#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ Copyright (c) 2006-2010 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/) See the file doc/COPYING for copying permission. """ import re import sre_constants from lib.core.common import getCompiledRegex from lib.core.common import readXmlFile from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import paths from lib.core.data import logger rules = None def __adjustGrammar(string): string = re.sub('\ADetects', 'Detected', string) string = re.sub('\Afinds', 'Found', string) string = re.sub('attempts\Z', 'attempt', string) string = re.sub('injections\Z', 'injection', string) string = re.sub('attacks\Z', 'attack', string) return string def checkPayload(string): """ This method checks if the generated payload is detectable by the PHPIDS filter rules """ global rules if not rules: xmlrules = readXmlFile(paths.DETECTION_RULES_XML) rules = [] for xmlrule in xmlrules.getElementsByTagName("filter"): try: rule = "(?i)%s" % xmlrule.getElementsByTagName('rule')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue desc = __adjustGrammar(xmlrule.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue) rules.append((rule, desc)) except sre_constants.error: # Some issues with some regex expressions in Python 2.5 pass for rule, desc in rules: regObj = getCompiledRegex(rule) if regObj.search(string): logger.warn("highly probable IDS/IPS detection: '%s'" % desc)