#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2020 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle import base64 import binascii import codecs import collections import json import re import sys from lib.core.bigarray import BigArray from lib.core.compat import xrange from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.settings import INVALID_UNICODE_PRIVATE_AREA from lib.core.settings import IS_TTY from lib.core.settings import IS_WIN from lib.core.settings import NULL from lib.core.settings import PICKLE_PROTOCOL from lib.core.settings import SAFE_HEX_MARKER from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING from thirdparty import six from thirdparty.six import unichr as _unichr try: from html import escape as htmlEscape except ImportError: from cgi import escape as htmlEscape def base64pickle(value): """ Serializes (with pickle) and encodes to Base64 format supplied (binary) value >>> base64unpickle(base64pickle([1, 2, 3])) == [1, 2, 3] True """ retVal = None try: retVal = encodeBase64(pickle.dumps(value, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)) except: warnMsg = "problem occurred while serializing " warnMsg += "instance of a type '%s'" % type(value) singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) try: retVal = encodeBase64(pickle.dumps(value)) except: retVal = encodeBase64(pickle.dumps(str(value), PICKLE_PROTOCOL)) return retVal def base64unpickle(value): """ Decodes value from Base64 to plain format and deserializes (with pickle) its content >>> type(base64unpickle('gAJjX19idWlsdGluX18Kb2JqZWN0CnEBKYFxAi4=')) == object True """ retVal = None try: retVal = pickle.loads(decodeBase64(value)) except TypeError: retVal = pickle.loads(decodeBase64(bytes(value))) return retVal def htmlUnescape(value): """ Returns (basic conversion) HTML unescaped value >>> htmlUnescape('a<b') == 'a'), (""", '"'), (" ", ' '), ("&", '&'), ("'", "'")) for code, value in replacements: retVal = retVal.replace(code, value) try: retVal = re.sub(r"&#x([^ ;]+);", lambda match: _unichr(int(match.group(1), 16)), retVal) except ValueError: pass return retVal def singleTimeWarnMessage(message): # Cross-referenced function sys.stdout.write(message) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() def filterNone(values): # Cross-referenced function return [_ for _ in values if _] if isinstance(values, collections.Iterable) else values def isListLike(value): # Cross-referenced function return isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set, BigArray)) def shellExec(cmd): # Cross-referenced function raise NotImplementedError def jsonize(data): """ Returns JSON serialized data >>> jsonize({'foo':'bar'}) '{\\n "foo": "bar"\\n}' """ return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=False, indent=4) def dejsonize(data): """ Returns JSON deserialized data >>> dejsonize('{\\n "foo": "bar"\\n}') == {u'foo': u'bar'} True """ return json.loads(data) def decodeHex(value, binary=True): """ Returns a decoded representation of provided hexadecimal value >>> decodeHex("313233") == b"123" True >>> decodeHex("313233", binary=False) == u"123" True """ retVal = value if isinstance(value, six.binary_type): value = getText(value) if value.lower().startswith("0x"): value = value[2:] try: retVal = codecs.decode(value, "hex") except LookupError: retVal = binascii.unhexlify(value) if not binary: retVal = getText(retVal) return retVal def encodeHex(value, binary=True): """ Returns a encoded representation of provided string value >>> encodeHex(b"123") == b"313233" True >>> encodeHex("123", binary=False) '313233' >>> encodeHex(b"123"[0]) == b"31" True """ if isinstance(value, int): value = six.unichr(value) if isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = value.encode(UNICODE_ENCODING) try: retVal = codecs.encode(value, "hex") except LookupError: retVal = binascii.hexlify(value) if not binary: retVal = getText(retVal) return retVal def decodeBase64(value, binary=True, encoding=None): """ Returns a decoded representation of provided Base64 value >>> decodeBase64("MTIz") == b"123" True >>> decodeBase64("MTIz", binary=False) '123' """ retVal = base64.b64decode(value) if not binary: retVal = getText(retVal, encoding) return retVal def encodeBase64(value, binary=True, encoding=None): """ Returns a decoded representation of provided Base64 value >>> encodeBase64(b"123") == b"MTIz" True >>> encodeBase64(u"123", binary=False) 'MTIz' """ if isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = value.encode(encoding or UNICODE_ENCODING) retVal = base64.b64encode(value) if not binary: retVal = getText(retVal, encoding) return retVal def getBytes(value, encoding=UNICODE_ENCODING, errors="strict", unsafe=True): """ Returns byte representation of provided Unicode value >>> getBytes(u"foo\\\\x01\\\\x83\\\\xffbar") == b"foo\\x01\\x83\\xffbar" True """ retVal = value try: codecs.lookup(encoding) except LookupError: encoding = UNICODE_ENCODING if isinstance(value, six.text_type): if INVALID_UNICODE_PRIVATE_AREA: if unsafe: for char in xrange(0xF0000, 0xF00FF + 1): value = value.replace(_unichr(char), "%s%02x" % (SAFE_HEX_MARKER, char - 0xF0000)) retVal = value.encode(encoding, errors) if unsafe: retVal = re.sub(r"%s([0-9a-f]{2})" % SAFE_HEX_MARKER, lambda _: decodeHex(_.group(1)), retVal) else: retVal = value.encode(encoding, errors) if unsafe: retVal = re.sub(b"\\\\x([0-9a-f]{2})", lambda _: decodeHex(_.group(1)), retVal) return retVal def getOrds(value): """ Returns ORD(...) representation of provided string value >>> getOrds(u'fo\\xf6bar') [102, 111, 246, 98, 97, 114] >>> getOrds(b"fo\\xc3\\xb6bar") [102, 111, 195, 182, 98, 97, 114] """ return [_ if isinstance(_, int) else ord(_) for _ in value] def getUnicode(value, encoding=None, noneToNull=False): """ Returns the unicode representation of the supplied value >>> getUnicode('test') == u'test' True >>> getUnicode(1) == u'1' True """ if noneToNull and value is None: return NULL if isinstance(value, six.text_type): return value elif isinstance(value, six.binary_type): # Heuristics (if encoding not explicitly specified) candidates = filterNone((encoding, kb.get("pageEncoding") if kb.get("originalPage") else None, conf.get("encoding"), UNICODE_ENCODING, sys.getfilesystemencoding())) if all(_ in value for _ in (b'<', b'>')): pass elif any(_ in value for _ in (b":\\", b'/', b'.')) and b'\n' not in value: candidates = filterNone((encoding, sys.getfilesystemencoding(), kb.get("pageEncoding") if kb.get("originalPage") else None, UNICODE_ENCODING, conf.get("encoding"))) elif conf.get("encoding") and b'\n' not in value: candidates = filterNone((encoding, conf.get("encoding"), kb.get("pageEncoding") if kb.get("originalPage") else None, sys.getfilesystemencoding(), UNICODE_ENCODING)) for candidate in candidates: try: return six.text_type(value, candidate) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass try: return six.text_type(value, encoding or (kb.get("pageEncoding") if kb.get("originalPage") else None) or UNICODE_ENCODING) except UnicodeDecodeError: return six.text_type(value, UNICODE_ENCODING, errors="reversible") elif isListLike(value): value = list(getUnicode(_, encoding, noneToNull) for _ in value) return value else: try: return six.text_type(value) except UnicodeDecodeError: return six.text_type(str(value), errors="ignore") # encoding ignored for non-basestring instances def getText(value, encoding=None): """ Returns textual value of a given value (Note: not necessary Unicode on Python2) >>> getText(b"foobar") 'foobar' >>> isinstance(getText(u"fo\\u2299bar"), six.text_type) True """ retVal = value if isinstance(value, six.binary_type): retVal = getUnicode(value, encoding) if six.PY2: try: retVal = str(retVal) except: pass return retVal def stdoutEncode(value): """ Returns binary representation of a given Unicode value safe for writing to stdout """ value = value or "" if IS_WIN and IS_TTY and kb.get("codePage", -1) is None: output = shellExec("chcp") match = re.search(r": (\d{3,})", output or "") if match: try: candidate = "cp%s" % match.group(1) codecs.lookup(candidate) except LookupError: pass else: kb.codePage = candidate kb.codePage = kb.codePage or "" if isinstance(value, six.text_type): encoding = kb.get("codePage") or getattr(sys.stdout, "encoding", None) or UNICODE_ENCODING while True: try: retVal = value.encode(encoding) break except UnicodeEncodeError as ex: value = value[:ex.start] + "?" * (ex.end - ex.start) + value[ex.end:] warnMsg = "cannot properly display (some) Unicode characters " warnMsg += "inside your terminal ('%s') environment. All " % encoding warnMsg += "unhandled occurrences will result in " warnMsg += "replacement with '?' character. Please, find " warnMsg += "proper character representation inside " warnMsg += "corresponding output files" singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) if six.PY3: retVal = getUnicode(retVal, encoding) else: retVal = value return retVal def getConsoleLength(value): """ Returns console width of unicode values >>> getConsoleLength("abc") 3 >>> getConsoleLength(u"\\u957f\\u6c5f") 4 """ if isinstance(value, six.text_type): retVal = sum((2 if ord(_) >= 0x3000 else 1) for _ in value) else: retVal = len(value) return retVal