#!/usr/bin/env python

Copyright (c) 2006-2020 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission

import codecs
import gzip
import io
import logging
import re
import struct
import zlib

from lib.core.common import Backend
from lib.core.common import extractErrorMessage
from lib.core.common import extractRegexResult
from lib.core.common import filterNone
from lib.core.common import getPublicTypeMembers
from lib.core.common import getSafeExString
from lib.core.common import isListLike
from lib.core.common import randomStr
from lib.core.common import readInput
from lib.core.common import resetCookieJar
from lib.core.common import singleTimeLogMessage
from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage
from lib.core.common import unArrayizeValue
from lib.core.convert import decodeHex
from lib.core.convert import getBytes
from lib.core.convert import getText
from lib.core.convert import getUnicode
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.decorators import cachedmethod
from lib.core.decorators import lockedmethod
from lib.core.dicts import HTML_ENTITIES
from lib.core.enums import DBMS
from lib.core.enums import HTTP_HEADER
from lib.core.enums import PLACE
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapCompressionException
from lib.core.settings import BLOCKED_IP_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER
from lib.core.settings import EVENTVALIDATION_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import IDENTYWAF_PARSE_LIMIT
from lib.core.settings import MAX_CONNECTION_TOTAL_SIZE
from lib.core.settings import META_CHARSET_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import PARSE_HEADERS_LIMIT
from lib.core.settings import SELECT_FROM_TABLE_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING
from lib.core.settings import VIEWSTATE_REGEX
from lib.parse.headers import headersParser
from lib.parse.html import htmlParser
from thirdparty import six
from thirdparty.chardet import detect
from thirdparty.identywaf import identYwaf
from thirdparty.odict import OrderedDict
from thirdparty.six import unichr as _unichr
from thirdparty.six.moves import http_client as _http_client

def forgeHeaders(items=None, base=None):
    Prepare HTTP Cookie, HTTP User-Agent and HTTP Referer headers to use when performing
    the HTTP requests

    items = items or {}

    for _ in list(items.keys()):
        if items[_] is None:
            del items[_]

    headers = OrderedDict(conf.httpHeaders if base is None else base)

    class _str(str):
        def capitalize(self):
            return _str(self)

        def title(self):
            return _str(self)

    _ = headers
    headers = OrderedDict()
    for key, value in _.items():
        success = False

        for _ in headers:
            if _.upper() == key.upper():
                del headers[_]

        if key.upper() not in (_.upper() for _ in getPublicTypeMembers(HTTP_HEADER, True)):
                headers[_str(key)] = value  # dirty hack for http://bugs.python.org/issue12455
            except UnicodeEncodeError:      # don't do the hack on non-ASCII header names (they have to be properly encoded later on)
                success = True
        if not success:
            key = '-'.join(_.capitalize() for _ in key.split('-'))
            headers[key] = value

    if conf.cj:
        if HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE in headers:
            for cookie in conf.cj:
                if cookie.domain_specified and not (conf.hostname or "").endswith(cookie.domain):

                if ("%s=" % getUnicode(cookie.name)) in getUnicode(headers[HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE]):
                    if conf.loadCookies:
                        conf.httpHeaders = filterNone((item if item[0] != HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE else None) for item in conf.httpHeaders)
                    elif kb.mergeCookies is None:
                        message = "you provided a HTTP %s header value, while " % HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE
                        message += "target URL provides its own cookies within "
                        message += "HTTP %s header which intersect with yours. " % HTTP_HEADER.SET_COOKIE
                        message += "Do you want to merge them in further requests? [Y/n] "

                        kb.mergeCookies = readInput(message, default='Y', boolean=True)

                    if kb.mergeCookies and kb.injection.place != PLACE.COOKIE:
                        def _(value):
                            return re.sub(r"(?i)\b%s=[^%s]+" % (re.escape(getUnicode(cookie.name)), conf.cookieDel or DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER), ("%s=%s" % (getUnicode(cookie.name), getUnicode(cookie.value))).replace('\\', r'\\'), value)

                        headers[HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE] = _(headers[HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE])

                        if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters:
                            conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE] = _(conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE])

                        conf.httpHeaders = [(item[0], item[1] if item[0] != HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE else _(item[1])) for item in conf.httpHeaders]

                elif not kb.testMode:
                    headers[HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE] += "%s %s=%s" % (conf.cookieDel or DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER, getUnicode(cookie.name), getUnicode(cookie.value))

        if kb.testMode and not any((conf.csrfToken, conf.safeUrl)):

    return headers

def parseResponse(page, headers, status=None):
    @param page: the page to parse to feed the knowledge base htmlFp
    (back-end DBMS fingerprint based upon DBMS error messages return
    through the web application) list and absFilePaths (absolute file
    paths) set.

    if headers:

    if page:
        htmlParser(page if not status else "%s\n\n%s" % (status, page))

def checkCharEncoding(encoding, warn=True):
    Checks encoding name, repairs common misspellings and adjusts to
    proper namings used in codecs module

    >>> checkCharEncoding('iso-8858', False)
    >>> checkCharEncoding('en_us', False)

    if isinstance(encoding, six.binary_type):
        encoding = getUnicode(encoding)

    if isListLike(encoding):
        encoding = unArrayizeValue(encoding)

    if encoding:
        encoding = encoding.lower()
        return encoding

    # Reference: http://www.destructor.de/charsets/index.htm
    translate = {"windows-874": "iso-8859-11", "utf-8859-1": "utf8", "en_us": "utf8", "macintosh": "iso-8859-1", "euc_tw": "big5_tw", "th": "tis-620", "unicode": "utf8", "utc8": "utf8", "ebcdic": "ebcdic-cp-be", "iso-8859": "iso8859-1", "iso-8859-0": "iso8859-1", "ansi": "ascii", "gbk2312": "gbk", "windows-31j": "cp932", "en": "us"}

    for delimiter in (';', ',', '('):
        if delimiter in encoding:
            encoding = encoding[:encoding.find(delimiter)].strip()

    encoding = encoding.replace("&quot", "")

    # popular typos/errors
    if "8858" in encoding:
        encoding = encoding.replace("8858", "8859")  # iso-8858 -> iso-8859
    elif "8559" in encoding:
        encoding = encoding.replace("8559", "8859")  # iso-8559 -> iso-8859
    elif "8895" in encoding:
        encoding = encoding.replace("8895", "8859")  # iso-8895 -> iso-8859
    elif "5889" in encoding:
        encoding = encoding.replace("5889", "8859")  # iso-5889 -> iso-8859
    elif "5589" in encoding:
        encoding = encoding.replace("5589", "8859")  # iso-5589 -> iso-8859
    elif "2313" in encoding:
        encoding = encoding.replace("2313", "2312")  # gb2313 -> gb2312
    elif encoding.startswith("x-"):
        encoding = encoding[len("x-"):]              # x-euc-kr -> euc-kr  /  x-mac-turkish -> mac-turkish
    elif "windows-cp" in encoding:
        encoding = encoding.replace("windows-cp", "windows")  # windows-cp-1254 -> windows-1254

    # name adjustment for compatibility
    if encoding.startswith("8859"):
        encoding = "iso-%s" % encoding
    elif encoding.startswith("cp-"):
        encoding = "cp%s" % encoding[3:]
    elif encoding.startswith("euc-"):
        encoding = "euc_%s" % encoding[4:]
    elif encoding.startswith("windows") and not encoding.startswith("windows-"):
        encoding = "windows-%s" % encoding[7:]
    elif encoding.find("iso-88") > 0:
        encoding = encoding[encoding.find("iso-88"):]
    elif encoding.startswith("is0-"):
        encoding = "iso%s" % encoding[4:]
    elif encoding.find("ascii") > 0:
        encoding = "ascii"
    elif encoding.find("utf8") > 0:
        encoding = "utf8"
    elif encoding.find("utf-8") > 0:
        encoding = "utf-8"

    # Reference: http://philip.html5.org/data/charsets-2.html
    if encoding in translate:
        encoding = translate[encoding]
    elif encoding in ("null", "{charset}", "charset", "*") or not re.search(r"\w", encoding):
        return None

    # Reference: http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets
    # Reference: http://docs.python.org/library/codecs.html
        encoding = None

    if encoding:
            six.text_type(getBytes(randomStr()), encoding)
            if warn:
                warnMsg = "invalid web page charset '%s'" % encoding
                singleTimeLogMessage(warnMsg, logging.WARN, encoding)
            encoding = None

    return encoding

def getHeuristicCharEncoding(page):
    Returns page encoding charset detected by usage of heuristics

    Reference: https://chardet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html

    >>> getHeuristicCharEncoding(b"<html></html>")

    key = hash(page)
    retVal = kb.cache.encoding.get(key) or detect(page)["encoding"]
    kb.cache.encoding[key] = retVal

    if retVal and retVal.lower().replace('-', "") == UNICODE_ENCODING.lower().replace('-', ""):
        infoMsg = "heuristics detected web page charset '%s'" % retVal
        singleTimeLogMessage(infoMsg, logging.INFO, retVal)

    return retVal

def decodePage(page, contentEncoding, contentType, percentDecode=True):
    Decode compressed/charset HTTP response

    >>> getText(decodePage(b"<html>foo&amp;bar</html>", None, "text/html; charset=utf-8"))

    if not page or (conf.nullConnection and len(page) < 2):
        return getUnicode(page)

    if hasattr(contentEncoding, "lower"):
        contentEncoding = contentEncoding.lower()
        contentEncoding = ""

    if hasattr(contentType, "lower"):
        contentType = contentType.lower()
        contentType = ""

    if contentEncoding in ("gzip", "x-gzip", "deflate"):
        if not kb.pageCompress:
            return None

            if contentEncoding == "deflate":
                data = io.BytesIO(zlib.decompress(page, -15))  # Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1089662/python-inflate-and-deflate-implementations
                data = gzip.GzipFile("", "rb", 9, io.BytesIO(page))
                size = struct.unpack("<l", page[-4:])[0]  # Reference: http://pydoc.org/get.cgi/usr/local/lib/python2.5/gzip.py
                if size > MAX_CONNECTION_TOTAL_SIZE:
                    raise Exception("size too large")

            page = data.read()
        except Exception as ex:
            if "<html" not in page:  # in some cases, invalid "Content-Encoding" appears for plain HTML (should be ignored)
                errMsg = "detected invalid data for declared content "
                errMsg += "encoding '%s' ('%s')" % (contentEncoding, getSafeExString(ex))
                singleTimeLogMessage(errMsg, logging.ERROR)

                warnMsg = "turning off page compression"

                kb.pageCompress = False
                raise SqlmapCompressionException

    if not conf.encoding:
        httpCharset, metaCharset = None, None

        # Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1020892/python-urllib2-read-to-unicode
        if contentType.find("charset=") != -1:
            httpCharset = checkCharEncoding(contentType.split("charset=")[-1])

        metaCharset = checkCharEncoding(extractRegexResult(META_CHARSET_REGEX, page))

        if (any((httpCharset, metaCharset)) and not all((httpCharset, metaCharset))) or (httpCharset == metaCharset and all((httpCharset, metaCharset))):
            kb.pageEncoding = httpCharset or metaCharset  # Reference: http://bytes.com/topic/html-css/answers/154758-http-equiv-vs-true-header-has-precedence
            debugMsg = "declared web page charset '%s'" % kb.pageEncoding
            singleTimeLogMessage(debugMsg, logging.DEBUG, debugMsg)
            kb.pageEncoding = None
        kb.pageEncoding = conf.encoding

    # can't do for all responses because we need to support binary files too
    if isinstance(page, six.binary_type) and "text/" in contentType:
        if not kb.disableHtmlDecoding:
            # e.g. &#x9;&#195;&#235;&#224;&#226;&#224;
            if b"&#" in page:
                page = re.sub(b"&#x([0-9a-f]{1,2});", lambda _: decodeHex(_.group(1) if len(_.group(1)) == 2 else "0%s" % _.group(1)), page)
                page = re.sub(b"&#(\\d{1,3});", lambda _: six.int2byte(int(_.group(1))) if int(_.group(1)) < 256 else _.group(0), page)

            # e.g. %20%28%29
            if percentDecode:
                if b"%" in page:
                    page = re.sub(b"%([0-9a-f]{2})", lambda _: decodeHex(_.group(1)), page)
                    page = re.sub(b"%([0-9A-F]{2})", lambda _: decodeHex(_.group(1)), page)     # Note: %DeepSee_SQL in CACHE

            # e.g. &amp;
            page = re.sub(b"&([^;]+);", lambda _: six.int2byte(HTML_ENTITIES[getText(_.group(1))]) if HTML_ENTITIES.get(getText(_.group(1)), 256) < 256 else _.group(0), page)

            kb.pageEncoding = kb.pageEncoding or checkCharEncoding(getHeuristicCharEncoding(page))

            if (kb.pageEncoding or "").lower() == "utf-8-sig":
                kb.pageEncoding = "utf-8"
                if page and page.startswith("\xef\xbb\xbf"):  # Reference: https://docs.python.org/2/library/codecs.html (Note: noticed problems when "utf-8-sig" is left to Python for handling)
                    page = page[3:]

            page = getUnicode(page, kb.pageEncoding)

            # e.g. &#8217;&#8230;&#8482;
            if "&#" in page:
                def _(match):
                    retVal = match.group(0)
                        retVal = _unichr(int(match.group(1)))
                    except (ValueError, OverflowError):
                    return retVal
                page = re.sub(r"&#(\d+);", _, page)

            # e.g. &zeta;
            page = re.sub(r"&([^;]+);", lambda _: _unichr(HTML_ENTITIES[_.group(1)]) if HTML_ENTITIES.get(_.group(1), 0) > 255 else _.group(0), page)
            page = getUnicode(page, kb.pageEncoding)

    return page

def processResponse(page, responseHeaders, code=None, status=None):
    kb.processResponseCounter += 1

    page = page or ""

    parseResponse(page, responseHeaders if kb.processResponseCounter < PARSE_HEADERS_LIMIT else None, status)

    if not kb.tableFrom and Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.ACCESS,):
        kb.tableFrom = extractRegexResult(SELECT_FROM_TABLE_REGEX, page)
        kb.tableFrom = None

    if conf.parseErrors:
        msg = extractErrorMessage(page)

        if msg:
            logger.warning("parsed DBMS error message: '%s'" % msg.rstrip('.'))

    if kb.processResponseCounter < IDENTYWAF_PARSE_LIMIT:
        rawResponse = "%s %s %s\n%s\n%s" % (_http_client.HTTPConnection._http_vsn_str, code or "", status or "", getUnicode("".join(responseHeaders.headers if responseHeaders else [])), page)

        if identYwaf.non_blind_check(rawResponse, silent=True):
            for waf in identYwaf.non_blind:
                if waf not in kb.identifiedWafs:
                    errMsg = "WAF/IPS identified as '%s'" % identYwaf.format_name(waf)
                    singleTimeLogMessage(errMsg, logging.CRITICAL)

    if kb.originalPage is None:
            match = re.search(regex, page)
            if match and PLACE.POST in conf.parameters:
                name, value = match.groups()
                if PLACE.POST in conf.paramDict and name in conf.paramDict[PLACE.POST]:
                    if conf.paramDict[PLACE.POST][name] in page:
                        msg = "do you want to automatically adjust the value of '%s'? [y/N]" % name

                        if not readInput(msg, default='N', boolean=True):

                        conf.paramDict[PLACE.POST][name] = value
                conf.parameters[PLACE.POST] = re.sub(r"(?i)(%s=)[^&]+" % re.escape(name), r"\g<1>%s" % value.replace('\\', r'\\'), conf.parameters[PLACE.POST])

    if not kb.browserVerification and re.search(r"(?i)browser.?verification", page or ""):
        kb.browserVerification = True
        warnMsg = "potential browser verification protection mechanism detected"
        if re.search(r"(?i)CloudFlare", page):
            warnMsg += " (CloudFlare)"

    if not kb.captchaDetected and re.search(r"(?i)captcha", page or ""):
        for match in re.finditer(r"(?si)<form.+?</form>", page):
            if re.search(r"(?i)captcha", match.group(0)):
                kb.captchaDetected = True

        if re.search(r"<meta[^>]+\brefresh\b[^>]+\bcaptcha\b", page):
            kb.captchaDetected = True

        if kb.captchaDetected:
            warnMsg = "potential CAPTCHA protection mechanism detected"
            if re.search(r"(?i)<title>[^<]*CloudFlare", page):
                warnMsg += " (CloudFlare)"

    if re.search(BLOCKED_IP_REGEX, page):
        warnMsg = "it appears that you have been blocked by the target server"