#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ Copyright (c) 2006-2012 sqlmap developers (http://www.sqlmap.org/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ import codecs import copy import ctypes import httplib import inspect import logging import ntpath import os import pickle import posixpath import random import re import socket import string import struct import sys import time import urllib import urlparse import unicodedata from ConfigParser import DEFAULTSECT from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser from StringIO import StringIO from difflib import SequenceMatcher from math import sqrt from optparse import OptionValueError from subprocess import PIPE from subprocess import Popen as execute from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from tempfile import mkstemp from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from xml.dom import minidom from xml.sax import parse from extra.clientform.clientform import ParseResponse from extra.clientform.clientform import ParseError from extra.cloak.cloak import decloak from extra.magic import magic from extra.odict.odict import OrderedDict from extra.safe2bin.safe2bin import safecharencode from lib.core.bigarray import BigArray from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.data import paths from lib.core.convert import htmlunescape from lib.core.convert import unicodeencode from lib.core.convert import urldecode from lib.core.convert import urlencode from lib.core.enums import DBMS from lib.core.enums import EXPECTED from lib.core.enums import HTTPHEADER from lib.core.enums import HTTPMETHOD from lib.core.enums import OS from lib.core.enums import PLACE from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD from lib.core.enums import REFLECTIVE_COUNTER from lib.core.enums import SORT_ORDER from lib.core.exception import sqlmapDataException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapFilePathException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapGenericException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapNoneDataException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapMissingDependence from lib.core.exception import sqlmapSilentQuitException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapSyntaxException from lib.core.optiondict import optDict from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER from lib.core.settings import DUMMY_USER_INJECTION from lib.core.settings import INFERENCE_UNKNOWN_CHAR from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING from lib.core.settings import DBMS_DICT from lib.core.settings import DBMS_DIRECTORY_DICT from lib.core.settings import DESCRIPTION from lib.core.settings import DUMMY_SQL_INJECTION_CHARS from lib.core.settings import FORMATTER from lib.core.settings import NULL from lib.core.settings import IS_WIN from lib.core.settings import PLATFORM from lib.core.settings import PYVERSION from lib.core.settings import VERSION from lib.core.settings import REVISION from lib.core.settings import VERSION_STRING from lib.core.settings import SITE from lib.core.settings import HOST_ALIASES from lib.core.settings import REFERER_ALIASES from lib.core.settings import USER_AGENT_ALIASES from lib.core.settings import ERROR_PARSING_REGEXES from lib.core.settings import PRINTABLE_CHAR_REGEX from lib.core.settings import DUMP_DEL_MARKER from lib.core.settings import SQL_STATEMENTS from lib.core.settings import SUPPORTED_DBMS from lib.core.settings import UNKNOWN_DBMS_VERSION from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_MSSQL_SCHEMA from lib.core.settings import DUMP_NEWLINE_MARKER from lib.core.settings import DUMP_CR_MARKER from lib.core.settings import DUMP_TAB_MARKER from lib.core.settings import PARAMETER_AMP_MARKER from lib.core.settings import PARAMETER_SEMICOLON_MARKER from lib.core.settings import LARGE_OUTPUT_THRESHOLD from lib.core.settings import ML from lib.core.settings import MIN_TIME_RESPONSES from lib.core.settings import PAYLOAD_DELIMITER from lib.core.settings import REFLECTED_NON_ALPHA_NUM_REGEX from lib.core.settings import REFLECTED_MAX_REGEX_PARTS from lib.core.settings import REFLECTED_VALUE_MARKER from lib.core.settings import TIME_STDEV_COEFF from lib.core.settings import DYNAMICITY_MARK_LENGTH from lib.core.settings import REFLECTIVE_MISS_THRESHOLD from lib.core.settings import SENSITIVE_DATA_REGEX from lib.core.settings import UNION_UNIQUE_FIFO_LENGTH from lib.core.settings import URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR from lib.core.settings import URI_QUESTION_MARKER from lib.core.threads import getCurrentThreadData class UnicodeRawConfigParser(RawConfigParser): """ RawConfigParser with unicode writing support """ def write(self, fp): """ Write an .ini-format representation of the configuration state. """ if self._defaults: fp.write("[%s]\n" % DEFAULTSECT) for (key, value) in self._defaults.items(): fp.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, getUnicode(value, UNICODE_ENCODING).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) fp.write("\n") for section in self._sections: fp.write("[%s]\n" % section) for (key, value) in self._sections[section].items(): if key != "__name__": if value is None: fp.write("%s\n" % (key)) else: fp.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, getUnicode(value, UNICODE_ENCODING).replace('\n', '\n\t'))) fp.write("\n") class Format: @staticmethod def humanize(values, chain=" or "): strJoin = "|".join(v for v in values) return strJoin.replace("|", chain) # Get methods @staticmethod def getDbms(versions=None): """ Format the back-end DBMS fingerprint value and return its values formatted as a human readable string. @return: detected back-end DBMS based upon fingerprint techniques. @rtype: C{str} """ if versions is None and Backend.getVersionList(): versions = Backend.getVersionList() if versions is None: return Backend.getDbms() else: return "%s %s" % (Backend.getDbms(), " and ".join(v for v in versions)) @staticmethod def getErrorParsedDBMSes(): """ Parses the knowledge base htmlFp list and return its values formatted as a human readable string. @return: list of possible back-end DBMS based upon error messages parsing. @rtype: C{str} """ htmlParsed = "" if len(kb.htmlFp) == 0: return None elif len(kb.htmlFp) == 1: htmlParsed = kb.htmlFp[0] elif len(kb.htmlFp) > 1: htmlParsed = " or ".join(htmlFp for htmlFp in kb.htmlFp) return htmlParsed @staticmethod def getOs(target, info): """ Formats the back-end operating system fingerprint value and return its values formatted as a human readable string. Example of info (kb.headersFp) dictionary: { 'distrib': set(['Ubuntu']), 'type': set(['Linux']), 'technology': set(['PHP 5.2.6', 'Apache 2.2.9']), 'release': set(['8.10']) } Example of info (kb.bannerFp) dictionary: { 'sp': set(['Service Pack 4']), 'dbmsVersion': '8.00.194', 'dbmsServicePack': '0', 'distrib': set(['2000']), 'dbmsRelease': '2000', 'type': set(['Windows']) } @return: detected back-end operating system based upon fingerprint techniques. @rtype: C{str} """ infoStr = "" if info and "type" in info: infoStr += "%s operating system: %s" % (target, Format.humanize(info["type"])) if "distrib" in info: infoStr += " %s" % Format.humanize(info["distrib"]) if "release" in info: infoStr += " %s" % Format.humanize(info["release"]) if "sp" in info: infoStr += " %s" % Format.humanize(info["sp"]) if "codename" in info: infoStr += " (%s)" % Format.humanize(info["codename"]) if "technology" in info: infoStr += "\nweb application technology: %s" % Format.humanize(info["technology"], ", ") return infoStr class Backend: # Set methods @staticmethod def setDbms(dbms): dbms = aliasToDbmsEnum(dbms) if dbms is None: return None # Little precaution, in theory this condition should always be false elif kb.dbms is not None and kb.dbms != dbms: msg = "sqlmap previously fingerprinted back-end DBMS " msg += "%s. However now it has been fingerprinted " % kb.dbms msg += "to be %s. " % dbms msg += "Please, specify which DBMS is " msg += "correct [%s (default)/%s] " % (kb.dbms, dbms) while True: _ = readInput(msg, default=kb.dbms) if aliasToDbmsEnum(_) == kb.dbms: break elif aliasToDbmsEnum(_) == dbms: kb.dbms = aliasToDbmsEnum(_) break else: warnMsg = "invalid value" logger.warn(warnMsg) elif kb.dbms is None: kb.dbms = aliasToDbmsEnum(dbms) return kb.dbms @staticmethod def setVersion(version): if isinstance(version, basestring): kb.dbmsVersion = [version] return kb.dbmsVersion @staticmethod def setVersionList(versionsList): if isinstance(versionsList, list): kb.dbmsVersion = versionsList elif isinstance(versionsList, basestring): Backend.setVersion(versionsList) else: logger.error("invalid format of versionsList") @staticmethod def forceDbms(dbms, sticky=False): if not kb.stickyFlag: kb.forcedDbms = aliasToDbmsEnum(dbms) kb.stickyFlag = sticky @staticmethod def flushForcedDbms(force=False): if not kb.stickyFlag or force: kb.forcedDbms = None kb.stickyFlag = False @staticmethod def setOs(os): if os is None: return None # Little precaution, in theory this condition should always be false elif kb.os is not None and isinstance(os, basestring) and kb.os.lower() != os.lower(): msg = "sqlmap previously fingerprinted back-end DBMS " msg += "operating system %s. However now it has " % kb.os msg += "been fingerprinted to be %s. " % os msg += "Please, specify which OS is " msg += "correct [%s (default)/%s] " % (kb.os, os) while True: _ = readInput(msg, default=kb.os) if _ == kb.os: break elif _ == os: kb.os = _.capitalize() break else: warnMsg = "invalid value" logger.warn(warnMsg) elif kb.os is None and isinstance(os, basestring): kb.os = os.capitalize() return kb.os @staticmethod def setOsVersion(version): if version is None: return None elif kb.osVersion is None and isinstance(version, basestring): kb.osVersion = version @staticmethod def setOsServicePack(sp): if sp is None: return None elif kb.osSP is None and isinstance(sp, int): kb.osSP = sp @staticmethod def setArch(): msg = "what is the back-end database management system architecture?" msg += "\n[1] 32-bit (default)" msg += "\n[2] 64-bit" while True: _ = readInput(msg, default='1') if isinstance(_, basestring) and _.isdigit() and int(_) in (1, 2): kb.arch = 32 if int(_) == 1 else 64 break else: warnMsg = "invalid value. Valid values are 1 and 2" logger.warn(warnMsg) return kb.arch # Get methods @staticmethod def getForcedDbms(): return aliasToDbmsEnum(kb.forcedDbms) @staticmethod def getDbms(): return aliasToDbmsEnum(kb.dbms) if kb.get('dbms') else None @staticmethod def getErrorParsedDBMSes(): """ Returns array with parsed DBMS names till now This functions is called to: 1. Sort the tests, getSortedInjectionTests() - detection phase. 2. Ask user whether or not skip specific DBMS tests in detection phase, lib/controller/checks.py - detection phase. 3. Sort the fingerprint of the DBMS, lib/controller/handler.py - fingerprint phase. """ return kb.htmlFp @staticmethod def getIdentifiedDbms(): dbms = None if not kb: pass elif Backend.getForcedDbms() is not None: dbms = Backend.getForcedDbms() elif Backend.getDbms() is not None: dbms = kb.dbms elif conf.get('dbms'): dbms = conf.dbms elif len(Backend.getErrorParsedDBMSes()) > 0: dbms = Backend.getErrorParsedDBMSes()[0] return aliasToDbmsEnum(dbms) @staticmethod def getVersion(): if len(kb.dbmsVersion) > 0: return kb.dbmsVersion[0] else: return None @staticmethod def getVersionList(): if len(kb.dbmsVersion) > 0: return kb.dbmsVersion else: return None @staticmethod def getOs(): return kb.os @staticmethod def getOsVersion(): return kb.osVersion @staticmethod def getOsServicePack(): return kb.osSP @staticmethod def getArch(): if kb.arch is None: Backend.setArch() return kb.arch # Comparison methods @staticmethod def isDbms(dbms): if Backend.getDbms() is not None: return Backend.getDbms() == aliasToDbmsEnum(dbms) else: return Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == aliasToDbmsEnum(dbms) @staticmethod def isDbmsWithin(aliases): return Backend.getDbms() is not None and Backend.getDbms().lower() in aliases @staticmethod def isVersion(version): return Backend.getVersion() is not None and Backend.getVersion() == version @staticmethod def isVersionWithin(versionList): if Backend.getVersionList() is None: return False for _ in Backend.getVersionList(): if _ != UNKNOWN_DBMS_VERSION and _ in versionList: return True return False @staticmethod def isVersionGreaterOrEqualThan(version): return Backend.getVersion() is not None and str(Backend.getVersion()) >= str(version) @staticmethod def isOs(os): return Backend.getOs() is not None and Backend.getOs().lower() == os.lower() # Reference: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/325205-cache-decorator-in-python-24/ def cachedmethod(f, cache={}): def g(*args, **kwargs): key = (f, tuple(args), frozenset(kwargs.items())) if key not in cache: cache[key] = f(*args, **kwargs) return cache[key] return g def paramToDict(place, parameters=None): """ Split the parameters into names and values, check if these parameters are within the testable parameters and return in a dictionary. @param place: where sqlmap has to work, can be GET, POST or Cookie. @type place: C{str} @param parameters: parameters string in the format for instance 'p1=v1&p2=v2' (GET and POST) or 'p1=v1;p2=v2' (Cookie). @type parameters: C{str} @return: the parameters in a dictionary. @rtype: C{str} """ testableParameters = OrderedDict() if place in conf.parameters and not parameters: parameters = conf.parameters[place] if place != PLACE.SOAP: parameters = parameters.replace(", ", ",") parameters = re.sub(r"&(\w{1,4});", r"%s\g<1>%s" % (PARAMETER_AMP_MARKER, PARAMETER_SEMICOLON_MARKER), parameters) splitParams = parameters.split(conf.pDel or (DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER if place == PLACE.COOKIE else DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER)) for element in splitParams: element = re.sub(r"%s(.+?)%s" % (PARAMETER_AMP_MARKER, PARAMETER_SEMICOLON_MARKER), r"&\g<1>;", element) elem = element.split("=") if len(elem) >= 2: parameter = elem[0].replace(" ", "") condition = not conf.testParameter condition |= parameter in conf.testParameter if condition: testableParameters[parameter] = "=".join(elem[1:]) if testableParameters[parameter].strip(DUMMY_SQL_INJECTION_CHARS) != testableParameters[parameter]\ or re.search(r'\A9{3,}', testableParameters[parameter]) or re.search(DUMMY_USER_INJECTION, testableParameters[parameter]): warnMsg = "it appears that you have provided tainted parameter values " warnMsg += "('%s') with most probably leftover " % element warnMsg += "chars from manual sql injection " warnMsg += "tests (%s) or non-valid numerical value. " % DUMMY_SQL_INJECTION_CHARS warnMsg += "Please, always use only valid parameter values " warnMsg += "so sqlmap could be able to properly run " logger.warn(warnMsg) message = "Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] " test = readInput(message, default="N") if test[0] not in ("y", "Y"): raise sqlmapSilentQuitException else: root = ET.XML(parameters) iterator = root.getiterator() for child in iterator: parameter = child.tag if "}" in parameter: testParam = parameter.split("}")[1] else: testParam = parameter condition = not conf.testParameter condition |= testParam in conf.testParameter if condition: testableParameters[parameter] = child.text if conf.testParameter and not testableParameters: paramStr = ", ".join(test for test in conf.testParameter) if len(conf.testParameter) > 1: warnMsg = "provided parameters '%s' " % paramStr warnMsg += "are not inside the %s" % place logger.warn(warnMsg) else: parameter = conf.testParameter[0] if not intersect(USER_AGENT_ALIASES + REFERER_ALIASES + HOST_ALIASES, parameter, True): warnMsg = "provided parameter '%s' " % paramStr warnMsg += "is not inside the %s" % place logger.warn(warnMsg) elif len(conf.testParameter) != len(testableParameters.keys()): for parameter in conf.testParameter: if parameter not in testableParameters: warnMsg = "provided parameter '%s' " % parameter warnMsg += "is not inside the %s" % place logger.warn(warnMsg) return testableParameters def getDocRoot(): docRoot = None pagePath = directoryPath(conf.path) if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS): defaultDocRoot = ["C:/xampp/htdocs/", "C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/"] else: defaultDocRoot = ["/var/www/"] if kb.absFilePaths: for absFilePath in kb.absFilePaths: if directoryPath(absFilePath) == '/': continue absFilePath = normalizePath(absFilePath) absFilePathWin = None if isWindowsPath(absFilePath): absFilePathWin = posixToNtSlashes(absFilePath) absFilePath = ntToPosixSlashes(absFilePath[2:]) elif isWindowsDriveLetterPath(absFilePath): absFilePath = absFilePath[2:] if pagePath in absFilePath: index = absFilePath.index(pagePath) docRoot = absFilePath[:index] if len(docRoot) == 0: docRoot = None continue if absFilePathWin: docRoot = "C:/%s" % ntToPosixSlashes(docRoot) docRoot = normalizePath(docRoot) break if docRoot: infoMsg = "retrieved the web server document root: '%s'" % docRoot logger.info(infoMsg) else: warnMsg = "unable to retrieve the web server document root" logger.warn(warnMsg) message = "please provide the web server document root " message += "[%s]: " % ",".join(root for root in defaultDocRoot) inputDocRoot = readInput(message, default=defaultDocRoot) if inputDocRoot: if isinstance(inputDocRoot, basestring): docRoot = inputDocRoot.split(',') else: docRoot = inputDocRoot else: docRoot = defaultDocRoot return docRoot def getDirs(): directories = set("/") if kb.absFilePaths: infoMsg = "retrieved web server full paths: " infoMsg += "'%s'" % ", ".join(ntToPosixSlashes(path) for path in kb.absFilePaths) logger.info(infoMsg) for absFilePath in kb.absFilePaths: if absFilePath: directory = directoryPath(absFilePath) directory = ntToPosixSlashes(directory) directories.add(directory) else: warnMsg = "unable to retrieve any web server path" logger.warn(warnMsg) webDir = extractRegexResult(r"//[^/]+?/(?P.*)/.", conf.url) if webDir: directories.add(webDir) message = "please provide any additional web server full path to try " message += "to upload the agent [Enter for None]: " inputDirs = readInput(message) if inputDirs: inputDirs = inputDirs.replace(", ", ",") inputDirs = inputDirs.split(",") for inputDir in inputDirs: if inputDir: directories.add(inputDir) return directories def filePathToString(filePath): strRepl = filePath.replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_") strRepl = strRepl.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "_") return strRepl def singleTimeWarnMessage(message): singleTimeLogMessage(message, logging.WARN) def singleTimeLogMessage(message, level=logging.INFO, flag=None): if flag is None: flag = hash(message) if flag not in kb.singleLogFlags: kb.singleLogFlags.add(flag) logger.log(level, message) def dataToStdout(data, forceOutput=False): if not kb.get("threadException"): if forceOutput or not getCurrentThreadData().disableStdOut: try: if kb.get("multiThreadMode"): logging._acquireLock() # Reference: http://bugs.python.org/issue1602 if IS_WIN: output = data.encode('ascii', "replace") if output != data: warnMsg = "cannot properly display Unicode characters " warnMsg += "inside Windows OS command prompt " warnMsg += "(http://bugs.python.org/issue1602). All " warnMsg += "unhandled occurances will result in " warnMsg += "replacement with '?' character. Please, find " warnMsg += "proper character representation inside " warnMsg += "corresponding output files. " singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) sys.stdout.write(output) else: sys.stdout.write(data.encode(sys.stdout.encoding)) except: sys.stdout.write(data.encode(UNICODE_ENCODING)) finally: sys.stdout.flush() if kb.get("multiThreadMode"): logging._releaseLock() setFormatterPrependFlag(len(data) == 1 and data != '\n' or len(data) > 2 and data[0] == '\r' and data[-1] != '\n') def dataToSessionFile(data): if not conf.sessionFile or kb.suppressSession: return conf.sessionFP.write(data) conf.sessionFP.flush() def dataToTrafficFile(data): if not conf.trafficFile: return conf.trafficFP.write(data) conf.trafficFP.flush() def dataToDumpFile(dumpFile, data): dumpFile.write(data) dumpFile.flush() def dataToOutFile(data): if not data: return "No data retrieved" rFile = filePathToString(conf.rFile) rFilePath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.filePath, os.sep, rFile) rFileFP = codecs.open(rFilePath, "wb") rFileFP.write(data) rFileFP.flush() rFileFP.close() return rFilePath def strToHex(inpStr): """ @param inpStr: inpStr to be converted into its hexadecimal value. @type inpStr: C{str} @return: the hexadecimal converted inpStr. @rtype: C{str} """ hexStr = "" for character in inpStr: if character == "\n": character = " " hexChar = "%2x" % ord(character) hexChar = hexChar.replace(" ", "0") hexChar = hexChar.upper() hexStr += hexChar return hexStr def readInput(message, default=None, checkBatch=True): """ @param message: message to display on terminal. @type message: C{str} @return: a string read from keyboard as input. @rtype: C{str} """ if "\n" in message: message += "%s> " % ("\n" if message.count("\n") > 1 else "") elif message[-1] == ']': message += " " if checkBatch and conf.batch: if isinstance(default, (list, tuple, set)): options = ",".join(getUnicode(opt, UNICODE_ENCODING) for opt in default) elif default: options = getUnicode(default, UNICODE_ENCODING) else: options = unicode() infoMsg = "%s%s" % (getUnicode(message), options) logger.info(infoMsg) debugMsg = "used the default behaviour, running in batch mode" logger.debug(debugMsg) data = default else: logging._acquireLock() dataToStdout("\r%s" % message, True) data = raw_input() #data = raw_input(message.encode(sys.stdout.encoding or UNICODE_ENCODING)) logging._releaseLock() if not data: data = default return data def randomRange(start=0, stop=1000): """ @param start: starting number. @type start: C{int} @param stop: last number. @type stop: C{int} @return: a random number within the range. @rtype: C{int} """ return int(random.randint(start, stop)) def randomInt(length=4): """ @param length: length of the random string. @type length: C{int} @return: a random string of digits. @rtype: C{str} """ return int("".join(random.choice(string.digits if i!=0 else string.digits.replace('0', '')) for i in xrange(0, length))) def randomStr(length=4, lowercase=False, alphabet=None): """ @param length: length of the random string. @type length: C{int} @return: a random string of characters. @rtype: C{str} """ if alphabet: rndStr = "".join(random.choice(alphabet) for _ in xrange(0, length)) elif lowercase: rndStr = "".join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for _ in xrange(0, length)) else: rndStr = "".join(random.choice(string.letters) for _ in xrange(0, length)) return rndStr def sanitizeStr(value): """ @param value: value to sanitize: cast to str datatype and replace newlines with one space and strip carriage returns. @type value: C{str} @return: sanitized value @rtype: C{str} """ return getUnicode(value).replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", "") def checkFile(filename): """ @param filename: filename to check if it exists. @type filename: C{str} """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise sqlmapFilePathException, "unable to read file '%s'" % filename def replaceNewlineTabs(value, stdout=False): if value is None: return if stdout: retVal = value.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ").replace("\t", " ") else: retVal = value.replace("\n", DUMP_NEWLINE_MARKER).replace("\r", DUMP_CR_MARKER).replace("\t", DUMP_TAB_MARKER) retVal = retVal.replace(kb.chars.delimiter, DUMP_DEL_MARKER) return retVal def restoreDumpMarkedChars(value, onlyNewlineTab=False): retVal = value if isinstance(retVal, basestring): retVal = retVal.replace(DUMP_NEWLINE_MARKER, "\n").replace(DUMP_CR_MARKER, "\r").replace(DUMP_TAB_MARKER, "\t") if not onlyNewlineTab: retVal = retVal.replace(DUMP_DEL_MARKER, ", ") return retVal def banner(): """ This function prints sqlmap banner with its version """ _ = """\n %s - %s\n %s\n\n""" % (VERSION_STRING, DESCRIPTION, SITE) dataToStdout(_, forceOutput=True) def parsePasswordHash(password): blank = " " * 8 if not password or password == " ": password = NULL if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL) and password != NULL and isHexEncodedString(password): hexPassword = password password = "%s\n" % hexPassword password += "%sheader: %s\n" % (blank, hexPassword[:6]) password += "%ssalt: %s\n" % (blank, hexPassword[6:14]) password += "%smixedcase: %s\n" % (blank, hexPassword[14:54]) if not Backend.isVersionWithin(("2005", "2008")): password += "%suppercase: %s" % (blank, hexPassword[54:]) return password def cleanQuery(query): upperQuery = query for sqlStatements in SQL_STATEMENTS.values(): for sqlStatement in sqlStatements: sqlStatementEsc = sqlStatement.replace("(", "\\(") queryMatch = re.search("(%s)" % sqlStatementEsc, query, re.I) if queryMatch: upperQuery = upperQuery.replace(queryMatch.group(1), sqlStatement.upper()) return upperQuery def setPaths(): """ Sets absolute paths for project directories and files """ # sqlmap paths paths.SQLMAP_EXTRAS_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "extra") paths.SQLMAP_PROCS_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "procs") paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "shell") paths.SQLMAP_TAMPER_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "tamper") paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "txt") paths.SQLMAP_UDF_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "udf") paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "xml") paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH, "banner") paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "output") paths.SQLMAP_DUMP_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, "%s", "dump") paths.SQLMAP_FILES_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, "%s", "files") paths.SQLMAP_SEXEC_PATH = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_EXTRAS_PATH, "shellcodeexec") # sqlmap files paths.SQLMAP_HISTORY = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, ".sqlmap_history") paths.SQLMAP_CONFIG = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_ROOT_PATH, "sqlmap-%s.conf" % randomStr()) paths.COMMON_COLUMNS = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH, "common-columns.txt") paths.COMMON_TABLES = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH, "common-tables.txt") paths.COMMON_OUTPUTS = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH, 'common-outputs.txt') paths.SQL_KEYWORDS = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH, "keywords.txt") paths.SMALL_DICT = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH, "smalldict.txt") paths.USER_AGENTS = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH, "user-agents.txt") paths.WORDLIST = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_TXT_PATH, "wordlist.txt") paths.PHPIDS_RULES_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH, "phpids_rules.xml") paths.ERRORS_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH, "errors.xml") paths.PAYLOADS_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH, "payloads.xml") paths.INJECTIONS_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH, "injections.xml") paths.LIVE_TESTS_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH, "livetests.xml") paths.QUERIES_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_PATH, "queries.xml") paths.GENERIC_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH, "generic.xml") paths.MSSQL_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH, "mssql.xml") paths.MYSQL_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH, "mysql.xml") paths.ORACLE_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH, "oracle.xml") paths.PGSQL_XML = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_XML_BANNER_PATH, "postgresql.xml") def weAreFrozen(): """ Returns whether we are frozen via py2exe. This will affect how we find out where we are located. Reference: http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/WhereAmI """ return hasattr(sys, "frozen") def parseTargetDirect(): """ Parse target dbms and set some attributes into the configuration singleton. """ if not conf.direct: return details = None remote = False for dbms in SUPPORTED_DBMS: details = re.search("^(?P%s)://(?P(?P.+?)\:(?P.*)\@)?(?P(?P.+?)\:(?P[\d]+)\/)?(?P[\w\d\ \:\.\_\-\/\\\\]+?)$" % dbms, conf.direct, re.I) if details: conf.dbms = details.group('dbms') if details.group('credentials'): conf.dbmsUser = details.group('user') conf.dbmsPass = details.group('pass') else: conf.dbmsUser = unicode() conf.dbmsPass = unicode() if not conf.dbmsPass: conf.dbmsPass = None if details.group('remote'): remote = True conf.hostname = details.group('hostname') conf.port = int(details.group('port')) else: conf.hostname = "localhost" conf.port = 0 conf.dbmsDb = details.group('db') conf.parameters[None] = "direct connection" break if not details: errMsg = "invalid target details, valid syntax is for instance " errMsg += "'mysql://USER:PASSWORD@DBMS_IP:DBMS_PORT/DATABASE_NAME' " errMsg += "or 'access://DATABASE_FILEPATH'" raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg for dbmsName, data in DBMS_DICT.items(): if conf.dbms in data[0]: try: if dbmsName in (DBMS.ACCESS, DBMS.SQLITE, DBMS.FIREBIRD): if remote: warnMsg = "direct connection over the network for " warnMsg += "%s DBMS is not supported" % dbmsName logger.warn(warnMsg) conf.hostname = "localhost" conf.port = 0 elif not remote: errMsg = "missing remote connection details" raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg if dbmsName in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE): import _mssql import pymssql if not hasattr(pymssql, "__version__") or pymssql.__version__ < "1.0.2": errMsg = "'%s' third-party library must be " % data[1] errMsg += "version >= 1.0.2 to work properly. " errMsg += "Download from '%s'" % data[2] raise sqlmapMissingDependence, errMsg elif dbmsName == DBMS.MYSQL: import pymysql elif dbmsName == DBMS.PGSQL: import psycopg2 elif dbmsName == DBMS.ORACLE: import cx_Oracle elif dbmsName == DBMS.SQLITE: import sqlite3 elif dbmsName == DBMS.ACCESS: import pyodbc elif dbmsName == DBMS.FIREBIRD: import kinterbasdb except ImportError: errMsg = "sqlmap requires '%s' third-party library " % data[1] errMsg += "in order to directly connect to the database " errMsg += "%s. Download from '%s'" % (dbmsName, data[2]) raise sqlmapMissingDependence, errMsg def parseTargetUrl(): """ Parse target url and set some attributes into the configuration singleton. """ if not conf.url: return if not re.search("^http[s]*://", conf.url): if ":443/" in conf.url: conf.url = "https://" + conf.url else: conf.url = "http://" + conf.url if URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR in conf.url: conf.url = conf.url.replace('?', URI_QUESTION_MARKER) __urlSplit = urlparse.urlsplit(conf.url) __hostnamePort = __urlSplit[1].split(":") conf.scheme = __urlSplit[0].strip() if not conf.forceSSL else "https" conf.path = __urlSplit[2].strip() conf.hostname = __hostnamePort[0].strip() try: _ = conf.hostname.encode("idna") except UnicodeError: _ = None if any((_ is None, re.search(r'\s', conf.hostname), '..' in conf.hostname, conf.hostname.startswith('.'))): errMsg = "invalid target url" raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg if len(__hostnamePort) == 2: try: conf.port = int(__hostnamePort[1]) except: errMsg = "invalid target url" raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg elif conf.scheme == "https": conf.port = 443 else: conf.port = 80 if __urlSplit[3]: conf.parameters[PLACE.GET] = urldecode(__urlSplit[3]) if __urlSplit[3] and urlencode(DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, None) not in __urlSplit[3] else __urlSplit[3] conf.url = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, conf.path) conf.url = conf.url.replace(URI_QUESTION_MARKER, '?') if not conf.referer and (conf.level >= 3 or intersect(REFERER_ALIASES, conf.testParameter, True)): debugMsg = "setting the HTTP Referer header to the target url" logger.debug(debugMsg) conf.httpHeaders = filter(lambda (key, value): key != HTTPHEADER.REFERER, conf.httpHeaders) conf.httpHeaders.append((HTTPHEADER.REFERER, conf.url)) if not conf.host and (conf.level >= 5 or intersect(HOST_ALIASES, conf.testParameter, True)): debugMsg = "setting the HTTP Host header to the target url" logger.debug(debugMsg) conf.httpHeaders = filter(lambda (key, value): key != HTTPHEADER.HOST, conf.httpHeaders) conf.httpHeaders.append((HTTPHEADER.HOST, getHostHeader(conf.url))) def expandAsteriskForColumns(expression): """ If the user provided an asterisk rather than the column(s) name, sqlmap will retrieve the columns itself and reprocess the SQL query string (expression) """ asterisk = re.search("^SELECT\s+\*\s+FROM\s+([\w\.\_]+)\s*", expression, re.I) if asterisk: infoMsg = "you did not provide the fields in your query. " infoMsg += "sqlmap will retrieve the column names itself" logger.info(infoMsg) dbTbl = asterisk.group(1) if dbTbl and ".." in dbTbl: dbTbl = dbTbl.replace('..', '.dbo.') if dbTbl and "." in dbTbl: conf.db, conf.tbl = dbTbl.split(".", 1) else: conf.tbl = dbTbl columnsDict = conf.dbmsHandler.getColumns(onlyColNames=True) if columnsDict and conf.db in columnsDict and conf.tbl in columnsDict[conf.db]: columns = columnsDict[conf.db][conf.tbl].keys() columns.sort() columnsStr = ", ".join(column for column in columns) expression = expression.replace("*", columnsStr, 1) infoMsg = "the query with column names is: " infoMsg += "%s" % expression logger.info(infoMsg) return expression def getLimitRange(count, dump=False, plusOne=False): """ Returns range of values used in limit/offset constructs """ retVal = None count = int(count) limitStart, limitStop = 1, count if dump: if isinstance(conf.limitStop, int) and conf.limitStop > 0 and conf.limitStop < limitStop: limitStop = conf.limitStop if isinstance(conf.limitStart, int) and conf.limitStart > 0 and conf.limitStart <= limitStop: limitStart = conf.limitStart retVal = xrange(limitStart, limitStop + 1) if plusOne else xrange(limitStart - 1, limitStop) return retVal def parseUnionPage(output, unique=True): """ Returns resulting items from inband query inside provided page content """ if output is None: return None if output.startswith(kb.chars.start) and output.endswith(kb.chars.stop): if len(output) > LARGE_OUTPUT_THRESHOLD: warnMsg = "large output detected. This might take a while" logger.warn(warnMsg) data = BigArray() _ = [] regExpr = '%s(.*?)%s' % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.stop) output = re.finditer(regExpr, output, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) for entry in output: entry = entry.group(1) entry = decodeHexValue(entry) if conf.hexConvert else entry if unique: key = entry.lower() if key not in _: _.append(key) if len(_) > UNION_UNIQUE_FIFO_LENGTH: _.pop(0) else: continue entry = safecharencode(entry) if kb.safeCharEncode else entry entry = entry.split(kb.chars.delimiter) data.append(entry[0] if len(entry) == 1 else entry) else: data = output if len(data) == 1 and isinstance(data[0], basestring): data = data[0] return data def parseFilePaths(page): """ Detects (possible) absolute system paths inside the provided page content """ if page: for regex in (r" in (?P.*?) on line", r"(?:>|\s)(?P[A-Za-z]:[\\/][\w.\\/]*)", r"(?:>|\s)(?P/\w[/\w.]+)"): for match in re.finditer(regex, page): absFilePath = match.group("result").strip() page = page.replace(absFilePath, "") if isWindowsDriveLetterPath(absFilePath): absFilePath = posixToNtSlashes(absFilePath) if absFilePath not in kb.absFilePaths: kb.absFilePaths.add(absFilePath) def getLocalIP(): retVal = None try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((conf.hostname, conf.port)) retVal, _ = s.getsockname() s.close() except: debugMsg = "there was an error in opening socket " debugMsg += "connection toward '%s'" % conf.hostname logger.debug(debugMsg) return retVal def getRemoteIP(): return socket.gethostbyname(conf.hostname) def getFileType(filePath): try: _ = magic.from_file(filePath) except: return "unknown" return "text" if "ASCII" in _ or "text" in _ else "binary" def getCharset(charsetType=None): asciiTbl = [] if charsetType is None: asciiTbl.extend(xrange(0, 128)) # 0 or 1 elif charsetType == 1: asciiTbl.extend([0, 1]) asciiTbl.extend(xrange(47, 50)) # Digits elif charsetType == 2: asciiTbl.extend([0, 1]) asciiTbl.extend(xrange(47, 58)) # Hexadecimal elif charsetType == 3: asciiTbl.extend([0, 1]) asciiTbl.extend(xrange(47, 58)) asciiTbl.extend(xrange(64, 71)) asciiTbl.extend(xrange(96, 103)) # Characters elif charsetType == 4: asciiTbl.extend([0, 1]) asciiTbl.extend(xrange(64, 91)) asciiTbl.extend(xrange(96, 123)) # Characters and digits elif charsetType == 5: asciiTbl.extend([0, 1]) asciiTbl.extend(xrange(47, 58)) asciiTbl.extend(xrange(64, 91)) asciiTbl.extend(xrange(96, 123)) return asciiTbl def searchEnvPath(filename): result = None path = os.environ.get("PATH", "") paths = path.split(";") if IS_WIN else path.split(":") for _ in paths: _ = _.replace(";", "") result = os.path.exists(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(_, filename))) if result: break return result def urlEncodeCookieValues(cookieStr): if cookieStr: result = "" for part in cookieStr.split(';'): index = part.find('=') + 1 if index > 0: name = part[:index - 1].strip() value = urlencode(part[index:], convall=True) result += "; %s=%s" % (name, value) elif part.strip().lower() != "secure": result += "%s%s" % ("%3B", urlencode(part, convall=True)) else: result += "; secure" if result.startswith('; '): result = result[2:] elif result.startswith('%3B'): result = result[3:] return result else: return None def directoryPath(filepath): """ Returns directory path for a given filepath """ retVal = None if isWindowsDriveLetterPath(filepath): retVal = ntpath.dirname(filepath) else: retVal = posixpath.dirname(filepath) return retVal def normalizePath(filepath): """ Returns normalized string representation of a given filepath """ retVal = None if isWindowsDriveLetterPath(filepath): retVal = ntpath.normpath(filepath) else: retVal = posixpath.normpath(filepath) return retVal def safeStringFormat(format_, params): """ Avoids problems with inappropriate string format strings """ retVal = format_.replace("%d", "%s") if isinstance(params, basestring): retVal = retVal.replace("%s", params) else: count, index = 0, 0 while index != -1: index = retVal.find("%s") if index != -1: if count < len(params): retVal = retVal[:index] + getUnicode(params[count]) + retVal[index + 2:] else: raise sqlmapNoneDataException, "wrong number of parameters during string formatting" count += 1 return retVal def getFilteredPageContent(page, onlyText=True): """ Returns filtered page content without script, style and/or comments or all HTML tags """ retVal = page # only if the page's charset has been successfully identified if isinstance(page, unicode): retVal = re.sub(r"(?si)||%s" % (r"|<[^>]+>|\t|\n|\r" if onlyText else ""), " ", page) while retVal.find(" ") != -1: retVal = retVal.replace(" ", " ") retVal = htmlunescape(retVal) return retVal def getPageWordSet(page): """ Returns word set used in page content """ retVal = set() # only if the page's charset has been successfully identified if isinstance(page, unicode): page = getFilteredPageContent(page) retVal = set(re.findall(r"\w+", page)) return retVal def showStaticWords(firstPage, secondPage): infoMsg = "finding static words in longest matching part of dynamic page content" logger.info(infoMsg) firstPage = getFilteredPageContent(firstPage) secondPage = getFilteredPageContent(secondPage) infoMsg = "static words: " if firstPage and secondPage: match = SequenceMatcher(None, firstPage, secondPage).find_longest_match(0, len(firstPage), 0, len(secondPage)) commonText = firstPage[match[0]:match[0] + match[2]] commonWords = getPageWordSet(commonText) else: commonWords = None if commonWords: commonWords = list(commonWords) commonWords.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.lower(), b.lower())) for word in commonWords: if len(word) > 2: infoMsg += "'%s', " % word infoMsg = infoMsg.rstrip(", ") else: infoMsg += "None" logger.info(infoMsg) def decloakToNamedTemporaryFile(filepath, name=None): retVal = NamedTemporaryFile() def __del__(): try: if hasattr(retVal, 'old_name'): retVal.name = retVal.old_name retVal.close() except OSError: pass retVal.__del__ = __del__ retVal.write(decloak(filepath)) retVal.seek(0) if name: retVal.old_name = retVal.name retVal.name = name return retVal def decloakToMkstemp(filepath, **kwargs): handle, name = mkstemp(**kwargs) fptr = os.fdopen(handle) fptr.close() # close low level handle (causing problems latter) retVal = open(name, 'w+b') retVal.write(decloak(filepath)) retVal.seek(0) return retVal def isWindowsPath(filepath): """ Returns True if given filepath is in Windows format """ return re.search("\A[\w]\:\\\\", filepath) is not None def isWindowsDriveLetterPath(filepath): """ Returns True if given filepath starts with a Windows drive letter """ return re.search("\A[\w]\:", filepath) is not None def posixToNtSlashes(filepath): """ Replaces all occurances of Posix slashes (/) in provided filepath with NT ones (/) >>> posixToNtSlashes('C:/Windows') 'C:\\\\Windows' """ return filepath.replace('/', '\\') def ntToPosixSlashes(filepath): """ Replaces all occurances of NT slashes (\) in provided filepath with Posix ones (/) >>> ntToPosixSlashes('C:\\Windows') 'C:/Windows' """ return filepath.replace('\\', '/') def isBase64EncodedString(subject): """ Checks if the provided string is Base64 encoded >>> isBase64EncodedString('dGVzdA==') True >>> isBase64EncodedString('123456') False """ return re.match(r"\A(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?\Z", subject) is not None def isHexEncodedString(subject): """ Checks if the provided string is hex encoded >>> isHexEncodedString('DEADBEEF') True >>> isHexEncodedString('test') False """ return re.match(r"\A[0-9a-fA-Fx]+\Z", subject) is not None def getConsoleWidth(default=80): """ Returns console width """ width = None if 'COLUMNS' in os.environ and os.environ['COLUMNS'].isdigit(): width = int(os.environ['COLUMNS']) else: output=execute('stty size', shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).stdout.read() items = output.split() if len(items) == 2 and items[1].isdigit(): width = int(items[1]) if width is None: try: import curses stdscr = curses.initscr() _, width = stdscr.getmaxyx() curses.endwin() except: pass return width if width else default def clearConsoleLine(forceOutput=False): """ Clears current console line """ dataToStdout("\r%s\r" % (" " * (getConsoleWidth() - 1)), forceOutput) def parseXmlFile(xmlFile, handler): """ Parses XML file by a given handler """ stream = StringIO(readCachedFileContent(xmlFile)) parse(stream, handler) stream.close() def getSPLSnippet(dbms, name, **variables): """ Returns content of SPL snippet located inside "procs" directory """ filename = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_PROCS_PATH, DBMS_DIRECTORY_DICT[dbms], "%s.txt" % name) checkFile(filename) retVal = readCachedFileContent(filename) retVal = re.sub(r"#.+", "", retVal) for _ in variables.keys(): retVal = re.sub(r"%%%s%%" % _, variables[_], retVal) _ = re.search(r"%([^%]+)%", retVal, re.I) if _: errMsg = "unresolved variable '%s' in SPL snippet '%s'" % (_.group(1), name) raise sqlmapGenericException, errMsg return retVal def readCachedFileContent(filename, mode='rb'): """ Cached reading of file content (avoiding multiple same file reading) """ if filename not in kb.cache.content: kb.locks.cache.acquire() if filename not in kb.cache.content: checkFile(filename) with codecs.open(filename, mode, UNICODE_ENCODING) as f: content = f.read() kb.cache.content[filename] = content kb.locks.cache.release() return kb.cache.content[filename] def readXmlFile(xmlFile): """ Reads XML file content and returns it's DOM representation """ checkFile(xmlFile) with codecs.open(xmlFile, 'r', UNICODE_ENCODING) as f: retVal = minidom.parse(f).documentElement return retVal def stdev(values): """ Computes standard deviation of a list of numbers. Reference: http://www.goldb.org/corestats.html """ if not values or len(values) < 2: return None key = (values[0], values[-1], len(values)) if key in kb.cache.stdev: retVal = kb.cache.stdev[key] else: avg = average(values) _ = reduce(lambda x, y: x + pow((y or 0) - avg, 2), values, 0.0) retVal = sqrt(_ / (len(values) - 1)) kb.cache.stdev[key] = retVal return retVal def average(values): """ Computes the arithmetic mean of a list of numbers. """ retVal = None if values: retVal = sum(values) / len(values) return retVal def calculateDeltaSeconds(start): """ Returns elapsed time from start till now """ return time.time() - start def initCommonOutputs(): """ Initializes dictionary containing common output values used by "good samaritan" feature """ kb.commonOutputs = {} key = None with codecs.open(paths.COMMON_OUTPUTS, 'r', UNICODE_ENCODING) as f: for line in f.readlines(): # xreadlines doesn't return unicode strings when codec.open() is used if line.find('#') != -1: line = line[:line.find('#')] line = line.strip() if len(line) > 1: if line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']'): key = line[1:-1] elif key: if key not in kb.commonOutputs: kb.commonOutputs[key] = set() if line not in kb.commonOutputs[key]: kb.commonOutputs[key].add(line) def getFileItems(filename, commentPrefix='#', unicode_=True, lowercase=False, unique=False): """ Returns newline delimited items contained inside file """ retVal = list() if not unique else OrderedDict() checkFile(filename) with codecs.open(filename, 'r', UNICODE_ENCODING) if unicode_ else open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in (f.readlines() if unicode_ else f.xreadlines()): # xreadlines doesn't return unicode strings when codec.open() is used if commentPrefix: if line.find(commentPrefix) != -1: line = line[:line.find(commentPrefix)] line = line.strip() if not unicode_: try: line = str.encode(line) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue if line: if lowercase: line = line.lower() if unique and line in retVal: continue if unique: retVal[line] = True else: retVal.append(line) return retVal if not unique else retVal.keys() def goGoodSamaritan(prevValue, originalCharset): """ Function for retrieving parameters needed for common prediction (good samaritan) feature. prevValue: retrieved query output so far (e.g. 'i'). Returns commonValue if there is a complete single match (in kb.partRun of txt/common-outputs.txt under kb.partRun) regarding parameter prevValue. If there is no single value match, but multiple, commonCharset is returned containing more probable characters (retrieved from matched values in txt/common-outputs.txt) together with the rest of charset as otherCharset. """ if kb.commonOutputs is None: initCommonOutputs() predictionSet = set() commonValue = None commonPattern = None countCommonValue = 0 # If the header (e.g. Databases) we are looking for has common # outputs defined if kb.partRun in kb.commonOutputs: commonPartOutputs = kb.commonOutputs[kb.partRun] commonPattern = commonFinderOnly(prevValue, commonPartOutputs) # If the longest common prefix is the same as previous value then # do not consider it if commonPattern and commonPattern == prevValue: commonPattern = None # For each common output for item in commonPartOutputs: # Check if the common output (item) starts with prevValue # where prevValue is the enumerated character(s) so far if item.startswith(prevValue): commonValue = item countCommonValue += 1 if len(item) > len(prevValue): char = item[len(prevValue)] predictionSet.add(char) # Reset single value if there is more than one possible common # output if countCommonValue > 1: commonValue = None commonCharset = [] otherCharset = [] # Split the original charset into common chars (commonCharset) # and other chars (otherCharset) for ordChar in originalCharset: if chr(ordChar) not in predictionSet: otherCharset.append(ordChar) else: commonCharset.append(ordChar) commonCharset.sort() return commonValue, commonPattern, commonCharset, originalCharset else: return None, None, None, originalCharset def getCompiledRegex(regex, flags=0): """ Returns compiled regular expression and stores it in cache for further usage (deprecated as newer versions of Python do this automatically) >>> getCompiledRegex('test') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at... """ if (regex, flags) in kb.cache.regex: retVal = kb.cache.regex[(regex, flags)] else: retVal = re.compile(regex, flags) kb.cache.regex[(regex, flags)] = retVal return retVal def getPartRun(): """ Goes through call stack and finds constructs matching conf.dbmsHandler.*. Returns it or its alias used in txt/common-outputs.txt """ retVal = None commonPartsDict = optDict["Enumeration"] try: stack = [item[4][0] if isinstance(item[4], list) else '' for item in inspect.stack()] # Goes backwards through the stack to find the conf.dbmsHandler method # calling this function for i in xrange(0, len(stack) - 1): for regex in (getCompiledRegex('self\.(get[^(]+)\(\)'), getCompiledRegex('conf\.dbmsHandler\.([^(]+)\(\)')): match = regex.search(stack[i]) if match: # This is the calling conf.dbmsHandler or self method # (e.g. 'getDbms') retVal = match.groups()[0] break if retVal is not None: break # Reference: http://coding.derkeiler.com/Archive/Python/comp.lang.python/2004-06/2267.html except TypeError: pass # Return the INI tag to consider for common outputs (e.g. 'Databases') return commonPartsDict[retVal][1] if isinstance(commonPartsDict.get(retVal), tuple) else retVal def getUnicode(value, encoding=None, system=False, noneToNull=False): """ Return the unicode representation of the supplied value: >>> getUnicode(u'test') u'test' >>> getUnicode('test') u'test' >>> getUnicode(1) u'1' """ if noneToNull and value is None: return NULL if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = list(getUnicode(_, encoding, system, noneToNull) for _ in value) return value if not system: if isinstance(value, unicode): return value elif isinstance(value, basestring): return unicode(value, encoding or UNICODE_ENCODING, errors="replace") else: return unicode(value) # encoding ignored for non-basestring instances else: try: return getUnicode(value, sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.stdin.encoding) except: return getUnicode(value, UNICODE_ENCODING) def longestCommonPrefix(*sequences): """ Returns longest common prefix occuring in given sequences """ # Reference: http://boredzo.org/blog/archives/2007-01-06/longest-common-prefix-in-python-2 if len(sequences) == 1: return sequences[0] sequences = [pair[1] for pair in sorted((len(fi), fi) for fi in sequences)] if not sequences: return None for i, comparison_ch in enumerate(sequences[0]): for fi in sequences[1:]: ch = fi[i] if ch != comparison_ch: return fi[:i] return sequences[0] def commonFinderOnly(initial, sequence): return longestCommonPrefix(*filter(lambda x: x.startswith(initial), sequence)) def pushValue(value): """ Push value to the stack (thread dependent) """ getCurrentThreadData().valueStack.append(copy.deepcopy(value)) def popValue(): """ Pop value from the stack (thread dependent) """ return getCurrentThreadData().valueStack.pop() def wasLastRequestDBMSError(): """ Returns True if the last web request resulted in a (recognized) DBMS error page """ threadData = getCurrentThreadData() return threadData.lastErrorPage and threadData.lastErrorPage[0] == threadData.lastRequestUID def wasLastRequestHTTPError(): """ Returns True if the last web request resulted in an errornous HTTP code (like 500) """ threadData = getCurrentThreadData() return threadData.lastHTTPError and threadData.lastHTTPError[0] == threadData.lastRequestUID def wasLastRequestDelayed(): """ Returns True if the last web request resulted in a time-delay """ # 99.9999999997440% of all non time-based sql injection affected # response times should be inside +-7*stdev([normal response times]) # Math reference: http://www.answers.com/topic/standard-deviation deviation = stdev(kb.responseTimes) threadData = getCurrentThreadData() if deviation and not conf.direct: if len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES: warnMsg = "time-based standard deviation method used on a model " warnMsg += "with less than %d response times" % MIN_TIME_RESPONSES logger.warn(warnMsg) lowerStdLimit = average(kb.responseTimes) + TIME_STDEV_COEFF * deviation retVal = (threadData.lastQueryDuration >= lowerStdLimit) if not kb.testMode and retVal and kb.adjustTimeDelay: adjustTimeDelay(threadData.lastQueryDuration, lowerStdLimit) return retVal else: return (threadData.lastQueryDuration - conf.timeSec) >= 0 def adjustTimeDelay(lastQueryDuration, lowerStdLimit): """ Provides tip for adjusting time delay in time-based data retrieval """ candidate = 1 + int(round((1 - (lastQueryDuration - lowerStdLimit) / lastQueryDuration) * conf.timeSec)) if candidate: kb.delayCandidates = [candidate] + kb.delayCandidates[:-1] if all([x == candidate for x in kb.delayCandidates]) and candidate < conf.timeSec: infoMsg = "due to good response times you can " infoMsg += "try to adjust the time-delay to " infoMsg += "a more appropriate value (e.g. --time-sec=%d)" % candidate singleTimeLogMessage(infoMsg) kb.adjustTimeDelay = False def getLastRequestHTTPError(): """ Returns last HTTP error code """ threadData = getCurrentThreadData() return threadData.lastHTTPError[1] if threadData.lastHTTPError else None def extractErrorMessage(page): """ Returns reported error message from page if it founds one """ retVal = None if isinstance(page, basestring): for regex in ERROR_PARSING_REGEXES: match = re.search(regex, page, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) if match: retVal = htmlunescape(match.group("result")).replace("
", "\n").strip() break return retVal def beep(): """ Does an audible beep sound Reference: http://de3.aminet.net/dev/src/clr.py.txt """ def _failsafe(): dataToStdout('\a', True) if sys.platform == 'linux2': for dev in ('/dev/audio', '/dev/oss', '/dev/dsp', '/dev/sound'): if os.path.exists(dev): try: audio = file(dev, 'wb') for _ in xrange(250): audio.write(chr(32) * 4) audio.write(chr(0) * 4) audio.close() return except: pass try: import curses curses.initscr() curses.beep() curses.flash() curses.endwin() return except: _failsafe() elif sys.platform == 'darwin': try: import Carbon.Snd Carbon.Snd.SysBeep(1) except: _failsafe() else: _failsafe() def runningAsAdmin(): """ Returns True if the current process is run under admin privileges """ isAdmin = False if PLATFORM in ("posix", "mac"): isAdmin = os.geteuid() if isinstance(isAdmin, (int, float, long)) and isAdmin == 0: isAdmin = True elif IS_WIN: isAdmin = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() if isinstance(isAdmin, (int, float, long)) and isAdmin == 1: isAdmin = True else: errMsg = "sqlmap is not able to check if you are running it " errMsg += "as an administrator account on this platform. " errMsg += "sqlmap will assume that you are an administrator " errMsg += "which is mandatory for the requested takeover attack " errMsg += "to work properly" logger.error(errMsg) isAdmin = True return isAdmin def logHTTPTraffic(requestLogMsg, responseLogMsg): """ Logs HTTP traffic to the output file """ if not conf.trafficFile: return kb.locks.log.acquire() dataToTrafficFile("%s%s" % (requestLogMsg, os.linesep)) dataToTrafficFile("%s%s" % (responseLogMsg, os.linesep)) dataToTrafficFile("%s%s%s%s" % (os.linesep, 76 * '#', os.linesep, os.linesep)) kb.locks.log.release() def getPageTemplate(payload, place): """ Cross-linked method """ pass def getPublicTypeMembers(type_, onlyValues=False): """ Useful for getting members from types (e.g. in enums) """ for name, value in inspect.getmembers(type_): if not name.startswith('__'): if not onlyValues: yield (name, value) else: yield value def enumValueToNameLookup(type_, value_): """ Returns name of a enum member with a given value """ retVal = None for name, value in getPublicTypeMembers(type_): if value == value_: retVal = name break return retVal def extractRegexResult(regex, content, flags=0): """ Returns 'result' group value from a possible match with regex on a given content """ retVal = None if regex and content and '?P' in regex: match = getCompiledRegex(regex, flags).search(content) if match: retVal = match.group("result") return retVal def trimAlphaNum(value): """ Trims alpha numeric characters from start and ending of a given value """ while value and value[-1].isalnum(): value = value[:-1] while value and value[0].isalnum(): value = value[1:] return value def isNumPosStrValue(value): """ Returns True if value is a string (or integer) with a positive integer representation """ return (value and isinstance(value, basestring) and value.isdigit() and value != "0") or (isinstance(value, int) and value != 0) @cachedmethod def aliasToDbmsEnum(dbms): """ Returns major DBMS name from a given alias """ retVal = None if dbms: for key, item in DBMS_DICT.items(): if dbms.lower() in item[0] or dbms.lower() == key.lower(): retVal = key break return retVal def findDynamicContent(firstPage, secondPage): """ This function checks if the provided pages have dynamic content. If they are dynamic, proper markings will be made """ infoMsg = "searching for dynamic content" logger.info(infoMsg) blocks = SequenceMatcher(None, firstPage, secondPage).get_matching_blocks() kb.dynamicMarkings = [] # Removing too small matching blocks for block in blocks[:]: (_, _, length) = block if length <= DYNAMICITY_MARK_LENGTH: blocks.remove(block) # Making of dynamic markings based on prefix/suffix principle if len(blocks) > 0: blocks.insert(0, None) blocks.append(None) for i in xrange(len(blocks) - 1): prefix = firstPage[blocks[i][0]:blocks[i][0] + blocks[i][2]] if blocks[i] else None suffix = firstPage[blocks[i + 1][0]:blocks[i + 1][0] + blocks[i + 1][2]] if blocks[i + 1] else None if prefix is None and blocks[i + 1][0] == 0: continue if suffix is None and (blocks[i][0] + blocks[i][2] >= len(firstPage)): continue prefix = trimAlphaNum(prefix) suffix = trimAlphaNum(suffix) kb.dynamicMarkings.append((re.escape(prefix[-DYNAMICITY_MARK_LENGTH / 2:]) if prefix else None, re.escape(suffix[:DYNAMICITY_MARK_LENGTH / 2]) if suffix else None)) if len(kb.dynamicMarkings) > 0: infoMsg = "dynamic content marked for removal (%d region%s)" % (len(kb.dynamicMarkings), 's' if len(kb.dynamicMarkings) > 1 else '') logger.info(infoMsg) def removeDynamicContent(page): """ Removing dynamic content from supplied page basing removal on precalculated dynamic markings """ if page: for item in kb.dynamicMarkings: prefix, suffix = item if prefix is None and suffix is None: continue elif prefix is None: page = getCompiledRegex('(?s)^.+%s' % suffix).sub(suffix, page) elif suffix is None: page = getCompiledRegex('(?s)%s.+$' % prefix).sub(prefix, page) else: page = getCompiledRegex('(?s)%s.+%s' % (prefix, suffix)).sub('%s%s' % (prefix, suffix), page) return page def filterStringValue(value, regex, replacement=""): """ Returns string value consisting only of chars satisfying supplied regular expression (note: it has to be in form [...]) """ retVal = value if value: retVal = re.sub(regex.replace("[", "[^") if "[^" not in regex else regex.replace("[^", "["), replacement, value) return retVal def filterControlChars(value): """ Returns string value with control chars being supstituted with ' ' """ return filterStringValue(value, PRINTABLE_CHAR_REGEX, ' ') def isDBMSVersionAtLeast(version): """ Checks if the recognized DBMS version is at least the version specified """ retVal = None if Backend.getVersion() and Backend.getVersion() != UNKNOWN_DBMS_VERSION: value = Backend.getVersion().replace(" ", "").rstrip('.') while True: index = value.find('.', value.find('.') + 1) if index > -1: value = value[0:index] + value[index + 1:] else: break value = filterStringValue(value, '[0-9.><=]') if isinstance(value, basestring): if value.startswith(">="): value = float(value.replace(">=", "")) elif value.startswith(">"): value = float(value.replace(">", "")) + 0.01 elif value.startswith("<="): value = float(value.replace("<=", "")) elif value.startswith(">"): value = float(value.replace("<", "")) - 0.01 retVal = getUnicode(value) >= getUnicode(version) return retVal def parseSqliteTableSchema(value): """ Parses table column names and types from specified SQLite table schema """ if value: table = {} columns = {} for match in re.finditer(getCompiledRegex(r"(\w+)\s+(TEXT|NUMERIC|INTEGER|REAL|NONE)"), value): columns[match.group(1)] = match.group(2) table[conf.tbl] = columns kb.data.cachedColumns[conf.db] = table def getTechniqueData(technique=None): """ Returns injection data for technique specified """ retVal = None if technique and technique in kb.injection.data: retVal = kb.injection.data[technique] return retVal def isTechniqueAvailable(technique): """ Returns True if there is injection data which sqlmap could use for technique specified """ if conf.tech and isinstance(conf.tech, list) and technique not in conf.tech: return False else: return getTechniqueData(technique) is not None def isInferenceAvailable(): """ Returns True whether techniques using inference technique are available """ return any(isTechniqueAvailable(_) for _ in (PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.BOOLEAN, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.STACKED, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.TIME)) def setOptimize(): #conf.predictOutput = True conf.keepAlive = True conf.threads = 3 if conf.threads < 3 else conf.threads conf.nullConnection = not any([conf.data, conf.textOnly, conf.titles, conf.string, conf.regexp]) if not conf.nullConnection: debugMsg = "turning off --null-connection switch used indirectly by switch -o" logger.debug(debugMsg) def initTechnique(technique=None): """ Prepares data for technique specified """ try: data = getTechniqueData(technique) resetCounter(technique) if data: kb.pageTemplate, kb.errorIsNone = getPageTemplate(data.templatePayload, kb.injection.place) kb.matchRatio = data.matchRatio # Restoring stored conf options for key, value in kb.injection.conf.items(): if value and (not hasattr(conf, key) or (hasattr(conf, key) and not getattr(conf, key))): setattr(conf, key, value) debugMsg = "resuming configuration option '%s' (%s)" % (key, value) logger.debug(debugMsg) if value and key == "optimize": setOptimize() else: warnMsg = "there is no injection data available for technique " warnMsg += "'%s'" % enumValueToNameLookup(PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE, technique) logger.warn(warnMsg) except sqlmapDataException: errMsg = "missing data in old session file(s). " errMsg += "Please use '--flush-session' to deal " errMsg += "with this error" raise sqlmapNoneDataException, errMsg def arrayizeValue(value): """ Makes a list out of value if it is not already a list, tuple or set itself """ if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = [value] return value def unArrayizeValue(value): """ Makes a value out of iterable if it is a list, tuple or set itself """ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = value[0] if len(value) > 0 else None return value def getSortedInjectionTests(): """ Returns prioritized test list by eventually detected DBMS from error messages """ retVal = conf.tests def priorityFunction(test): retVal = SORT_ORDER.FIRST if test.stype == PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION: retVal = SORT_ORDER.LAST elif 'details' in test and 'dbms' in test.details: if test.details.dbms in Backend.getErrorParsedDBMSes(): retVal = SORT_ORDER.SECOND else: retVal = SORT_ORDER.THIRD return retVal if Backend.getErrorParsedDBMSes(): retVal = sorted(retVal, key=priorityFunction) return retVal def filterListValue(value, regex): """ Returns list with items that have parts satisfying given regular expression """ if isinstance(value, list) and regex: retVal = filter(lambda x: getCompiledRegex(regex, re.I).search(x), value) else: retVal = value return retVal def showHttpErrorCodes(): """ Shows all HTTP error codes raised till now """ if kb.httpErrorCodes: warnMsg = "HTTP error codes detected during testing:\n" warnMsg += ", ".join("%d (%s) - %d times" % (code, httplib.responses[code] \ if code in httplib.responses else '?', count) \ for code, count in kb.httpErrorCodes.items()) logger.warn(warnMsg) def getComparePageRatio(firstPage, secondPage, filtered=False): """ Returns comparison ratio between two given pages """ if filtered: (firstPage, secondPage) = map(getFilteredPageContent, (firstPage, secondPage)) seqMatcher = getCurrentThreadData().seqMatcher seqMatcher.set_seq1(firstPage) seqMatcher.set_seq2(secondPage) return seqMatcher.quick_ratio() def openFile(filename, mode='r'): """ Returns file handle of a given filename """ try: return codecs.open(filename, mode, UNICODE_ENCODING, errors="replace") except IOError: errMsg = "there has been a file opening error for filename '%s'. " % filename errMsg += "Please check %s permissions on a file " % ("write" if \ mode and ('w' in mode or 'a' in mode or '+' in mode) else "read") errMsg += "and that it's not locked by another process." raise sqlmapFilePathException, errMsg def decodeIntToUnicode(value): """ Decodes inferenced integer value with usage of current page encoding """ try: # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/string-functions.html#function_ord if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL,): return struct.pack('B' if value < 256 else '>> listToStrValue([1,2,3]) '1, 2, 3' """ if isinstance(value, (set, tuple)): value = list(value) if isinstance(value, list): retVal = value.__str__().lstrip('[').rstrip(']') else: retVal = value return retVal def getExceptionFrameLocals(): """ Returns dictionary with local variable content from frame where exception has been raised """ retVal = {} if sys.exc_info(): trace = sys.exc_info()[2] while trace.tb_next: trace = trace.tb_next retVal = trace.tb_frame.f_locals return retVal def intersect(valueA, valueB, lowerCase=False): """ Returns intersection of the array-ized values """ retVal = None if valueA and valueB: valueA = arrayizeValue(valueA) valueB = arrayizeValue(valueB) if lowerCase: valueA = [val.lower() if isinstance(val, basestring) else val for val in valueA] valueB = [val.lower() if isinstance(val, basestring) else val for val in valueB] retVal = [val for val in valueA if val in valueB] return retVal def cpuThrottle(value): """ Does a CPU throttling for lesser CPU consumption """ delay = 0.00001 * (value ** 2) time.sleep(delay) def removeReflectiveValues(content, payload, suppressWarning=False): """ Neutralizes (static/marked) reflective values in a given content based on a payload (e.g. ?search=sql injection ---> ...value="sql%20injection") """ retVal = content if all([content, payload]) and isinstance(content, unicode) and kb.reflectiveMechanism: payload = getUnicode(urldecode(payload.replace(PAYLOAD_DELIMITER, ''))) regex = r"\b%s\b" % filterStringValue(payload, r'[A-Za-z0-9]', REFLECTED_NON_ALPHA_NUM_REGEX.encode("string-escape")) while 2 * REFLECTED_NON_ALPHA_NUM_REGEX in regex: regex = regex.replace(2 * REFLECTED_NON_ALPHA_NUM_REGEX, REFLECTED_NON_ALPHA_NUM_REGEX) if all(part.lower() in content.lower() for part in regex.split(REFLECTED_NON_ALPHA_NUM_REGEX)): # fast optimization check parts = regex.split(REFLECTED_NON_ALPHA_NUM_REGEX) if len(parts) > REFLECTED_MAX_REGEX_PARTS: # preventing CPU hogs regex = "%s.+?%s" % (REFLECTED_NON_ALPHA_NUM_REGEX.join(parts[:REFLECTED_MAX_REGEX_PARTS / 2]), REFLECTED_NON_ALPHA_NUM_REGEX.join(parts[-REFLECTED_MAX_REGEX_PARTS / 2:])) retVal = re.sub(regex, REFLECTED_VALUE_MARKER, content, re.I) if retVal != content: kb.reflectiveCounters[REFLECTIVE_COUNTER.HIT] += 1 if not suppressWarning: debugMsg = "reflective value found and filtered out" logger.debug(debugMsg) elif not kb.testMode and not kb.reflectiveCounters[REFLECTIVE_COUNTER.HIT]: kb.reflectiveCounters[REFLECTIVE_COUNTER.MISS] += 1 if kb.reflectiveCounters[REFLECTIVE_COUNTER.MISS] > REFLECTIVE_MISS_THRESHOLD: kb.reflectiveMechanism = False if not suppressWarning: debugMsg = "turning off reflection removal mechanism (for optimization purposes)" logger.debug(debugMsg) return retVal def normalizeUnicode(value): """ Does an ASCII normalization of unicode strings Reference: http://www.peterbe.com/plog/unicode-to-ascii """ retVal = value if isinstance(value, unicode): retVal = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore') return retVal def safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(name, isTable=False): """ Returns a safe representation of SQL identificator name (internal data format) """ retVal = name if isinstance(name, basestring): name = getUnicode(name) if isTable and Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE) and '.' not in name: name = "%s.%s" % (DEFAULT_MSSQL_SCHEMA, name) parts = name.split('.') for i in xrange(len(parts)): if not re.match(r"\A[A-Za-z0-9_]+\Z", parts[i]): if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.ACCESS): parts[i] = "`%s`" % parts[i].strip("`") elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.PGSQL, DBMS.DB2): parts[i] = "\"%s\"" % parts[i].strip("\"") retVal = ".".join(parts) return retVal def unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(name): """ Extracts identificator's name from it's safe SQL representation """ retVal = name if isinstance(name, basestring): if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.ACCESS): retVal = name.replace("`", "") elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.PGSQL, DBMS.DB2): retVal = name.replace("\"", "") if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE): prefix = "%s." % DEFAULT_MSSQL_SCHEMA if retVal.startswith(prefix): retVal = retVal[len(prefix):] return retVal def isBinaryData(value): """ Tests given value for binary content """ retVal = False if isinstance(value, basestring): retVal = reduce(lambda x, y: x or not (y in string.printable or ord(y) > 255), value, False) return retVal def isNoneValue(value): """ Returns whether the value contains implicit 'None' value """ if isinstance(value, basestring): return value == "None" elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if len(value) == 1: return isNoneValue(value[0]) else: for item in value: if item and item != "None": return False return True elif isinstance(value, dict): return not any(value) else: return value is None def isNullValue(value): """ Returns whether the value contains explicit 'NULL' value """ return isinstance(value, basestring) and value.upper() == NULL def expandMnemonics(mnemonics, parser, args): """ Expands mnemonic options """ class MnemonicNode: def __init__(self): self.next = {} self.current = [] head = MnemonicNode() pointer = None for group in parser.option_groups: for option in group.option_list: for opt in option._long_opts + option._short_opts: pointer = head for char in opt: if char == "-": continue elif char not in pointer.next: pointer.next[char] = MnemonicNode() pointer = pointer.next[char] pointer.current.append(option) for mnemonic in mnemonics.split(','): found = None name = mnemonic.split('=')[0].replace("-", "").strip() value = mnemonic.split('=')[1] if len(mnemonic.split('=')) > 1 else None pointer = head for char in name: if char in pointer.next: pointer = pointer.next[char] else: pointer = None break if pointer in (None, head): errMsg = "mnemonic '%s' can't be resolved to any parameter name" % name raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg elif len(pointer.current) > 1: options = {} for option in pointer.current: for opt in option._long_opts + option._short_opts: opt = opt.strip('-') if opt.startswith(name): options[opt] = option if name in options: found = name debugMsg = "mnemonic '%s' resolved to %s). " % (name, found) logger.debug(debugMsg) else: found = sorted(options.keys(), key=lambda x: len(x))[0] warnMsg = "detected ambiguity (mnemonic '%s' can be resolved to: %s). " % (name, ", ".join("'%s'" % key for key in options.keys())) warnMsg += "Resolved to shortest of those ('%s')" % found logger.warn(warnMsg) found = options[found] else: found = pointer.current[0] debugMsg = "mnemonic '%s' resolved to %s). " % (name, found) logger.debug(debugMsg) if found: try: value = found.convert_value(found, value) except OptionValueError: value = None if value is not None: setattr(args, found.dest, value) elif not found.type: # boolean setattr(args, found.dest, True) else: errMsg = "mnemonic '%s' requires value of type '%s'" % (name, found.type) raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg def safeCSValue(value): """ Returns value safe for CSV dumping Reference: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180 """ retVal = value if retVal and isinstance(retVal, basestring): if not (retVal[0] == retVal[-1] == '"'): if any(_ in retVal for _ in (conf.csvDel, '"', '\n')): retVal = '"%s"' % retVal.replace('"', '""') return retVal def filterPairValues(values): """ Returns only list-like values with length 2 """ retVal = [] if not isNoneValue(values) and hasattr(values, '__iter__'): retVal = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, (tuple, list, set)) and len(x) == 2, values) return retVal def randomizeParameterValue(value): """ Randomize a parameter value based on occurances of alphanumeric characters """ retVal = value for match in re.finditer('[A-Z]+', value): retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(), randomStr(len(match.group())).upper()) for match in re.finditer('[a-z]+', value): retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(), randomStr(len(match.group())).lower()) for match in re.finditer('[0-9]+', value): retVal = retVal.replace(match.group(), str(randomInt(len(match.group())))) return retVal def asciifyUrl(url, forceQuote=False): """ Attempts to make a unicode url usuable with ``urllib/urllib2``. More specifically, it attempts to convert the unicode object ``url``, which is meant to represent a IRI, to an unicode object that, containing only ASCII characters, is a valid URI. This involves: * IDNA/Puny-encoding the domain name. * UTF8-quoting the path and querystring parts. See also RFC 3987. Reference: http://blog.elsdoerfer.name/2008/12/12/opening-iris-in-python/ """ parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url) if not parts.scheme or not parts.netloc: # apparently not an url return url if all(char in string.printable for char in url): return url # idna-encode domain hostname = parts.hostname.encode("idna") # UTF8-quote the other parts. We check each part individually if # if needs to be quoted - that should catch some additional user # errors, say for example an umlaut in the username even though # the path *is* already quoted. def quote(s, safe): s = s or '' # Triggers on non-ascii characters - another option would be: # urllib.quote(s.replace('%', '')) != s.replace('%', '') # which would trigger on all %-characters, e.g. "&". if s.encode("ascii", "replace") != s or forceQuote: return urllib.quote(s.encode(UNICODE_ENCODING), safe=safe) return s username = quote(parts.username, '') password = quote(parts.password, safe='') path = quote(parts.path, safe='/') query = quote(parts.query, safe="&=") # put everything back together netloc = hostname if username or password: netloc = '@' + netloc if password: netloc = ':' + password + netloc netloc = username + netloc if parts.port: netloc += ':' + str(parts.port) return urlparse.urlunsplit([parts.scheme, netloc, path, query, parts.fragment]) def findPageForms(content, url, raise_=False, addToTargets=False): """ Parses given page content for possible forms """ class _(StringIO): def __init__(self, content, url): StringIO.__init__(self, unicodeencode(content, kb.pageEncoding) if isinstance(content, unicode) else content) self._url = url def geturl(self): return self._url if not content: errMsg = "can't parse forms as the page content appears to be blank" if raise_: raise sqlmapGenericException, errMsg else: logger.debug(errMsg) forms = None retVal = set() response = _(content, url) try: forms = ParseResponse(response, backwards_compat=False) except ParseError: warnMsg = "badly formed HTML at the given url ('%s'). Will try to filter it" % url logger.warning(warnMsg) response.seek(0) filtered = _("".join(re.findall(r"", response.read(), re.I | re.S)), response.geturl()) try: forms = ParseResponse(filtered, backwards_compat=False) except ParseError: errMsg = "no success" if raise_: raise sqlmapGenericException, errMsg else: logger.debug(errMsg) if forms: for form in forms: for control in form.controls: if hasattr(control, "items"): # if control has selectable items select first non-disabled for item in control.items: if not item.disabled: if not item.selected: item.selected = True break request = form.click() url = urldecode(request.get_full_url(), kb.pageEncoding) method = request.get_method() data = request.get_data() if request.has_data() else None data = urldecode(data, kb.pageEncoding) if data and urlencode(DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, None) not in data else data if not data and method and method.upper() == HTTPMETHOD.POST: debugMsg = "invalid POST form with blank data detected" logger.debug(debugMsg) continue target = (url, method, data, conf.cookie) retVal.add(target) else: errMsg = "there were no forms found at the given target url" if raise_: raise sqlmapGenericException, errMsg else: logger.debug(errMsg) if addToTargets and retVal: for target in retVal: kb.targetUrls.add(target) return retVal def getHostHeader(url): """ Returns proper Host header value for a given target URL """ retVal = urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc if any(retVal.endswith(':%d' % _) for _ in [80, 443]): retVal = retVal.split(':')[0] return retVal def evaluateCode(code, variables=None): """ Executes given python code given in a string form """ try: exec(code, variables) except Exception, ex: errMsg = "an error occured while evaluating provided code ('%s'). " % ex raise sqlmapGenericException, errMsg def serializeObject(object_): """ Serializes given object """ return pickle.dumps(object_) def unserializeObject(value): """ Unserializes object from given serialized form """ retVal = None if value: retVal = pickle.loads(value.encode(UNICODE_ENCODING)) # pickle has problems with Unicode return retVal def resetCounter(technique): """ Resets query counter for a given technique """ kb.counters[technique] = 0 def incrementCounter(technique): """ Increments query counter for a given technique """ kb.counters[technique] = getCounter(technique) + 1 def getCounter(technique): """ Returns query counter for a given technique """ return kb.counters.get(technique, 0) def applyFunctionRecursively(value, function): """ Applies function recursively through list-like structures """ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set, BigArray)): retVal = [applyFunctionRecursively(_, function) for _ in value] else: retVal = function(value) return retVal def decodeHexValue(value): """ Returns value decoded from DBMS specific hexadecimal representation """ def _(value): if value and isinstance(value, basestring) and len(value) % 2 == 0: if value.lower().startswith("0x"): value = value[2:] value = value.decode("hex") if len(value) > 1 and value[1] == '\x00': try: value = value.decode("utf-16-le") except UnicodeDecodeError: pass elif value and value[0] == '\x00': try: value = value.decode("utf-16-be") except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return value return applyFunctionRecursively(value, _) def extractExpectedValue(value, expected): """ Extracts and returns expected value by a given type """ if expected: value = unArrayizeValue(value) if isNoneValue(value): value = None elif expected == EXPECTED.BOOL: if isinstance(value, int): value = bool(value) elif isinstance(value, basestring): value = value.strip().lower() if value in ("true", "false"): value = value == "true" elif value in ("1", "-1"): value = True elif value == "0": value = False else: value = None elif expected == EXPECTED.INT: if isinstance(value, basestring): if value.isdigit(): value = int(value) else: value = None return value def setFormatterPrependFlag(value=True): """ Sets logging formatter flag used for signaling if newline is needed before the logging message itself (used in inference mode) """ FORMATTER._prepend_flag = value def hashDBWrite(key, value, serialize=False): """ Helper function for writing session data to HashDB """ conf.hashDB.write(key, value, serialize) def hashDBRetrieve(key, unserialize=False): """ Helper function for restoring session data from HashDB """ return conf.hashDB.retrieve(key, unserialize) if not any([conf.flushSession, conf.freshQueries, not kb.resumeValues]) else None