Removed some useless tests.
Moved <error> from queries.xml to payloads.xml as it makes more sense.
Beeps at sql inj found only if --beep is provided.
Minor fix in order to be able to pickle advancedDict() objects.
Minor code refactoring.
Removed useless folders.
Major code refactoring and commenting to detection engine.
Ask user whether or not to proceed to test remaining parameters after an injection point has been identified.
Restore beep at SQL injection find.
Avoid reuse of same variable in DBMS handler code.
Minor adjustment of payloads XML file.
All (hopefully) functionalities should still be working.
Added two switches, --level and --risk to specify which injection tests and boundaries to use.
The main advantage now is that sqlmap is able to identify initially which injection types are present so for instance if boolean-based blind is not supported, but error-based is, sqlmap will keep going and work!