/n/q] "
test = readInput(message, default="Y")
if test and test[0] in ("q", "Q"):
raise sqlmapUserQuitException
elif test[0] not in ("n", "N"):
conf.data = re.sub(r'("[^"]+"\s*:\s*"[^"]+)"', r'\g<1>*"', conf.data)
conf.data = re.sub(r'("[^"]+"\s*:\s*)(\d+)', r'\g<1>"\g<2>*"', conf.data)
kb.processUserMarks = True
kb.postHint = POST_HINT.JSON
elif re.search(SOAP_RECOGNITION_REGEX, conf.data or ""):
message = "SOAP like data found in POST data. "
message += "Do you want to process it? [Y/n/q] "
test = readInput(message, default="Y")
if test and test[0] in ("q", "Q"):
raise sqlmapUserQuitException
elif test[0] not in ("n", "N"):
conf.data = re.sub(r"(<([^>]+)( [^<]*)?>)([^<]+)(</\2)", r"\g<1>\g<4>*\g<5>", conf.data)
kb.processUserMarks = True
kb.postHint = POST_HINT.SOAP
elif conf.data:
if hasattr(conf.data, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE):
original = getattr(conf.data, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE)
setattr(conf.data, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE, original)
place = PLACE.SOAP if re.match(SOAP_REGEX, conf.data, re.I | re.M) else PLACE.POST
place = PLACE.POST
conf.parameters[place] = conf.data
paramDict = paramToDict(place, conf.data)
@ -111,17 +135,6 @@ def __setRequestParams():
elif test[0] in ("q", "Q"):
raise sqlmapUserQuitException
if re.search(JSON_RECOGNITION_REGEX, conf.data or ""):
message = "JSON like data found in POST data. "
message += "Do you want to process it? [Y/n/q] "
test = readInput(message, default="Y")
if test and test[0] in ("q", "Q"):
raise sqlmapUserQuitException
elif test[0] not in ("n", "N"):
conf.data = re.sub(r'("[^"]+"\s*:\s*"[^"]+)"', r'\g<1>*"', conf.data or "")
kb.processUserMarks = True
for place, value in ((PLACE.URI, conf.url), (PLACE.CUSTOM_POST, conf.data)):
if CUSTOM_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR in (value or ""):
if kb.processUserMarks is None:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
import httplib
import json
import re
import socket
import string
@ -38,17 +39,20 @@ from lib.core.common import urlencode
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.dicts import POST_HINT_CONTENT_TYPES
from lib.core.enums import CUSTOM_LOGGING
from lib.core.enums import HTTPHEADER
from lib.core.enums import HTTPMETHOD
from lib.core.enums import NULLCONNECTION
from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD
from lib.core.enums import PLACE
from lib.core.enums import POST_HINT
from lib.core.enums import REDIRECTION
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapCompressionException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapConnectionException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapSyntaxException
from lib.core.settings import CUSTOM_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR
from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE
from lib.core.settings import HTTP_ACCEPT_HEADER_VALUE
from lib.core.settings import HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING_HEADER_VALUE
from lib.core.settings import HTTP_SILENT_TIMEOUT
@ -260,7 +264,7 @@ class Connect:
requestMsg += "?%s" % get
if conf.method == HTTPMETHOD.POST and not post:
for place in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.SOAP):
for place in (PLACE.POST,):
if place in conf.parameters:
post = conf.parameters[place]
@ -284,6 +288,9 @@ class Connect:
headers[HTTPHEADER.ACCEPT_ENCODING] = HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING_HEADER_VALUE if method != HTTPMETHOD.HEAD and kb.pageCompress else "identity"
headers[HTTPHEADER.HOST] = host or getHostHeader(url)
if post:
if auxHeaders:
for key, item in auxHeaders.items():
headers[key] = item
@ -308,9 +315,6 @@ class Connect:
requestHeaders += "\n%s" % ("Cookie: %s" % ";".join("%s=%s" % (getUnicode(cookie.name), getUnicode(cookie.value)) for cookie in cookies))
if post:
if not getRequestHeader(req, HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_TYPE):
requestHeaders += "\n%s: %s" % (string.capwords(HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_TYPE), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
if not getRequestHeader(req, HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH):
requestHeaders += "\n%s: %d" % (string.capwords(HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH), len(post))
@ -578,10 +582,13 @@ class Connect:
logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.PAYLOAD, safecharencode(payload))
if place == PLACE.SOAP:
# payloads in SOAP should have chars > and < replaced
# with their HTML encoded counterparts
payload = payload.replace('>', ">").replace('<', "<")
if place == PLACE.CUSTOM_POST:
if kb.postHint == POST_HINT.SOAP:
# payloads in SOAP should have chars > and < replaced
# with their HTML encoded counterparts
payload = payload.replace('>', ">").replace('<', "<")
elif kb.postHint == POST_HINT.JSON:
payload = json.dumps(payload)[1:-1]
value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)
@ -608,9 +615,6 @@ class Connect:
if PLACE.CUSTOM_POST in conf.parameters:
post = conf.parameters[PLACE.CUSTOM_POST].replace(CUSTOM_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR, "") if place != PLACE.CUSTOM_POST or not value else value
if PLACE.SOAP in conf.parameters:
post = conf.parameters[PLACE.SOAP] if place != PLACE.SOAP or not value else value
if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters:
cookie = conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE] if place != PLACE.COOKIE or not value else value
@ -686,9 +690,9 @@ class Connect:
msg += "in this kind of situations? [Y/n]"
skipUrlEncode = conf.skipUrlEncode = readInput(msg, default="Y").upper() != "N"
if place not in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.CUSTOM_POST) and hasattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE):
post = getattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE)
elif not skipUrlEncode and place not in (PLACE.SOAP,):
elif not skipUrlEncode and kb.postHint not in (POST_HINT.JSON, POST_HINT.SOAP):
post = urlencode(post)
if timeBasedCompare:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user