#!/usr/bin/env python


This file is part of the sqlmap project, http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net.

Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Bernardo Damele A. G. <bernardo.damele@gmail.com>
Copyright (c) 2006 Daniele Bellucci <daniele.bellucci@gmail.com>

sqlmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation version 2 of the License.

sqlmap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with sqlmap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import os

from lib.core.common import randomStr
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger

class Registry:
    This class defines methods to read and write Windows registry keys

    def __initVars(self, regKey, regValue, regType=None, regData=None, parse=False):
        self.__regKey        = regKey
        self.__regValue      = regValue
        self.__regType       = regType
        self.__regData       = regData

        self.__randStr       = randomStr(lowercase=True)
        self.__batPathRemote = "%s/sqlmapreg%s%s.bat" % (conf.tmpPath, self.__operation, self.__randStr)
        self.__batPathLocal  = os.path.join(conf.outputPath, "sqlmapreg%s%s.bat" % (self.__operation, self.__randStr))

        if parse:
            readParse = "FOR /F \"tokens=2* delims==\" %%A IN ('REG QUERY \"" + self.__regKey + "\" /v \"" + self.__regValue + "\"') DO SET value=%%A\r\nECHO %value%\r\n"
            readParse = "REG QUERY \"" + self.__regKey + "\" /v \"" + self.__regValue + "\""

        self.__batRead = (
                           "@ECHO OFF\r\n",

        self.__batAdd  = (
                           "@ECHO OFF\r\n",
                           "REG ADD \"%s\" /v \"%s\" /t %s /d %s /f" % (self.__regKey, self.__regValue, self.__regType, self.__regData)

        self.__batDel  = (
                           "@ECHO OFF\r\n",
                           "REG DELETE \"%s\" /v \"%s\" /f" % (self.__regKey, self.__regValue)

    def __createLocalBatchFile(self):
        self.__batPathFp = open(self.__batPathLocal, "w")

        if self.__operation == "read":
            lines = self.__batRead
        elif self.__operation == "add":
            lines = self.__batAdd
        elif self.__operation == "delete":
            lines = self.__batDel

        for line in lines:


    def __createRemoteBatchFile(self):
        logger.debug("creating batch file '%s'" % self.__batPathRemote)

        self.writeFile(self.__batPathLocal, self.__batPathRemote, "text", False)


    def readRegKey(self, regKey, regValue, parse=False):
        self.__operation = "read"

        self.__initVars(regKey, regValue, parse=parse)

        logger.debug("reading registry key '%s' value '%s'" % (regKey, regValue))

        if not parse:
            first = len(regKey) + 6
            first = None

        data = self.evalCmd(self.__batPathRemote, first)

        self.delRemoteFile(self.__batPathRemote, doubleslash=True)

        return data

    def addRegKey(self, regKey, regValue, regType, regData):
        self.__operation = "add"

        self.__initVars(regKey, regValue, regType, regData)

        debugMsg  = "adding registry key value '%s' " % self.__regValue
        debugMsg += "to registry key '%s'" % self.__regKey

        self.execCmd(cmd=self.__batPathRemote, forgeCmd=True)
        self.delRemoteFile(self.__batPathRemote, doubleslash=True)

    def delRegKey(self, regKey, regValue):
        self.__operation = "delete"

        self.__initVars(regKey, regValue)

        debugMsg  = "deleting registry key value '%s' " % self.__regValue
        debugMsg += "from registry key '%s'" % self.__regKey

        self.execCmd(cmd=self.__batPathRemote, forgeCmd=True)
        self.delRemoteFile(self.__batPathRemote, doubleslash=True)