#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ Copyright (c) 2006-2011 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ import os import time from subprocess import PIPE from subprocess import STDOUT from subprocess import Popen as execute from lib.core.common import dataToStdout from lib.core.common import decloakToMkstemp from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.data import paths from lib.core.settings import PLATFORM from lib.core.subprocessng import pollProcess class UPX: """ This class defines methods to compress binary files with UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXecutables). Reference: * http://upx.sourceforge.net """ def __initialize(self, srcFile, dstFile=None): if PLATFORM == "mac": self.__upxPath = "%s/upx/macosx/upx" % paths.SQLMAP_CONTRIB_PATH elif PLATFORM in ( "ce", "nt" ): self.__upxTempExe = decloakToMkstemp("%s\upx\windows\upx.exe_" % paths.SQLMAP_CONTRIB_PATH, suffix=".exe") self.__upxPath = self.__upxTempExe.name self.__upxTempExe.close() #needed for execution rights elif PLATFORM == "posix": self.__upxPath = "%s/upx/linux/upx" % paths.SQLMAP_CONTRIB_PATH else: warnMsg = "unsupported platform for the compression tool " warnMsg += "(upx), sqlmap will continue anyway" logger.warn(warnMsg) self.__upxPath = "%s/upx/linux/upx" % paths.SQLMAP_CONTRIB_PATH self.__upxCmd = "%s -9 -qq %s" % (self.__upxPath, srcFile) if dstFile: self.__upxCmd += " -o %s" % dstFile def pack(self, srcFile, dstFile=None): self.__initialize(srcFile, dstFile) logger.debug("executing local command: %s" % self.__upxCmd) process = execute(self.__upxCmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] compression in progress " % time.strftime("%X")) pollProcess(process) upxStdout, upxStderr = process.communicate() if hasattr(self, '__upxTempExe'): os.remove(self.__upxTempExe.name) msg = "failed to compress the file" if "NotCompressibleException" in upxStdout: msg += " because you provided a Metasploit version above " msg += "3.3-dev revision 6681. This will not inficiate " msg += "the correct execution of sqlmap. It might " msg += "only slow down a bit the execution" logger.debug(msg) elif upxStderr: logger.warn(msg) else: return os.path.getsize(srcFile) return None def unpack(self, srcFile, dstFile=None): pass def verify(self, filePath): pass upx = UPX()