From 5034868b36a22d49177b056d2c422ccba4a8cb89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Miroslav Stampar Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 23:31:23 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] cleaning up of common tables and new common columns --- txt/common-columns.txt | 2210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------ txt/common-tables.txt | 93 +- 2 files changed, 1924 insertions(+), 379 deletions(-) diff --git a/txt/common-columns.txt b/txt/common-columns.txt index 6a89db283..7c31f3544 100644 --- a/txt/common-columns.txt +++ b/txt/common-columns.txt @@ -3,343 +3,1909 @@ id name -username -ID user_id -owner -table_name -type -type_id -Name -term_id -column_name -tablespace_name -address -object_id -user_name -version -description -person_id -parent -uid -userid -item_id -category_id -cid -dbid -password -customer_id -pid -pixSize -customer_name -object_name -ProductID -privilege -aid -GroupID -segment_name -tid -event_id -pno -title -cat_id -granted_role -log_id -imageinfo_id -md5sum -The -branch_name -author_id -userInfo_id -index_name -imageInfo_id -vendor_id +username group_id -attributeCategory_id -sid -cname -EmployeeID -Version -CustomerID -constraint_name -alias -idThumb -fname -email_id -gid -text_id -areaCode -permission_id -nextval -data -menu_id -request_id -city -comment_id +table_name +userid +version +owner +type +uid role_id -USER_ID -message_id -aID -session_id -status_id -account_number -token -pname -idGallery -country_id -database -FieldName -language_id -idKeyword -TRIGGER_NAME -book_id -object_type -zip -USERNAME -card_no -JOB_NAME -instance_name -location_id -uri -OBJECT_NAME -email -key -version_id -payment_id -assets -Host -cmd -second -Deleted -dno -acl_id -auth_id -ConditionValue1 -table_id -ps_suppkey -tax_id -db_name -Control -segment_type -next_extent -categoryid -post_id -set_id -idFacture -SourceTypeOrReferenceId -db_link -LastName -sessionID -base_id -ElseGroup -column_value -itemID -reference -JobID -s_suppkey -COLUMN_NAME -guid -type_name -spid -child -NAME -runalone_flag -default_role -profile_id -cond_2_val_2 -cond_2_val_1 -indirect -cno -statements -segment -tag_id -idType -score_id -idCommande -item -Accounts -customer_forname -TableName -lang_name -lootcondition -customer_phone' -ROLE_ID -c_sec_id -CourseNo -Numbers -ext_id -product -Average -idVol -serviceID -to_run_application_id -emp_id -U_ID -page_nr -member_id -row_id -first -ono -categoryId -Location -region_id -SCR_ID -idList -loc_id +category_id +description +customer_id +object_name +code +item_id +type_id +title +sid +address +nextval +product_id +entry_id +column_name itemid -TO_CHAR -Test -condition_value1 -define -ssn -owner_id -Loan -c_custkey -credit_id -weight_id -address_id -course_id -idPath -program_application_id -queue_control_flag -ordno -ref_value -calendar_id -Classic -user_type_link_id -DNAME -SourceEntry -staff_id -pnumber -dnumber -USA -page_log_exclusion_id -An -publisher_name -TRIGGER_GROUP -ps_partkey +the +event_id +log_id project_id -FacNo +instance_name +parent_id +top +cat_id +groupid +tablespace_name +person_id +city +object_id +cid +orderid productid -Guid -ref_id -what -fk_id -publisher -end_date -company -day_id -news_id -cond_1_val_1 -postedByUserId -CHANNEL_ID -admin_option trigger_name -weight_name -APP_ID -paper job_id -CUR_ID -operationID -value_id -entryId -statement -l_orderkey -StdNo -ALERT_ID -topic_id -FacFirstName -authority_id +pid +comment_id +message_id +customerid +gid +permission_id +category +tag_id +dbid +location_id +user_name +job_name +text +session_id +language_id +order_id +categoryid +state +cname +status +pno +rownum +pname +tablename +location node_id -essn -master_table -idFournisseur -run_num -s_id -targetEntry -cond_3_val_2 -UserID -eID -pdf_page_number -OfferNo +acl_id +term_id +parent +page_id +image_id employee_id -lang_id -species_id -entry -dnum -source -UG_ID -CT_ID -sql_text -snap_id -CategoryID -external_id -running_processes -CustomerName -User -InvoiceID -line -condition_value2 -osvdb_id -CustID -master_db -CF_ID +md5sum +country_id +vendor_id +index +pixsize +email +file_id +post_id +fname +aid +status_id +userinfo_id +s_id +attributecategory_id +token +calendar_name +host +tid +imageinfo_id +class +serviceid +member_id +country +privilege +segment_name +data +subdomain +an +number +bytes +lock_name +object_type +payment_id +cmd +com +obj +password +rid +setting +template_id +docid +firstname +trigger_group +spid +sysdate +jobid +agentid +regionid dname -ssno +topic_id +db_name +created +test +product +property_id +address_id +event +index_name +new +application_id +item +oid +part_id +employeeid +last_name +request_id +idtype +module_id +region +metadata_id +sessionid +dno +branch_name +logid +contact_id +site_id +jid +sal +hash +lastname +snap_id +idkeyword +ses_name +customer +county_id +namespace +qty +owner_id +resource_id +package_id +objectname +col +seq_name +content_id +menu_id +col1 +manager_id +hostid +eid +idthumb +eventid +community_id +domain_id +id1 +transaction_id +collection_id +chart_id +admin +first_name +fieldname +net +series_id +keyword +idgallery +ses_id +rule_id +essn +requestid +job_group +mid +dnumber +c_id +ticket_id +supplier +md5filename +customer_name +table_id +department_id +fileid +email_id +cno +deleted +operationid +groupname +os +fk_id +roomid +catid +statement +msgid +dnum +usa +url_id +other +errors +task_id +countryid +locked +fid +next_extent +dummy +messageid +rc_id +cal_id +div_treatment_uom_id +ar_namespace +role +history_id +format_id +local_spi +game_id +ono +div_aa_annotation_id +entryid +objecttype +ename +alias +note +loc_id +west +granted_role +company +div_treatment_id +news_id +il_from +subid +div_allele_id +private_key +river +movie +fieldid +div_generation_id +div_experiment_id +peer_cfg +sql_text +certificate +line +us +mail_id +div_poly_type_id +zip +process +taskid +img_name +job_listener +commentid +oi_name +trigger_listener +lname +constraint_name +dept_id +div_passport_id +store_id 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+favcategory +account_number +script +pk +cover_type_id +c_sec_id +recname +nick +income +banner +areacode +link_id +english +sequence +shared_secret +cache_id +val +os_id +parameter_id +device_directory +check_id +master +rss_category_id +progress_id +target_name +cal_group_id +widgetid +loginrestrictedtonickname +active +child +logenabled +bitstream_id +statements +loan_id +support +qid +workspace_name +rss_id +cardinality +east +jim +shipvia +probe_id +rss_item_id +trans_id +cal_view_id +cur_id +isabel +sname +course_id +id_image +calendar_id +nspname +ab +ap +cal_report_id +ts +rosterid +startdate +cd_id +doc_id +ipb_id +cal_boss +authority_id +o_id +author_id +person +abbreviation +propertyid +maria +word +link +uk +msg_id +metadata_value_id +sent +table_owner +this +invoicenumber +acl_change_set +returncode +role_name +storeid +publicroom +cm +paul +account_id +terminal +summary_id +productcode +linkid +result_code +cdv_passport_set_id +sess_id +charid +segment_type +daniel +db +da +du +id_attribute +tony +registrationenabled +statement_id +country2 +comments +invoice_id +physical +cananyonediscoverjid +productname +cost +effectid +completeds +nom +ed +es +xa +price +proxieds +min_lvl +cdv_reason_id +inventory_accno_id +maxusers +release_id +ct +los +specialtyid +plugin_id +page_log_exclusion_id +customertypeid +country_code +folder_id +dsid +hsecs +day_id +american +error_id +si_page +lid +cdv_map_feature_id +policy_id +actionid +result_id +id_group +canoccupantschangesubject +pilotjobs +idx +class_id +idlist +product_name +william +depth +gl +tokyo +objectid +idvol +alias_id +metadata_field_id +md5hash +idpath +cal_log_id +id_tab +controller +film_id +patricia +user_info_id +peter +moderated +washington +div_synonym_id +north +persistent +ship_id +entity_id +cover_id +feed_id +sesskey +executions +helen +indexname +acctid +div_accession_collecting_id +trigger +basic +organizationid +valueid +ug_user +agent_specialtyid +run_id +rss_read_id +lst +anyone +channel +orderdate +cdv_marker_id +c_custkey +sea1 +server_id +bug_id +pat +property_value +friend_id +server +audit_id +island +vendorid +territoryid +functionid +file +ps_partkey +cdv_allele_curated_allele_id +usr_id +cdv_passport_group_id +part +personid +source +bid +association_id +namedobject_id_sequenceid_ +catname +membersonly +curr +cal_import_id +desert +book_id +cdv_curation_id +le +south +team_id +supplierid +cal_login +comment +source_node_id +id_product +version_id +cart_id +id_category +paris +piloteds +ma +mm +mr +london +id_carrier +ace_id +free +set_id +canoccupantsinvite +rank +tom +object_owner +rss_subscription_id +workflow_id +num +s_suppkey +act +inv_id +contentid +country1 +maxnumber +text_id +alert_id +relname +msg +term +george +district +level_id +assignment_id +div_taxonomy_id +element_id +color +reportsto +preference_id +cash +grantee +artifact_id +virginia +canchangenickname +user_type_link_id +metadata_schema_id +host_name +what +owner_name +tags +snum +sql_id +relationship_type_id +king +l_orderkey +expid +cust_id +his +cdv_curated_allele_id +ps +pg +begin_interval_time +continent +word_id +borrower_id +languageid +steve +fetch_outer +waiting +tag +serial +administrator +empty_days +imdb +iw_prefix +rita +job +propvalue +joe +loan_number +osuser +extension +cal_setting +bundle_id +collist +identity_id +authorid +data_set_id +profile_option_value +saskatchewan +biosample_id +queue_id +refattachnum +pubid +partition_start +doc_lr_id +partition_tag +node_global_id +manager_staff_id +endingpg +raid_id +british +yuv +loginlang +div_ref_stock_id +uuid +rolname +ecm_snapshot_id +cal_type +ratingid +linkkey +ra +rc +lettermergenum +key_number +shipper +tl_from +euro +danish +sub_receiver +days_since_hire +rd_from +project +boston +no_of_copies +tb_id +tab_id +victoria +investigator_id +asann_ann_id +procnum +lock_id +prod_id +developer_id +fra +mex +dave +employernum +hong +kaleonotificationid +has +setting_id +place_id +gpointnum +targetdb 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+mediaid +david +bergamo +cnum +linda +subscription_id +member_status_code +manchester +postcode +phywrts +jan +cat_titulo +perpage +ohio +facfirstname +periomeasurenum +cc +ca +webrequestform +rhode +photoarticletitle +pmid +c2 +cardtype +vb +vp +idthumbudf +ofa +credential_id +web +programpropertynum +ann_global_id +protocol_id +pa_client +id_lang +renewalsallowed +software +catherine +pool +annette +service_type_flavour_id +distribution +barcelona +brandenburg +project_task_id +cond_1_val_1 +cond_1_val_2 +apptviewnum +trove_treesums_id +aurora +gelementnum +resource_uuid +cal_assistant +street_id +attrkey +defnum +employees +total +sarah +indiana +it +loanedition +grp_id +screengroupnum +seq_id +permissionnum +mag_ident +las +cat_ident +office +meta_title +filter_predicates +siteid +they +reviewer_name +option_group_id +adjnum +reportobjectnum +cal_fullname +kb_comment_id +default_tablespace +db_link +medicationnum +responsibility_name +optimizer +field_id +lewis +employeekey +keywords +dc_encoding_id +wantedby +de +reasonforcancellation +typos_kartas +wo +wp +guid +license_id +programnum +income_grade +execution_id_ +procedure_id +tra +default_role +hash_value +claimnum +vermont +contact +rightdsid +computernum +id_order_state +agentref +chromosome_id +login_member_status_code +lrtp_id +born +insertid +requestor_id +invoiceid +race_id +documentidentifier +mindat +paynum +vendor_category_id +truncate +jobtype +quickpastecatnum +tasklist_id +formid +splitnum +user_profile_option_name +admin_id +ci_id +nebraska +total_waits +perm_user_id +change +kaleotaskassignmentinstanceid +metric_id +slogan +lendingstring +cat +can +cal +illnumber +intcol +autocodecondnum +l_from +apptviewitemnum +col2 +col3 +to_run_application_id +meta_id +reportparameternum +li_origin +shostid +o_orderpriority +nova +location_type_id +message +auto_id +domain_uuid +trove_cat_id +creation_user +l_shipmode +namedobject_id_sequenceid_t +schedulenum +friendid +online +mrs +maine +aptnum 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+billingamount +orderdatekey +attachment_id +id_scene +uses +savepoints +mu_id +linktype +donna +oracle_username +id2 +id_ +idp +idn +employeenumber +france +cal_name +cal_blob_id +condition_value2 +condition_value1 +configid +position_id +kansas +scope_id +structure +typeid +gt +ga +access_no +due_date +applicationdsid +michael +kod_epix +rec_id cond_3 cond_2 cond_1 -branch_id -host -ReturnCode -agentID +asuncion +gitemid +id_user p_partkey -TOP -entry_id -f_id -profile -SERVER_ID +accessrightuserid +public_name +lcc_pageid +ronald badge_number -banner -StdFirstName -GROUP_ID -day -ROWNUM -master_field -Redo -instance -url -ConditionTypeOrReference -JOB_GROUP -ConditionValue3 -ConditionValue2 +object_node +claimpaymentnum +alarmid +meta_keywords +mar +roleid +florida +businessidentifierscheme +ss +dc_id +employeenum +manitoba +mealid +montana +pass1 +pass2 +temporal_coverage_id +chip_layout_id +sessions_highwater +watchlistid +computer +kee +chunk_ind +id_tax +jobdescription +kod_syn +parent_metric_id +p_salecode +u_id +worldcatlcnumber +way_id +northwest +course_no +tp +versionid +id_supplier +employees_redefine +utah +photo_id +fernando +arith_idioti +delaware +wendy +access_control_type_id +cntrycode +mississippi +settingsid +hr +hu +hi +targetentry +gail +hc +ph +ds_id +uniquepairs +diego +c_name +georgia +tablespace +carriernum +attribute_id +pub_id +au_id +proj_id +berlin +v_new_element_id +root +dayofweek +at_id +phaseid +doc_content_id +side +dawn +debit +qname_id +starttime +layout_id +cancellationcode +right_id +accessrightid +garry +account_status +shippingoptions +procbuttonnum +don +processidentifiertype +column_value +seq_set +stepid +nl_nodeid +covcatnum +reference +monitorstatusid +avm_store_id +qcc_type +ldata_cepr_id +transactionnumber +ugrp_id +ip +tx_dam_images +roland +kim +human +cond_2_val_2 +cond_2_val_1 +medicationpatnum +ugrp_user_id +log_type +rxdefnum +snapshot_type +view_name +eperson_group_id +newfoundland +photoitemedition +point_id +amsterdam +pkgexeckey +bern +classid +classic +bor_no +se_ts_id +productkey +managed +kaleoinstancetokenid +commentaries +elizabeth +string +set_origin +err +did +mpvar_hash +settings_id +sysid +addr +template +henry +cfg_id +eperson_id +canadian +carmen +locale_id +franco +ariel +zipcodenum +orgid +oslo +p_brand +referredby +transportprofile +tabschema +last_value +conditiontypeorreference +texas +id_order_return_state +usename +canada +pamela +ban_id +california +keith +structure_id +lr_id +cardnumber +corp_lr_id +cal_layeruser +product_version +kevin +ann_startnode_id +checktypeid +user_uuid +rel_id +prereq_id +black +roll1 +connectorid +trndate +sean +behind +reading +phyrds +maintainer +barry +mark +mary +ordno +statetypeid +pay +runalone_flag +srcid +detailsid +propno +ipaddress +wellington +covpatnum +id_profile +access_predicates +christina +christine +filterid +expense_id +joan +logindb +covspannum +shippingdetail +temp_string2 +variable_name +salzburg +general +field 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+frank +retrieves +maxcost +emp_num +plan_table_output +completed +movieid +sevilla +recallnum +mit +l_returnflag +section_id +request +charles +rush +ky_descripcion +workgroupnode +janet +id_feature_value +salesrepkey +kaleonotificationrecipientid +define +vil_ident +pr_type +datatypeid +executive +grouptype +lake +pauline +sysmapid +div_source_assay_id +workspace_item_id +originalnvtgc +prefname +organization_id +part_code +plannum +feenum +line_id +jack +cal_date +agentno +affiliation_id +qname_ns_id +scname +duedatekey +sub_set +lake_name +julie +maurizio +sourceentry +apac +form_id +connecticut +ms +bytearray_id_ +type_qname_id +datatype +extents +iowa +lr_owner_group_id +alex +user_group_id +nik +diane +proc_inst_id_ +arizona +cd_doc_id +cpu_cost +thedate +config_name +quebec +progenitor_id +ray +alabama +partition +link_rewrite +dupe +minnesota +search_condition +datatree_id +fmmonth +report +ben +seriesid +nur +kaleotaskinstancetokenid +endpointreference +nunavut +fault +partition_stop +businessidentifier +ifmpaid +id_country +kentucky +hiredate +pct_increase +backup_id +propertydef_id +reportid +jean +ffffff +gift +donald +tf_key +srv_id +num_rows +cork +mailserverdsid +mownerid_t +gif +payplannum +nh +nj +nl +descr +ne +ny +nv +options_flag +ron +s_name +listid +courseno +hawaii +customer_forname +colin +pa_server +dublin +response_id +kaleotransitionid +autocodenum +lr_owner_user_id +processidentifier +andy +australian +straight_join +michigan +oemusername +ft_key_id +gerard +sourcegroup +ens_ind +autofinish +oklahoma +county_name +fribourg +root_node_id +turn +c_count +revenue +docattachnum +itemnumber +white +groupdsid +ky_claves +alan +metric_set_id +ang +parse_calls +letternum +problem_id +ugrp_group_id +commlognum +senior +question_id +printernum +task_id_ +closed +spatial_coverage_id +templateid +resultid +ken +data_type_id +bl_from +debit_val +ldata_epr_id +repository_name +pon +program_application_id +queue_control_flag +id_feature +engine +projectid +telephone +time_id +author +last_ddl_time +isle +pennsylvania +permissionid +id_log +autocodeitemnum +rosa +tif +madrid +test_vo_id +exclude_id +dudley +hostgroupid +module_name +o_year +area_id +id_attribute_group +ot +op +cambridge +communication +seqid +gary +categories_id +sales_rep_id +jun +uti_ident +doc +publisher_name +stdfirstname +newset +missouri +program +asann_as_id +registrationdata_id +hire_date +membership_id +insertauditkey +semester +actor_id +photoitemplace +finland +no_id +n_name +admin_option +emailtemplatenum +john +stephen +poi_name +alertid +tc_url +docnum +wisconsin +cookie +source_name +hm_syn +store +reportnum +file_name +electric +partnerrole_epr +en_id +extkey +ownerid +hid +child_node_id +instance_id +activity +target_node_id +target_guid +creating +pr +pt +pu +pa +pe +pl +se_id +james +other_tag +credit_val +temporary_tablespace +tables +vendor +triggerid +conditionvalue1 +conditionvalue3 +conditionvalue2 +child_id +defining_vo_id +anna 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