#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ Copyright (c) 2006-2011 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ from xml.etree import ElementTree as et from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import paths from lib.core.datatype import advancedDict def cleanupVals(text, tag): if tag in ("clause", "where"): text = text.split(',') if isinstance(text, basestring): if text.isdigit(): text = int(text) else: text = str(text) elif isinstance(text, list): count = 0 for t in text: if t.isdigit(): t = int(t) else: t = str(t) text[count] = t count += 1 if len(text) == 1 and tag not in ("clause", "where"): text = text[0] return text def parseXmlNode(node): for element in node.getiterator('boundary'): boundary = advancedDict() for child in element.getchildren(): if child.text: values = cleanupVals(child.text, child.tag) boundary[child.tag] = values else: boundary[child.tag] = None conf.boundaries.append(boundary) for element in node.getiterator('test'): test = advancedDict() for child in element.getchildren(): if child.text and child.text.strip(): values = cleanupVals(child.text, child.tag) test[child.tag] = values else: if len(child.getchildren()) == 0: test[child.tag] = None continue else: test[child.tag] = advancedDict() for gchild in child.getchildren(): if gchild.tag in test[child.tag]: prevtext = test[child.tag][gchild.tag] test[child.tag][gchild.tag] = [prevtext, gchild.text] else: test[child.tag][gchild.tag] = gchild.text conf.tests.append(test) def loadPayloads(): doc = et.parse(paths.PAYLOADS_XML) root = doc.getroot() parseXmlNode(root)