diff --git a/extra/xmlobject/__init__.py b/extra/xmlobject/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100755
index d79a05bda..000000000
--- a/extra/xmlobject/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2007-2008 David McNab
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see .
diff --git a/extra/xmlobject/xmlobject.py b/extra/xmlobject/xmlobject.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 62d6ae551..000000000
--- a/extra/xmlobject/xmlobject.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2007-2008 David McNab
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see .
-Allows XML files to be operated on like Python objects.
- - load XML source from file pathnames, readable file objects or raw strings
- - add, get and set tag attributes like with python attributes
- - iterate over nodes
- - save the modified XMLFile or XMLObject to file
-Example XML file::
-Example usage::
- >> from xmlobject import XMLFile
- >> x = XMLFile(path="sample.xml")
- >> print x
- >> print x.root
- >> print x.root._children
- [, , ,
- , ]
- >> print x.root.person
- [, ]
- >> print x.root.person[0].name
- John Smith
- >> john = x.root.person[0]
- >> john.height = 184
- >> c = john._addNode("crime")
- >> c.name = "Grand Theft Auto"
- >> c.date = "4 May, 2005"
- >> print x.toxml()
- >>
-import sys, os
-import xml.dom
-import xml.dom.minidom
-from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString, getDOMImplementation
-impl = getDOMImplementation()
-class MissingRootTag(Exception):
- """root tag name was not given"""
-class IncorrectRootTag(Exception):
- """root tag is given but incorrect"""
-class InvalidXML(Exception):
- """failed to parse XML input"""
-class CannotSave(Exception):
- """unable to save"""
-class InvalidNode(Exception):
- """not a valid minidom node"""
-class XMLFile:
- """
- Allows an xml file to be viewed and operated on
- as a python object.
- (If you're viewing the epydoc-generated HTML documentation, click the 'show private'
- link at the top right of this page to see all the methods)
- Holds the root node in the .root attribute, also in an attribute
- with the same name as this root node.
- """
- def __init__(self, **kw):
- """
- Create an XMLFile
- Keywords:
- - path - a pathname from which the file can be read
- - file - an open file object from which the raw xml
- can be read
- - raw - the raw xml itself
- - root - name of root tag, if not reading content
- Usage scenarios:
- 1. Working with existing content - you must supply input in
- one of the following ways:
- - 'path' must be an existing file, or
- - 'file' must be a readable file object, or
- - 'raw' must contain raw xml as a string
- 2. Creating whole new content - you must give the name
- of the root tag in the 'root' keyword
- Notes:
- - Keyword precedence governing existing content is:
- 1. path (if existing file)
- 2. file
- 3. raw
- - If working with existing content:
- - if the 'root' is given, then the content's toplevel tag
- MUST match the value given for 'root'
- - trying to _save will raise an exception unless 'path'
- has been given
- - if not working with existing content:
- - 'root' must be given
- - _save() will raise an exception unless 'path' has been given
- """
- path = kw.get("path", None)
- fobj = kw.get("file", None)
- raw = kw.get("raw", None)
- root = kw.get("root", None)
- textfilter = kw.get("textfilter", None)
- if path:
- self.path = path
- try:
- fobj = file(path)
- except IOError:
- pass
- else:
- self.path = None
- if fobj:
- raw = fobj.read()
- if raw:
- self.dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(raw)
- else:
- # could not source content, so create a blank slate
- if not root:
- # in which case, must give a root node name
- raise MissingRootTag(
- "No existing content, so must specify root")
- # ok, create a blank dom
- self.dom = impl.createDocument(None, root, None)
- # get the root node, save it as attributes 'root' and name of node
- rootnode = self.dom.documentElement
- # now validate root tag
- if root:
- if rootnode.nodeName != root:
- raise IncorrectRootTag("Gave root='%s', input has root='%s'" % (
- root, rootnode.nodeName))
- if textfilter:
- self.textfilter = textfilter
- else:
- self.textfilter = lambda x: x
- # need this for recursion in XMLNode
- self._childrenByName = {}
- self._children = []
- # add all the child nodes
- for child in self.dom.childNodes:
- childnode = XMLNode(self, child)
- #print "compare %s to %s" % (rootnode, child)
- if child == rootnode:
- #print "found root"
- self.root = childnode
- setattr(self, rootnode.nodeName, self.root)
- def save(self, where=None, obj=None):
- """
- Saves the document.
- If argument 'where' is given, saves to it, otherwise
- tries to save to the original given 'path' (or barfs)
- Value can be a string (taken to be a file path), or an open
- file object.
- """
- obj = obj or self.dom
- if not where:
- if self._root.path:
- where = self._root.path
- if isinstance(where, str):
- where = file(where, "w")
- if not where:
- raise CannotSave("No save destination, and no original path")
- where.write(obj.toxml())
- where.flush()
- def saveAs(self, path):
- """
- save this time, and all subsequent times, to filename 'path'
- """
- self.path = path
- self.save()
- def toxml(self):
- return self.dom.toxml()
- def __len__(self):
- """
- returns number of child nodes
- """
- return len(self._children)
- def __getitem__(self, idx):
- if isinstance(idx, int):
- return self._children[idx]
- else:
- return self._childrenByName[idx]
-class XMLNode:
- """
- This is the workhorse for the xml object interface
- (If you're viewing the epydoc-generated HTML documentation, click the 'show private'
- link at the top right of this page to see all the methods)
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, node):
- """
- You shouldn't need to instantiate this directly
- """
- self._parent = parent
- if isinstance(parent, XMLFile):
- self._root = parent
- else:
- self._root = parent._root
- self._node = node
- self._childrenByName = {}
- self._children = []
- # add ourself to parent's children registry
- parent._children.append(self)
- # the deal with named subtags is that we store the first instance
- # as itself, and with second and subsequent instances, we make a list
- parentDict = self._parent._childrenByName
- nodeName = node.nodeName
- if not parentDict.has_key(nodeName):
- parentDict[nodeName] = self._parent.__dict__[nodeName] = self
- else:
- if isinstance(parentDict[nodeName], XMLNode):
- # this is the second child node of a given tag name, so convert
- # the instance to a list
- parentDict[nodeName] = parent.__dict__[nodeName] = [parentDict[nodeName]]
- parentDict[nodeName].append(self)
- # figure out our type
- self._value = None
- if isinstance(node, xml.dom.minidom.Text):
- self._type = "text"
- self._value = self._root.textfilter(node.nodeValue)
- elif isinstance(node, xml.dom.minidom.Element):
- self._type = "node"
- elif isinstance(node, xml.dom.minidom.Comment):
- self._type = "comment"
- self._value = node.nodeValue
- else:
- raise InvalidNode("node class %s" % node.__class__)
- # and wrap all the child nodes
- for child in node.childNodes:
- XMLNode(self, child)
- def _render(self):
- """
- Produces well-formed XML of this node's contents,
- indented as required
- """
- return self._node.toxml()
- def __repr__(self):
- if self._type == "node":
- return "" % self._node.nodeName
- else:
- return "" % self._type
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- """
- Fetches an attribute or child node of this tag
- If it's an attribute, then returns the attribute value as a string.
- If a child node, then:
- - if there is only one child node of that name, return it
- - if there is more than one child node of that name, return a list
- of child nodes of that tag name
- Supports some magic attributes:
- - _text - the value of the first child node of type text
- """
- #print "%s: __getattr__: attr=%s" % (self, attr)
- if attr == '_text':
- # magic attribute to return text
- tnode = self['#text']
- if isinstance(tnode, list):
- tnode = tnode[0]
- return tnode._value
- if self._type in ['text', 'comment']:
- if attr == '_value':
- return self._node.nodeValue
- else:
- raise AttributeError(attr)
- if self._node.hasAttribute(attr):
- return self._node.getAttribute(attr)
- elif self._childrenByName.has_key(attr):
- return self._childrenByName[attr]
- #elif attr == 'value':
- # magic attribute
- else:
- raise AttributeError(attr)
- def __setattr__(self, attr, val):
- """
- Change the value of an attribute of this tag
- The magic attribute '_text' can be used to set the first child
- text node's value
- For example::
- Consider:
- foo
- >> somenode
- >> somenode.child
- >> somenode.child._text
- 'foo'
- >> somenode._toxml()
- u'foo'
- >> somenode.child._text = 'bar'
- >> somenode.child._text
- 'bar'
- >> somenode.child._toxml()
- u'bar/child>'
- """
- if attr.startswith("_"):
- # magic attribute for setting _text
- if attr == '_text':
- tnode = self['#text']
- if isinstance(tnode, list):
- tnode = tnode[0]
- tnode._node.nodeValue = val
- tnode._value = val
- return
- self.__dict__[attr] = val
- elif self._type in ['text', 'comment']:
- self._node.nodeValue = val
- else:
- # discern between attribute and child node
- if self._childrenByName.has_key(attr):
- raise Exception("Attribute Exists")
- self._node.setAttribute(attr, str(val))
- def _keys(self):
- """
- Return a list of attribute names
- """
- return self._node.attributes.keys()
- def _values(self):
- """
- Returns a list of (attrname, attrval) tuples for this tag
- """
- return [self._node.getAttribute(k) for k in self._node.attributes.keys()]
- def _items(self):
- """
- returns a list of attribute values for this tag
- """
- return [(k, self._node.getAttribute(k)) for k in self._node.attributes.keys()]
- def _has_key(self, k):
- """
- returns True if this tag has an attribute of the given name
- """
- return self._node.hasAttribute(k) or self._childrenByName.has_key(k)
- def _get_name(self):
- if self._type == "node":
- return self._node.nodeName
- else:
- return self._type
- def _get(self, k, default=None):
- """
- returns the value of attribute k, or default if no such attribute
- """
- if self._has_key(k):
- return getattr(self, k)
- else:
- return default
- def __len__(self):
- """
- returns number of child nodes
- """
- return len(self._children)
- def __getitem__(self, idx):
- """
- if given key is numeric, return the nth child, otherwise
- try to return the child tag (or list of child tags) having
- the key as the tag name
- """
- #print "__getitem__: idx=%s" % str(idx)
- if isinstance(idx, slice) or isinstance(idx, int):
- return self._children[idx]
- elif isinstance(idx, str):
- return self._childrenByName[idx]
- else:
- raise IndexError(idx)
- def __contains__(self, k):
- return self._has_key(k)
- def _addNode(self, child):
- """
- Tries to append a child node to the tree, and returns it
- Value of 'child' must be one of:
- - a string (in which case it is taken to be the name
- of the new node's tag)
- - a dom object, in which case it will be wrapped and added
- - an XMLNode object, in which case it will be added without
- wrapping
- """
- if isinstance(child, XMLNode):
- # add it to our children registry
- self._children.append(child)
- parentDict = self._childrenByName
- nodeName = child._node.nodeName
- if not parentDict.has_key(nodeName):
- parentDict[nodeName] = parent.__dict__[nodeName] = child
- else:
- if isinstance(parentDict[nodeName], XMLNode):
- # this is the second child node of a given tag name, so convert
- # the instance to a list
- parentDict[nodeName] = self.__dict__[nodeName] = [parentDict[nodeName]]
- parentDict[nodeName].append(child)
- # and stick it in the dom
- self._node.appendChild(child._node)
- return child
- elif isinstance(child, str):
- childNode = self._root.dom.createElement(child)
- self._node.appendChild(childNode)
- elif isinstance(child, xml.dom.minidom.Element):
- childNode = child
- child = childNode.nodeName
- self._node.appendChild(childNode)
- return XMLNode(self, childNode)
- def _addText(self, value):
- """
- Tries to append a child text node, with the given text, to the tree,
- and returns the created node object
- """
- childNode = self._root.dom.createTextNode(value)
- self._node.appendChild(childNode)
- return XMLNode(self, childNode)
- def _addComment(self, comment):
- """
- Tries to append a child comment node (with the given text value)
- to the tree, and returns the create node object
- """
- childNode = self._root.dom.createCommentNode(comment)
- self._node.appendChild(childNode)
- return XMLNode(self, childNode)
- def _save(self, where=None):
- """
- Generates well-formed XML from just this node, and saves it
- to a file.
- Argument 'where' is either an open file object, or a pathname
- If 'where' is not given, then saves the entire document tree.
- """
- if not where:
- self._root.save()
- else:
- self._root.save(where, self._node)
- def _toxml(self):
- """
- renders just this node out to raw xml code
- """
- return self._node.toxml()
- def _treeWalker(self, node, nodes):
- for child in node._children:
- if child._type == 'node':
- nodes.append(child)
- self._treeWalker(child, nodes)
- def _toflat(self):
- ret = [self]
- self._treeWalker(self, ret)
- return ret
- _name = property(_get_name)