#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2012 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ import codecs import os import threading from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation from lib.core.common import Backend from lib.core.common import dataToDumpFile from lib.core.common import dataToStdout from lib.core.common import getUnicode from lib.core.common import isListLike from lib.core.common import normalizeUnicode from lib.core.common import openFile from lib.core.common import prioritySortColumns from lib.core.common import randomInt from lib.core.common import safeCSValue from lib.core.common import unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.dicts import DUMP_REPLACEMENTS from lib.core.enums import DBMS from lib.core.enums import DUMP_FORMAT from lib.core.exception import SqlmapGenericException from lib.core.exception import SqlmapValueException from lib.core.replication import Replication from lib.core.settings import HTML_DUMP_CSS_STYLE from lib.core.settings import METADB_SUFFIX from lib.core.settings import TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING from thirdparty.magic import magic class Dump(object): """ This class defines methods used to parse and output the results of SQL injection actions """ def __init__(self): self._outputFile = None self._outputFP = None self._lock = threading.Lock() def _write(self, data, newline=True, console=True): text = "%s%s" % (data, "\n" if newline else " ") if console: dataToStdout(text) if kb.get("multiThreadMode"): self._lock.acquire() self._outputFP.write(text) if kb.get("multiThreadMode"): self._lock.release() kb.dataOutputFlag = True def setOutputFile(self): self._outputFile = "%s%slog" % (conf.outputPath, os.sep) try: self._outputFP = codecs.open(self._outputFile, "ab" if not conf.flushSession else "wb", UNICODE_ENCODING) except IOError, ex: errMsg = "error occurred while opening log file ('%s')" % ex raise SqlmapGenericException, errMsg def getOutputFile(self): return self._outputFile def singleString(self, data): self._write(data) def string(self, header, data, sort=True): kb.stickyLevel = None if isListLike(data): self.lister(header, data, sort) elif data is not None: _ = getUnicode(data) if _ and _[-1] == '\n': _ = _[:-1] if "\n" in _: self._write("%s:\n---\n%s\n---" % (header, _)) else: self._write("%s: %s" % (header, ("'%s'" % _) if isinstance(data, basestring) else _)) else: self._write("%s:\tNone" % header) def lister(self, header, elements, sort=True): if elements: self._write("%s [%d]:" % (header, len(elements))) if sort: try: elements = set(elements) elements = list(elements) elements.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower() if isinstance(x, basestring) else x) except: pass for element in elements: if isinstance(element, basestring): self._write("[*] %s" % element) elif isListLike(element): self._write("[*] " + ", ".join(getUnicode(e) for e in element)) if elements: self._write("") def banner(self,data): self.string("banner", data) def currentUser(self,data): self.string("current user", data) def currentDb(self,data): if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MAXDB): self.string("current database (no practical usage on %s)" % Backend.getIdentifiedDbms(), data) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE): self.string("current schema (equivalent to database on %s)" % Backend.getIdentifiedDbms(), data) else: self.string("current database", data) def hostname(self,data): self.string("hostname", data) def dba(self,data): self.string("current user is DBA", data) def users(self,users): self.lister("database management system users", users) def userSettings(self, header, userSettings, subHeader): self._areAdmins = set() if userSettings: self._write("%s:" % header) if isinstance(userSettings, (tuple, list, set)): self._areAdmins = userSettings[1] userSettings = userSettings[0] users = userSettings.keys() users.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower() if isinstance(x, basestring) else x) for user in users: settings = userSettings[user] if settings is None: stringSettings = "" else: stringSettings = " [%d]:" % len(settings) if user in self._areAdmins: self._write("[*] %s (administrator)%s" % (user, stringSettings)) else: self._write("[*] %s%s" % (user, stringSettings)) if settings: settings.sort() for setting in settings: self._write(" %s: %s" % (subHeader, setting)) self.singleString("") def dbs(self,dbs): self.lister("available databases", dbs) def dbTables(self, dbTables): if isinstance(dbTables, dict) and len(dbTables) > 0: maxlength = 0 for tables in dbTables.values(): for table in tables: if table and isListLike(table): table = table[0] maxlength = max(maxlength, len(normalizeUnicode(table) or str(table))) lines = "-" * (int(maxlength) + 2) for db, tables in dbTables.items(): tables.sort() self._write("Database: %s" % db if db else "Current database") if len(tables) == 1: self._write("[1 table]") else: self._write("[%d tables]" % len(tables)) self._write("+%s+" % lines) for table in tables: if table and isListLike(table): table = table[0] blank = " " * (maxlength - len(normalizeUnicode(table) or str(table))) self._write("| %s%s |" % (table, blank)) self._write("+%s+\n" % lines) elif dbTables is None or len(dbTables) == 0: self.singleString("No tables found") else: self.string("tables", dbTables) def dbTableColumns(self, tableColumns): if isinstance(tableColumns, dict) and len(tableColumns) > 0: for db, tables in tableColumns.items(): if not db: db = "All" for table, columns in tables.items(): maxlength1 = 0 maxlength2 = 0 colType = None colList = columns.keys() colList.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower() if isinstance(x, basestring) else x) for column in colList: colType = columns[column] maxlength1 = max(maxlength1, len(column or "")) maxlength2 = max(maxlength2, len(colType or "")) maxlength1 = max(maxlength1, len("COLUMN")) lines1 = "-" * (maxlength1 + 2) if colType is not None: maxlength2 = max(maxlength2, len("TYPE")) lines2 = "-" * (maxlength2 + 2) self._write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (db if db else "Current database", table)) if len(columns) == 1: self._write("[1 column]") else: self._write("[%d columns]" % len(columns)) if colType is not None: self._write("+%s+%s+" % (lines1, lines2)) else: self._write("+%s+" % lines1) blank1 = " " * (maxlength1 - len("COLUMN")) if colType is not None: blank2 = " " * (maxlength2 - len("TYPE")) if colType is not None: self._write("| Column%s | Type%s |" % (blank1, blank2)) self._write("+%s+%s+" % (lines1, lines2)) else: self._write("| Column%s |" % blank1) self._write("+%s+" % lines1) for column in colList: colType = columns[column] blank1 = " " * (maxlength1 - len(column)) if colType is not None: blank2 = " " * (maxlength2 - len(colType)) self._write("| %s%s | %s%s |" % (column, blank1, colType, blank2)) else: self._write("| %s%s |" % (column, blank1)) if colType is not None: self._write("+%s+%s+\n" % (lines1, lines2)) else: self._write("+%s+\n" % lines1) def dbTablesCount(self, dbTables): if isinstance(dbTables, dict) and len(dbTables) > 0: maxlength1 = len("Table") maxlength2 = len("Entries") for ctables in dbTables.values(): for tables in ctables.values(): for table in tables: maxlength1 = max(maxlength1, len(normalizeUnicode(table) or str(table))) for db, counts in dbTables.items(): self._write("Database: %s" % db if db else "Current database") lines1 = "-" * (maxlength1 + 2) blank1 = " " * (maxlength1 - len("Table")) lines2 = "-" * (maxlength2 + 2) blank2 = " " * (maxlength2 - len("Entries")) self._write("+%s+%s+" % (lines1, lines2)) self._write("| Table%s | Entries%s |" % (blank1, blank2)) self._write("+%s+%s+" % (lines1, lines2)) sortedCounts = counts.keys() sortedCounts.sort(reverse=True) for count in sortedCounts: tables = counts[count] if count is None: count = "Unknown" tables.sort(key=lambda x: x.lower() if isinstance(x, basestring) else x) for table in tables: blank1 = " " * (maxlength1 - len(normalizeUnicode(table) or str(table))) blank2 = " " * (maxlength2 - len(str(count))) self._write("| %s%s | %d%s |" % (table, blank1, count, blank2)) self._write("+%s+%s+\n" % (lines1, lines2)) else: logger.error("unable to retrieve the number of entries for any table") def dbTableValues(self, tableValues): replication = None rtable = None documentNode, tableNode, bodyNode, headNode, rowNode = (0,) * 5 dumpFP = None if tableValues is None: return db = tableValues["__infos__"]["db"] if not db: db = "All" table = tableValues["__infos__"]["table"] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: replication = Replication("%s%s%s.sqlite3" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db))) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): dumpDbPath = "%s%s%s" % (conf.dumpPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)) if not os.path.isdir(dumpDbPath): os.makedirs(dumpDbPath, 0755) dumpFileName = "%s%s%s.%s" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(table), conf.dumpFormat.lower()) dumpFP = openFile(dumpFileName, "wb") count = int(tableValues["__infos__"]["count"]) separator = str() field = 1 fields = len(tableValues) - 1 columns = prioritySortColumns(tableValues.keys()) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] lines = "-" * (int(info["length"]) + 2) separator += "+%s" % lines separator += "+" self._write("Database: %s\nTable: %s" % (db if db else "Current database", table)) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: cols = [] for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": colType = Replication.INTEGER for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue int(value) except ValueError: colType = None break if colType is None: colType = Replication.REAL for value in tableValues[column]['values']: try: if not value or value == " ": # NULL continue float(value) except ValueError: colType = None break cols.append((column, colType if colType else Replication.TEXT)) rtable = replication.createTable(table, cols) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: documentNode = getDOMImplementation().createDocument(None, "table", None) tableNode = documentNode.documentElement if count == 1: self._write("[1 entry]") else: self._write("[%d entries]" % count) self._write(separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: headNode = documentNode.createElement("thead") rowNode = documentNode.createElement("tr") tableNode.appendChild(headNode) headNode.appendChild(rowNode) bodyNode = documentNode.createElement("tbody") tableNode.appendChild(bodyNode) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(column)) self._write("| %s%s" % (column, blank), newline=False) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(column)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(column), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: entryNode = documentNode.createElement("td") rowNode.appendChild(entryNode) entryNode.appendChild(documentNode.createTextNode(column)) field += 1 self._write("|\n%s" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.beginTransaction() if count > TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE: warnMsg = "console output will be trimmed to " warnMsg += "last %d rows due to " % TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE warnMsg += "large table size" logger.warning(warnMsg) for i in xrange(count): console = (i >= count - TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE) field = 1 values = [] if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: rowNode = documentNode.createElement("tr") bodyNode.appendChild(rowNode) for column in columns: if column != "__infos__": info = tableValues[column] if len(info["values"]) <= i: continue if info["values"][i] is None: value = u'' else: value = getUnicode(info["values"][i]) value = DUMP_REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value) values.append(value) maxlength = int(info["length"]) blank = " " * (maxlength - len(value)) self._write("| %s%s" % (value, blank), newline=False, console=console) # TODO: this is related to issue #8, but it is not yet working #mimetype = magic.from_buffer(value, mime=True) #if mimetype.startswith("application") or mimetype.startswith("image"): # singleFP = open("%s%s%s" % (dumpDbPath, os.sep, "%s-%d.bin" % (column, randomInt(8))), "wb") # singleFP.write(value.encode("utf8")) # singleFP.close() if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: if field == fields: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s" % safeCSValue(value)) else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s%s" % (safeCSValue(value), conf.csvDel)) elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: entryNode = documentNode.createElement("td") rowNode.appendChild(entryNode) entryNode.appendChild(documentNode.createTextNode(value)) field += 1 if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: try: rtable.insert(values) except SqlmapValueException: pass elif conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.CSV: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") self._write("|", console=console) self._write("%s\n" % separator) if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.SQLITE: rtable.endTransaction() logger.info("table '%s.%s' dumped to sqlite3 database '%s'" % (db, table, replication.dbpath)) elif conf.dumpFormat in (DUMP_FORMAT.CSV, DUMP_FORMAT.HTML): if conf.dumpFormat == DUMP_FORMAT.HTML: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n\n\n") dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n" % UNICODE_ENCODING) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "%s\n" % ("%s%s" % ("%s." % db if METADB_SUFFIX not in db else "", table))) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, HTML_DUMP_CSS_STYLE) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n\n") dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, tableNode.toxml()) dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") else: dataToDumpFile(dumpFP, "\n") dumpFP.close() logger.info("table '%s.%s' dumped to %s file '%s'" % (db, table, conf.dumpFormat, dumpFileName)) def dbColumns(self, dbColumnsDict, colConsider, dbs): for column in dbColumnsDict.keys(): if colConsider == "1": colConsiderStr = "s like '" + column + "' were" else: colConsiderStr = " '%s' was" % column msg = "Column%s found in the " % colConsiderStr msg += "following databases:" self._write(msg) _ = {} for db, tblData in dbs.items(): for tbl, colData in tblData.items(): for col, dataType in colData.items(): if column.lower() in col.lower(): if db in _: if tbl in _[db]: _[db][tbl][col] = dataType else: _[db][tbl] = {col: dataType} else: _[db] = {} _[db][tbl] = {col: dataType} continue self.dbTableColumns(_) def query(self, query, queryRes): self.string(query, queryRes) def rFile(self, fileData): self.lister("files saved to", fileData, sort=False) def registerValue(self, registerData): self.string("Registry key value data", registerData, sort=False) # object to manage how to print the retrieved queries output to # standard output and sessions file dumper = Dump()