mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 11:45:46 +03:00
Revamp of #3536
This commit is contained in:
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUserQuitException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapValueException
from lib.core.log import LOGGER_HANDLER
from lib.core.optiondict import optDict
from lib.core.settings import BANNER, CHUNKED_KEYWORDS
from lib.core.settings import BANNER
from lib.core.settings import BOLD_PATTERNS
from lib.core.settings import BOUNDED_INJECTION_MARKER
from lib.core.settings import BRUTE_DOC_ROOT_PREFIXES
@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ from lib.core.settings import GITHUB_REPORT_OAUTH_TOKEN
from lib.core.settings import GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_COOKIE_PREFIX
from lib.core.settings import HASHDB_MILESTONE_VALUE
from lib.core.settings import HOST_ALIASES
from lib.core.settings import HTTP_CHUNKED_SPLIT_KEYWORDS
from lib.core.settings import IGNORE_SAVE_OPTIONS
from lib.core.settings import INFERENCE_UNKNOWN_CHAR
from lib.core.settings import INVALID_UNICODE_CHAR_FORMAT
@ -4896,49 +4897,35 @@ def firstNotNone(*args):
return retVal
def generateChunkDdata(data):
def chunkSplitPostData(data):
Convert post data to chunked format data. If the keyword is in a block, the keyword will be cut.
>>> generateChunkDdata('select 1,2,3,4 from admin')
3,4 fro
Convert POST data to chunked transfer-encoded data (Note: splitting done by SQL keywords)
dl = len(data)
ret = ""
length = len(data)
retVal = ""
index = 0
while index < dl:
chunk_size = random.randint(1, 9)
if index + chunk_size >= dl:
chunk_size = dl - index
salt = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 5))
while 1:
tmp_chunk = data[index:index + chunk_size]
tmp_bool = True
for k in keywords:
if k in tmp_chunk:
chunk_size -= 1
tmp_bool = False
if tmp_bool:
index += chunk_size
ret += "%s;%s\r\n" % (hex(chunk_size)[2:], salt)
ret += "%s\r\n" % tmp_chunk
ret += "0\r\n\r\n"
return ret
while index < length:
chunkSize = randomInt(1)
if index + chunkSize >= length:
chunkSize = length - index
salt = randomStr(5, alphabet=string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
while chunkSize:
candidate = data[index:index + chunkSize]
if re.search(r"\b%s\b" % '|'.join(HTTP_CHUNKED_SPLIT_KEYWORDS), candidate, re.I):
chunkSize -= 1
index += chunkSize
retVal += "%x;%s\r\n" % (chunkSize, salt)
retVal += "%s\r\n" % candidate
retVal += "0\r\n\r\n"
return retVal
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ from lib.request.basic import checkCharEncoding
from lib.request.connect import Connect as Request
from lib.request.dns import DNSServer
from lib.request.basicauthhandler import SmartHTTPBasicAuthHandler
from lib.request.httphandler import HTTPHandler
from lib.request.chunkedhandler import ChunkedHandler
from lib.request.httpshandler import HTTPSHandler
from lib.request.pkihandler import HTTPSPKIAuthHandler
from lib.request.rangehandler import HTTPRangeHandler
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ from thirdparty.socks import socks
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
authHandler = urllib2.BaseHandler()
httpHandler = HTTPHandler()
chunkedHandler = ChunkedHandler()
httpsHandler = HTTPSHandler()
keepAliveHandler = keepalive.HTTPHandler()
proxyHandler = urllib2.ProxyHandler()
@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ def _setHTTPHandlers():
debugMsg = "creating HTTP requests opener object"
handlers = filter(None, [multipartPostHandler, proxyHandler if proxyHandler.proxies else None, authHandler, redirectHandler, rangeHandler, httpHandler, httpsHandler])
handlers = filter(None, [multipartPostHandler, proxyHandler if proxyHandler.proxies else None, authHandler, redirectHandler, rangeHandler, chunkedHandler if conf.chunked else None, httpsHandler])
if not conf.dropSetCookie:
if not conf.loadCookies:
@ -2314,6 +2314,10 @@ def _setTorSocksProxySettings():
socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5 if conf.torType == PROXY_TYPE.SOCKS5 else socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4, LOCALHOST, port)
def _setHttpChunked():
if conf.chunked and conf.data:
httplib.HTTPConnection._set_content_length = lambda self, a, b: None
def _checkWebSocket():
if conf.url and (conf.url.startswith("ws:/") or conf.url.startswith("wss:/")):
@ -2401,6 +2405,10 @@ def _basicOptionValidation():
errMsg = "switch '--dump' is incompatible with switch '--search'"
raise SqlmapSyntaxException(errMsg)
if conf.chunked and not any((conf.data, conf.requestFile)):
errMsg = "switch '--chunked' requires usage of option '--data' or '-r'"
raise SqlmapSyntaxException(errMsg)
if conf.api and not conf.configFile:
errMsg = "switch '--api' requires usage of option '-c'"
raise SqlmapSyntaxException(errMsg)
@ -2605,15 +2613,6 @@ def initOptions(inputOptions=AttribDict(), overrideOptions=False):
_mergeOptions(inputOptions, overrideOptions)
def _setHttpChunked():
conf.chunk = conf.chunk and conf.data
if conf.chunk:
def hook(self, a, b):
httplib.HTTPConnection._set_content_length = hook
def init():
Set attributes into both configuration and knowledge base singletons
@ -2639,11 +2638,11 @@ def init():
@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ optDict = {
"csrfToken": "string",
"csrfUrl": "string",
"forceSSL": "boolean",
"chunked": "boolean",
"hpp": "boolean",
"evalCode": "string",
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from lib.core.enums import DBMS_DIRECTORY_NAME
from lib.core.enums import OS
# sqlmap version (<major>.<minor>.<month>.<monthly commit>)
TYPE = "dev" if VERSION.count('.') > 2 and VERSION.split('.')[-1] != '0' else "stable"
TYPE_COLORS = {"dev": 33, "stable": 90, "pip": 34}
VERSION_STRING = "sqlmap/%s#%s" % ('.'.join(VERSION.split('.')[:-1]) if VERSION.count('.') > 2 and VERSION.split('.')[-1] == '0' else VERSION, TYPE)
@ -794,8 +794,8 @@ KB_CHARS_BOUNDARY_CHAR = 'q'
# Letters of lower frequency used in kb.chars
# Keywords that need to be cut in the chunked
CHUNKED_KEYWORDS = ['select', 'update', 'insert', 'from', 'load_file', 'sysdatabases', 'msysaccessobjects', 'msysqueries', 'sysmodules', 'information_schema', 'union']
# SQL keywords used for splitting in HTTP Chunked encoding (switch --chunk)
HTTP_CHUNKED_SPLIT_KEYWORDS = ("SELECT", "UPDATE", "INSERT", "FROM", "LOAD_FILE", "UNION", "information_schema", "sysdatabases", "msysaccessobjects", "msysqueries", "sysmodules")
# CSS style used in HTML dump format
HTML_DUMP_CSS_STYLE = """<style>
@ -215,14 +215,15 @@ def cmdLineParser(argv=None):
request.add_option("--force-ssl", dest="forceSSL", action="store_true",
help="Force usage of SSL/HTTPS")
request.add_option("--chunked", dest="chunked", action="store_true",
help="Use HTTP Chunked transfer encoding method")
request.add_option("--hpp", dest="hpp", action="store_true",
help="Use HTTP parameter pollution method")
request.add_option("--eval", dest="evalCode",
help="Evaluate provided Python code before the request (e.g. \"import hashlib;id2=hashlib.md5(id).hexdigest()\")")
request.add_option("--chunk", dest="chunk", action="store_true", help="all requests will be added headers with 'Transfer-Encoding: Chunked' and sent by transcoding")
# Optimization options
optimization = OptionGroup(parser, "Optimization", "These options can be used to optimize the performance of sqlmap")
@ -6,16 +6,15 @@ See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission
import urllib2
import httplib
from lib.core.data import conf
class HTTPHandler(urllib2.HTTPHandler):
class ChunkedHandler(urllib2.HTTPHandler):
The hook http_requests function ensures that the chunk function is working properly.
Ensures that urllib2.HTTPHandler is working properly in case of Chunked Transfer-Encoding
def _hook(self, request):
def _http_request(self, request):
host = request.get_host()
if not host:
raise urllib2.URLError('no host given')
@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ class HTTPHandler(urllib2.HTTPHandler):
if not request.has_header('Content-length') and not conf.chunk:
if not request.has_header('Content-length') and not conf.chunked:
'Content-length', '%d' % len(data))
@ -43,4 +42,4 @@ class HTTPHandler(urllib2.HTTPHandler):
request.add_unredirected_header(name, value)
return request
http_request = _hook
http_request = _http_request
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from lib.core.agent import agent
from lib.core.common import asciifyUrl
from lib.core.common import calculateDeltaSeconds
from lib.core.common import checkSameHost
from lib.core.common import chunkSplitPostData
from lib.core.common import clearConsoleLine
from lib.core.common import dataToStdout
from lib.core.common import escapeJsonValue
@ -61,7 +62,6 @@ from lib.core.common import unicodeencode
from lib.core.common import unsafeVariableNaming
from lib.core.common import urldecode
from lib.core.common import urlencode
from lib.core.common import generateChunkDdata
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
@ -272,13 +272,14 @@ class Connect(object):
checking = kwargs.get("checking", False)
skipRead = kwargs.get("skipRead", False)
finalCode = kwargs.get("finalCode", False)
chunked = conf.chunk
chunked = kwargs.get("chunked", False) or conf.chunked
if multipart:
post = multipart
if chunked:
post = urllib.unquote(post)
post = generateChunkDdata(post)
post = chunkSplitPostData(post)
websocket_ = url.lower().startswith("ws")
@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ class Connect(object):
headers[HTTP_HEADER.CONNECTION] = "keep-alive"
if chunked:
if auxHeaders:
headers = forgeHeaders(auxHeaders, headers)
@ -190,6 +190,10 @@ csrfUrl =
# Valid: True or False
forceSSL = False
# Use HTTP Chunked transfer encoding method.
# Valid: True or False
chunked = False
# Use HTTP parameter pollution.
# Valid: True or False
hpp = False
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ c1da277517c7ec4c23e953a51b51e203 lib/controller/handler.py
fb6be55d21a70765e35549af2484f762 lib/controller/__init__.py
ed7874be0d2d3802f3d20184f2b280d5 lib/core/agent.py
a932126e7d80e545c5d44af178d0bc0c lib/core/bigarray.py
b096680d917729fd9658f9b75d44bb3b lib/core/common.py
2344f86e7eb59920645bea6d5f40f580 lib/core/common.py
de8d27ae6241163ff9e97aa9e7c51a18 lib/core/convert.py
abcb1121eb56d3401839d14e8ed06b6e lib/core/data.py
f89512ef3ebea85611c5dde6c891b657 lib/core/datatype.py
@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ f89512ef3ebea85611c5dde6c891b657 lib/core/datatype.py
84ef8f32e4582fcc294dc14e1997131d lib/core/exception.py
fb6be55d21a70765e35549af2484f762 lib/core/__init__.py
18c896b157b03af716542e5fe9233ef9 lib/core/log.py
947f41084e551ff3b7ef7dda2f25ef20 lib/core/optiondict.py
94679a06c134ca5c1db1e435e1cb9fb1 lib/core/option.py
2f474c3c7a56f0c3cf3371838e7e5fd4 lib/core/optiondict.py
e9b27d7328a8da0b48a908f0112c7745 lib/core/option.py
fe370021c6bc99daf44b2bfc0d1effb3 lib/core/patch.py
4b12aa67fbf6c973d12e54cf9cb54ea0 lib/core/profiling.py
d5ef43fe3cdd6c2602d7db45651f9ceb lib/core/readlineng.py
7d8a22c582ad201f65b73225e4456170 lib/core/replication.py
3179d34f371e0295dd4604568fb30bcd lib/core/revision.py
d6269c55789f78cf707e09a0f5b45443 lib/core/session.py
858db5e54ce928b2ae4ed7fe55c25c12 lib/core/settings.py
d89a43c92f2995116fce16b0e00e8aff lib/core/settings.py
4483b4a5b601d8f1c4281071dff21ecc lib/core/shell.py
10fd19b0716ed261e6d04f311f6f527c lib/core/subprocessng.py
10d7e4f7ba2502cce5cf69223c52eddc lib/core/target.py
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ d6269c55789f78cf707e09a0f5b45443 lib/core/session.py
5b3f08208be0579356f78ce5805d37b2 lib/core/wordlist.py
fb6be55d21a70765e35549af2484f762 lib/__init__.py
4881480d0c1778053908904e04570dc3 lib/parse/banner.py
fafa321d2bbfc60410a131f68d5203ea lib/parse/cmdline.py
79777f4f934f3b0a436fdd6600f7d3b8 lib/parse/cmdline.py
06ccbccb63255c8f1c35950a4c8a6f6b lib/parse/configfile.py
d34df646508c2dceb25205e1316673d1 lib/parse/handler.py
43deb2400e269e602e916efaec7c0903 lib/parse/headers.py
@ -71,8 +71,9 @@ adcecd2d6a8667b22872a563eb83eac0 lib/parse/payloads.py
993104046c7d97120613409ef7780c76 lib/parse/sitemap.py
e4ea70bcd461f5176867dcd89d372386 lib/request/basicauthhandler.py
bd4b654767eab19cd4dcd4520a68eed5 lib/request/basic.py
caa52d249fbcf1705cd9208b84d93387 lib/request/chunkedhandler.py
fc25d951217077fe655ed2a3a81552ae lib/request/comparison.py
e6792ea3cdbcbe17a7fa8cf856d2b956 lib/request/connect.py
f44c5d2716317a0dfa024c98ce4865e9 lib/request/connect.py
43005bd6a78e9cf0f3ed2283a1cb122e lib/request/direct.py
2b7509ba38a667c61cefff036ec4ca6f lib/request/dns.py
ceac6b3bf1f726f8ff43c6814e9d7281 lib/request/httpshandler.py
Reference in New Issue
Block a user