mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 11:45:46 +03:00
some estetic updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ def checkSqlInjection(place, parameter, value):
if injection.place is not None and injection.parameter is not None:
if not conf.dropSetCookie and PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.BOOLEAN in injection.data and injection.data[PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.BOOLEAN].vector.startswith('OR'):
warnMsg = "in OR boolean-based injections, please consider usage "
warnMsg += "of switch --drop-set-cookie if you experience any "
warnMsg += "of switch '--drop-set-cookie' if you experience any "
warnMsg += "problems during data retrieval"
@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ def checkDynamicContent(firstPage, secondPage):
if count > conf.retries:
warnMsg = "target url is too dynamic. "
warnMsg += "switching to --text-only. "
warnMsg += "switching to '--text-only' "
conf.textOnly = True
@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ def checkWaf():
if retVal:
warnMsg = "it appears that the target is protected. Please "
warnMsg += "consider usage of tamper scripts (--tamper switch)"
warnMsg += "consider usage of tamper scripts (option '--tamper')"
infoMsg = "it appears that the target is not protected"
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ def start():
errMsg += "to perform more tests."
if isinstance(conf.tech, list) and len(conf.tech) < 5:
errMsg += " Rerun without providing the --technique switch."
errMsg += " Rerun without providing the option '--technique'."
if not conf.textOnly and kb.originalPage:
percent = (100.0 * len(getFilteredPageContent(kb.originalPage)) / len(kb.originalPage))
@ -1319,7 +1319,7 @@ def __cleanupOptions():
warnMsg = "increasing default value for "
warnMsg += "--time-sec to %d because " % conf.timeSec
warnMsg += "--tor switch was provided"
warnMsg += "switch '--tor' was provided"
kb.adjustTimeDelay = True
@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ def __setTorHttpProxySettings():
errMsg = "can't establish connection with the Tor proxy. "
errMsg += "Please make sure that you have Vidalia, Privoxy or "
errMsg += "Polipo bundle installed for you to be able to "
errMsg += "successfully use --tor switch "
errMsg += "successfully use switch '--tor' "
if IS_WIN:
errMsg += "(e.g. https://www.torproject.org/projects/vidalia.html.en)"
@ -1770,31 +1770,31 @@ def __basicOptionValidation():
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.textOnly and conf.nullConnection:
errMsg = "switch --text-only is incompatible with switch --null-connection"
errMsg = "switch '--text-only' is incompatible with switch '--null-connection'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.titles and conf.nullConnection:
errMsg = "switch --titles is incompatible with switch --null-connection"
errMsg = "switch '--titles' is incompatible with switch '--null-connection'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.data and conf.nullConnection:
errMsg = "switch --data is incompatible with switch --null-connection"
errMsg = "option '--data' is incompatible with switch '--null-connection'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.string and conf.nullConnection:
errMsg = "switch --string is incompatible with switch --null-connection"
errMsg = "option '--string' is incompatible with switch '--null-connection'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.regexp and conf.nullConnection:
errMsg = "switch --regexp is incompatible with switch --null-connection"
errMsg = "option '--regexp' is incompatible with switch '--null-connection'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.dumpTable and conf.dumpAll:
errMsg = "switch --dump is incompatible with switch --dump-all"
errMsg = "switch '--dump' is incompatible with switch '--dump-all'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.predictOutput and (conf.threads > 1 or conf.optimize):
errMsg = "switch --predict-output is incompatible with switch --threads and -o"
errMsg = "switch '--predict-output' is incompatible with option '--threads' and switch '-o'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.threads > MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS:
@ -1802,56 +1802,56 @@ def __basicOptionValidation():
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.forms and not conf.url:
errMsg = "switch --forms requires usage of -u (--url) switch"
errMsg = "switch '--forms' requires usage of option '-u' (--url)"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.tor and conf.ignoreProxy:
errMsg = "switch --tor is incompatible with switch --ignore-proxy"
errMsg = "switch '--tor' is incompatible with switch '--ignore-proxy'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.tor and conf.proxy:
errMsg = "switch --tor is incompatible with switch --proxy"
errMsg = "switch '--tor' is incompatible with option '--proxy'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.checkTor and not any([conf.tor, conf.proxy]):
errMsg = "switch --check-tor requires usage of switch --tor (or --proxy with HTTP proxy address using Tor)"
errMsg = "switch '--check-tor' requires usage of switch '--tor' (or option '--proxy' with HTTP proxy address using Tor)"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.torPort is not None and not (isinstance(conf.torPort, int) and conf.torPort > 0):
errMsg = "value for --tor-port (torPort) option must be an integer value greater than zero (>0)"
errMsg = "value for option '--tor-port' must be a positive integer"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.torType not in getPublicTypeMembers(PROXYTYPE, True):
errMsg = "switch --tor-type accepts one of following values: %s" % ", ".join(getPublicTypeMembers(PROXYTYPE, True))
errMsg = "option '--tor-type' accepts one of following values: %s" % ", ".join(getPublicTypeMembers(PROXYTYPE, True))
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.skip and conf.testParameter:
errMsg = "switch --skip is incompatible with switch -p"
errMsg = "option '--skip' is incompatible with option '-p'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.mobile and conf.agent:
errMsg = "switch --mobile is incompatible with switch --user-agent"
errMsg = "switch '--mobile' is incompatible with option '--user-agent'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.proxy and conf.ignoreProxy:
errMsg = "switch --proxy is incompatible with switch --ignore-proxy"
errMsg = "option '--proxy' is incompatible with switch '--ignore-proxy'"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.forms and any([conf.logFile, conf.bulkFile, conf.direct, conf.requestFile, conf.googleDork]):
errMsg = "switch --forms is compatible only with -u (--url) target switch"
errMsg = "switch '--forms' is compatible only with option '-u' (--url)"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.timeSec < 1:
errMsg = "value for --time-sec option must be an integer greater than 0"
errMsg = "value for option '--time-sec' must be a positive integer"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.uChar and not re.match(UNION_CHAR_REGEX, conf.uChar):
errMsg = "value for --union-char option must be an alpha-numeric value (e.g. 1)"
errMsg = "value for option '--union-char' must be an alpha-numeric value (e.g. 1)"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if isinstance(conf.uCols, basestring):
if not conf.uCols.isdigit() and ("-" not in conf.uCols or len(conf.uCols.split("-")) != 2):
errMsg = "value for --union-cols must be a range with hyphon "
errMsg = "value for option '--union-cols' must be a range with hyphon "
errMsg += "(e.g. 1-10) or integer value (e.g. 5)"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class Replication:
import sqlite3
except ImportError, _:
errMsg = "missing module 'sqlite3' needed by --replicate switch"
errMsg = "missing module 'sqlite3' needed by switch '--replicate'"
raise sqlmapMissingDependence, errMsg
self.dbpath = dbpath
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
# Target options
target = OptionGroup(parser, "Target", "At least one of these "
"options has to be specified to set the source "
"to get target urls from.")
"to get target urls from")
target.add_option("-d", dest="direct", help="Direct "
"connection to the database")
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
# Request options
request = OptionGroup(parser, "Request", "These options can be used "
"to specify how to connect to the target url.")
"to specify how to connect to the target url")
request.add_option("--data", dest="data",
help="Data string to be sent through POST")
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
# Optimization options
optimization = OptionGroup(parser, "Optimization", "These "
"options can be used to optimize the "
"performance of sqlmap.")
"performance of sqlmap")
optimization.add_option("-o", dest="optimize",
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
injection = OptionGroup(parser, "Injection", "These options can be "
"used to specify which parameters to test "
"for, provide custom injection payloads and "
"optional tampering scripts.")
"optional tampering scripts")
injection.add_option("-p", dest="testParameter",
help="Testable parameter(s)")
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
"used to specify how to parse "
"and compare page content from "
"HTTP responses when using blind SQL "
"injection technique.")
"injection technique")
detection.add_option("--level", dest="level", type="int",
help="Level of tests to perform (1-5, "
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
# Techniques options
techniques = OptionGroup(parser, "Techniques", "These options can be "
"used to tweak testing of specific SQL "
"injection techniques.")
"injection techniques")
techniques.add_option("--technique", dest="tech",
help="SQL injection techniques to test for "
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
"be used to enumerate the back-end database "
"management system information, structure "
"and data contained in the tables. Moreover "
"you can run your own SQL statements.")
"you can run your own SQL statements")
enumeration.add_option("-b", "--banner", dest="getBanner",
action="store_true", help="Retrieve DBMS banner")
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
# User-defined function options
brute = OptionGroup(parser, "Brute force", "These "
"options can be used to run brute force "
brute.add_option("--common-tables", dest="commonTables", action="store_true",
help="Check existence of common tables")
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
# User-defined function options
udf = OptionGroup(parser, "User-defined function injection", "These "
"options can be used to create custom user-defined "
udf.add_option("--udf-inject", dest="udfInject", action="store_true",
help="Inject custom user-defined functions")
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
# File system options
filesystem = OptionGroup(parser, "File system access", "These options "
"can be used to access the back-end database "
"management system underlying file system.")
"management system underlying file system")
filesystem.add_option("--file-read", dest="rFile",
help="Read a file from the back-end DBMS "
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
takeover = OptionGroup(parser, "Operating system access", "These "
"options can be used to access the back-end "
"database management system underlying "
"operating system.")
"operating system")
takeover.add_option("--os-cmd", dest="osCmd",
help="Execute an operating system command")
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
windows = OptionGroup(parser, "Windows registry access", "These "
"options can be used to access the back-end "
"database management system Windows "
windows.add_option("--reg-read", dest="regRead",
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
# General options
general = OptionGroup(parser, "General", "These options can be used "
"to set some general working parameters. " )
"to set some general working parameters" )
#general.add_option("-x", dest="xmlFile",
# help="Dump the data into an XML file")
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ def cmdLineParser():
if not any((args.direct, args.url, args.logFile, args.bulkFile, args.googleDork, args.configFile, \
args.requestFile, args.updateAll, args.smokeTest, args.liveTest, args.realTest, args.wizard, args.dependencies)):
errMsg = "missing a mandatory parameter (-d, -u, -l, -m, -r, -g, -c, --wizard, --update or --dependencies), "
errMsg = "missing a mandatory option (-d, -u, -l, -m, -r, -g, -c, --wizard, --update or --dependencies), "
errMsg += "-h for help"
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class Connect:
warnMsg = "please make sure that you have "
warnMsg += "Tor installed and running so "
warnMsg += "you could successfully use "
warnMsg += "--tor switch "
warnMsg += "switch '--tor' "
if IS_WIN:
warnMsg += "(e.g. https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en)"
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class Connect:
warnMsg = "if the problem persists please check that the provided "
warnMsg += "target url is valid. If it is, you can try to rerun "
warnMsg += "with the --random-agent switch turned on "
warnMsg += "with the switch '--random-agent' turned on "
warnMsg += "and/or proxy switches (--ignore-proxy, --proxy,...)"
elif conf.threads > 1:
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ class Connect:
if conf.tor:
warnMsg = "it's highly recommended to avoid usage of --tor switch for "
warnMsg = "it's highly recommended to avoid usage of switch '--tor' for "
warnMsg += "time-based injections because of it's high latency time"
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ def bisection(payload, expression, length=None, charsetType=None, firstChar=None
if conf.threads == 1 and not timeBasedCompare:
warnMsg = "running in a single-thread mode. Please consider "
warnMsg += "usage of --threads switch for faster data retrieval"
warnMsg += "usage of option '--threads' for faster data retrieval"
if conf.verbose in (1, 2) and not showEta:
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ def __unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix
warnMsg = "if UNION based SQL injection is not detected, "
warnMsg += "please consider "
if not conf.uChar:
warnMsg += "using --union-char switch "
warnMsg += "usage of option '--union-char' "
warnMsg += "(e.g. --union-char=1) "
if not conf.dbms:
if not conf.uChar:
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def __oneShotUnionUse(expression, unpack=True, limited=False):
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and not kb.multiThreadMode:
warnMsg = "if the problem persists with 'None' values please try to use "
warnMsg += "hidden switch --no-cast (fixing problems with some collation "
warnMsg += "hidden switch '--no-cast' (fixing problems with some collation "
warnMsg += "issues)"
Reference in New Issue
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