# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/) # See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission id name username ID user_id owner table_name type type_id Name term_id column_name tablespace_name address object_id user_name version description person_id parent uid userid item_id category_id cid dbid password customer_id pid pixSize customer_name object_name ProductID privilege aid GroupID segment_name tid event_id pno title cat_id granted_role log_id imageinfo_id md5sum The branch_name author_id userInfo_id index_name imageInfo_id vendor_id group_id attributeCategory_id sid cname EmployeeID Version CustomerID constraint_name alias idThumb fname email_id gid text_id areaCode permission_id nextval data menu_id request_id city comment_id role_id USER_ID message_id aID session_id status_id account_number token pname idGallery country_id database FieldName language_id idKeyword TRIGGER_NAME book_id object_type zip USERNAME card_no JOB_NAME instance_name location_id uri OBJECT_NAME email key version_id payment_id assets Host cmd second Deleted dno acl_id auth_id ConditionValue1 table_id ps_suppkey tax_id db_name Control segment_type next_extent categoryid post_id set_id idFacture SourceTypeOrReferenceId db_link LastName sessionID base_id ElseGroup column_value itemID reference JobID s_suppkey COLUMN_NAME guid type_name spid child NAME runalone_flag default_role profile_id cond_2_val_2 cond_2_val_1 indirect cno statements segment tag_id idType score_id idCommande item Accounts customer_forname TableName lang_name lootcondition customer_phone' ROLE_ID c_sec_id CourseNo Numbers ext_id product Average idVol serviceID to_run_application_id emp_id U_ID page_nr member_id row_id first ono categoryId Location region_id SCR_ID idList loc_id itemid TO_CHAR Test condition_value1 define ssn owner_id Loan c_custkey credit_id weight_id address_id course_id idPath program_application_id queue_control_flag ordno ref_value calendar_id Classic user_type_link_id DNAME SourceEntry staff_id pnumber dnumber USA page_log_exclusion_id An publisher_name TRIGGER_GROUP ps_partkey project_id FacNo productid Guid ref_id what fk_id publisher end_date company day_id news_id cond_1_val_1 postedByUserId CHANNEL_ID admin_option trigger_name weight_name APP_ID paper job_id CUR_ID operationID value_id entryId statement l_orderkey StdNo ALERT_ID topic_id FacFirstName authority_id node_id essn master_table idFournisseur run_num s_id targetEntry cond_3_val_2 UserID eID pdf_page_number OfferNo employee_id lang_id species_id entry dnum source UG_ID CT_ID sql_text snap_id CategoryID external_id running_processes CustomerName User InvoiceID line condition_value2 osvdb_id CustID master_db CF_ID dname ssno cond_3 cond_2 cond_1 branch_id host ReturnCode agentID p_partkey TOP entry_id f_id profile SERVER_ID badge_number banner StdFirstName GROUP_ID day ROWNUM master_field Redo instance url ConditionTypeOrReference JOB_GROUP ConditionValue3 ConditionValue2 datarow version_name orderid job UserName Number value SourceGroup loan_number resource_id rule_id base_name customerName eno cond_3_val_1 C_ID Tablespaces cond_1_val_2 OperationID order_id SEQUENCE_ID COM_NAME corr_id cart_id cID ticket_id transcript_id FIF_ID book vendor_name