#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2020 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ import re from lib.core.agent import agent from lib.core.common import arrayizeValue from lib.core.common import Backend from lib.core.common import filterPairValues from lib.core.common import getLimitRange from lib.core.common import isAdminFromPrivileges from lib.core.common import isInferenceAvailable from lib.core.common import isNoneValue from lib.core.common import isNullValue from lib.core.common import isNumPosStrValue from lib.core.common import isTechniqueAvailable from lib.core.common import parsePasswordHash from lib.core.common import readInput from lib.core.common import unArrayizeValue from lib.core.compat import xrange from lib.core.convert import encodeHex from lib.core.convert import getUnicode from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.data import queries from lib.core.dicts import DB2_PRIVS from lib.core.dicts import FIREBIRD_PRIVS from lib.core.dicts import INFORMIX_PRIVS from lib.core.dicts import MYSQL_PRIVS from lib.core.dicts import PGSQL_PRIVS from lib.core.enums import CHARSET_TYPE from lib.core.enums import DBMS from lib.core.enums import EXPECTED from lib.core.enums import FORK from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD from lib.core.exception import SqlmapNoneDataException from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUserQuitException from lib.core.settings import CURRENT_USER from lib.core.threads import getCurrentThreadData from lib.request import inject from lib.utils.hash import attackCachedUsersPasswords from lib.utils.hash import storeHashesToFile from lib.utils.pivotdumptable import pivotDumpTable from thirdparty.six.moves import zip as _zip class Users(object): """ This class defines users' enumeration functionalities for plugins. """ def __init__(self): kb.data.currentUser = "" kb.data.isDba = None kb.data.cachedUsers = [] kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords = {} kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges = {} kb.data.cachedUsersRoles = {} def getCurrentUser(self): infoMsg = "fetching current user" logger.info(infoMsg) query = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].current_user.query if not kb.data.currentUser: kb.data.currentUser = unArrayizeValue(inject.getValue(query)) return kb.data.currentUser def isDba(self, user=None): infoMsg = "testing if current user is DBA" logger.info(infoMsg) query = None if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL): self.getCurrentUser() if Backend.isFork(FORK.DRIZZLE): kb.data.isDba = "root" in (kb.data.currentUser or "") elif kb.data.currentUser: query = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].is_dba.query % kb.data.currentUser.split("@")[0] elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE) and user is not None: query = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].is_dba.query2 % user else: query = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].is_dba.query if query: query = agent.forgeCaseStatement(query) kb.data.isDba = inject.checkBooleanExpression(query) or False return kb.data.isDba def getUsers(self): infoMsg = "fetching database users" logger.info(infoMsg) rootQuery = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].users condition = (Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL) and Backend.isVersionWithin(("2005", "2008"))) condition |= (Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and not kb.data.has_information_schema) if any(isTechniqueAvailable(_) for _ in (PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.ERROR, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.QUERY)) or conf.direct: if Backend.isFork(FORK.DRIZZLE): query = rootQuery.inband.query3 elif condition: query = rootQuery.inband.query2 else: query = rootQuery.inband.query values = inject.getValue(query, blind=False, time=False) if not isNoneValue(values): kb.data.cachedUsers = [] for value in arrayizeValue(values): value = unArrayizeValue(value) if not isNoneValue(value): kb.data.cachedUsers.append(value) if not kb.data.cachedUsers and isInferenceAvailable() and not conf.direct: infoMsg = "fetching number of database users" logger.info(infoMsg) if Backend.isFork(FORK.DRIZZLE): query = rootQuery.blind.count3 elif condition: query = rootQuery.blind.count2 else: query = rootQuery.blind.count count = inject.getValue(query, union=False, error=False, expected=EXPECTED.INT, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.DIGITS) if count == 0: return kb.data.cachedUsers elif not isNumPosStrValue(count): errMsg = "unable to retrieve the number of database users" raise SqlmapNoneDataException(errMsg) plusOne = Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.DB2, DBMS.ALTIBASE) indexRange = getLimitRange(count, plusOne=plusOne) for index in indexRange: if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.SYBASE, DBMS.MAXDB): query = rootQuery.blind.query % (kb.data.cachedUsers[-1] if kb.data.cachedUsers else " ") elif Backend.isFork(FORK.DRIZZLE): query = rootQuery.blind.query3 % index elif condition: query = rootQuery.blind.query2 % index else: query = rootQuery.blind.query % index user = unArrayizeValue(inject.getValue(query, union=False, error=False)) if user: kb.data.cachedUsers.append(user) if not kb.data.cachedUsers: errMsg = "unable to retrieve the database users" logger.error(errMsg) return kb.data.cachedUsers def getPasswordHashes(self): infoMsg = "fetching database users password hashes" rootQuery = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].passwords if conf.user == CURRENT_USER: infoMsg += " for current user" conf.user = self.getCurrentUser() logger.info(infoMsg) if conf.user and Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.DB2): conf.user = conf.user.upper() if conf.user: users = conf.user.split(',') if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL): for user in users: parsedUser = re.search(r"['\"]?(.*?)['\"]?\@", user) if parsedUser: users[users.index(user)] = parsedUser.groups()[0] else: users = [] users = [_ for _ in users if _] if any(isTechniqueAvailable(_) for _ in (PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.ERROR, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.QUERY)) or conf.direct: if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL) and Backend.isVersionWithin(("2005", "2008")): query = rootQuery.inband.query2 else: query = rootQuery.inband.query condition = rootQuery.inband.condition if conf.user: query += " WHERE " query += " OR ".join("%s = '%s'" % (condition, user) for user in sorted(users)) if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.SYBASE): getCurrentThreadData().disableStdOut = True retVal = pivotDumpTable("(%s) AS %s" % (query, kb.aliasName), ['%s.name' % kb.aliasName, '%s.password' % kb.aliasName], blind=False) if retVal: for user, password in filterPairValues(_zip(retVal[0]["%s.name" % kb.aliasName], retVal[0]["%s.password" % kb.aliasName])): if user not in kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords: kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user] = [password] else: kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user].append(password) getCurrentThreadData().disableStdOut = False else: values = inject.getValue(query, blind=False, time=False) if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL) and isNoneValue(values): values = inject.getValue(query.replace("master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr", "sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr"), blind=False, time=False) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and (isNoneValue(values) or all(len(value) == 2 and (isNullValue(value[1]) or isNoneValue(value[1])) for value in values)): values = inject.getValue(query.replace("authentication_string", "password"), blind=False, time=False) for user, password in filterPairValues(values): if not user or user == " ": continue password = parsePasswordHash(password) if user not in kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords: kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user] = [password] else: kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user].append(password) if not kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords and isInferenceAvailable() and not conf.direct: fallback = False if not len(users): users = self.getUsers() if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL): for user in users: parsedUser = re.search(r"['\"]?(.*?)['\"]?\@", user) if parsedUser: users[users.index(user)] = parsedUser.groups()[0] if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.SYBASE): getCurrentThreadData().disableStdOut = True query = rootQuery.inband.query retVal = pivotDumpTable("(%s) AS %s" % (query, kb.aliasName), ['%s.name' % kb.aliasName, '%s.password' % kb.aliasName], blind=True) if retVal: for user, password in filterPairValues(_zip(retVal[0]["%s.name" % kb.aliasName], retVal[0]["%s.password" % kb.aliasName])): password = "0x%s" % encodeHex(password, binary=False).upper() if user not in kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords: kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user] = [password] else: kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user].append(password) getCurrentThreadData().disableStdOut = False else: retrievedUsers = set() for user in users: user = unArrayizeValue(user) if user in retrievedUsers: continue if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.INFORMIX): count = 1 else: infoMsg = "fetching number of password hashes " infoMsg += "for user '%s'" % user logger.info(infoMsg) if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL) and Backend.isVersionWithin(("2005", "2008")): query = rootQuery.blind.count2 % user else: query = rootQuery.blind.count % user count = inject.getValue(query, union=False, error=False, expected=EXPECTED.INT, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.DIGITS) if not isNumPosStrValue(count): if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL): fallback = True count = inject.getValue(query.replace("master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr", "sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr"), union=False, error=False, expected=EXPECTED.INT, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.DIGITS) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL): fallback = True count = inject.getValue(query.replace("authentication_string", "password"), union=False, error=False, expected=EXPECTED.INT, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.DIGITS) if not isNumPosStrValue(count): warnMsg = "unable to retrieve the number of password " warnMsg += "hashes for user '%s'" % user logger.warn(warnMsg) continue infoMsg = "fetching password hashes for user '%s'" % user logger.info(infoMsg) passwords = [] plusOne = Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.DB2, DBMS.ALTIBASE) indexRange = getLimitRange(count, plusOne=plusOne) for index in indexRange: if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL): if Backend.isVersionWithin(("2005", "2008")): query = rootQuery.blind.query2 % (user, index, user) else: query = rootQuery.blind.query % (user, index, user) if fallback: query = query.replace("master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr", "sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr") elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.INFORMIX): query = rootQuery.blind.query % (user,) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.HSQLDB): query = rootQuery.blind.query % (index, user) else: query = rootQuery.blind.query % (user, index) if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL): if fallback: query = query.replace("authentication_string", "password") password = unArrayizeValue(inject.getValue(query, union=False, error=False)) password = parsePasswordHash(password) passwords.append(password) if passwords: kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user] = passwords else: warnMsg = "unable to retrieve the password " warnMsg += "hashes for user '%s'" % user logger.warn(warnMsg) retrievedUsers.add(user) if not kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords: errMsg = "unable to retrieve the password hashes for the " errMsg += "database users (probably because the DBMS " errMsg += "current user has no read privileges over the relevant " errMsg += "system database table(s))" logger.error(errMsg) else: for user in kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords: kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user] = list(set(kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user])) storeHashesToFile(kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords) message = "do you want to perform a dictionary-based attack " message += "against retrieved password hashes? [Y/n/q]" choice = readInput(message, default='Y').upper() if choice == 'N': pass elif choice == 'Q': raise SqlmapUserQuitException else: attackCachedUsersPasswords() return kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords def getPrivileges(self, query2=False): infoMsg = "fetching database users privileges" rootQuery = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].privileges if conf.user == CURRENT_USER: infoMsg += " for current user" conf.user = self.getCurrentUser() logger.info(infoMsg) if conf.user and Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.DB2): conf.user = conf.user.upper() if conf.user: users = conf.user.split(',') if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL): for user in users: parsedUser = re.search(r"['\"]?(.*?)['\"]?\@", user) if parsedUser: users[users.index(user)] = parsedUser.groups()[0] else: users = [] users = [_ for _ in users if _] # Set containing the list of DBMS administrators areAdmins = set() if not kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges and any(isTechniqueAvailable(_) for _ in (PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.ERROR, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.QUERY)) or conf.direct: if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and not kb.data.has_information_schema: query = rootQuery.inband.query2 condition = rootQuery.inband.condition2 elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE) and query2: query = rootQuery.inband.query2 condition = rootQuery.inband.condition2 else: query = rootQuery.inband.query condition = rootQuery.inband.condition if conf.user: query += " WHERE " if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and kb.data.has_information_schema: query += " OR ".join("%s LIKE '%%%s%%'" % (condition, user) for user in sorted(users)) else: query += " OR ".join("%s = '%s'" % (condition, user) for user in sorted(users)) values = inject.getValue(query, blind=False, time=False) if not values and Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE) and not query2: infoMsg = "trying with table 'USER_SYS_PRIVS'" logger.info(infoMsg) return self.getPrivileges(query2=True) if not isNoneValue(values): for value in values: user = None privileges = set() for count in xrange(0, len(value or [])): # The first column is always the username if count == 0: user = value[count] # The other columns are the privileges else: privilege = value[count] if privilege is None: continue # In PostgreSQL we get 1 if the privilege is # True, 0 otherwise if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL) and getUnicode(privilege).isdigit(): if int(privilege) == 1: privileges.add(PGSQL_PRIVS[count]) # In MySQL >= 5.0 and Oracle we get the list # of privileges as string elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE) or (Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and kb.data.has_information_schema) or Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.VERTICA, DBMS.MIMERSQL, DBMS.CUBRID): privileges.add(privilege) # In MySQL < 5.0 we get Y if the privilege is # True, N otherwise elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and not kb.data.has_information_schema: if privilege.upper() == 'Y': privileges.add(MYSQL_PRIVS[count]) # In Firebird we get one letter for each privilege elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.FIREBIRD): if privilege.strip() in FIREBIRD_PRIVS: privileges.add(FIREBIRD_PRIVS[privilege.strip()]) # In DB2 we get Y or G if the privilege is # True, N otherwise elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.DB2): privs = privilege.split(',') privilege = privs[0] if len(privs) > 1: privs = privs[1] privs = list(privs.strip()) i = 1 for priv in privs: if priv.upper() in ('Y', 'G'): for position, db2Priv in DB2_PRIVS.items(): if position == i: privilege += ", " + db2Priv i += 1 privileges.add(privilege) if user in kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges: kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges[user] = list(privileges.union(kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges[user])) else: kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges[user] = list(privileges) if not kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges and isInferenceAvailable() and not conf.direct: if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and kb.data.has_information_schema: conditionChar = "LIKE" else: conditionChar = "=" if not len(users): users = self.getUsers() if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL): for user in users: parsedUser = re.search(r"['\"]?(.*?)['\"]?\@", user) if parsedUser: users[users.index(user)] = parsedUser.groups()[0] retrievedUsers = set() for user in users: outuser = user if user in retrievedUsers: continue if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and kb.data.has_information_schema: user = "%%%s%%" % user if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.INFORMIX): count = 1 else: infoMsg = "fetching number of privileges " infoMsg += "for user '%s'" % outuser logger.info(infoMsg) if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and not kb.data.has_information_schema: query = rootQuery.blind.count2 % user elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and kb.data.has_information_schema: query = rootQuery.blind.count % (conditionChar, user) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE) and query2: query = rootQuery.blind.count2 % user else: query = rootQuery.blind.count % user count = inject.getValue(query, union=False, error=False, expected=EXPECTED.INT, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.DIGITS) if not isNumPosStrValue(count): if not retrievedUsers and Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE) and not query2: infoMsg = "trying with table 'USER_SYS_PRIVS'" logger.info(infoMsg) return self.getPrivileges(query2=True) warnMsg = "unable to retrieve the number of " warnMsg += "privileges for user '%s'" % outuser logger.warn(warnMsg) continue infoMsg = "fetching privileges for user '%s'" % outuser logger.info(infoMsg) privileges = set() plusOne = Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.DB2, DBMS.ALTIBASE) indexRange = getLimitRange(count, plusOne=plusOne) for index in indexRange: if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and not kb.data.has_information_schema: query = rootQuery.blind.query2 % (user, index) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and kb.data.has_information_schema: query = rootQuery.blind.query % (conditionChar, user, index) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE) and query2: query = rootQuery.blind.query2 % (user, index) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.FIREBIRD): query = rootQuery.blind.query % (index, user) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.INFORMIX): query = rootQuery.blind.query % (user,) else: query = rootQuery.blind.query % (user, index) privilege = unArrayizeValue(inject.getValue(query, union=False, error=False)) if privilege is None: continue # In PostgreSQL we get 1 if the privilege is True, # 0 otherwise if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL) and ", " in privilege: privilege = privilege.replace(", ", ',') privs = privilege.split(',') i = 1 for priv in privs: if priv.isdigit() and int(priv) == 1: for position, pgsqlPriv in PGSQL_PRIVS.items(): if position == i: privileges.add(pgsqlPriv) i += 1 # In MySQL >= 5.0 and Oracle we get the list # of privileges as string elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE) or (Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and kb.data.has_information_schema) or Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.VERTICA, DBMS.MIMERSQL, DBMS.CUBRID): privileges.add(privilege) # In MySQL < 5.0 we get Y if the privilege is # True, N otherwise elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and not kb.data.has_information_schema: privilege = privilege.replace(", ", ',') privs = privilege.split(',') i = 1 for priv in privs: if priv.upper() == 'Y': for position, mysqlPriv in MYSQL_PRIVS.items(): if position == i: privileges.add(mysqlPriv) i += 1 # In Firebird we get one letter for each privilege elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.FIREBIRD): if privilege.strip() in FIREBIRD_PRIVS: privileges.add(FIREBIRD_PRIVS[privilege.strip()]) # In Informix we get one letter for the highest privilege elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.INFORMIX): privileges.add(INFORMIX_PRIVS[privilege.strip()]) # In DB2 we get Y or G if the privilege is # True, N otherwise elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.DB2): privs = privilege.split(',') privilege = privs[0] privs = privs[1] privs = list(privs.strip()) i = 1 for priv in privs: if priv.upper() in ('Y', 'G'): for position, db2Priv in DB2_PRIVS.items(): if position == i: privilege += ", " + db2Priv i += 1 privileges.add(privilege) # In MySQL < 5.0 we break the cycle after the first # time we get the user's privileges otherwise we # duplicate the same query if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL) and not kb.data.has_information_schema: break if privileges: kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges[user] = list(privileges) else: warnMsg = "unable to retrieve the privileges " warnMsg += "for user '%s'" % outuser logger.warn(warnMsg) retrievedUsers.add(user) if not kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges: errMsg = "unable to retrieve the privileges " errMsg += "for the database users" raise SqlmapNoneDataException(errMsg) for user, privileges in kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges.items(): if isAdminFromPrivileges(privileges): areAdmins.add(user) return (kb.data.cachedUsersPrivileges, areAdmins) def getRoles(self, query2=False): warnMsg = "on %s the concept of roles does not " % Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() warnMsg += "exist. sqlmap will enumerate privileges instead" logger.warn(warnMsg) return self.getPrivileges(query2)