#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ Copyright (c) 2006-2010 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/) See the file doc/COPYING for copying permission. """ import re from lib.core.common import getFilteredPageContent from lib.core.common import preparePageForLineComparison from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.session import setMatchRatio def comparison(page, headers=None, getSeqMatcher=False, pageLength=None): regExpResults = None # String to be excluded before calculating page hash if conf.eString and conf.eString in page: index = page.index(conf.eString) length = len(conf.eString) pageWithoutString = page[:index] pageWithoutString += page[index+length:] page = pageWithoutString # Regular expression matches to be excluded before calculating page hash if conf.eRegexp: regExpResults = re.findall(conf.eRegexp, page, re.I | re.M) if regExpResults: for regExpResult in regExpResults: index = page.index(regExpResult) length = len(regExpResult) pageWithoutRegExp = page[:index] pageWithoutRegExp += page[index+length:] page = pageWithoutRegExp # String to match in page when the query is valid if conf.string: return conf.string in page # Regular expression to match in page when the query is valid if conf.regexp: return re.search(conf.regexp, page, re.I | re.M) is not None # Dynamic content lines to be excluded before calculating page hash if kb.dynamicContent: lines = preparePageForLineComparison(page) for item in kb.dynamicContent: if len(lines) == item.pageTotal: before = item.lineNumber - 1 if isinstance(item.lineNumber, int) else item.lineNumber[0] - 1 after = item.lineNumber + 1 if isinstance(item.lineNumber, int) else item.lineNumber[-1] + 1 if (item.lineContentBefore and lines[before] != item.lineContentBefore) or (item.lineContentAfter and lines[after] != item.lineContentAfter): continue if isinstance(item.lineNumber, int): page = page.replace(lines[item.lineNumber], '') else: for i in item.lineNumber: page = page.replace(lines[i], '') if conf.seqLock: conf.seqLock.acquire() if not conf.eRegexp and not conf.eString and kb.nullConnection: ratio = 1. * pageLength / len(conf.seqMatcher.a) if ratio > 1.: ratio = 1. / ratio else: conf.seqMatcher.set_seq2(page if not conf.textOnly else getFilteredPageContent(page)) ratio = round(conf.seqMatcher.ratio(), 3) if conf.seqLock: conf.seqLock.release() # If the url is stable and we did not set yet the match ratio and the # current injected value changes the url page content if conf.matchRatio is None: if conf.thold: conf.matchRatio = conf.thold elif conf.md5hash is not None and ratio > 0.6 and ratio < 1: logger.debug("setting match ratio to %.3f" % ratio) conf.matchRatio = ratio elif conf.md5hash is None or ( conf.md5hash is not None and ratio < 0.6 ): logger.debug("setting match ratio to default value 0.900") conf.matchRatio = 0.900 if conf.matchRatio is not None: setMatchRatio() # If it has been requested to return the ratio and not a comparison # response if getSeqMatcher: return ratio # If the url is stable it returns True if the page has the same MD5 # hash of the original one # NOTE: old implementation, it did not handle automatically the fact # that the url could be not stable (due to VIEWSTATE, counter, etc.) #elif conf.md5hash is not None: # return conf.md5hash == md5hash(page) # If the url is not stable it returns sequence matcher between the # first untouched HTTP response page content and this content else: return ratio > conf.matchRatio