diff --git a/lib/core/settings.py b/lib/core/settings.py index 78c972a28..12556108e 100644 --- a/lib/core/settings.py +++ b/lib/core/settings.py @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from thirdparty import six from thirdparty.six import unichr as _unichr # sqlmap version (...) -VERSION = "" +VERSION = "" TYPE = "dev" if VERSION.count('.') > 2 and VERSION.split('.')[-1] != '0' else "stable" TYPE_COLORS = {"dev": 33, "stable": 90, "pip": 34} VERSION_STRING = "sqlmap/%s#%s" % ('.'.join(VERSION.split('.')[:-1]) if VERSION.count('.') > 2 and VERSION.split('.')[-1] == '0' else VERSION, TYPE) diff --git a/lib/core/testing.py b/lib/core/testing.py index 6fab147cb..fa28ecb0c 100644 --- a/lib/core/testing.py +++ b/lib/core/testing.py @@ -40,29 +40,29 @@ def vulnTest(): TESTS = ( ("-h", ("to see full list of options run with '-hh'",)), ("--dependencies --deprecations", ("sqlmap requires", "third-party library", "~DeprecationWarning:")), - ("-u --data='reflect=1' --flush-session --wizard --disable-coloring", ("Please choose:", "back-end DBMS: SQLite", "current user is DBA: True", "banner: '3.")), - ("-u --data='code=1' --code=200 --technique=B --banner --no-cast --flush-session", ("back-end DBMS: SQLite", "banner: '3.", "~COALESCE(CAST(")), + ("-u --data=\"reflect=1\" --flush-session --wizard --disable-coloring", ("Please choose:", "back-end DBMS: SQLite", "current user is DBA: True", "banner: '3.")), + ("-u --data=\"code=1\" --code=200 --technique=B --banner --no-cast --flush-session", ("back-end DBMS: SQLite", "banner: '3.", "~COALESCE(CAST(")), (u"-c --flush-session --output-dir=\"\" --smart --roles --statements --hostname --privileges --sql-query=\"SELECT '\u0161u\u0107uraj'\" --technique=U", (u": '\u0161u\u0107uraj'", "on SQLite it is not possible", "as the output directory")), (u"-u --flush-session --sql-query=\"SELECT '\u0161u\u0107uraj'\" --technique=B --no-escape --string=luther --unstable", (u": '\u0161u\u0107uraj'",)), ("-m --flush-session --technique=B --banner", ("/3] URL:", "back-end DBMS: SQLite", "banner: '3.")), ("--dummy", ("all tested parameters do not appear to be injectable", "does not seem to be injectable", "there is not at least one", "~might be injectable")), - ("-u '&id2=1' -p id2 -v 5 --flush-session --level=5 --text-only --test-filter='AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (MySQL comment)'", ("~1AND",)), + ("-u \"&id2=1\" -p id2 -v 5 --flush-session --level=5 --text-only --test-filter=\"AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause (MySQL comment)\"", ("~1AND",)), ("--list-tampers", ("between", "MySQL", "xforwardedfor")), - ("-r --flush-session -v 5 --test-skip='heavy' --save=", ("CloudFlare", "web application technology: Express", "possible DBMS: 'SQLite'", "User-agent: foobar", "~Type: time-based blind", "saved command line options to the configuration file")), + ("-r --flush-session -v 5 --test-skip=\"heavy\" --save=", ("CloudFlare", "web application technology: Express", "possible DBMS: 'SQLite'", "User-agent: foobar", "~Type: time-based blind", "saved command line options to the configuration file")), ("-c ", ("CloudFlare", "possible DBMS: 'SQLite'", "User-agent: foobar", "~Type: time-based blind")), ("-l --flush-session --keep-alive --skip-waf -vvvvv --technique=U --union-from=users --banner --parse-errors", ("banner: '3.", "ORDER BY term out of range", "~xp_cmdshell", "Connection: keep-alive")), ("-l --offline --banner -v 5", ("banner: '3.", "~[TRAFFIC OUT]")), - ("-u --flush-session --data='id=1&_=Eewef6oh' --chunked --randomize=_ --random-agent --banner", ("fetched random HTTP User-Agent header value", "Parameter: id (POST)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.")), - ("-u -p id --base64=id --data='base64=true' --flush-session --banner --technique=B", ("banner: '3.",)), - ("-u -p id --base64=id --data='base64=true' --flush-session --tables --technique=U", (" users ",)), - ("-u --flush-session --banner --technique=B --disable-precon --not-string 'no results'", ("banner: '3.",)), + ("-u --flush-session --data=\"id=1&_=Eewef6oh\" --chunked --randomize=_ --random-agent --banner", ("fetched random HTTP User-Agent header value", "Parameter: id (POST)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.")), + ("-u -p id --base64=id --data=\"base64=true\" --flush-session --banner --technique=B", ("banner: '3.",)), + ("-u -p id --base64=id --data=\"base64=true\" --flush-session --tables --technique=U", (" users ",)), + ("-u --flush-session --banner --technique=B --disable-precon --not-string \"no results\"", ("banner: '3.",)), ("-u --flush-session --encoding=gbk --banner --technique=B --first=1 --last=2", ("banner: '3.'",)), ("-u --flush-session --encoding=ascii --forms --crawl=2 --threads=2 --banner", ("total of 2 targets", "might be injectable", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.")), - ("-u --flush-session --data='{\"id\": 1}' --banner", ("might be injectable", "3 columns", "Payload: {\"id\"", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.")), - ("-u --flush-session -H 'Foo: Bar' -H 'Sna: Fu' --data='' --union-char=1 --mobile --answers='smartphone=3' --banner --smart -v 5", ("might be injectable", "Payload: --flush-session --method=PUT --data='a=1;id=1;b=2' --param-del=';' --skip-static --har= --dump -T users --start=1 --stop=2", ("might be injectable", "Parameter: id (PUT)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "2 entries")), - ("-u --flush-session -H 'id: 1*' --tables -t ", ("might be injectable", "Parameter: id #1* ((custom) HEADER)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", " users ")), - ("-u --flush-session --banner --invalid-logical --technique=B --predict-output --test-filter='OR boolean' --tamper=space2dash", ("banner: '3.", " LIKE ")), + ("-u --flush-session --data=\"{\\\"id\\\": 1}\" --banner", ("might be injectable", "3 columns", "Payload: {\"id\"", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "banner: '3.")), + ("-u --flush-session -H \"Foo: Bar\" -H \"Sna: Fu\" --data=\"\" --union-char=1 --mobile --answers=\"smartphone=3\" --banner --smart -v 5", ("might be injectable", "Payload: --flush-session --method=PUT --data=\"a=1;id=1;b=2\" --param-del=\";\" --skip-static --har= --dump -T users --start=1 --stop=2", ("might be injectable", "Parameter: id (PUT)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "2 entries")), + ("-u --flush-session -H \"id: 1*\" --tables -t ", ("might be injectable", "Parameter: id #1* ((custom) HEADER)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", " users ")), + ("-u --flush-session --banner --invalid-logical --technique=B --predict-output --test-filter=\"OR boolean\" --tamper=space2dash", ("banner: '3.", " LIKE ")), ("-u --flush-session --cookie=\"PHPSESSID=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e; id=1*; id2=2\" --tables --union-cols=3", ("might be injectable", "Cookie #1* ((custom) HEADER)", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", " users ")), ("-u --flush-session --null-connection --technique=B --tamper=between,randomcase --banner --count -T users", ("NULL connection is supported with HEAD method", "banner: '3.", "users | 5")), ("-u --flush-session --parse-errors --test-filter=\"subquery\" --eval=\"import hashlib; id2=2; id3=hashlib.md5(id.encode()).hexdigest()\" --referer=\"localhost\"", ("might be injectable", ": syntax error", "back-end DBMS: SQLite", "WHERE or HAVING clause (subquery")), @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ def vulnTest(): ("-u --technique=U --fresh-queries --force-partial --dump -T users --dump-format=HTML --answers=\"crack=n\" -v 3", ("performed 6 queries", "nameisnull", "~using default dictionary", "dumped to HTML file")), ("-u --flush-session --all", ("5 entries", "Type: boolean-based blind", "Type: time-based blind", "Type: UNION query", "luther", "blisset", "fluffy", "179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81", "NULL", "nameisnull", "testpass")), ("-u -z \"tec=B\" --hex --fresh-queries --threads=4 --sql-query=\"SELECT * FROM users\"", ("SELECT * FROM users [5]", "nameisnull")), - ("-u '&echo=foobar*' --flush-session", ("might be vulnerable to cross-site scripting",)), - ("-u '&query=*' --flush-session --technique=Q --banner", ("Title: SQLite inline queries", "banner: '3.")), + ("-u \"&echo=foobar*\" --flush-session", ("might be vulnerable to cross-site scripting",)), + ("-u \"&query=*\" --flush-session --technique=Q --banner", ("Title: SQLite inline queries", "banner: '3.")), ("-d --flush-session --dump -T users --dump-format=SQLITE --binary-fields=name --where \"id=3\"", ("7775", "179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81 (testpass)", "dumped to SQLITE database")), ("-d --flush-session --banner --schema --sql-query=\"UPDATE users SET name='foobar' WHERE id=5; SELECT * FROM users; SELECT 987654321\"", ("banner: '3.", "INTEGER", "TEXT", "id", "name", "surname", "5, foobar, nameisnull", "'987654321'",)), ("--purge -v 3", ("~ERROR", "~CRITICAL", "deleting the whole directory tree")),