#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ This file is part of the sqlmap project, http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net. Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Bernardo Damele A. G. Copyright (c) 2006 Daniele Bellucci sqlmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. sqlmap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with sqlmap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import os import random import re import socket import string import sys import time import urlparse from lib.contrib import magic from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.data import paths from lib.core.data import queries from lib.core.data import temp from lib.core.exception import sqlmapFilePathException from lib.core.settings import IS_WIN from lib.core.settings import SQL_STATEMENTS from lib.core.settings import VERSION_STRING def paramToDict(place, parameters=None): """ Split the parameters into names and values, check if these parameters are within the testable parameters and return in a dictionary. @param place: where sqlmap has to work, can be GET, POST or Cookie. @type place: C{str} @param parameters: parameters string in the format for instance 'p1=v1&p2=v2' (GET and POST) or 'p1=v1;p2=v2' (Cookie). @type parameters: C{str} @return: the parameters in a dictionary. @rtype: C{str} """ testableParameters = {} if conf.parameters.has_key(place) and not parameters: parameters = conf.parameters[place] parameters = parameters.replace(", ", ",") if place == "Cookie": splitParams = parameters.split(";") else: splitParams = parameters.split("&") for element in splitParams: elem = element.split("=") if len(elem) == 2: parameter = elem[0].replace(" ", "") condition = not conf.testParameter condition |= parameter in conf.testParameter if condition: value = elem[1] testableParameters[parameter] = value if conf.testParameter and not testableParameters: paramStr = ", ".join(test for test in conf.testParameter) if len(conf.testParameter) > 1: warnMsg = "the testable parameters '%s' " % paramStr warnMsg += "you provided are not into the %s" % place else: parameter = conf.testParameter[0] warnMsg = "the testable parameter '%s' " % paramStr warnMsg += "you provided is not into the %s" % place if conf.multipleTargets: warnMsg += ", skipping to next url" logger.warn(warnMsg) elif len(conf.testParameter) != len(testableParameters.keys()): for parameter in conf.testParameter: if not testableParameters.has_key(parameter): warnMsg = "the testable parameter '%s' " % parameter warnMsg += "you provided is not into the %s" % place logger.warn(warnMsg) return testableParameters def formatDBMSfp(versions=None): """ This function format the back-end DBMS fingerprint value and return its values formatted as a human readable string. @return: detected back-end DBMS based upon fingerprint techniques. @rtype: C{str} """ if not versions: versions = kb.dbmsVersion if isinstance(versions, str): return "%s %s" % (kb.dbms, versions) elif isinstance(versions, (list, set, tuple)): return "%s %s" % (kb.dbms, " and ".join([version for version in versions])) elif not versions: warnMsg = "unable to extensively fingerprint the back-end " warnMsg += "DBMS version" logger.warn(warnMsg) return kb.dbms def formatFingerprintString(values, chain=" or "): strJoin = "|".join([v for v in values]) return strJoin.replace("|", chain) def formatFingerprint(target, info): """ This function format the back-end operating system fingerprint value and return its values formatted as a human readable string. Example of info (kb.headersFp) dictionary: { 'distrib': set(['Ubuntu']), 'type': set(['Linux']), 'technology': set(['PHP 5.2.6', 'Apache 2.2.9']), 'release': set(['8.10']) } Example of info (kb.bannerFp) dictionary: { 'sp': set(['Service Pack 4']), 'dbmsVersion': '8.00.194', 'dbmsServicePack': '0', 'distrib': set(['2000']), 'dbmsRelease': '2000', 'type': set(['Windows']) } @return: detected back-end operating system based upon fingerprint techniques. @rtype: C{str} """ infoStr = "" if info and "type" in info: infoStr += "%s operating system: %s" % (target, formatFingerprintString(info["type"])) if "distrib" in info: infoStr += " %s" % formatFingerprintString(info["distrib"]) if "release" in info: infoStr += " %s" % formatFingerprintString(info["release"]) if "sp" in info: infoStr += " %s" % formatFingerprintString(info["sp"]) if "codename" in info: infoStr += " (%s)" % formatFingerprintString(info["codename"]) if "technology" in info: infoStr += "\nweb application technology: %s" % formatFingerprintString(info["technology"], ", ") return infoStr def getHtmlErrorFp(): """ This function parses the knowledge base htmlFp list and return its values formatted as a human readable string. @return: list of possible back-end DBMS based upon error messages parsing. @rtype: C{str} """ htmlParsed = "" if not kb.htmlFp: return None if len(kb.htmlFp) == 1: htmlVer = kb.htmlFp[0] htmlParsed = htmlVer elif len(kb.htmlFp) > 1: htmlParsed = " or ".join([htmlFp for htmlFp in kb.htmlFp]) return htmlParsed def getDocRoot(): docRoot = None pagePath = os.path.dirname(conf.path) if kb.os == "Windows": defaultDocRoot = "C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/" else: defaultDocRoot = "/var/www/" if kb.absFilePaths: for absFilePath in kb.absFilePaths: absFilePathWin = None if re.search("[A-Za-z]:(\\[\w.\\]*)?", absFilePath): absFilePathWin = absFilePath absFilePath = absFilePath[2:].replace("\\", "/") absFilePath = os.path.normpath(absFilePath) if pagePath in absFilePath: index = absFilePath.index(pagePath) docRoot = absFilePath[:index] if absFilePathWin: docRoot = "C:/%s" % docRoot.replace("\\", "/") break if docRoot: infoMsg = "retrieved the web server document root: '%s'" % docRoot logger.info(infoMsg) else: warnMsg = "unable to retrieve the web server document root" logger.warn(warnMsg) message = "please provide the web server document root " message += "[%s]: " % defaultDocRoot inputDocRoot = readInput(message, default=defaultDocRoot) if inputDocRoot: docRoot = inputDocRoot else: docRoot = defaultDocRoot return docRoot def getDirs(): directories = set() if kb.os == "Windows": defaultDir = "C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/test/" else: defaultDir = "/var/www/test/" if kb.absFilePaths: infoMsg = "retrieved web server full paths: " infoMsg += "'%s'" % ", ".join(path for path in kb.absFilePaths) logger.info(infoMsg) for absFilePath in kb.absFilePaths: if absFilePath: directories.add(os.path.dirname(absFilePath)) else: warnMsg = "unable to retrieve any web server path" logger.warn(warnMsg) message = "please provide any additional web server full path to try " message += "to upload the agent [%s]: " % defaultDir inputDirs = readInput(message, default=defaultDir) if inputDirs: inputDirs = inputDirs.replace(", ", ",") inputDirs = inputDirs.split(",") for inputDir in inputDirs: if inputDir: directories.add(inputDir) else: directories.add(defaultDir) return directories def filePathToString(filePath): strRepl = filePath.replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_") strRepl = strRepl.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_") return strRepl def dataToStdout(data): sys.stdout.write(data) sys.stdout.flush() def dataToSessionFile(data): if not conf.sessionFile: return conf.sessionFP.write(data) conf.sessionFP.flush() def dataToDumpFile(dumpFile, data): dumpFile.write(data) dumpFile.flush() def dataToOutFile(data): if not data: return "No data retrieved" rFile = filePathToString(conf.rFile) rFilePath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.filePath, os.sep, rFile) rFileFP = open(rFilePath, "wb") rFileFP.write(data) rFileFP.flush() rFileFP.close() return rFilePath def strToHex(inpStr): """ @param inpStr: inpStr to be converted into its hexadecimal value. @type inpStr: C{str} @return: the hexadecimal converted inpStr. @rtype: C{str} """ hexStr = "" for character in inpStr: if character == "\n": character = " " hexChar = "%2x" % ord(character) hexChar = hexChar.replace(" ", "0") hexChar = hexChar.upper() hexStr += hexChar return hexStr def fileToStr(fileName): """ @param fileName: file path to read the content and return as a no NEWLINE string. @type fileName: C{file.open} @return: the file content as a string without TAB and NEWLINE. @rtype: C{str} """ filePointer = open(fileName, "r") fileText = filePointer.read() return fileText.replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "").replace("\r", "").replace("\n", " ") def fileToHex(fileName): """ @param fileName: file path to read the content and return as an hexadecimal string. @type fileName: C{file.open} @return: the file content as an hexadecimal string. @rtype: C{str} """ fileText = fileToStr(fileName) hexFile = strToHex(fileText) return hexFile def readInput(message, default=None): """ @param message: message to display on terminal. @type message: C{str} @return: a string read from keyboard as input. @rtype: C{str} """ if "\n" in message: message += "\n> " if conf.batch and default: infoMsg = "%s%s" % (message, str(default)) logger.info(infoMsg) debugMsg = "used the default behaviour, running in batch mode" logger.debug(debugMsg) data = default else: data = raw_input(message) if not data: data = default return data def randomRange(start=0, stop=1000): """ @param start: starting number. @type start: C{int} @param stop: last number. @type stop: C{int} @return: a random number within the range. @rtype: C{int} """ return int(random.randint(start, stop)) def randomInt(length=4): """ @param length: length of the random string. @type length: C{int} @return: a random string of digits. @rtype: C{str} """ return int("".join([random.choice(string.digits) for _ in xrange(0, length)])) def randomStr(length=5, lowercase=False): """ @param length: length of the random string. @type length: C{int} @return: a random string of characters. @rtype: C{str} """ if lowercase: rndStr = "".join([random.choice(string.lowercase) for _ in xrange(0, length)]) else: rndStr = "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for _ in xrange(0, length)]) return rndStr def sanitizeStr(inpStr): """ @param inpStr: inpStr to sanitize: cast to str datatype and replace newlines with one space and strip carriage returns. @type inpStr: C{str} @return: sanitized inpStr @rtype: C{str} """ cleanString = str(inpStr) cleanString = cleanString.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", "") return cleanString def checkFile(filename): """ @param filename: filename to check if it exists. @type filename: C{str} """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise sqlmapFilePathException, "unable to read file '%s'" % filename def replaceNewlineTabs(inpStr): replacedString = inpStr.replace("\n", "__NEWLINE__").replace("\t", "__TAB__") replacedString = replacedString.replace(temp.delimiter, "__DEL__") return replacedString def banner(): """ This function prints sqlmap banner with its version """ print """ %s by Bernardo Damele A. G. """ % VERSION_STRING def parsePasswordHash(password): blank = " " * 8 if not password or password == " ": password = "NULL" if kb.dbms == "Microsoft SQL Server" and password != "NULL": hexPassword = password password = "%s\n" % hexPassword password += "%sheader: %s\n" % (blank, hexPassword[:6]) password += "%ssalt: %s\n" % (blank, hexPassword[6:14]) password += "%smixedcase: %s\n" % (blank, hexPassword[14:54]) if kb.dbmsVersion[0] not in ( "2005", "2008" ): password += "%suppercase: %s" % (blank, hexPassword[54:]) return password def cleanQuery(query): upperQuery = query for sqlStatements in SQL_STATEMENTS.values(): for sqlStatement in sqlStatements: sqlStatementEsc = sqlStatement.replace("(", "\\(") queryMatch = re.search("(%s)" % sqlStatementEsc, query, re.I) if queryMatch: upperQuery = upperQuery.replace(queryMatch.group(1), sqlStatement.upper()) return upperQuery def setPaths(): # sqlmap paths paths.SQLMAP_CONTRIB_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "lib", "contrib") paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "shell") paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "txt") paths.SQLMAP_UDF_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "udf") paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "xml") paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH, "banner") paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "output") paths.SQLMAP_DUMP_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, "%s", "dump") paths.SQLMAP_FILES_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, "%s", "files") # sqlmap files paths.SQLMAP_HISTORY = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, ".sqlmap_history") paths.SQLMAP_CONFIG = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "sqlmap-%s.conf" % randomStr()) paths.FUZZ_VECTORS = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH, "fuzz_vectors.txt") paths.ERRORS_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH, "errors.xml") paths.QUERIES_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH, "queries.xml") paths.GENERIC_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH, "generic.xml") paths.MSSQL_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH, "mssql.xml") paths.MYSQL_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH, "mysql.xml") paths.ORACLE_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH, "oracle.xml") paths.PGSQL_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH, "postgresql.xml") def weAreFrozen(): """ Returns whether we are frozen via py2exe. This will affect how we find out where we are located. Reference: http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/WhereAmI """ return hasattr(sys, "frozen") def parseTargetUrl(): """ Parse target url and set some attributes into the configuration singleton. """ if not conf.url: return if not re.search("^http[s]*://", conf.url): if ":443/" in conf.url: conf.url = "https://" + conf.url else: conf.url = "http://" + conf.url __urlSplit = urlparse.urlsplit(conf.url) __hostnamePort = __urlSplit[1].split(":") conf.scheme = __urlSplit[0] conf.path = __urlSplit[2] conf.hostname = __hostnamePort[0] if len(__hostnamePort) == 2: conf.port = int(__hostnamePort[1]) elif conf.scheme == "https": conf.port = 443 else: conf.port = 80 if __urlSplit[3]: conf.parameters["GET"] = __urlSplit[3] conf.url = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, conf.path) def expandAsteriskForColumns(expression): # If the user provided an asterisk rather than the column(s) # name, sqlmap will retrieve the columns itself and reprocess # the SQL query string (expression) asterisk = re.search("^SELECT\s+\*\s+FROM\s+([\w\.\_]+)\s*", expression, re.I) if asterisk: infoMsg = "you did not provide the fields in your query. " infoMsg += "sqlmap will retrieve the column names itself" logger.info(infoMsg) dbTbl = asterisk.group(1) if dbTbl and "." in dbTbl: conf.db, conf.tbl = dbTbl.split(".") else: conf.tbl = dbTbl columnsDict = conf.dbmsHandler.getColumns(onlyColNames=True) if columnsDict and conf.db in columnsDict and conf.tbl in columnsDict[conf.db]: columns = columnsDict[conf.db][conf.tbl].keys() columns.sort() columnsStr = ", ".join([column for column in columns]) expression = expression.replace("*", columnsStr, 1) infoMsg = "the query with column names is: " infoMsg += "%s" % expression logger.info(infoMsg) return expression def getRange(count, dump=False, plusOne=False): count = int(count) indexRange = None limitStart = 1 limitStop = count if dump: if isinstance(conf.limitStop, int) and conf.limitStop > 0 and conf.limitStop < limitStop: limitStop = conf.limitStop if isinstance(conf.limitStart, int) and conf.limitStart > 0 and conf.limitStart <= limitStop: limitStart = conf.limitStart if kb.dbms == "Oracle" or plusOne: indexRange = range(limitStart, limitStop + 1) else: indexRange = range(limitStart - 1, limitStop) return indexRange def parseUnionPage(output, expression, partial=False, condition=None, sort=True): data = [] outCond1 = ( output.startswith(temp.start) and output.endswith(temp.stop) ) outCond2 = ( output.startswith("__START__") and output.endswith("__STOP__") ) if outCond1 or outCond2: if outCond1: regExpr = '%s(.*?)%s' % (temp.start, temp.stop) elif outCond2: regExpr = '__START__(.*?)__STOP__' output = re.findall(regExpr, output, re.S) if condition is None: condition = ( kb.resumedQueries and conf.url in kb.resumedQueries.keys() and expression in kb.resumedQueries[conf.url].keys() ) if partial or not condition: logOutput = "".join(["__START__%s__STOP__" % replaceNewlineTabs(value) for value in output]) dataToSessionFile("[%s][%s][%s][%s][%s]\n" % (conf.url, kb.injPlace, conf.parameters[kb.injPlace], expression, logOutput)) if sort: output = set(output) for entry in output: info = [] if "__DEL__" in entry: entry = entry.split("__DEL__") else: entry = entry.split(temp.delimiter) if len(entry) == 1: data.append(entry[0]) else: for value in entry: info.append(value) data.append(info) else: data = output if len(data) == 1 and isinstance(data[0], str): data = data[0] return data def getDelayQuery(): query = None if kb.dbms in ("MySQL", "PostgreSQL"): if not kb.data.banner: conf.dbmsHandler.getVersionFromBanner() banVer = kb.bannerFp["dbmsVersion"] if (kb.dbms == "MySQL" and banVer >= "5.0.12") or (kb.dbms == "PostgreSQL" and banVer >= "8.2"): query = queries[kb.dbms].timedelay % conf.timeSec else: query = queries[kb.dbms].timedelay2 % conf.timeSec else: query = queries[kb.dbms].timedelay % conf.timeSec return query def getLocalIP(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((conf.hostname, conf.port)) ip, _ = s.getsockname() s.close() return ip def getRemoteIP(): return socket.gethostbyname(conf.hostname) def getFileType(filePath): try: magicFileType = magic.from_file(filePath) except: return "unknown" if "ASCII" in magicFileType or "text" in magicFileType: return "text" else: return "binary" def pollProcess(process): while True: dataToStdout(".") time.sleep(1) returncode = process.poll() if returncode is not None: if returncode == 0: dataToStdout(" done\n") elif returncode < 0: dataToStdout(" process terminated by signal %d\n" % returncode) elif returncode > 0: dataToStdout(" quit unexpectedly with return code %d\n" % returncode) break def getCharset(charsetType=None): asciiTbl = [] if charsetType is None: asciiTbl = range(0, 128) # 0 or 1 elif charsetType == 1: asciiTbl.extend([ 0, 1 ]) asciiTbl.extend(range(47, 50)) # Digits elif charsetType == 2: asciiTbl.extend([ 0, 1 ]) asciiTbl.extend(range(47, 58)) # Hexadecimal elif charsetType == 3: asciiTbl.extend([ 0, 1 ]) asciiTbl.extend(range(47, 58)) asciiTbl.extend(range(64, 71)) asciiTbl.extend(range(96, 103)) # Characters elif charsetType == 4: asciiTbl.extend([ 0, 1 ]) asciiTbl.extend(range(64, 91)) asciiTbl.extend(range(96, 123)) # Characters and digits elif charsetType == 5: asciiTbl.extend([ 0, 1 ]) asciiTbl.extend(range(47, 58)) asciiTbl.extend(range(64, 91)) asciiTbl.extend(range(96, 123)) return asciiTbl def searchEnvPath(fileName): envPaths = os.environ["PATH"] result = None if IS_WIN: envPaths = envPaths.split(";") else: envPaths = envPaths.split(":") for envPath in envPaths: envPath = envPath.replace(";", "") result = os.path.exists(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(envPath, fileName))) if result: break return result def sanitizeCookie(cookieStr, warn=False): if cookieStr: result = "" changed = False for part in cookieStr.split(';'): index = part.find('=') + 1 if index > 0: name = part[:index - 1].strip() value = part[index:].replace(",","%2C").replace(";","%3B").replace(" ","%20") if value != part[index:]: changed = True result += ";%s=%s" % (name, value) elif part.strip().lower() != "secure": result += "%s%s" % ("%3B", part.replace(",","%2C").replace(";","%3B").replace(" ","%20")) else: result += ";secure" if result.startswith(';'): result = result[1:] elif result.startswith('%3B'): result = result[3:] if changed and warn: warnMsg = "cookie is provided in HTTP unsafe format containing one " warnMsg += "of problematic characters: ' ,;'. temporary sanitized." logger.warn(warnMsg) return result else: return None